blob: e36526b4988ae0d0ba467bb01ccf22e64982ec98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
// (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// InteropBaseClient.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "InteropTestPortType.hpp"
#include "CommonClientTestCode.hpp"
#define ARRAYSIZE 2
#define macro_ToTwoDecPlaces( value, type) (type)(((int)(value * (type) 100.0))) / ((type) 100.0)
#define macro_BoolToString( value) (value == true_ ? "true" : "false")
int main( int argc, char * argv[])
char buffer1[100];
char buffer2[100];
char endpoint[256];
if( argc > 1)
strcpy( endpoint, argv[1]);
const char * server = "localhost";
const char * port = "80";
sprintf( endpoint, "http://%s:%s/axis/InteropBase", server, port);
bool bSuccess = false;
int iRetryIterationCount = 3;
InteropTestPortType ws( endpoint, APTHTTP1_1);
ws.setTransportTimeout( 5);
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoString");
cout << "invoking echoString..." << endl;
//testing echoString
string bigString;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
bigString += "hello world ";
strcpy( buffer1, bigString.c_str());
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoString");
cout << ws.echoString( buffer1) << endl;
xsd__string retString = ws.echoString( "hello world");
xsd__string expString = "hello world";
if( 0 == strcmp( retString, expString))
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned string (" << retString << ") was not the same as the expected string(" << expString << ")." << endl;
// testing echoStringArray
xsd__string_Array arrstr;
xsd__string * sToSend = new xsd__string[ARRAYSIZE];
sprintf( buffer1, "%dth element of string array", 0);
sprintf( buffer2, "%dst element of string array", 1);
sToSend[0]= buffer1;
sToSend[1]= buffer2;
arrstr.set( sToSend, ARRAYSIZE);
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoStringArray");
cout << "invoking echoStringArray..." << endl;
int outputSize = 0;
xsd__string_Array * outPutStrArray = ws.echoStringArray( &arrstr);
if( outPutStrArray != NULL &&
outPutStrArray->get( outputSize) != NULL &&
outputSize == ARRAYSIZE)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. outputsize=" << outputSize << endl;
// testing echoInteger
ws.setTransportProperty("SOAPAction" , "InteropBase#echoInteger");
cout << "invoking echoInteger..." << endl;
xsd__int expInt = 56;
xsd__integer retInt = ws.echoInteger( expInt);
if( retInt == expInt)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned integer (" << retInt << ") was not the same as the expected integer (" << expInt << ")." << endl;
// testing echoIntegerArray
xsd__int_Array arrint;
xsd__int ** iToSend = new xsd__int*[ARRAYSIZE];
int count;
for( count = 0; count < ARRAYSIZE; count++)
iToSend[count] = new xsd__int(count);
arrint.set( iToSend, ARRAYSIZE);
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction" , "InteropBase#echoIntegerArray");
cout << "invoking echoIntegerArray..." << endl;
outputSize = 0;
xsd__int_Array * outPutIntArray = ws.echoIntegerArray( &arrint);
if( outPutIntArray != NULL &&
outPutIntArray->get( outputSize) != NULL &&
outputSize == ARRAYSIZE)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. outputsize=" << outputSize << endl;
// testing echoFloat
cout << "invoking echoFloat..." << endl;
float fvalue = (float) 1.4214;
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoFloat");
xsd__float retFloat = ws.echoFloat( fvalue);
xsd__float expFloat = macro_ToTwoDecPlaces( fvalue, float);
if( retFloat > expFloat)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned float (" << retFloat << ") was not the same as the expected float (" << expFloat << ")." << endl;
// testing echoFloatArray
xsd__float_Array arrfloat;
xsd__float ** fToSend = new xsd__float*[ARRAYSIZE];
for( count = 0; count < ARRAYSIZE; count++)
fToSend[count] = new xsd__float( (xsd__float) 1.1111 * (xsd__float) count);
arrfloat.set( fToSend, ARRAYSIZE);
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoFloatArray");
cout << "invoking echoFloatArray..." << endl;
outputSize = 0;
xsd__float_Array * outPutFloatArray = ws.echoFloatArray( &arrfloat);
if( outPutFloatArray != NULL &&
outPutFloatArray->get( outputSize) != NULL &&
outputSize == ARRAYSIZE)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. outputsize=" << outputSize << endl;
// testing echo Struct
SOAPStruct stct;
stct.varFloat = new float;
stct.varInt = new int;
*(stct.varFloat) = (xsd__float) 12345.7346345;
*(stct.varInt) = 5000;
stct.varString = strdup( "This is string in SOAPStruct");
cout << "invoking echoStruct..." << endl;
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoStruct");
if( ws.echoStruct( &stct) != NULL)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. The deserialised structure was null." << endl;
//testing echo Array of Struct
SOAPStruct_Array arrstct;
SOAPStruct ** m_Array4 = new SOAPStruct *[ARRAYSIZE];
xsd__float myFloat;
for( count = 0; count < ARRAYSIZE; count++)
myFloat = (xsd__float) (1.1111 * count);
ssToSend[count].setvarFloat( &myFloat);
ssToSend[count].setvarInt( &count);
