blob: 6c29ccced7886d17a5c2878612488cf00992f1ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.avro.reflect;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException;
import org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException;
import org.apache.avro.Protocol;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData;
import org.apache.avro.reflect.TestReflect.SampleRecord.AnotherSampleRecord;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.NullNode;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestReflect {
EncoderFactory factory = new EncoderFactory();
// test primitive type inference
@Test public void testVoid() {
check(Void.TYPE, "\"null\"");
check(Void.class, "\"null\"");
@Test public void testBoolean() {
check(Boolean.TYPE, "\"boolean\"");
check(Boolean.class, "\"boolean\"");
@Test public void testInt() {
check(Integer.TYPE, "\"int\"");
check(Integer.class, "\"int\"");
@Test public void testByte() {
check(Byte.TYPE, "{\"type\":\"int\",\"java-class\":\"java.lang.Byte\"}");
check(Byte.class, "{\"type\":\"int\",\"java-class\":\"java.lang.Byte\"}");
@Test public void testShort() {
check(Short.TYPE, "{\"type\":\"int\",\"java-class\":\"java.lang.Short\"}");
check(Short.class, "{\"type\":\"int\",\"java-class\":\"java.lang.Short\"}");
@Test public void testChar() {
check(Character.TYPE, "{\"type\":\"int\",\"java-class\":\"java.lang.Character\"}");
check(Character.class, "{\"type\":\"int\",\"java-class\":\"java.lang.Character\"}");
@Test public void testLong() {
check(Long.TYPE, "\"long\"");
check(Long.class, "\"long\"");
@Test public void testFloat() {
check(Float.TYPE, "\"float\"");
check(Float.class, "\"float\"");
@Test public void testDouble() {
check(Double.TYPE, "\"double\"");
check(Double.class, "\"double\"");
@Test public void testString() {
check("Foo", "\"string\"");
@Test public void testBytes() {
check(ByteBuffer.allocate(0), "\"bytes\"");
check(new byte[0], "{\"type\":\"bytes\",\"java-class\":\"[B\"}");
@Test public void testUnionWithCollection() {
Schema s = new Schema.Parser().parse
("[\"null\", {\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"float\"}]");
GenericData data = ReflectData.get();
assertEquals(1, data.resolveUnion(s, new ArrayList<Float>()));
@Test public void testUnionWithMap() {
Schema s = new Schema.Parser().parse
("[\"null\", {\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":\"float\"}]");
GenericData data = ReflectData.get();
assertEquals(1, data.resolveUnion(s, new HashMap<String,Float>()));
@Test public void testUnionWithFixed() {
Schema s = new Schema.Parser().parse
("[\"null\", {\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"f\",\"size\":1}]");
Schema f = new Schema.Parser().parse("{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"f\",\"size\":1}");
GenericData data = ReflectData.get();
assertEquals(1, data.resolveUnion(s, new GenericData.Fixed(f)));
@Test public void testUnionWithEnum() {
Schema s = new Schema.Parser().parse
("[\"null\", {\"type\":\"enum\",\"name\":\"E\",\"namespace\":" +
GenericData data = ReflectData.get();
assertEquals(1, data.resolveUnion(s, E.A));
@Test public void testUnionWithBytes() {
Schema s = new Schema.Parser().parse ("[\"null\", \"bytes\"]");
GenericData data = ReflectData.get();
assertEquals(1, data.resolveUnion(s, ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{1})));
// test map, array and list type inference
public static class R1 {
private Map<String,String> mapField = new HashMap<String,String>();
private String[] arrayField = new String[] { "foo" };
private List<String> listField = new ArrayList<String>();
mapField.put("foo", "bar");
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R1)) return false;
R1 that = (R1)o;
return mapField.equals(that.mapField)
&& Arrays.equals(this.arrayField, that.arrayField)
&& listField.equals(that.listField);
@Test public void testMap() throws Exception {
@Test public void testArray() throws Exception {
@Test public void testList() throws Exception {
@Test public void testR1() throws Exception {
checkReadWrite(new R1());
// test record, array and list i/o
public static class R2 {
private String[] arrayField;
private Collection<String> collectionField;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R2)) return false;
R2 that = (R2)o;
return Arrays.equals(this.arrayField, that.arrayField)
&& collectionField.equals(that.collectionField);
@Test public void testR2() throws Exception {
R2 r2 = new R2();
r2.arrayField = new String[] {"foo"};
r2.collectionField = new ArrayList<String>();
// test array i/o of unboxed type
public static class R3 {
