blob: 78f9c610c5920f9b405edabb4c8883f1a62ecd7c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
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# See
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# This menu appears only if you have at least one [params.versions] set.
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# banner on every page indicating that this is an archived version of the docs.
# Set this flag to "true" if you want to display the banner.
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# The version number for the version of the docs represented in this doc set.
# Used in the "version-banner" partial to display a version number for the
# current doc set.
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# A link to latest version of the docs. Used in the "version-banner" partial to
# point people to the main doc site.
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# Repository configuration (URLs for in-page links to opening issues and suggesting changes)
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# An optional link to a related project repo. For example, the sibling repository where your product code lives.
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# Uncomment this if you have a newer GitHub repo with "main" as the default branch,
# or specify a new value if you want to reference another branch in your GitHub links
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# User interface configuration
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# This feature depends on [services.googleAnalytics] and will be disabled if "" is not set.
# If you want this feature, but occasionally need to remove the "Feedback" section from a single page,
# add "hide_feedback: true" to the page's front matter.
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# The responses that the user sees after clicking "yes" (the page was helpful) or "no" (the page was not helpful).
yes = 'Glad to hear it! Please <a href="">tell us how we can improve</a>.'
no = 'Sorry to hear that. Please <a href="">tell us how we can improve</a>.'
# Adds a reading time to the top of each doc.
# If you want this feature, but occasionally need to remove the Reading time from a single page,
# add "hide_readingtime: true" to the page's front matter
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# End user relevant links. These will show up on left side of footer and in the community page if you have one.
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desc = "Discussion and help from your fellow users"
name ="Twitter"
url = ""
icon = "fab fa-twitter"
desc = "Follow us on Twitter to get the latest news!"
name = "Stack Overflow"
url = ""
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desc = "Practical questions and curated answers"
# Developer relevant links. These will show up on right side of footer and in the community page if you have one.
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desc = "Development takes place here!"
name = "Issues"
url = ""
icon = "fab fa-jira"
desc = "Track bugs and new features"
name = "Chat with other project developers at Slack"
url = ""
icon = "fab fa-slack"
desc = "Chat with other project developers at #avro channel"
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url = ""
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