blob: 540548f6613e8a2647ce4ede014cb80fd2469882 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <axiom_node.h>
#include <axiom_element.h>
#include <axiom_text.h>
#include <axis2_stream.h>
#include <axis2_log_default.h>
#include <axis2_error_default.h>
#include <axis2_svc_client.h>
#include <axis2_util.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static axiom_node_t *
const axis2_env_t *env);
static axiom_node_t *
const axis2_env_t *env);
static int
const axis2_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *wsdl_uri_str);
static int
const axis2_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *wsdl_uri_str);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
axis2_env_t *env = NULL;
axis2_error_t *error = NULL;
axis2_log_t *log = NULL;
axis2_allocator_t *allocator = NULL;
axis2_char_t *wsdl_uri_str = NULL;
/* set up the envioronment with allocator and log*/
allocator = axis2_allocator_init(NULL);
error = axis2_error_create(allocator);
log = axis2_log_create(allocator, NULL, "addr_echo.log");
env = axis2_env_create_with_error_log(allocator, error, log);
env->log->level = AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE;
if (argc <= 1)
printf("Usage: print <wsdl_File_Name>\n");
return 1;
wsdl_uri_str = argv[1];
if (strstr(wsdl_uri_str, "Calculator"))
process_for_wsdl1(env, wsdl_uri_str);
printf("Hotel Reservation\n");
process_for_wsdl2(env, wsdl_uri_str);
return 0;
static int
const axis2_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *wsdl_uri_str)
axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
axiom_node_t *response = NULL;
axis2_uri_t *wsdl_uri = NULL;
axis2_qname_t *op_qname = NULL;
axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL;
axis2_qname_t *wsdl_svc_qname = NULL;
/* Set up deploy folder. It is from the deploy folder, the configuration
* is picked up using the axis2.xml file.
* In this sample client_home points to the Axis2/C default deploy folder.
* The client_home can be different from this folder on your system. For
* example, you may have a different folder (say, my_client_folder) with
* its own axis2.xml file. my_client_folder/modules will have the
* modules that the client uses
client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME");
if (!client_home)
client_home = "../../deploy";
wsdl_svc_qname = axis2_qname_create(env, "Calculator",
"http://localhost/axis/Calculator", NULL);
wsdl_uri = axis2_uri_parse_string(env, wsdl_uri_str);
svc_client =
env, NULL, wsdl_uri, wsdl_svc_qname, "Calculator", client_home);
if (!svc_client)
printf("Service client is NULL \n");
AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Service client is NULL");
return 1;
payload = build_om_programatically_for_wsdl1(env);
op_qname = axis2_qname_create(env, "add", "http://localhost/axis/Calculator",
response = AXIS2_SVC_CLIENT_SEND_RECEIVE_WITH_OP_QNAME(svc_client, env,
op_qname, payload);
if (response)
axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
om_str = AXIOM_NODE_TO_STRING(response, env);
if (om_str)
printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
printf("status:%s\n", "Success");
printf("status:%s\n", "Failure");
if (svc_client)
AXIS2_SVC_CLIENT_FREE(svc_client, env);
svc_client = NULL;
return 0;
static int
const axis2_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *wsdl_uri_str)
axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
axiom_node_t *response = NULL;
axis2_uri_t *wsdl_uri = NULL;
axis2_qname_t *op_qname = NULL;
axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL;
axis2_qname_t *wsdl_svc_qname = NULL;
/* Set up deploy folder. It is from the deploy folder, the configuration
* is picked up using the axis2.xml file.
* In this sample client_home points to the Axis2/C default deploy folder.