private int[] intArray;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R3)) return false;
R3 that = (R3)o;
return Arrays.equals(this.intArray, that.intArray);
@Test public void testR3() throws Exception {
R3 r3 = new R3();
r3.intArray = new int[] {1};
// test inherited fields & short datatype
public static class R4 {
public short value;
public short[] shorts;
public byte b;
public char c;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R4)) return false;
R4 that = (R4)o;
return this.value == that.value
&& Arrays.equals(this.shorts, that.shorts)
&& this.b == that.b
&& this.c == that.c;
public static class R5 extends R4 {}
@Test public void testR5() throws Exception {
R5 r5 = new R5();
r5.value = 1;
r5.shorts = new short[] {3,255,256,Short.MAX_VALUE,Short.MIN_VALUE};
r5.b = 99;
r5.c = 'a';
// test union annotation on a class
@Union({R7.class, R8.class})
public static class R6 {}
public static class R7 extends R6 {
public int value;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R7)) return false;
return this.value == ((R7)o).value;
public static class R8 extends R6 {
public float value;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R8)) return false;
return this.value == ((R8)o).value;
// test arrays of union annotated class
public static class R9 {
public R6[] r6s;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R9)) return false;
return Arrays.equals(this.r6s, ((R9)o).r6s);
@Test public void testR6() throws Exception {
R7 r7 = new R7();
r7.value = 1;
checkReadWrite(r7, ReflectData.get().getSchema(R6.class));
R8 r8 = new R8();
r8.value = 1;
checkReadWrite(r8, ReflectData.get().getSchema(R6.class));
R9 r9 = new R9();
r9.r6s = new R6[] {r7, r8};
checkReadWrite(r9, ReflectData.get().getSchema(R9.class));
// test union annotation on methods and parameters
public static interface P0 {
String foo(@Union({Void.class,String.class}) String s);
@Test public void testP0() throws Exception {
Protocol p0 = ReflectData.get().getProtocol(P0.class);
Protocol.Message message = p0.getMessages().get("foo");
// check response schema is union
Schema response = message.getResponse();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, response.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, response.getTypes().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, response.getTypes().get(1).getType());
// check request schema is union
Schema request = message.getRequest();
Field field = request.getField("s");
assertNotNull("field 's' should not be null", field);
Schema param = field.schema();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, param.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, param.getTypes().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, param.getTypes().get(1).getType());
// check union erasure
assertEquals(String.class, ReflectData.get().getClass(response));
assertEquals(String.class, ReflectData.get().getClass(param));
// test Stringable annotation
@Stringable public static class R10 {
private String text;
public R10(String text) { this.text = text; }
public String toString() { return text; }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R10)) return false;
return this.text.equals(((R10)o).text);
@Test public void testR10() throws Exception {
Schema r10Schema = ReflectData.get().getSchema(R10.class);
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, r10Schema.getType());
assertEquals(R10.class.getName(), r10Schema.getProp("java-class"));
checkReadWrite(new R10("foo"), r10Schema);
// test Nullable annotation on field
public static class R11 {
@Nullable private String text;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof R11)) return false;
R11 that = (R11)o;
if (this.text == null) return that.text == null;
return this.text.equals(that.text);
@Test public void testR11() throws Exception {
Schema r11Record = ReflectData.get().getSchema(R11.class);
assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, r11Record.getType());
Field r11Field = r11Record.getField("text");
assertEquals(NullNode.getInstance(), r11Field.defaultValue());
Schema r11FieldSchema = r11Field.schema();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, r11FieldSchema.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, r11FieldSchema.getTypes().get(0).getType());
Schema r11String = r11FieldSchema.getTypes().get(1);
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, r11String.getType());
R11 r11 = new R11();
checkReadWrite(r11, r11Record);
r11.text = "foo";
checkReadWrite(r11, r11Record);
// test nullable annotation on methods and parameters
