blob: c89a511682b18559993f9adcef77121be18300fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <avro.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Test code for JIRA Issue AVRO-984.
* AVRO-984: Avro-C schema resolution fails on nested array
* This program tests schema resolution for nested arrays. For the
* purposes of this test, there are two schemas "old" and "new" which
* are created by reading the same JSON schema.
* The test creates and populates a nested array, and serializes it to
* memory. The raw memory is written to a file, primarily to decouple
* writing and reading. Note that the schema is not written to the
* file. The nested array is also printed to the screen.
* The binary file is then read using two separate readers -- the
* matched reader and the resolved reader.
* In the matched reader case, the "old" and "new" schemas are known
* to match, and therefore no schema resolution is done. The binary
* buffer is deserialized into an avro value and the nested array
* encoded in the avro value is printed to the screen.
* In the resolved reader case, the "old" and "new" schemas are not
* known to match, and therefore schema resolution is performed. (Note
* that the schemas *do* match, but we perform schema resolution
* anyway, to test the resolution process). The schema resolution
* appears to succeed. However, once the code tries to perform an
* "avro_value_read()" the code fails to read the nested array into
* the avro value.
* Additionally valgrind indicates that conditional jumps are being
* performed based on uninitialized values.
* AVRO-C was compiled with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=avrolib
* The static library (libavro.a) was copied into a subdirectory of avrolib/lib/static
* This file was compiled under Linux using:
* gcc -g avro-984-test.c -o avro984 -I../../build/avrolib/include -L../../build/avrolib/lib/static -lavro
* The code was tested with valgrind using the command:
* valgrind -v --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./avro984
// Encode the following json string in NESTED_ARRAY
// {"type":"array", "items": {"type": "array", "items": "long"}}
#define NESTED_ARRAY \
"{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": {\"type\": \"array\", \"items\": \"long\"}}"
avro_schema_t schema_old = NULL;
avro_schema_t schema_new = NULL;
/* Parse schema into a schema data structure */
void init_schema(void)
avro_schema_error_t error;
if (avro_schema_from_json(NESTED_ARRAY, sizeof(NESTED_ARRAY),
&schema_old, &error)) {
printf( "Unable to parse old schema\n");
if (avro_schema_from_json(NESTED_ARRAY, sizeof(NESTED_ARRAY),
&schema_new, &error)) {
printf( "Unable to parse new schema\n");
#define try(call, msg) \
do { \
if (call) { \
printf( msg ":\n %s\n", avro_strerror()); \
exit (EXIT_FAILURE); \
} \
} while (0)
/* The input avro_value_t p_array should contain a nested array.
* Print the fields of this nested array to the screen.
int print_array_fields ( avro_value_t *p_array )
size_t idx;
size_t length;
avro_type_t val_type;
val_type = avro_value_get_type( p_array );
printf( "Main array type = %d\n", val_type );
try( avro_value_get_size( p_array, &length ),
"Couldn't get array size" );
printf( "Main array length = %d\n", (int) length );
for ( idx = 0; idx < length; idx ++ )
avro_value_t subarray;
size_t sublength;
size_t jdx;
const char *unused;
try ( avro_value_get_by_index( p_array, idx, &subarray, &unused ),
"Couldn't get subarray" );
val_type = avro_value_get_type( &subarray );
printf( "Subarray type = %d\n", val_type );
try( avro_value_get_size( &subarray, &sublength ),
"Couldn't get subarray size" );
printf( "Subarray length = %d\n", (int) sublength );
for ( jdx = 0; jdx < sublength; jdx++ )
avro_value_t element;
int64_t val;
try ( avro_value_get_by_index( &subarray, jdx, &element, &unused ),
"Couldn't get subarray element" );
val_type = avro_value_get_type( &element );
try ( avro_value_get_long( &element, &val ),
"Couldn't get subarray element value" );
printf( "nested_array[%d][%d]: type = %d value = %lld\n",
(int) idx, (int) jdx, (int) val_type, (long long) val );
return 0;
/* The input avro_value_t p_subarray should contain an array of long
* integers. Add "elements" number of long integers to this array. Set
* the values to be distinct based on the iteration parameter.
int add_subarray( avro_value_t *p_subarray,
int32_t elements,
int32_t iteration )
avro_value_t element;
size_t index;
size_t idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < (size_t) elements; idx ++ )
// Append avro array element to subarray
try ( avro_value_append( p_subarray, &element, &index ),
"Error appending element in subarray" );
try ( avro_value_set_long( &element, (iteration+1)*100 + (iteration+1) ),
"Error setting subarray element" );
return 0;
/* Create a nested array using the schema NESTED_ARRAY. Populate its
* elements with unique values. Serialize the nested array to the
* memory buffer in avro_writer_t. The number of elements in the first
* dimension of the nested array is "elements". The number of elements
* in the second dimension of the nested array is hardcoded to 2.
int add_array( avro_writer_t writer,
int32_t elements )
avro_schema_t chosen_schema;
avro_value_iface_t *nested_array_class;
avro_value_t nested;
int32_t idx;
// Select (hardcode) schema to use
chosen_schema = schema_old;
// Create avro class and value
nested_array_class = avro_generic_class_from_schema( chosen_schema );
try ( avro_generic_value_new( nested_array_class, &nested ),
"Error creating instance of record" );
for ( idx = 0; idx < elements; idx ++ )
avro_value_t subarray;
size_t index;
// Append avro array element for top level array
try ( avro_value_append( &nested, &subarray, &index ),
"Error appending subarray" );
// Populate array element with subarray of length 2
try ( add_subarray( &subarray, SUBARRAY_LENGTH, idx ),
"Error populating subarray" );
// Write the value to memory
try ( avro_value_write( writer, &nested ),
"Unable to write nested into memory" );
print_array_fields( &nested );
// Release the record
avro_value_decref( &nested );
avro_value_iface_decref( nested_array_class );
return 0;
/* Create a raw binary file containing a serialized version of a
* nested array. This file will later be read by
* read_nested_array_file().