* The client_home can be different from this folder on your system. For
* example, you may have a different folder (say, my_client_folder) with
* its own axis2.xml file. my_client_folder/modules will have the
* modules that the client uses
client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME");
if (!client_home)
client_home = "../../deploy";
wsdl_svc_qname = axis2_qname_create(env, "Calculator",
"http://localhost/axis/Calculator", NULL);
wsdl_uri = axis2_uri_parse_string(env, wsdl_uri_str);
svc_client =
env, NULL, wsdl_uri, wsdl_svc_qname, "Calculator", client_home);
if (!svc_client)
printf("Service client is NULL \n");
AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Service client is NULL");
return 1;
payload = build_om_programatically_for_wsdl2(env);
op_qname = axis2_qname_create(env, "add", "http://localhost/axis/Calculator",
response = AXIS2_SVC_CLIENT_SEND_RECEIVE_WITH_OP_QNAME(svc_client, env,
op_qname, payload);
if (response)
axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
om_str = AXIOM_NODE_TO_STRING(response, env);
if (om_str)
printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
printf("status:%s\n", "Success");
printf("status:%s\n", "Failure");
if (svc_client)
AXIS2_SVC_CLIENT_FREE(svc_client, env);
svc_client = NULL;
return 0;
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
static axiom_node_t *
const axis2_env_t *env)
axiom_node_t *add_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* add_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *arg0_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* arg0_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *arg1_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* arg1_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *seq_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* seq_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *cmplx_type_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* cmplx_type_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
axiom_attribute_t *attr = NULL;
axiom_attribute_t *attr_name_arg0 = NULL;
axiom_attribute_t *attr_name_arg1 = NULL;
axiom_xml_writer_t *xml_writer = NULL;
axiom_output_t *om_output = NULL;
axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL;
axis2_char_t *ns = NULL;
ns = AXIS2_STRDUP("http://localhost/axis/Calculator", env);
ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, ns, "tns0");
add_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "add", ns1, &add_om_node);
cmplx_type_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, add_om_node, "complexType", ns1, &cmplx_type_om_node);
seq_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, cmplx_type_om_node, "sequence", ns1, &seq_om_node);
attr = axiom_attribute_create(env, "type", "xsd:int", ns1);
attr_name_arg0 = axiom_attribute_create(env, "name", "arg_0_0", ns1);
attr_name_arg1 = axiom_attribute_create(env, "name", "arg_1_0", ns1);
arg0_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, seq_om_node, "arg_0_0", NULL, &arg0_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_SET_TEXT(arg0_om_ele, env, "5", arg0_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg0_om_ele, env, attr, arg0_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg0_om_ele, env, attr_name_arg0, arg0_om_node);
arg1_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, seq_om_node, "arg_1_0", NULL, &arg1_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_SET_TEXT(arg1_om_ele, env, "10", arg1_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg1_om_ele, env, attr_name_arg1, arg1_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg1_om_ele, env, attr, arg1_om_node);
xml_writer = axiom_xml_writer_create_for_memory(env, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE,
om_output = axiom_output_create(env, xml_writer);
AXIOM_NODE_SERIALIZE(add_om_node, env, om_output);
buffer = AXIOM_XML_WRITER_GET_XML(xml_writer, env);
printf("\nOM node in XML : %s \n", buffer);
AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
AXIOM_OUTPUT_FREE(om_output, env);
return add_om_node;
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
static axiom_node_t *
const axis2_env_t *env)
axiom_node_t *add_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* add_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *arg0_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* arg0_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *arg1_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* arg1_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *seq_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* seq_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_node_t *cmplx_type_om_node = NULL;
axiom_element_t* cmplx_type_om_ele = NULL;
axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
axiom_attribute_t *attr = NULL;
axiom_attribute_t *attr_name_arg0 = NULL;
axiom_attribute_t *attr_name_arg1 = NULL;
axiom_xml_writer_t *xml_writer = NULL;
axiom_output_t *om_output = NULL;
axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL;
axis2_char_t *ns = NULL;
ns = AXIS2_STRDUP("http://localhost/axis/Calculator", env);
ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, ns, "tns0");
add_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "add", ns1, &add_om_node);
cmplx_type_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, add_om_node, "complexType", ns1, &cmplx_type_om_node);
seq_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, cmplx_type_om_node, "sequence", ns1, &seq_om_node);
attr = axiom_attribute_create(env, "type", "xsd:int", ns1);
attr_name_arg0 = axiom_attribute_create(env, "name", "arg_0_0", ns1);
attr_name_arg1 = axiom_attribute_create(env, "name", "arg_1_0", ns1);
arg0_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, seq_om_node, "arg_0_0", NULL, &arg0_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_SET_TEXT(arg0_om_ele, env, "5", arg0_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg0_om_ele, env, attr, arg0_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg0_om_ele, env, attr_name_arg0, arg0_om_node);
arg1_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, seq_om_node, "arg_1_0", NULL, &arg1_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_SET_TEXT(arg1_om_ele, env, "10", arg1_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg1_om_ele, env, attr_name_arg1, arg1_om_node);
AXIOM_ELEMENT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(arg1_om_ele, env, attr, arg1_om_node);
xml_writer = axiom_xml_writer_create_for_memory(env, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE,
om_output = axiom_output_create(env, xml_writer);
AXIOM_NODE_SERIALIZE(add_om_node, env, om_output);
buffer = AXIOM_XML_WRITER_GET_XML(xml_writer, env);
printf("\nOM node in XML : %s \n", buffer);
AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
AXIOM_OUTPUT_FREE(om_output, env);
return add_om_node;