blob: 38b995a23fe3be9997904e5b9ef0fa332584011f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
// (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Perform a variety of tests.
1) pass no parameters and get no return
2) pass no parameters and get an int return
3) pass a mixture of primitive parameters and get no return
4) pass a mixture of primitives, arrays and complex types all of which are not nillable
5) pass a mixture of primitives, arrays and complex types some of which are nillable
6) pass multiple arrays of different primitive types and get an int return
7) pass a complex type which has primitives, arrays and complex type and return the
same type
8) pass a complex type which has primitives, arrays and complex type and return the
same type with element set as nil
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "CommonClientTestCode.h"
#include "InOut.h"
#define ARRAYSIZE 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char endpoint[256];
const char* url="http://localhost:80/axis/InOut";
static char* str1 = "Apache";
static char* str2 = "Axis C++";
int x = 0;
int npr;
ComplexType1 ct;
xsdc__string_Array stringArray;
xsdc__string arrayOfString[3] = {"One", "Two", "Three"};
xsdc__int_Array intArray;
xsdc__int arrayOfIntVal[3] = {37, 0, 43 };
xsdc__int * arrayOfInt[3];
url = argv[1];
sprintf(endpoint, "%s", url);
ws = get_InOut_stub(endpoint);
printf( "noParametersNoReturn\n" );
printf( "noParametersNoReturn returned\n" );
printf( "noParametersIntReturn\n" );
npr = noParametersIntReturn(ws);
printf( "noParametersIntReturn returned %d\n" , npr );
printf( "multiParametersNoReturn\n" );
multiParametersNoReturn(ws, "Hey dude", 69, (xsdc__double)17.19);
printf( "multiParametersNoReturn returned\n" );
// test multiParametersMultiReturn
xsdc__string outValue0 = "";
xsdc__int outValue1 = 0;
xsdc__double outValue2 = 0;
printf( "multiParametersMultiReturn\n" );
multiParametersMultiReturn(ws, "Hey dude", 69, (xsdc__double)17.19,
&outValue0, &outValue1, &outValue2);
printf( "multiParametersMultiReturn returned %s , %d , %g\n" , outValue0 , outValue1, outValue2);
for (x=0; x<3; x++)
arrayOfInt[x] = &arrayOfIntVal[x];
intArray.m_Array = arrayOfInt;
intArray.m_Size = 3;
intArray.m_Type = XSDC_INT;
stringArray.m_Array = arrayOfString;
stringArray.m_Size = 3;
stringArray.m_Type = XSDC_STRING;
ct.ctLong = (xsdc__long)87654321;
ct.ctString = "World";
ct.ctIntArray = &intArray;
printf( "multiComplexParametersIntReturn\n" );
npr = multiComplexParametersIntReturn(ws, "Hello", &ct, 27, 13.31, &stringArray);
printf( "multiComplexParametersIntReturn returned %d\n" , npr );
//test multiComplexParametersMultiComplexReturn
xsdc__string OutValue0 = "";
ComplexType1* OutValue1;
xsdc__int outValue22 = 0;
xsdc__double outValue33 = 0;
printf( "multiComplexParametersMultiComplexReturn\n" );
multiComplexParametersMultiComplexReturn(ws, "Hello", &ct, 27, 13.31, &stringArray,
&OutValue0, &OutValue1, &outValue22, &outValue33);
printf( "multiComplexParametersMultiComplexReturn returned %s , %s\n" , OutValue0 , OutValue1->ctString);
ComplexNilType1 cnt;
xsdc__long longValue = 87654321;
cnt.ctLong = &longValue;
cnt.ctString = NULL;
cnt.ctIntArray = &intArray;
printf( "multiComplexParametersNilIntReturn\n" );
npr = multiComplexParametersNilIntReturn(ws, NULL, &cnt, NULL, NULL, &stringArray);
printf( "multiComplexParametersNilIntReturn returned %d\n" , npr );
/* Commented out as there is a bug in WSDL2Ws.
* AXISCPP-565 is the Jira against this problem.
xsdc__double* moDouble;
xsdc__int* moInt;
xsdc__string moString;
printf( "noParametersMultiReturn\n" );
ws.noParametersMultiReturn(&moDouble, &moInt, &moString);
printf( "noParametersMultiReturn returned " , *moDouble , " " , *moInt , " " , moString );
* Removed from WSDL for time being.
xsdc__int_Array int_in;
xsdc__double_Array double_in;
xsdc__string_Array string_in;
xsdc__double arrayOfDoubleValue[ARRAYSIZE];
xsdc__int arrayOfIntValue[ARRAYSIZE];
xsdc__double * arrayOfDouble[ARRAYSIZE];
xsdc__int * arrayOfInt2[ARRAYSIZE];
xsdc__string arrayOfString2[ARRAYSIZE];
for (x=0; x<ARRAYSIZE; x++)
arrayOfIntValue[x] = x+1;
arrayOfInt2[x] = &arrayOfIntValue[x];
int_in.m_Array = arrayOfInt2;
int_in.m_Size = ARRAYSIZE;
int_in.m_Type = XSDC_INT;
for (x=0; x<ARRAYSIZE; x++)
arrayOfDoubleValue[x] = (xsdc__double)x+71.15656;
arrayOfDouble[x] = &arrayOfDoubleValue[x];
double_in.m_Array = arrayOfDouble;
double_in.m_Size = ARRAYSIZE;
double_in.m_Type = XSDC_DOUBLE;
arrayOfString2[0] = str1;
arrayOfString2[1] = str2;
string_in.m_Array = arrayOfString2;
string_in.m_Size = ARRAYSIZE;
string_in.m_Type = XSDC_STRING;
printf( "multiArrayParametersIntReturn\n" );
npr = multiArrayParametersIntReturn(ws, &int_in, &double_in, &string_in);
printf( "multiArrayParametersIntReturn returned %d\n" , npr );
ComplexType2 ct2;
ComplexType2* ctr;
ct2.ctLong = (xsdc__long)98765432;
ct2.ctIntArray = &intArray;
ct2.ctString = "Complex2";
ct2.ctComplex = &ct;
printf( "complexParameterComplexReturn\n" );
ctr = complexParameterComplexReturn(ws, &ct2);
printf( "complexParameterComplexReturn returned %s\n" , ctr->ctString );
Axis_Delete_ComplexType2(ctr, 0);
ct2.ctLong = (xsdc__long)22222222;
ct2.ctString = NULL;
ct2.ctComplex = NULL;
printf( "complexParameterComplexReturn with nil parameters\n" );
ctr = complexParameterComplexReturn(ws, &ct2);
printf( "complexParameterComplexReturn with nil parameters returned %lld\n" , ctr->ctLong );
Axis_Delete_ComplexType2(ctr, 0);
printf("---------------------- TEST COMPLETE -----------------------------\n");
return 0;