public static interface P1 {
@Nullable String foo(@Nullable String s);
@Test public void testP1() throws Exception {
Protocol p1 = ReflectData.get().getProtocol(P1.class);
Protocol.Message message = p1.getMessages().get("foo");
// check response schema is union
Schema response = message.getResponse();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, response.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, response.getTypes().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, response.getTypes().get(1).getType());
// check request schema is union
Schema request = message.getRequest();
Field field = request.getField("s");
assertNotNull("field 's' should not be null", field);
Schema param = field.schema();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, param.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, param.getTypes().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, param.getTypes().get(1).getType());
// check union erasure
assertEquals(String.class, ReflectData.get().getClass(response));
assertEquals(String.class, ReflectData.get().getClass(param));
// test AvroSchema annotation
public static class R12 { // fields
Object x;
List<String> strings;
@Test public void testR12() throws Exception {
Schema s = ReflectData.get().getSchema(R12.class);
assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, s.getField("x").schema().getType());
@AvroSchema("\"null\"") // record
public class R13 {}
@Test public void testR13() throws Exception {
Schema s = ReflectData.get().getSchema(R13.class);
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, s.getType());
public interface P4 {
@AvroSchema("\"int\"") // message value
Object foo(@AvroSchema("\"int\"")Object x); // message param
@Test public void testP4() throws Exception {
Protocol p = ReflectData.get().getProtocol(P4.class);
Protocol.Message message = p.getMessages().get("foo");
assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, message.getResponse().getType());
Field field = message.getRequest().getField("x");
assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, field.schema().getType());
// test error
public static class E1 extends Exception {}
public static interface P2 {
void error() throws E1;
@Test public void testP2() throws Exception {
Schema e1 = ReflectData.get().getSchema(E1.class);
assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, e1.getType());
Field message = e1.getField("detailMessage");
assertNotNull("field 'detailMessage' should not be null", message);
Schema messageSchema = message.schema();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, messageSchema.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, messageSchema.getTypes().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, messageSchema.getTypes().get(1).getType());
Protocol p2 = ReflectData.get().getProtocol(P2.class);
Protocol.Message m = p2.getMessages().get("error");
// check error schema is union
Schema response = m.getErrors();
assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, response.getType());
assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, response.getTypes().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(e1, response.getTypes().get(1));
@Test public void testNoPackage() throws Exception {
Class<?> noPackage = Class.forName("NoPackage");
Schema s = ReflectData.get().getSchema(noPackage);
assertEquals(noPackage.getName(), ReflectData.getClassName(s));
void checkReadWrite(Object object) throws Exception {
checkReadWrite(object, ReflectData.get().getSchema(object.getClass()));
void checkReadWrite(Object object, Schema s) throws Exception {
ReflectDatumWriter<Object> writer = new ReflectDatumWriter<Object>(s);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
writer.write(object, factory.directBinaryEncoder(out, null));
ReflectDatumReader<Object> reader = new ReflectDatumReader<Object>(s);
Object after =, DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(
out.toByteArray(), null));
assertEquals(object, after);
// check reflective setField works for records
if (s.getType().equals(Schema.Type.RECORD)) {
Object copy = object.getClass().newInstance();
for (Field f : s.getFields()) {
Object val = ReflectData.get().getField(object,, f.pos());
ReflectData.get().setField(copy,, f.pos(), val);
assertEquals("setField", object, copy);
public static enum E { A, B };
@Test public void testEnum() throws Exception {
check(E.class, "{\"type\":\"enum\",\"name\":\"E\",\"namespace\":"
public static class R { int a; long b; }
@Test public void testRecord() throws Exception {
