blob: 660ecf127dda434621fe0cfce951d4cb2c81f594 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
plan tests => 130;
use Test::Exception;
use_ok 'Avro::Schema';
dies_ok { Avro::Schema->new } "Should use parse() or instantiate the subclass";
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse(q()) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse";
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse(q(test)) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse";
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse(q({"type": t})) }
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse(q({"type": t})) }
my $s = Avro::Schema->parse(q("string"));
isa_ok $s, 'Avro::Schema::Base';
isa_ok $s, 'Avro::Schema::Primitive',
is $s->type, "string", "type is string";
my $s2 = Avro::Schema->parse(q({"type": "string"}));
isa_ok $s2, 'Avro::Schema::Primitive';
is $s2->type, "string", "type is string";
is $s, $s2, "string Schematas are singletons";
## Records
my $s3 = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'long' },
{ name => 'b', type => 'string' },
isa_ok $s3, 'Avro::Schema::Record';
is $s3->type, 'record', "this is a record type";
is $s3->fullname, 'saucisson', "correct name";
is $s3->fields->[0]{name}, 'a', 'a';
is $s3->fields->[0]{type}, Avro::Schema::Primitive->new(type => 'long'), 'long';
is $s3->fields->[1]{name}, 'b', 'b';
is $s3->fields->[1]{type}, Avro::Schema::Primitive->new(type => 'string'), 'str';
## self-reference
$s3 = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'long' },
{ name => 'b', type => 'saucisson' },
isa_ok $s3, 'Avro::Schema::Record';
is $s3->fullname, 'saucisson', "correct name";
is $s3->fields->[0]{name}, 'a', 'a';
is $s3->fields->[0]{type}, Avro::Schema::Primitive->new(type => 'long'), 'long';
is $s3->fields->[1]{name}, 'b', 'b';
is $s3->fields->[1]{type}, $s3, 'self!';
## serialize
my $string = $s3->to_string;
like $string, qr/saucisson/, "generated string has 'saucisson'";
my $s3bis = Avro::Schema->parse($string);
is_deeply $s3bis->to_struct, $s3->to_struct,
'regenerated structure matches original';
## record fields can have defaults
my @good_ints = (2, -1, -(2**31 - 1), 2_147_483_647, "2147483647" );
my @bad_ints = ("", "string", 9.22337204, 9.22337204E10, \"2");
my @good_longs = (1, 2, -3);
my @bad_longs = (9.22337204, 9.22337204E10 + 0.1, \"2");
use Config;
if ($Config{use64bitint}) {
push @bad_ints, (2**32 - 1, 4_294_967_296, 9_223_372_036_854_775_807);
push @good_longs, (9_223_372_036_854_775_807, 3e10);
push @bad_longs, 9_223_372_036_854_775_808;
else {
require Math::BigInt;
push @bad_ints, map { Math::BigInt->new($_) }
("0xFFFF_FFFF", "0x1_0000_0000", "0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF");
push @good_longs, map { Math::BigInt->new($_) }
("9_223_372_036_854_775_807", "3e10");
push @bad_longs, Math::BigInt->new("9_223_372_036_854_775_808");
for (@good_ints) {
my $s4 = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => { name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'int', default => $_ },
is $s4->fields->[0]{default}, $_, "default $_";
for (@good_longs) {
my $s4 = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => { name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'long', default => $_ },
is $s4->fields->[0]{default}, $_, "default $_";
for (@bad_ints) {
throws_ok { Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => { name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'int', default => $_ },
) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse", "invalid default: $_";
for (@bad_longs) {
throws_ok { Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => { name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'long', default => $_ },
) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse", "invalid default: $_";
## default of more complex types
throws_ok {
struct => { name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'union', default => 1 },
} "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse", "union don't have default: $@";
my $s4 = Avro::Schema->parse_struct(
