blob: 78abcc05a691b365c55efb3adaa79281f679ee5a [file] [log] [blame]
This is a sample to help test encryption.
This sample works with echo service.
How to run
1. Create the binary
make install
2. Create client repository
e.g. ~/client_home [CLIENT_HOME]
NOTE: You may use the AXIS2_HOME as the common repository for server and
client. If so skip steps 3-5.
3. Copy rampart/samples/client/enc_echo/data/axis2.xml to CLIENT_REPO
5. Copy AXIS2_HOME/modules to CLIENT_HOME
6. Enable rampart in axis2.xml in the AXIS2_HOME and add In/Outflow parameters as
in rampart/samples/client/enc_eco/data/server.axis2.xml. (Or copy the
server.axis2.xml file to AXIS2_HOME/ directory and rename it as axis2.xml)
Before proceed check followings.
(*) The rampart module should be in the module directory of both
client(CLIENT_HOME/modules) and the server side(AXIS2_HOME/deploy/modules).
(*) AXIS2_HOME/axis2.xml and CLIENT_HOME/axis2.xml files should be configred to enable rampart.
8. To view the message flow use TCPMonitor
Listen port: 9090 [specified as in the client argumanet]
Target port: 8080 [server port]
9. Start server in port 8080
./axis2_http_server -p8080
10. Run the echo sample
Syntax : ./echo [service_address] [client_home]
e.g. : ./echo http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/echo /home/kau/client_home
11. You should be able to see the security token is attached to the header of
the SOAP message in the TCP Monitor.
NOTE : Also you can use other samples available under AXIS2C.