int write_nested_array_file ( int64_t buf_len, const char *raw_binary_file_name )
char *buf;
avro_writer_t nested_writer;
FILE *fid = NULL;
fprintf( stdout, "Create %s\n", raw_binary_file_name );
// Allocate a buffer
buf = (char *) malloc( buf_len * sizeof( char ) );
if ( buf == NULL )
printf( "There was an error creating the nested buffer %s.\n", raw_binary_file_name);
/* Create a new memory writer */
nested_writer = avro_writer_memory( buf, buf_len );
if ( nested_writer == NULL )
printf( "There was an error creating the buffer for writing %s.\n", raw_binary_file_name);
/* Add an array containing 4 subarrays */
printf( "before avro_writer_tell %d\n", (int) avro_writer_tell( nested_writer ) );
#define ARRAY_LENGTH (4)
add_array( nested_writer, ARRAY_LENGTH );
printf( "after avro_writer_tell %d\n", (int) avro_writer_tell( nested_writer ) );
/* Serialize the nested array */
printf( "Serialize the data to a file\n");
/* Delete the nested array if it exists, and create a new one */
fid = fopen( raw_binary_file_name, "w+");
if ( fid == NULL )
printf( "There was an error creating the file %s.\n", raw_binary_file_name);
fwrite( buf, 1, avro_writer_tell( nested_writer ), fid );
avro_writer_free( nested_writer );
return 0;
/* Read the raw binary file containing a serialized version of a
* nested array, written by write_nested_array_file()
int read_nested_array_file ( int64_t buf_len,
const char *raw_binary_file_name,
avro_schema_t writer_schema,
avro_schema_t reader_schema,
int use_resolving_reader
char *buf;
FILE *fid = NULL;
avro_reader_t nested_reader;
int64_t file_len;
// For Matched Reader and Resolving Reader
avro_value_iface_t *reader_class;
avro_value_t nested;
// For Resolving Reader
avro_value_iface_t *resolver;
avro_value_t resolved_value;
fprintf( stdout, "Use %s reader\n", use_resolving_reader ? "Resolving":"Matched" );
// Allocate a buffer
buf = (char *) calloc( buf_len, sizeof( char ) );
if ( buf == NULL )
printf( "There was an error creating the buffer for reading %s.\n", raw_binary_file_name);
// Start with a garbage buffer
memset(buf, 0xff, buf_len );
// Read the file into the buffer
fid = fopen( raw_binary_file_name, "r" );
if ( fid == NULL )
printf( "There was an error reading the file %s.\n", raw_binary_file_name);
file_len = fread( buf, 1, buf_len, fid );
printf( "Read %d bytes\n", (int) file_len );
if ( use_resolving_reader )
// Resolving Reader
/* First resolve the writer and reader schemas */
resolver = avro_resolved_writer_new( writer_schema, reader_schema );
if ( !resolver )
printf( "Could not create resolver\n");
/* Create a value that the resolver can write into. This is just
* an interface value, that is not directly read from.
if ( avro_resolved_writer_new_value( resolver, &resolved_value ) )
avro_value_iface_decref( resolver );
/* Then create the value with the reader schema, that we are going
* to use to read from.
reader_class = avro_generic_class_from_schema(reader_schema);
try ( avro_generic_value_new( reader_class, &nested ),
"Error creating instance of nested array" );
// When we read the memory using the resolved writer, we want to
// populate the instance of the value with the reader schema. This
// is done by set_dest.
avro_resolved_writer_set_dest(&resolved_value, &nested);
// Create a memory reader
nested_reader = avro_reader_memory( buf, buf_len );
if ( avro_value_read( nested_reader, &resolved_value ) )
printf( "Avro value read failed\n" );
avro_value_decref( &nested );
avro_value_iface_decref( reader_class );
avro_value_iface_decref( resolver );
avro_value_decref( &resolved_value );
// Matched Reader
reader_class = avro_generic_class_from_schema(reader_schema);
try ( avro_generic_value_new( reader_class, &nested ),
"Error creating instance of nested array" );
// Send the memory in the buffer into the reader
nested_reader = avro_reader_memory( buf, buf_len );
try ( avro_value_read( nested_reader, &nested ),
"Could not read value from memory" );
/* Now the resolved record has been read into "nested" which is
* a value of type reader_class
print_array_fields( &nested );
if ( use_resolving_reader )
// Resolving Reader
avro_value_decref( &nested );
avro_value_iface_decref( reader_class );
avro_value_iface_decref( resolver );
avro_value_decref( &resolved_value );
// Matched Reader
avro_value_decref( &nested );
avro_value_iface_decref( reader_class );
fprintf( stdout, "Done.\n\n");
avro_reader_free( nested_reader );
return 0;
/* Top level function to impelement a test for the JIRA issue
* AVRO-984. See detailed documentation at the top of this file.
int main(void)
const char *raw_binary_file_name = "nested_array.bin";
int64_t buf_len = 2048;
int use_resolving_reader;
/* Initialize the schema structure from JSON */
printf( "Write the serialized nested array to %s\n", raw_binary_file_name );
write_nested_array_file( buf_len, raw_binary_file_name );
printf("\nNow read all the array back out\n\n");
for ( use_resolving_reader = 0; use_resolving_reader < 2; use_resolving_reader++ )
read_nested_array_file( buf_len,
// Close out schemas
// Remove the binary file
return 0;