type => 'record',
name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'string', type => 'string', default => "something" },
{ name => 'map', type => { type => 'map', values => 'long' }, default => {a => 2} },
{ name => 'array', type => { type => 'array', items => 'long' }, default => [1, 2] },
{ name => 'bytes', type => 'bytes', default => "something" },
{ name => 'null', type => 'null', default => undef },
is $s4->fields->[0]{default}, "something", "string default";
is_deeply $s4->fields->[1]{default}, { a => 2 }, "map default";
is_deeply $s4->fields->[2]{default}, [1, 2], "array default";
is $s4->fields->[3]{default}, "something", "bytes default";
is $s4->fields->[4]{default}, undef, "null default";
## TODO: technically we should verify that default map/array match values
## and items types defined
## ordering
for (qw(ascending descending ignore)) {
my $s4 = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'int', order => $_ },
is $s4->fields->[0]{order}, $_, "order set to $_";
throws_ok { Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => { name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => 'long', order => $_ },
) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse", "invalid order: $_";
## Unions
my $spec_example = <<EOJ;
"type": "record",
"name": "LongList",
"fields" : [
{"name": "value", "type": "long"},
{"name": "next", "type": ["LongList", "null"]}
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($spec_example);
is $schema->type, 'record', "type record";
is $schema->fullname, 'LongList', "name is LongList";
## Union checks
# can only contain one type
$s = <<EOJ;
["null", "null"]
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) }
$s = <<EOJ;
["long", "string", "float", "string"]
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) }
$s = <<EOJ;
"type": "record",
"name": "embed",
"fields": [
{"name": "value", "type":
{ "type": "record", "name": "rec1", "fields": [
{ "name": "str1", "type": "string"}
] }
{"name": "next", "type": ["embed", "rec1", "embed"] }
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) }
'two records with same name in the union';
$s = <<EOJ;
"type": "record",
"name": "embed",
"fields": [
{"name": "value", "type":
{ "type": "record", "name": "rec1", "fields": [
{ "name": "str1", "type": "string"}
] }
{"name": "next", "type": ["embed", "rec1"] }
lives_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) }
'two records of different names in the union';
# cannot directly embed another union
$s = <<EOJ;
["long", ["string", "float"], "string"]
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) }
'Avro::Schema::Error::Parse', "cannot embed union in union";
## Enums!
my $s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "enum", "name": "theenum", "symbols": [ "A", "B" ]}
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($s);
is $schema->type, 'enum', "enum";
is $schema->fullname, 'theenum', "fullname";
is $schema->symbols->[0], "A", "symbol A";
is $schema->symbols->[1], "B", "symbol B";
my $string = $schema->to_string;
my $s2 = Avro::Schema->parse($string)->to_struct;
is_deeply $s2, $schema->to_struct, "reserialized identically";
## Arrays
my $s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "array", "items": "string" }
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($s);
is $schema->type, 'array', "array";
isa_ok $schema->items, 'Avro::Schema::Primitive';
is $schema->items->type, 'string', "type of items is string";
my $string = $schema->to_string;
my $s2 = Avro::Schema->parse($string);
is_deeply $s2, $schema, "reserialized identically";
## Maps
my $s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "map", "values": "string" }
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($s);
is $schema->type, 'map', "map";
isa_ok $schema->values, 'Avro::Schema::Primitive';
is $schema->values->type, 'string', "type of values is string";
my $string = $schema->to_string;
my $s2 = Avro::Schema->parse($string);
is_deeply $s2, $schema, "reserialized identically";