check(R.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"R\",\"namespace\":"
public static class RAvroIgnore { @AvroIgnore int a; }
@Test public void testAnnotationAvroIgnore() throws Exception {
check(RAvroIgnore.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"RAvroIgnore\",\"namespace\":"
public static class RAvroMeta { @AvroMeta(key="K", value="V") int a; }
@Test public void testAnnotationAvroMeta() throws Exception {
check(RAvroMeta.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"RAvroMeta\",\"namespace\":"
public static class RAvroName { @AvroName("b") int a; }
@Test public void testAnnotationAvroName() throws Exception {
check(RAvroName.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"RAvroName\",\"namespace\":"
public static class RAvroNameCollide { @AvroName("b") int a; int b; }
public void testAnnotationAvroNameCollide() throws Exception {
check(RAvroNameCollide.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"RAvroNameCollide\",\"namespace\":"
public static class RAvroStringableField { @Stringable int a; }
public void testAnnotationAvroStringableFields() throws Exception {
check(RAvroStringableField.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"RAvroNameCollide\",\"namespace\":"
private void check(Object o, String schemaJson) {
check(o.getClass(), schemaJson);
private void check(Type type, String schemaJson) {
assertEquals(schemaJson, ReflectData.get().getSchema(type).toString());
public void testRecordIO() throws IOException {
Schema schm = ReflectData.get().getSchema(SampleRecord.class);
ReflectDatumWriter<SampleRecord> writer =
new ReflectDatumWriter<SampleRecord>(schm);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
SampleRecord record = new SampleRecord();
record.x = 5;
record.y = 10;
writer.write(record, factory.directBinaryEncoder(out, null));
ReflectDatumReader<SampleRecord> reader =
new ReflectDatumReader<SampleRecord>(schm);
SampleRecord decoded =, DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(
out.toByteArray(), null));
assertEquals(record, decoded);
public static class AvroEncRecord {
java.util.Date date;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof AvroEncRecord)) return false;
return date.equals(((AvroEncRecord)o).date);
public static class multipleAnnotationRecord {
Integer i1;
Integer i2;
Integer i3;
java.util.Date i4;
Integer i5;
Integer i6 = 6;
java.util.Date i7 = new java.util.Date(7L);
Integer i8;
java.util.Date i9;
java.util.Date i10 = new java.util.Date(10L);
java.util.Date i11;
public void testMultipleAnnotations() throws IOException {
Schema schm = ReflectData.get().getSchema(multipleAnnotationRecord.class);
ReflectDatumWriter<multipleAnnotationRecord> writer =
new ReflectDatumWriter<multipleAnnotationRecord>(schm);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
multipleAnnotationRecord record = new multipleAnnotationRecord();
record.i1 = 1;
record.i2 = 2;
record.i3 = 3;
record.i4 = new java.util.Date(4L);
record.i5 = 5;
record.i6 = 6;
record.i7 = new java.util.Date(7L);
record.i8 = 8;
record.i9 = new java.util.Date(9L);
record.i10 = new java.util.Date(10L);
record.i11 = new java.util.Date(11L);
writer.write(record, factory.directBinaryEncoder(out, null));
ReflectDatumReader<multipleAnnotationRecord> reader =
new ReflectDatumReader<multipleAnnotationRecord>(schm);
multipleAnnotationRecord decoded = multipleAnnotationRecord(), DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(
out.toByteArray(), null));
assertTrue(decoded.i1 == null);
assertTrue(decoded.i2 == null);
assertTrue(decoded.i3 == null);
assertTrue(decoded.i4 == null);
assertTrue(decoded.i5 == 5);
assertTrue(decoded.i6 == 6);
assertTrue(decoded.i7.getTime() == 7);
assertTrue(decoded.i8 == 8);
assertTrue(decoded.i9.getTime() == 9);
assertTrue(decoded.i10.getTime() == 10);
assertTrue(decoded.i11.getTime() == 11);
public void testAvroEncodeInducing() throws IOException {
Schema schm = ReflectData.get().getSchema(AvroEncRecord.class);
assertEquals(schm.toString(), "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"AvroEncRecord\",\"namespace" +
"\":\"org.apache.avro.reflect.TestReflect$\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"date\"," +
public void testAvroEncodeIO() throws IOException {
Schema schm = ReflectData.get().getSchema(AvroEncRecord.class);
ReflectDatumWriter<AvroEncRecord> writer =
new ReflectDatumWriter<AvroEncRecord>(schm);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
AvroEncRecord record = new AvroEncRecord(); = new java.util.Date(948833323L);
writer.write(record, factory.directBinaryEncoder(out, null));
ReflectDatumReader<AvroEncRecord> reader =
