| axis.version=1.0 |
| |
| name=axis |
| Name=Axis |
| year=2002 |
| |
| debug=off |
| nowarn=off |
| |
| deprecation=true |
| |
| src.dir=./src |
| docs.dir=./docs |
| samples.dir=./samples |
| test.dir=./test |
| lib.dir=./lib |
| |
| wsdl4j.jar=lib/wsdl4j.jar |
| commons-logging.jar=lib/commons-logging.jar |
| commons-discovery.jar=lib/commons-discovery.jar |
| log4j-core.jar=lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar |
| |
| junit.jar=lib/junit.jar |
| |
| packages=org.*,javax.* |
| |
| build.file=build.xml |
| |
| build.dir=build |
| build.dest=build/classes |
| build.lib=build/lib |
| build.samples=build/classes/samples |
| build.javadocs=build/javadocs |
| build.webapp=build/webapps/axis |
| |
| webapp=webapps/axis |
| |
| dist.dir=axis-1_0 |
| |
| test.functional.usefile=true |
| |
| # To enable the use of proxy settings Replace XXXXX |
| # with your environment information and remove the '#' |
| # at the beginning of each line below. |
| #http.proxyHost=XXXXX |
| #http.proxyPort=XXXXX |
| #http.nonProxyHosts=localhost |
| #http.proxyUser=XXXXX |
| #http.proxyPassword=XXXX |
| |
| javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl |
| javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl |