blob: 792de9c289f370e3e8990659fef8462cd5585fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This calss represent the Custom Complex type in the service.
* This Class is the representation of the WSDL Schema type. The class name is given in the
* context of the xml QName. It is up to the user to make sense of the QName*
* @author Srianth Perera (
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.BaseType;
import org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.TypeEntry;
import org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WrapperConstants;
import org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WrapperUtils;
import org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.CUtils;
public class Type {
/* max no of attribs expected in a type */
private static final int MAXIMUM_NO_ATTRIBS = 101;
private QName name;
* Indicate whether this is a schema defined simpleType
private boolean isSimpleType=false;
* In case this is schema defined simpleType, this is the base type.
private QName baseType;
* If the specified node represents a supported JAX-RPC restriction,
* a Vector is returned which contains the base type and the values.
* The first element in the vector is the base type (an TypeEntry).
* Subsequent elements are values(QNames) if any.
private Vector enumerationdata;
/* This can be null */
private String languageSpecificName;
/* element names and the type of the elements (QName,ElementInfo)*/
private Hashtable elements;
/* This vector was added to preserve the order of types parsed from the wsdl.
* This may be a hack. Should be improved if necessary
private Vector vElements;
/* attribute names and the type of the attributes (QName,QName)*/
private Hashtable attributes;
/* This vector was added to preserve the order of types parsed from the wsdl.
* This may be a hack. Should be improved if necessary
private Vector vAttributes;
/* has the attributes are specified with order <sequence> in the schema */
private boolean hasOrder;
/*if order presents the order is set in the vector */
private Vector attribOrder;
/* weather the type is Array */
private boolean isArray;
private boolean isreferenced = false;
private String language;
public Type(QName name, String languageSpecificName, boolean hasOrder,String language) {
this.languageSpecificName = languageSpecificName;
this.hasOrder = hasOrder; = name;
elements = new Hashtable();
attributes = new Hashtable();
vElements = new Vector();
vAttributes = new Vector();
if(language == null)
this.language = WrapperConstants.LANGUAGE_JAVA;
this.language = language;
// if the language specific name does not specified try weather is it a simple type
if(languageSpecificName == null){
this.languageSpecificName = CUtils.getclass4qname(name);
else if(WrapperConstants.LANGUAGE_C.equalsIgnoreCase(this.language))
this.languageSpecificName = CUtils.getclass4qname(name);
this.languageSpecificName = TypeMap.getBasicTypeClass4qname(name);
//if it is not a simple type genarate the name using usual QName -> language specific name mapping
if(this.languageSpecificName == null)
this.languageSpecificName = qname2LSN();
//remove any funny Charactors
this.languageSpecificName = this.languageSpecificName.replaceAll("/","_");
this.languageSpecificName = this.languageSpecificName.replaceAll(":","_");
// JBY : add this one more clean?
// This arrived in case of inner type declaration. And for compilation
// we replace all '>' by '_' (not the first one). Quick and durty fix.
if ( this.languageSpecificName.length() > 1 ) {
char first = this.languageSpecificName.charAt(0);
if ( this.languageSpecificName.charAt(0) == '>' )
this.languageSpecificName = ">" + this.languageSpecificName.substring(1).replaceAll(">","_");
this.languageSpecificName = this.languageSpecificName.replaceAll(">","_");
this.attribOrder = new Vector();
* @return QName
public QName getName() {
return name;
* Sets the name.
* @param name The name to set
public void setName(QName name) { = name;
public Iterator getAttributeNames()
return this.vAttributes.iterator();
* The Type take the attributes name to lowercase when add, If there is two names like "Name" and "name"
* they will convert to "name" Is that acceptable ....
public void setTypeForAttributeName(String attribName, Type type) {
attribName = TypeMap.resoleveWSDL2LanguageNameClashes(attribName,this.language);
if (attribName.lastIndexOf('>') > 1 )
attribName =attribName.substring(attribName.lastIndexOf('>')+1,attribName.length());
if (hasOrder)
this.attributes.put(attribName, type);
public Type getTypForAttribName(String attribName) {
return (Type) this.attributes.get(attribName);
public Iterator getElementnames()
return this.vElements.iterator();
* The Type take the attributes name to lowercase when add, If there is two names like "Name" and "name"
* they will convert to "name" Is that acceptable ....
