blob: 89bd9ab2be440b867e36f14c0d1c894c3368c33e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*@file axis2_xml_reader.h
*@brief this is the parser abstraction layer for axis2
#include <axis2_env.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
typedef struct axis2_xml_reader_ops axis2_xml_reader_ops_t;
typedef struct axis2_xml_reader axis2_xml_reader_t;
* @defgroup axis2_xml_reader
* @ingroup axis2_om_parser
* @{
typedef enum axis2_xml_reader_event_types
* \brief AXIS2_XML_READER ops
* Encapsulator struct for ops of axis2_xml_reader
AXIS2_DECLARE_DATA struct axis2_xml_reader_ops
* causes the reader to read the next parse event.
* returns the event just read
* @param parser axis2_xml_reader struct
* @param env axis2_environment, MUST NOT be NULL
* @returns one of the events defined in
* axis2_xml_reader_event_types
int (AXIS2_CALL *
next)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* free pull_parser
* @param parser axis2_xml_reader struct
* @param env axis2_environment MUST NOT be NULL
* @returns axis2_status_code
axis2_status_t (AXIS2_CALL *
free)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* Get the Number of attributes in the current element
* @param parser axis2_xml_reader
* @param env axis2_environment, MUST NOT be NULL.
* @returns Number of attributes , AXIS2_FAILURE on error
int (AXIS2_CALL *
get_attribute_count)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
/** This is used to get an attribute's localname using an index relative to
* current element.The iterations are not zero based.
* To access the first attribute use 1 for parameter i
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment struct
* @param i attribute index
* @returns the attribute localname
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_attribute_name_by_number)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
int i);
/** This is used to get an attribute's prefix using an index relative to
* current element. The iterations are not zero based.
* To access the first attribute use 1 for parameter i
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment, MUST NOT be NULL
* @param i attribute index.
* @returns the attribute prefix, returns NULL on error,
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_attribute_prefix_by_number)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
int i);
/** get an attribute's value using an index relative to
* current element. The iterations are not zero based.
* To access the first attribute use 1 for parameter i
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment, MUST NOT be NULL.
* @param i attribute index
* @returns the attribute value, returns NULL on error,
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_attribute_value_by_number)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
int i);
/** get an attribute's namespace uri using an index relative to
* current element. The iterations are not zero based.
* To access the first attribute use 1 for parameter i
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment struct
* @param i attribute index
* @returns the attribute value, returns NULL on error
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_attribute_namespace_by_number)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
int i);
/** returns the text value of current element
* @param parser pointer to parser
* @param env environment, MUST not be NULL
* @returns Text Value, NULL on error
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_value)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* Returns the namespace count of current element
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment
* @returns namespace count of current element,
int (AXIS2_CALL *
get_namespace_count)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* access the namespace uri of the namespaces declared in current element
* using an index
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment
* @param i index
* @returns namespace uri of corresponding namespace
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_namespace_uri_by_number)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
int i);
* access the namespace prefix of the namespaces declared in current element
* using an index
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment
* @param i index
* @returns namespace prefix of corresponding namespace
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_namespace_prefix_by_number)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
int i);
* Used to obtain the current element prefix
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment struct
* @returns prefix , NULL on error
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_prefix)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* Used to obtain the current element localname
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment struct
* @returns localname , NULL on error
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_name)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* Used to get the processingInstruction target
* @param parser parser struct
* @param env environment, MUST NOT be NULL.
* @returns target value of processingInstruction
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_pi_target)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* gets the processingInstruction data
*@param parser parser struct
*@param env environment, MUST NOT be NULL.
*@returns data of processingInstruction
* caller must free the value using AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE macro
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_pi_data)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* used to get the DTD
* @param parser pointer to pull parser struct
* @param env environment, MUST NOT be NULL.
* @return text of doctype declaration. NULL is returns of no data
* exists.
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_dtd)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
* Free function , this function wraps the underlying parser's
* xml free function. For freeing values obatined by calling
* pull parser api methods, This function must be used.
* @param parser pointer to axis2_xml_reader
* @param env environment, MUST NOT be NULL.
