blob: bae47fd8fda077926f290f05b799c0530191888a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class BasicNode;
#include <axis/server/IHeaderBlock.h>
* @class BasicNode
* @brief The Header block of a SOAP Header according to
* SOAP 1.2 specification.
* The Header block of a SOAP Header according to SOAP 1.2 specification.
* Each child element information item of the SOAP Header is called a
* SOAP header block. Each SOAP header block element information item:
* - MUST have a [namespace name] property which has a value,
* that is the name of the element MUST be namespace qualified.
* - MAY have any number of character information item children.
* Child character information items whose character code is amongst
* the white space characters as defined by XML 1.0 [XML 1.0] are
* considered significant.
* - MAY have any number of element information item children. Such element
* information items MAY be namespace qualified.
* - MAY have zero or more attribute information items in its [attributes]
* property. Among these MAY be any or all of the following, which have
* special significance for SOAP processing:
* - encodingStyle attribute information item
* - role attribute information item
* - mustUnderstand attribute information item
* - relay attribute information item
* @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
* @author Samisa Abeysinghe (
* Revision 1.1 2004/05/26 samisa
* Added copy constructor and clone
* Revision 1.2 2004/06/13 roshan
* Added doxygen comments to help autobuild API docs
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class HeaderBlock : public IHeaderBlock
friend class SoapHeader;
* Used to store the current no of children count.
int iNoOFChildren;
* Serializes the namespace decl.
int serializeNamespaceDecl(SoapSerializer& pSZ);
int serializeChildren(SoapSerializer& pSZ,
list<AxisChar*>& lstTmpNameSpaceStack);
* Used to hold the child nodes.
list<BasicNode*> m_children;
bool isSerializable();
int attrSerialize(SoapSerializer& pSZ,
list<AxisChar*>& lstTmpNameSpaceStack);
AxisString m_localname;
AxisString m_sPrefix;
AxisString m_uri;
list<Attribute*> m_attributes;
list<Attribute*> m_namespaceDecls;
const BasicNode* getFirstChild();
* Returns the number of child elements of this HeaderBlock.
* @return The number of child elements of this HeaderBlock.
int getNoOfChildren();
* Creates a child node depending on the given node type. i.e:
* if node type == CHARACTER_NODE then it creates a Character Element.
* if node type == ELEMENT_NODE then it creates a Complex Element.
* This method doesn't add the created child to this Header Block. If the
* user needs to add this created child then he has to use the
* addChild(BasicNode *pBasicNode) method after creating the child.
* If the node to be created is a CHARACTER_NODE then only the parameter
* pachValue will be usefull and for others you can provide NULL.
* If the node to be created is a ELEMENT_NODE then the parameters
* pachLocalName, pachPrefix, pachUri will be needed to provide and you
* can provide NULL for the pachValue.
* @param eNODE_TYPE The node type to be created, i.e CHARACTER_NODE or
* @param pachLocalName The local name of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE
* will ignore this.
* @param pachPrefix The prefix of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE
* will ignore this.
* @param pachUri The namespace uri of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE
* will ignore this.
* @param pachValue The value of the child node. A ELEMENT_NODE
* will ignore this.
* @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
* successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
BasicNode* createChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE,
AxisChar *pachLocalName, AxisChar *pachPrefix, AxisChar *pachUri,
AxisChar* pachValue);
int initializeForTesting();
* Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is
* CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is
* ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it
* will be added as a immediate child to the header block.
* It is important to note that if the type is CHARACTER_NODE only the
* NODE_TYPE and value (pachValue) parameters will be usefull.If the type
* is ELEMENT_NODE the parameters NODE_TYPE, pachLocalName, pachPrefix,
* pachUri will be usefull.
* The caller of this method has to check the return value and if it is NULL
* then the operation is not successfull.
* @param eNODE_TYPE The type of the child to be created, it should be either
* CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for
* ComplexElements.
* @param pachLocalName The local name of the complex element to be created.
* @param pachPrefix The prefix of the complex element to be created.
* @param pachUri The namespace uri of the complex element to be created.
* @param pachValue The value of the character element to be created.
* @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
* successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
BasicNode* createImmediateChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE,
AxisChar *pachLocalName, AxisChar *pachPrefix, AxisChar *pachUri,
AxisChar* pachValue);
* Adds a Attribute to this Header Block.