## Fixed
my $s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "fixed", "name": "somefixed", "size": "something" }
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse",
"size must be an int";
$s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "fixed", "name": "somefixed", "size": -100 }
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse",
"size must be a POSITIVE int";
$s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "fixed", "name": "somefixed", "size": 0 }
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse",
"size must be a POSITIVE int > 0";
$s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "fixed", "name": "somefixed", "size": 0.2 }
throws_ok { Avro::Schema->parse($s) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Parse",
"size must be an int";
$s = <<EOJ;
{ "type": "fixed", "name": "somefixed", "size": 5e2 }
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($s);
is $schema->type, 'fixed', "fixed";
is $schema->fullname, 'somefixed', "name";
is $schema->size, 500, "size of fixed";
my $string = $schema->to_string;
my $s2 = Avro::Schema->parse($string);
is_deeply $s2, $schema, "reserialized identically";
# fixed type referenced using short name without namespace
my $s = <<EOJ;
"type": "record",
"name": "HandshakeRequest", "namespace":"org.apache.avro.ipc",
"fields": [
{"name": "clientHash",
"type": {"type": "fixed", "name": "MD5", "size": 16}},
{"name": "clientProtocol", "type": ["null", "string"]},
{"name": "serverHash", "type": "MD5"},
{"name": "meta", "type": ["null", {"type": "map", "values": "bytes"}]}
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($s);
is $schema->type, 'record', 'HandshakeRequest type ok';
is $schema->namespace, 'org.apache.avro.ipc', 'HandshakeRequest namespace ok';
is $schema->fields->[0]->{type}->{name}, 'MD5', 'HandshakeRequest clientHash type ok';
is $schema->fields->[2]->{type}->{name}, 'MD5', 'HandshakeRequest serverHash type ok';
## Schema resolution
my @s = split /\n/, <<EOJ;
{ "type": "int" }
{ "type": "long" }
{ "type": "float" }
{ "type": "double" }
{ "type": "boolean" }
{ "type": "null" }
{ "type": "string" }
{ "type": "bytes" }
{ "type": "array", "items": "string" }
{ "type": "fixed", "size": 1, "name": "fixed" }
{ "type": "enum", "name": "enum", "symbols": [ "s" ] }
{ "type": "map", "values": "long" }
{ "type": "record", "name": "r", "fields": [ { "name": "a", "type": "long" }] }
my %s;
for (@s) {
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($_);
$s{ $schema->type } = $schema;
ok ( Avro::Schema->match(
reader => $schema,
writer => $schema,
), "identical match!");
## schema promotion
match_ok($s{int}, $s{long});
match_ok($s{int}, $s{float});
match_ok($s{int}, $s{double});
match_ok($s{long}, $s{float});
match_ok($s{double}, $s{double});
match_ok($s{float}, $s{double});
## some non promotion
match_nok($s{long}, $s{int});
match_nok($s{float}, $s{int});
match_nok($s{string}, $s{bytes});
match_nok($s{bytes}, $s{string});
match_nok($s{double}, $s{float});
match_nok($s{null}, $s{boolean});
match_nok($s{boolean}, $s{int});
match_nok($s{boolean}, $s{string});
match_nok($s{boolean}, $s{fixed});
## complex type details
my @alt = split /\n/, <<EOJ;
{ "type": "array", "items": "int" }
{ "type": "fixed", "size": 2, "name": "fixed" }
{ "type": "enum", "name": "enum2", "symbols": [ "b" ] }
{ "type": "map", "values": "null" }
{ "type": "record", "name": "r2", "fields": [ { "name": "b", "type": "long" }] }
my %alt;
for (@alt) {
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse($_);
$alt{ $schema->type } = $schema;
match_nok($s{$schema->type}, $schema, "not same subtypes/names");
## union in a record.field
my $s = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'a', type => [ 'long', 'null' ] },
isa_ok $s, 'Avro::Schema::Record';
is $s->fields->[0]{name}, 'a', 'a';
isa_ok $s->fields->[0]{type}, 'Avro::Schema::Union';
sub match_ok {
my ($w, $r, $msg) = @_;
$msg ||= "match_ok";
ok(Avro::Schema->match(reader => $r, writer => $w), $msg);
sub match_nok {
my ($w, $r, $msg) = @_;
$msg ||= "non matching";
ok !Avro::Schema->match(reader => $r, writer => $w), $msg;