new ReflectDatumReader<AvroEncRecord>(schm);
AvroEncRecord decoded = AvroEncRecord(), DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(
out.toByteArray(), null));
assertEquals(record, decoded);
public void testRecordWithNullIO() throws IOException {
ReflectData reflectData = ReflectData.AllowNull.get();
Schema schm = reflectData.getSchema(AnotherSampleRecord.class);
ReflectDatumWriter<AnotherSampleRecord> writer =
new ReflectDatumWriter<AnotherSampleRecord>(schm);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// keep record.a null and see if that works
Encoder e = factory.directBinaryEncoder(out, null);
AnotherSampleRecord a = new AnotherSampleRecord();
writer.write(a, e);
AnotherSampleRecord b = new AnotherSampleRecord(10);
writer.write(b, e);
ReflectDatumReader<AnotherSampleRecord> reader =
new ReflectDatumReader<AnotherSampleRecord>(schm);
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
Decoder d = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(in, null);
AnotherSampleRecord decoded =, d);
assertEquals(a, decoded);
decoded =, d);
assertEquals(b, decoded);
@Test public void testDisableUnsafe() throws Exception {
String saved = System.getProperty("avro.disable.unsafe");
try {
System.setProperty("avro.disable.unsafe", "true");
} finally {
if (saved == null)
System.setProperty("avro.disable.unsafe", saved);
public static class SampleRecord {
public int x = 1;
private int y = 2;
public int hashCode() {
return x + y;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
final SampleRecord other = (SampleRecord)obj;
if (x != other.x)
return false;
if (y != other.y)
return false;
return true;
public static class AnotherSampleRecord {
private Integer a = null;
private SampleRecord s = null;
public AnotherSampleRecord() {
AnotherSampleRecord(Integer a) {
this.a = a;
this.s = new SampleRecord();
public int hashCode() {
int hash = (a != null ? a.hashCode() : 0);
hash += (s != null ? s.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof AnotherSampleRecord) {
AnotherSampleRecord o = (AnotherSampleRecord) other;
if ( (this.a == null && o.a != null) ||
(this.a != null && !this.a.equals(o.a)) ||
(this.s == null && o.s != null) ||
(this.s != null && !this.s.equals(o.s)) ) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static class X { int i; }
public static class B1 { X x; }
public static class B2 { X x; }
public static class A { B1 b1; B2 b2; }
public static interface C { void foo(A a); }
public void testForwardReference() {
ReflectData data = ReflectData.get();
Protocol reflected = data.getProtocol(C.class);
Protocol reparsed = Protocol.parse(reflected.toString());
assertEquals(reflected, reparsed);
public static interface P3 {
void m1();
void m1(int x);
public void testOverloadedMethod() {
public void testNoPackageSchema() throws Exception {
public void testNoPackageProtocol() throws Exception {
public static class Y {
int i;
/** Test nesting of reflect data within generic. */
public void testReflectWithinGeneric() throws Exception {
ReflectData data = ReflectData.get();
// define a record with a field that's a specific Y
Schema schema = Schema.createRecord("Foo", "", "x.y.z", false);
List<Schema.Field> fields = new ArrayList<Schema.Field>();
fields.add(new Schema.Field("f", data.getSchema(Y.class), "", null));
// create a generic instance of this record
Y y = new Y();
y.i = 1;
GenericData.Record record = new GenericData.Record(schema);
record.put("f", y);
// test that this instance can be written & re-read
checkBinary(schema, record);
public void testPrimitiveArray() throws Exception {
public void testPrimitiveArrayBlocking() throws Exception {
private void testPrimitiveArrays(boolean blocking) throws Exception {
testPrimitiveArray(boolean.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(byte.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(short.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(char.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(int.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(long.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(float.class, blocking);
testPrimitiveArray(double.class, blocking);
private void testPrimitiveArray(Class<?> c, boolean blocking) throws Exception {
ReflectData data = new ReflectData();
Random r = new Random();
int size = 200;
Object array = Array.newInstance(c, size);
Schema s = data.getSchema(array.getClass());
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Array.set(array, i, randomFor(c, r));
checkBinary(data, s, array, false, blocking);
private Object randomFor(Class<?> c, Random r) {