* @param data data values to be destroyed
* @return status of the op, AXIS2_SUCCESS on success,
* AXIS2_FAILURE on error.
axis2_status_t (AXIS2_CALL *
xml_free)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
void *data);
* get the char set encoding of the parser
* @param parser xml parser
* @param env environment
* @returns char set encoding string or NULL in failure
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_char_set_encoding)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
/** returns the namespace uri associated with current node */
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_namespace_uri)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env);
axis2_char_t* (AXIS2_CALL *
get_namespace_uri_by_prefix)(axis2_xml_reader_t *parser,
axis2_env_t **env,
axis2_char_t *prefix);
* @brief axis2_xml_reader struct
* Axis2 OM pull_parser
struct axis2_xml_reader
axis2_xml_reader_ops_t *ops;
* create an instance of axis2_xml_reader to parse
* a file using an xml document in a file system
* @param env environment struct, must not be null
* @param filename url of an xml document
* @returns a pointer to xml_pull_parser_t struct
* NULL on error with error code set in the environment's error
AXIS2_DECLARE(axis2_xml_reader_t *)
axis2_xml_reader_create_for_file(axis2_env_t **env,
char *filename,
const axis2_char_t *encoding);
* This create an instance of axis2_xml_reader to
* parse a xml document in a buffer. It takes a callback
* function that takes a buffer and the size of the buffer
* The user must implement a function that takes in buffer
* and size and fill the buffer with specified size
* with xml stream, parser will call this function to fill the
* buffer on the fly while parsing.
* @param env environment MUST NOT be NULL.
* @param read_input_callback() callback function that fills
* a char buffer with size @size
* @param buffer a character buffer
* @param size size of the buffer to be filled
* @param encoding encoding scheme of the xml stream
AXIS2_DECLARE(axis2_xml_reader_t *)
axis2_xml_reader_create_for_io(axis2_env_t **env,
int (*read_input_callback)(char *buffer,int size,void* ctx),
int (*close_input_callback)(void *ctx),
void *ctx,
const axis2_char_t *encoding);
* create an axis2_xml_reader_t using a buffer, which is the xml input
* @param env environment, MUST not be NULL
* @param buffer xml input string in a char buffer
* @param size size of the @buffer
* @param encoding encoding of the xml
* @return pointer to axis2_xml_reader_t struct on success , NULL otherwise
AXIS2_DECLARE(axis2_xml_reader_t *)
axis2_xml_reader_create_for_memory(axis2_env_t **env,
void *container,
int size,
const axis2_char_t *encoding,
int type);
* init function initializes the parser
* parser cleanup function
/********************************* Macros *************************************/
/** Macros corresponding to above declared function pointers */
/** causes the reader to read the next parse event.
returns an integer which identifies the type of event just read. */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_NEXT(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->next(parser, env))
/** Free pull parser struct */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_FREE(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->free(parser, env))
/** Get the Number of attributes in an element */
((parser)->ops->get_attribute_count(parser, env))
/** Get the localname of the attribute corresponding to index i */
((parser)->ops->get_attribute_name_by_number(parser, env, i))
/** Get value of attribute corresponding to index i */
((parser)->ops->get_attribute_value_by_number(parser,env, i))
/** Get namespace uri of attribute corresponding to index i */
((parser)->ops->get_attribute_namespace_by_number(parser, env, i))
/** get prefix of attribute corresponding to index i */
((parser)->ops->get_attribute_prefix_by_number(parser, env, i))
/** get the localname of element */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_NAME(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_name(parser, env))
/** get value of element */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_VALUE(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_value(parser, env))
/** get prefix of element */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_PREFIX(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_prefix(parser, env))
/** get the number of namespaces declared in an element */
((parser)->ops->get_namespace_count(parser, env))
/** get the elements namespace uri corresponding to index i */
((parser)->ops->get_namespace_uri_by_number(parser, env, i))
/** get the elements namespace prefix corresponding to index i */
((parser)->ops->get_namespace_prefix_by_number(parser, env, i))
/** get processing instruction data */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_PI_DATA(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_pi_data(parser, env))
/** get processing instruction target */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_PI_TARGET(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_pi_target(parser, env))
/** get document type declaration text */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_DTD(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_dtd(parser, env))
/** macro to free values returned by pull parser */
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_XML_FREE(parser, env, data) \
((parser)->ops->xml_free(parser, env, data))
((parser)->ops->get_char_set_encoding(parser, env))
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_NAMESPACE_URI(parser, env) \
((parser)->ops->get_namespace_uri(parser, env))
#define AXIS2_XML_READER_GET_NAMESPACE_URI_BY_PREFIX(parser, env, prefix) \
((parser)->ops->get_namespace_uri_by_prefix(parser, env, prefix))
/******************************* End Macros ***********************************/
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* AXIS2_XML_READER_H */