blob: 505f23adfd06585ab234c9f29976eb8e3465a8d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
// (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "XSDAttribute.hpp"
#include <axis/AxisException.hpp>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "CommonClientTestCode.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char endpoint[256];
const char* url="http://localhost:80/axis/Calculator";
char dateTime[50];
BooleanType* booleanType = new BooleanType();
BooleanType* booleanTypeReturn = NULL;
ByteType* byteType = new ByteType();
ByteType* byteTypeReturn = NULL;
UnsignedByteType* unsignedByteType = new UnsignedByteType();
UnsignedByteType* unsignedByteTypeReturn = NULL;
ShortType* shortType = new ShortType();
ShortType* shortTypeReturn = NULL;
UnsignedShortType* unsignedShortType = new UnsignedShortType();
UnsignedShortType* unsignedShortTypeReturn = NULL;
IntType* intType = new IntType();
IntType* intTypeReturn = NULL;
UnsignedIntType* unsignedIntType = new UnsignedIntType();
UnsignedIntType* unsignedIntTypeReturn = NULL;
LongType* longType = new LongType();
LongType* longTypeReturn = NULL;
UnsignedLongType* unsignedLongType = new UnsignedLongType();
UnsignedLongType* unsignedLongTypeReturn = NULL;
FloatType* floatType = new FloatType();
FloatType* floatTypeReturn = NULL;
DoubleType* doubleType = new DoubleType();
DoubleType* doubleTypeReturn = NULL;
StringType* stringType = new StringType();
StringType* stringTypeReturn = NULL;
DateTimeType* dtt = new DateTimeType();
DateTimeType* dttReturn = NULL;
DateType* dt = new DateType();
DateType* dtReturn = NULL;
TimeType* tt = new TimeType();
TimeType* ttReturn = NULL;
IntegerType* integerType = new IntegerType();
IntegerType* integerTypeReturn = NULL;
DecimalType* decimalType = new DecimalType();
DecimalType* decimalTypeReturn = NULL;
Base64BinaryType* b64Type = new Base64BinaryType();
Base64BinaryType* b64TypeReturn = NULL;
HexBinaryType* hexType = new HexBinaryType();
HexBinaryType* hexTypeReturn = NULL;
QNameType* qnameType = new QNameType();
QNameType* qnameTypeReturn = NULL;
AnyURIType* anyURI = new AnyURIType();
AnyURIType* anyURIReturn = NULL;
xsd__base64Binary b64Test;
xsd__hexBinary hexTest;
xsd__unsignedByte* testUB = (xsd__unsignedByte*)"<test><xml>some dod&y string</xml></test>";
b64Test.set(testUB, 41);
hexTest.set(testUB, 41);
time_t timeToTest;
timeToTest = 1100246323;
xsd__date *temp = gmtime(&timeToTest);
xsd__date testDate;
memcpy(&testDate, temp, sizeof(xsd__date));
url = argv[1];
bool bSuccess = false;
int iRetryIterationCount = 3;
sprintf(endpoint, "%s", url);
XSDAttribute* ws = new XSDAttribute(endpoint);
booleanType->booleanType = (xsd__boolean)0;
booleanTypeReturn = ws->getDataBoolean(booleanType);
cout << "boolean=" << booleanTypeReturn->booleanType << endl;
byteType->byteType = (xsd__byte)31;
byteTypeReturn = ws->getDataByte(byteType);
printf("byte=%d\n", byteTypeReturn->byteType); fflush(stdout);
unsignedByteType->unsignedByteType = (xsd__unsignedByte)32;
unsignedByteTypeReturn = ws->getDataUnsignedByte(unsignedByteType);
printf("unsigned byte=%d\n", unsignedByteTypeReturn->unsignedByteType); fflush(stdout);
shortType->shortType = 7;
shortTypeReturn = ws->getDataShort(shortType);
cout << "short=" << shortTypeReturn->shortType << endl;
unsignedShortType->unsignedShortType = (xsd__unsignedShort)14;