if (c == boolean.class)
return r.nextBoolean();
if (c == int.class)
return r.nextInt();
if (c == long.class)
return r.nextLong();
if (c == byte.class)
return (byte)r.nextInt();
if (c == float.class)
return r.nextFloat();
if (c == double.class)
return r.nextDouble();
if (c == char.class)
return (char)r.nextInt();
if (c == short.class)
return (short)r.nextInt();
return null;
/** Test union of null and an array. */
public void testNullArray() throws Exception {
String json = "[{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"long\"}, \"null\"]";
Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(json);
checkBinary(schema, null);
/** Test stringable classes. */
@Test public void testStringables() throws Exception {
checkStringable(java.math.BigDecimal.class, "10");
checkStringable(java.math.BigInteger.class, "20");
checkStringable(, "foo://bar:9000/baz");
checkStringable(, "http://bar:9000/baz");
checkStringable(, "");
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void checkStringable(Class c, String value) throws Exception {
ReflectData data = new ReflectData();
Schema schema = data.getSchema(c);
checkBinary(schema, c.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(value));
public static class M1 {
Map<Integer, String> integerKeyMap;
Map<java.math.BigInteger, String> bigIntegerKeyMap;
Map<java.math.BigDecimal, String> bigDecimalKeyMap;
Map<, String> fileKeyMap;
/** Test Map with stringable key classes. */
@Test public void testStringableMapKeys() throws Exception {
M1 record = new M1();
record.integerKeyMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(1);
record.integerKeyMap.put(10, "foo");
record.bigIntegerKeyMap = new HashMap<java.math.BigInteger, String>(1);
record.bigIntegerKeyMap.put(java.math.BigInteger.TEN, "bar");
record.bigDecimalKeyMap = new HashMap<java.math.BigDecimal, String>(1);
record.bigDecimalKeyMap.put(java.math.BigDecimal.ONE, "bigDecimal");
record.fileKeyMap = new HashMap<, String>(1);
record.fileKeyMap.put(new""), "file");
ReflectData data = new ReflectData().addStringable(Integer.class);
checkBinary(data, data.getSchema(M1.class), record, true);
public static class NullableStringable {
java.math.BigDecimal number;
@Test public void testNullableStringableField() throws Exception {
NullableStringable datum = new NullableStringable();
datum.number = java.math.BigDecimal.TEN;
Schema schema = ReflectData.AllowNull.get().getSchema(NullableStringable.class);
checkBinary(schema, datum);
public static void checkBinary(ReflectData reflectData, Schema schema,
Object datum, boolean equals) throws IOException {
checkBinary(reflectData, schema, datum, equals, false);
private static void checkBinary(ReflectData reflectData, Schema schema,
Object datum, boolean equals, boolean blocking) throws IOException {
ReflectDatumWriter<Object> writer = new ReflectDatumWriter<Object>(schema);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (!blocking) {
writer.write(datum, EncoderFactory.get().directBinaryEncoder(out, null));
} else {
writer.write(datum, new EncoderFactory().configureBlockSize(64)
.blockingBinaryEncoder(out, null));
writer.write(datum, EncoderFactory.get().directBinaryEncoder(out, null));
byte[] data = out.toByteArray();
ReflectDatumReader<Object> reader = new ReflectDatumReader<Object>(schema);
Object decoded =,
DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(data, null));
assertEquals(0,, decoded, schema, equals));
public static void checkBinary(Schema schema, Object datum)
throws IOException {
checkBinary(ReflectData.get(), schema, datum, false);
/** Test that the error message contains the name of the class. */
public void testReflectFieldError() throws Exception {
Object datum = "";
try {
ReflectData.get().getField(datum, "notAFieldOfString", 0);
} catch (AvroRuntimeException e) {
@AvroAlias(alias="a", space="b")
private static class AliasA { }
@AvroAlias(alias="a", space="")
private static class AliasB { }
private static class AliasC { }
public void testAvroAlias() {
check(AliasA.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"AliasA\",\"namespace\":\"org.apache.avro.reflect.TestReflect$\",\"fields\":[],\"aliases\":[\"b.a\"]}");
check(AliasB.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"AliasB\",\"namespace\":\"org.apache.avro.reflect.TestReflect$\",\"fields\":[],\"aliases\":[\"a\"]}");
check(AliasC.class, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"AliasC\",\"namespace\":\"org.apache.avro.reflect.TestReflect$\",\"fields\":[],\"aliases\":[\"a\"]}");
private static class DefaultTest {
int foo;
public void testAvroDefault() {