blob: adb4996d02a49f859dc6429fa0d36c6094bc8641 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "AxisConfigurationLibraries.hpp"
char * CreateConfigElement( LIST * psDLLNames, int * piConfigInfoArray, CHOICELIST * psChoiceList, ECONFIGTYPE eConfigType)
int iIndex = 0;
bool bFound = false;
char * pszConfigName = "<unknown name>";
static std::string sReturn;
while( iIndex < eConfigMax && !bFound)
if( psChoiceList[iIndex].eConfigType == eConfigType)
bFound = true;
pszConfigName = psChoiceList[iIndex].pszConfigName;
if( bFound)
if( eConfigType == eSSLOptions)
sReturn = "# ";
sReturn += psChoiceList[iIndex].pszElementDescription;
sReturn += "\n";
sReturn = "# Path to ";
sReturn += psChoiceList[iIndex].pszElementDescription;
sReturn += "\n";
sReturn = "# Path to an unknown element\n";
char szReturn[256];
if( piConfigInfoArray[eConfigType] != -1)
sprintf( szReturn, "%s:%s\n\n", pszConfigName, ((DLLNAMEINFO *)(psDLLNames->ppArray[piConfigInfoArray[eConfigType]]))->pszDLLFilename);
sprintf( szReturn, "#%s:<not set>\n\n", pszConfigName);
sReturn += szReturn;
return (char *) sReturn.c_str();
char * GetTagValue( LIST * psDLLNames, int * piConfigInfoArray, ECONFIGTYPE eConfigType)
char * pszTagValue = NULL;
if( piConfigInfoArray[eConfigType] != -1)
pszTagValue = ((DLLNAMEINFO *)(psDLLNames->ppArray[piConfigInfoArray[eConfigType]]))->pszDLLFilename;
return pszTagValue;
void Initialise( LIST * psDLLNames, int * piConfigInfoArray, LIST * psFileNameList, char ** ppsDefaultParamList, char * pszAxisCpp_Deploy, int iAxisCpp_Deploy)
memset( psDLLNames, 0, sizeof( LIST));
memset( psFileNameList, 0, sizeof( LIST));
memset( pszAxisCpp_Deploy, 0, iAxisCpp_Deploy);
for( int iCount = 0; iCount < eConfigMax; iCount++)
piConfigInfoArray[iCount] = -1;
ppsDefaultParamList[iCount] = NULL;
void Destroy( LIST * psDLLNames, LIST * psFileNameList, char ** ppsDefaultParamList)
int iCount;
for( iCount = 0; iCount < psDLLNames->iCount; iCount++)
free( ((DLLNAMEINFO *) psDLLNames->ppArray[iCount])->pszDLLFilename);
free( ((DLLNAMEINFO *) psDLLNames->ppArray[iCount])->pszDLLName);
free( psDLLNames->ppArray[iCount]);
for( iCount = 0; iCount < psFileNameList->iCount; iCount++)
free( psFileNameList->ppArray[iCount]);
free( psDLLNames->ppArray);
free( psFileNameList->ppArray);
for( iCount = 0; iCount < eConfigMax; iCount++)
if( ppsDefaultParamList[iCount] != NULL)
free( (void *) ppsDefaultParamList[iCount]);
int PopulateNewDLLNameInfo( LIST * psDLLNames, char * pszName, char * pszFilename, bool bAddToClientConfig)
DLLNAMEINFO * psDLLNameInfo = (DLLNAMEINFO *) GetNextListElement( psDLLNames, sizeof( DLLNAMEINFO));
if( pszName != NULL)
psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLName = (char *) malloc( strlen( pszName) + 1);
strcpy( psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLName, pszName);
if( pszFilename != NULL)
psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLFilename = (char *) malloc( strlen( pszFilename) + 1);
strcpy( psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLFilename, pszFilename);
psDLLNameInfo->bAddToClientConfig = bAddToClientConfig;
return psDLLNames->iCount - 1;
int GetChoiceIndexForConfigType( CHOICELIST * psChoiceList, ECONFIGTYPE eConfigType)
int iIndex = 0;
bool bFound = false;
while( iIndex < eConfigMax && !bFound)
if( psChoiceList[iIndex].eConfigType == eConfigType)
bFound = true;
if( !bFound)
iIndex = -1;
return iIndex;