* @param attr The Attribute to be added.
void addAttribute(Attribute* attr);
* A user can use this method to create a standard HeaderBlock attribute.
* The types of HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE are:
* ROLE_NEXT : To create the role attribute to point to next.
* ROLE_NONE : To create the role attribute to point to none.
* ROLE_ULTIMATE_RECEIVER : To create the role attribute to point to
* ultimate receiver.
* ACTOR : To create the actor attribute to point to next.
* MUST_UNDERSTAND_TRUE : To create the mustUnderstand attribute to
* point to true.
* MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE : To create the mustUnderstand attribute to
* point to false.
* To use ROLE_NEXT,
* MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE the user has to pass SOAP_VER_1_2 as the
* to pass SOAP_VER_1_1 as the SOAP_VERSION.
* @param eStdAttrType The standard attribute to be created.
* The current values that can be passes are: ROLE_NEXT, ROLE_NONE,
* @param eSOAP_VERSION The related soap version.
* The vallues which could be
* passes are SOAP_VER_1_1 and SOAP_VER_1_2.
* @return A pointer to the created standard Attribute will be returned.
Attribute* createStdAttribute(HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE eStdAttrType,
* Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block. This method might
* null to indicate unsuccessfull operation. The caller of this method
* should check for the return NULL value.
* @param localname The local name of the attribute.
* @param prefix The prefix of the attribute.
* @param uri The namespace uri of the attribute.
* @param value The value of the attribute.
* @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned. If the
* operation is unsuccessfull it will return NULL.
Attribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar* localname,
const AxisChar* prefix, const AxisChar* uri, const AxisChar* value);
* Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block.
* @param localname The local name of the attribute.
* @param prefix The prefix of the attribute.
* @param value The value of the attribute.
* @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned.
Attribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar* localname,
const AxisChar* prefix, const AxisChar* value);
* Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is
* CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is
* ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it
* will be added as a immediate child to the header block.
* @param The type of the child to be created, it should be either
* CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for
* ComplexElements.
* @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
* successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
BasicNode* createImmediateChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE);
* Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is
* CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is
* ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it
* will not be added as a child to the header block. The user has to add
* the created child to the appropriate locaion as his wish.
* @param eNODE_TYPE The type of the child to be created,
* it should be either
* CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for
* ComplexElements.
* @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
* successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
BasicNode* createChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE);
* Returns the last child element. The user has to check whether the
* method return NULL before proceding.
* @return The last child element is returned if it exists.
* If the child element doesn't exsist this method returns NULL.
const BasicNode* getLastChild();
* Returns the child element at the given postion.
* The user has to check whether the
* method return NULL before proceding.
* @param iChildPosition The positon of the required child element.
* @return The required child element is returned if it exists.
* If the child element doesn't exsist this method returns NULL.
const BasicNode* getChild(int iChildPosition);
* Adds a child node to the Header Block.
* @param pBasicNode The child node pointer which is to be added.
* @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.
int addChild(BasicNode* pBasicNode);
* Sets the local name of this Header Block.
* @param localname The localname to set in.
void setLocalName(const AxisChar* localname);
* Sets the namespace uri of this Header Block.
* @param uri The namespace uri to set in.
void setUri(const AxisChar* uri);
* Sets the prefix of this Header Block.
* @param prefix The prefix to set in.
/* Commented by Susantha - 21/06/2004
* The prefix should be decided by the Serializer at runtime
void setPrefix(const AxisChar* prefix);
* Sets the namespace declaration of the Header Block.
* @param pAttribute The Attribute pointer which points to a valid
* namespace declartion Attribute.
* @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation. AXIS_FAIL to
* to indicate unsuccessfull operation.
int addNamespaceDecl(Attribute *pAttribute);
* The Constructor.
* @param pachLocalName The local name of this Header Block.
* @param pachPrefix The prefix of this Header Block.
* @param pachUri The namespace uri of this Header Block.
HeaderBlock(const AxisChar* pachLocalName, const AxisChar* pachUri);
* The Constructor.
* The Copy Constructor.
* @param rCopy A Header Block.
HeaderBlock(const HeaderBlock& rCopy);
* Creates and returns a clone of this Header Block.
* @return A clone of this Header Block.
IHeaderBlock* clone();
* The Destructor.
virtual ~HeaderBlock();
bool operator ==( const HeaderBlock &objHeaderBlock);
int serialize(SoapSerializer& pSZ);