unsignedShortTypeReturn = ws->getDataUnsignedShort(unsignedShortType);
cout << "unsigned short=" << unsignedShortTypeReturn->unsignedShortType << endl;
intType->intType = (xsd__int)21;
intTypeReturn = ws->getDataInt(intType);
cout << "int=" << intTypeReturn->intType << endl;
unsignedIntType->unsignedIntType = (xsd__unsignedInt)28;
unsignedIntTypeReturn = ws->getDataUnsignedInt(unsignedIntType);
cout << "unsigned int=" << unsignedIntTypeReturn->unsignedIntType << endl;
longType->longType = (xsd__long)35;
longTypeReturn = ws->getDataLong(longType);
cout << "long=" << (int)(longTypeReturn->longType) << endl;
unsignedLongType->unsignedLongType = (xsd__unsignedLong)42;
unsignedLongTypeReturn = ws->getDataUnsignedLong(unsignedLongType);
cout << "unsigned long=" << unsignedLongTypeReturn->unsignedLongType << endl;
floatType->floatType = (xsd__float)70.3535888888;
floatTypeReturn = ws->getDataFloat(floatType);
printf("float=%.5f\n", floatTypeReturn->floatType); fflush(stdout);
doubleType->doubleType = (xsd__double)140.7175888888;
doubleTypeReturn = ws->getDataDouble(doubleType);
printf("double=%.5f\n", doubleTypeReturn->doubleType); fflush(stdout);
stringType->stringType = (xsd__string) "never odd or even";
stringTypeReturn = ws->getDataString(stringType);
cout << "string=" << stringTypeReturn->stringType << endl;
integerType->integerType = (xsd__integer) 919191919;
integerTypeReturn = ws->getDataInteger(integerType);
cout << "integer=" << (int)(integerTypeReturn->integerType) << endl;
decimalType->decimalType = (xsd__decimal)929292929.5555555555555;
decimalTypeReturn = ws->getDataDecimal(decimalType);
printf("decimal=%.5f\n", decimalTypeReturn->decimalType); fflush(stdout);
dtt->dateTimeType = testDate;
dttReturn = ws->getDataDateTime(dtt);
strftime(dateTime, 50, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &dttReturn->dateTimeType);
cout << "dateTime=" << dateTime << endl;
/* Awaiting Server side implementation
dt->dateType = testDate;
dtReturn = ws->getDataDate(dt);
strftime(dateTime, 50, "%a %b %d %Y", &dtReturn->dateType);
cout << "date=" << dateTime << endl;
tt->timeType = testDate;
ttReturn = ws->getDataTime(tt);
strftime(dateTime, 50, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &ttReturn->timeType);
cout << "time=" << dateTime << endl;
b64Type->base64BinaryType = b64Test;
b64TypeReturn = ws->getDataBase64Binary(b64Type);
int size = 0;
const xsd__unsignedByte * base64BinaryData = b64TypeReturn->base64BinaryType.get(size);
cout << "base64Binary size=" << size << endl;
if( size > 0)
cout << "base64Binary data=" << base64BinaryData << endl;
hexType->hexBinaryType = hexTest;
hexTypeReturn = ws->getDataHexBinary(hexType);
size = 0;
const xsd__unsignedByte * hexBinaryData = hexTypeReturn->hexBinaryType.get(size);
cout << "hexBinary size=" << size << endl;
if( size > 0)
cout << "hexBinary data=" << hexBinaryData << endl;
bSuccess = true;
catch(AxisException& e)
bool bSilent = false;
if( iRetryIterationCount > 0)
bSilent = true;
iRetryIterationCount = 0;
if( !bSilent)
cout << "Exception : " << e.what() << endl;
catch(exception& e)
cout << "Unknown exception has occured" << e.what() << endl;
cout << "Unknown exception has occured" << endl;
} while( iRetryIterationCount > 0 && !bSuccess);
cout<< "---------------------- TEST COMPLETE -----------------------------"<< endl;
return 0;