public void setTypeNameForElementName(ElementInfo element) {
String attribName = TypeMap.resoleveWSDL2LanguageNameClashes(element.getName().getLocalPart(),this.language);
if (attribName.lastIndexOf('>') > 1 )
attribName =attribName.substring(attribName.lastIndexOf('>')+1,attribName.length());
if (hasOrder)
this.elements.put(attribName, element);
public ElementInfo getElementForElementName(String attribName) {
return (ElementInfo) this.elements.get(attribName);
public void setAttribOrder(Vector order) {
this.attribOrder = order;
public boolean hasOrder() {
return this.hasOrder;
public String getLanguageSpecificName() {
return languageSpecificName;
public void setLanguageSpecificName(String languageSpecificName) {
this.languageSpecificName = languageSpecificName;
* This mrthod define the standread conversion from qname to language spesific name
* @return language specific name
protected String qname2LSN(){
String nsuri =;
if(nsuri == null) return;
/* if it is CPP the namespace is neglected fr time been */
}else if (language.equalsIgnoreCase(WrapperConstants.LANGUAGE_C)){
return WrapperUtils.firstCharacterToLowercase(WrapperUtils.nsURI2packageName(nsuri)) +"."+ WrapperUtils.capitalizeFirstCaractor(;
* @return
public boolean isArray() {
return isArray;
* @param b
public void setArray(boolean b) {
isArray = b;
public boolean isContainedType(Type containedType){
Iterator ntype = this.attributes.values().iterator();
QName typeName;
typeName = ((Type);
return true;
Iterator nelements = this.elements.values().iterator();
typeName = ((ElementInfo);
return true;
return false;
* If the specified node represents a supported JAX-RPC enumeration,
* a Vector is returned which contains the base type and the enumeration values.
* The first element in the vector is the base type (an TypeEntry).
* Subsequent elements are values (Strings).
* If this is not an enumeration, null is value.
* @return
public Vector getEnumerationdata() {
return enumerationdata;
* @param vector
public void setRestrictiondata(Vector vector) {
if (vector != null){
isSimpleType = true;
BaseType basetype = (BaseType)vector.firstElement();
if (basetype != null){
CUtils.addSchemaDefinedSimpleType(name, CUtils.getclass4qname(baseType));
enumerationdata = vector;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
String str = "---------""------------\n" + "languageSpecificName = " + this.languageSpecificName +"\n";
if(enumerationdata != null){
str = str + "enumerationType = "+((TypeEntry)enumerationdata.get(0)).getQName()+"\n(";
for(int i = 1;i<enumerationdata.size();i++)
str = str +","+ enumerationdata.get(i);
str = str + ")\n";
str =str +"isArray ="+isArray+"\n";
str = str + "Elements[\n";
Iterator c = elements.values().iterator();
str = str +","+"\n";
str = str + "]\n";
c = attributes.keySet().iterator();
str = str + "Attributes[\n";
String name = (String);
str = str +",("+ name+","+attributes.get(name)+")";
str = str + "]\n";
str = str + "------------------------------------------------------\n";
return str;
* @return boolean
public boolean isIsreferenced() {
return isreferenced;
* Sets the isreferenced.
* @param isreferenced The isreferenced to set
public void setIsreferenced(boolean isreferenced) {
this.isreferenced = isreferenced;
/* TODO also make the inner type of this be referenced*/
* @return boolean
public boolean isSimpleType() {
return isSimpleType;
* Sets the isSimpleType.
* @param isSimpleType The isSimpleType to set
public void setSimpleType(boolean isSimpleType) {
this.isSimpleType = isSimpleType;
* @return QName
public QName getBaseType() {
return baseType;
* Sets the baseType.
* @param baseType The baseType to set
public void setBaseType(QName baseType) {
this.baseType = baseType;