sprintf( buffer1, "varString of %dth element of SOAPStruct array", count);
ssToSend[count].setvarString( buffer1);
m_Array4[count] = &ssToSend[count];
arrstct.set( m_Array4, ARRAYSIZE);
//testing echo Struct Array
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoStructArray");
cout << "invoking echoStructArray..." << endl;
SOAPStruct_Array * outPutStructArray = ws.echoStructArray( &arrstct);
if( outPutStructArray != NULL)
outputSize = 0;
SOAPStruct ** ppSOAPStruct = outPutStructArray->get( outputSize);
if( ppSOAPStruct != NULL && outputSize == ARRAYSIZE)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. outputsize = " << outputSize << endl;
for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < outputSize; iIndex++)
cout << "Failed(" << iIndex << ") varString = \"" << ppSOAPStruct[iIndex]->getvarString() << "\", varInt = " << *ppSOAPStruct[iIndex]->getvarInt() << ", varFloat = " << *ppSOAPStruct[iIndex]->getvarFloat() << endl;
cout << "Failed. outPutStructArray = NULL" << endl;
//testing echo void
cout << "invoking echoVoid..." << endl;
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoVoid");
cout << "successful" << endl;
//testing echo base 64 binary
const char * bstr = stringToAscii( "some string that is sent encoded to either base64Binary or hexBinary");
xsd__base64Binary bb;
cout << "invoking echoBase64..." << endl;
bb.set( (unsigned char *) strdup( bstr), (xsd__int) strlen( bstr));
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoBase64");
xsd__base64Binary bbResult = ws.echoBase64( bb);
xsd__int size = 0;
const xsd__unsignedByte * data = bbResult.get( size);
if( bb.getSize() == size)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Returned String :" << endl << asciiToString( (char *) data) << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned base 64 binary size (" << size << ") was not the same as the expected size (" << bb.getSize() << ")." << endl;
time_t timeToTest = 1100246323;
struct tm * temp = gmtime( &timeToTest);
struct tm time;
memcpy( &time, temp, sizeof( struct tm));
cout << "invoking echoDate..." << endl;
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoDate");
xsd__dateTime ed_temp = ws.echoDate( time);
// A simple memcmp of ed_temp and time will not work because
// it does not take into account timezone, so we need to
// compare results of asctime()
char ExpectedTime[1024];
char ReturnedTime[1024];
char * pExpectedTime = asctime( &time );
int iETLength = (pExpectedTime != NULL) ? (int) strlen(pExpectedTime) : 0;
if (iETLength > 0)
strcpy(ExpectedTime, pExpectedTime);
char * pReturnedTime = asctime( &ed_temp );
int iRTLength = (pReturnedTime != NULL) ? (int) strlen(pReturnedTime) : 0;
if( iRTLength > 0)
strcpy(ReturnedTime, pReturnedTime);
if( iETLength > 0 &&
iRTLength > 0 &&
strcmp(ExpectedTime, ReturnedTime) == 0)
cout << "successful" << endl;
if( iETLength == 0)
if( iRTLength == 0)
cout << "Failed. The expected time (" << ExpectedTime << ") was not the same as the returned time (" << ReturnedTime << ")." << endl;
//testing echo hex binary
cout << "invoking echoHexBinary..." << endl;
xsd__hexBinary hb;
hb.set( (unsigned char *) strdup( bstr), (xsd__int) strlen( bstr));
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoHexBinary");
xsd__hexBinary hbResult = ws.echoHexBinary( hb);
size = 0;
data = hbResult.get( size);
if( hb.getSize() == size)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Returned String :" << endl << asciiToString( (char *) data) << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned hex64Binary size (" << size << ") was not the same as the expected hex64Binary size (" << hb.getSize() << ")." << endl;
//testing echo decimal
cout << "invoking echoDecimal..." << endl;
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoDecimal");
xsd__decimal decimalValue = 1234.567890;
xsd__decimal decimalExpected = macro_ToTwoDecPlaces( decimalValue, xsd__decimal);
xsd__decimal decimalReturn = ws.echoDecimal( decimalValue);
if( decimalReturn > decimalExpected)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned value (" << decimalReturn << ") was not the same as the expected value (" << decimalExpected << ")." << endl;
//testing echo boolean
cout << "invoking echoBoolean..." << endl;
ws.setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "InteropBase#echoBoolean");
xsd__boolean bExpected = true_;
xsd__boolean bReturned = ws.echoBoolean( bExpected);
if( bReturned == bExpected)
cout << "successful" << endl;
cout << "Failed. The returned value (" << macro_BoolToString( bReturned) << ") was not the same as the expected value (" << macro_BoolToString( bExpected) << ")." << endl;
bSuccess = true;
catch( AxisException& e)
bool bSilent = false;
if( iRetryIterationCount > 1)
bSilent = true;
iRetryIterationCount = 0;
if( !bSilent)
cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << " has occurred." << endl;
catch( exception& e)
cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << " has occurred." << endl;
catch( ...)
cout << "An unknown exception has occurred." << endl;
} while( iRetryIterationCount > 0 && !bSuccess);
return 0;