blob: 01b6c2265b4db5c43f324de7cbd971e53e15d057 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use_ok 'Avro::Schema';
## name validation
no warnings 'qw';
my @bad_names = qw/0 01 0a $ % $s . - -1 (x) #s # π
@ !q ^f [ ( { } ) ] ~ ` ?a :a ;a
a- a^ a% a[ .. ... .a .a. a./;
my @bad_namespaces = @bad_names;
for my $name (@bad_names) {
throws_ok { Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => $name,
fields => [ { name => 'a', type => 'long' } ],
) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Name", "bad name: $name";
for my $ns (@bad_namespaces) {
throws_ok { Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'name',
namespace => $ns,
fields => [ { name => 'a', type => 'long' } ],
) } "Avro::Schema::Error::Name", "bad ns: $ns";
## name + namespace (bullet 1 of spec)
my $r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'saucisson',
namespace => 'dry',
fields => [ { name => 'a', type => 'long' } ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.saucisson', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
## fullname (bullet 2 of spec)
my $r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'dry.saucisson',
fields => [ { name => 'a', type => 'long' } ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.saucisson', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
$r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'dry.saucisson',
namespace => 'archiduchesse.chaussette', ## ignored
fields => [ { name => 'a', type => 'long' } ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.saucisson', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
## name only (bullet 3 of spec)
my $r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'container',
namespace => 'dry',
fields => [ {
name => 'a', type => {
type => 'record', name => 'saucisson', fields => [
{ name => 'aa', type => 'long' },
} ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.container', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
my $subr = $r->fields->[0]{type};
is $subr->fullname, 'dry.saucisson', 'dry.saucisson';
is $subr->namespace, 'dry', "sub ns is dry";
$r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'dry.container',
fields => [ {
name => 'a', type => {
type => 'record', name => 'saucisson', fields => [
{ name => 'aa', type => 'long' },
} ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.container', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
$subr = $r->fields->[0]{type};
is $subr->fullname, 'dry.saucisson', 'dry.saucisson';
is $subr->namespace, 'dry', "sub ns is dry";
$r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'dry.container',
fields => [ {
name => 'a', type => {
type => 'record', name => 'duchesse.saucisson', fields => [
{ name => 'aa', type => 'long' },
} ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.container', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
$subr = $r->fields->[0]{type};
is $subr->fullname, 'duchesse.saucisson', 'duchesse.saucisson';
is $subr->namespace, 'duchesse', "sub ns is duchesse";
$r = Avro::Schema::Record->new(
struct => {
name => 'dry.container',
fields => [ {
name => 'a', type => {
type => 'record',
namespace => 'duc',
name => 'saucisson',
fields => [
{ name => 'aa', type => 'long' },
} ],
is $r->fullname, 'dry.container', "correct fullname";
is $r->namespace, 'dry', "ns is dry";
$subr = $r->fields->[0]{type};
is $subr->fullname, 'duc.saucisson', 'duc.saucisson';
is $subr->namespace, 'duc', "sub ns is duc";