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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Protocol implementation."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import hashlib
import json
import avro.schema
except NameError:
unicode = str
basestring # type: ignore
except NameError:
basestring = (bytes, unicode)
# Constants
# TODO(hammer): confirmed 'fixed' with Doug
VALID_TYPE_SCHEMA_TYPES = ('enum', 'record', 'error', 'fixed')
# Exceptions
class ProtocolParseException(avro.schema.AvroException):
# Base Classes
class Protocol(object):
"""An application protocol."""
def _parse_types(self, types, type_names):
type_objects = []
for type in types:
type_object = avro.schema.make_avsc_object(type, type_names)
if type_object.type not in VALID_TYPE_SCHEMA_TYPES:
fail_msg = 'Type %s not an enum, fixed, record, or error.' % type
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
return type_objects
def _parse_messages(self, messages, names):
message_objects = {}
for name, body in messages.items():
if name in message_objects:
fail_msg = 'Message name "%s" repeated.' % name
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
request = body.get('request')
response = body.get('response')
errors = body.get('errors')
except AttributeError:
fail_msg = 'Message name "%s" has non-object body %s.' % (name, body)
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
message_objects[name] = Message(name, request, response, errors, names)
return message_objects
def __init__(self, name, namespace=None, types=None, messages=None):
# Ensure valid ctor args
if not name:
fail_msg = 'Protocols must have a non-empty name.'
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
elif not isinstance(name, basestring):
fail_msg = 'The name property must be a string.'
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
elif not (namespace is None or isinstance(namespace, basestring)):
fail_msg = 'The namespace property must be a string.'
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
elif not (types is None or isinstance(types, list)):
fail_msg = 'The types property must be a list.'
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
elif not (messages is None or callable(getattr(messages, 'get', None))):
fail_msg = 'The messages property must be a JSON object.'
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
self._props = {}
self.set_prop('name', name)
type_names = avro.schema.Names()
if namespace is not None:
self.set_prop('namespace', namespace)
type_names.default_namespace = namespace
if types is not None:
self.set_prop('types', self._parse_types(types, type_names))
if messages is not None:
self.set_prop('messages', self._parse_messages(messages, type_names))
self._md5 = hashlib.md5(str(self).encode()).digest()
# read-only properties
def name(self):
return self.get_prop('name')
def namespace(self):
return self.get_prop('namespace')
def fullname(self):
return avro.schema.Name(, self.namespace, None).fullname
def types(self):
return self.get_prop('types')
def types_dict(self):
return { type for type in self.types}
def messages(self):
return self.get_prop('messages')
def md5(self):
return self._md5
def props(self):
return self._props
# utility functions to manipulate properties dict
def get_prop(self, key):
return self.props.get(key)
def set_prop(self, key, value):
self.props[key] = value
def to_json(self):
to_dump = {}
to_dump['protocol'] =
names = avro.schema.Names(default_namespace=self.namespace)
if self.namespace:
to_dump['namespace'] = self.namespace
if self.types:
to_dump['types'] = [ t.to_json(names) for t in self.types ]
if self.messages:
messages_dict = {}
for name, body in self.messages.items():
messages_dict[name] = body.to_json(names)
to_dump['messages'] = messages_dict
return to_dump
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.to_json())
def __eq__(self, that):
to_cmp = json.loads(str(self))
return to_cmp == json.loads(str(that))
class Message(object):
"""A Protocol message."""
def _parse_request(self, request, names):
if not isinstance(request, list):
fail_msg = 'Request property not a list: %s' % request
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
return avro.schema.RecordSchema(None, None, request, names, 'request')
def _parse_response(self, response, names):
if isinstance(response, basestring) and names.has_name(response, None):
return names.get_name(response, None)
return avro.schema.make_avsc_object(response, names)
def _parse_errors(self, errors, names):
if not isinstance(errors, list):
fail_msg = 'Errors property not a list: %s' % errors
raise ProtocolParseException(fail_msg)
errors_for_parsing = {'type': 'error_union', 'declared_errors': errors}
return avro.schema.make_avsc_object(errors_for_parsing, names)
def __init__(self, name, request, response, errors=None, names=None):
self._name = name
self._props = {}
self.set_prop('request', self._parse_request(request, names))
self.set_prop('response', self._parse_response(response, names))
self.set_prop('errors', self._parse_errors(errors or [], names))
# read-only properties
name = property(lambda self: self._name)
request = property(lambda self: self.get_prop('request'))
response = property(lambda self: self.get_prop('response'))
errors = property(lambda self: self.get_prop('errors'))
props = property(lambda self: self._props)
# utility functions to manipulate properties dict
def get_prop(self, key):
return self.props.get(key)
def set_prop(self, key, value):
self.props[key] = value
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.to_json())
def to_json(self, names=None):
if names is None:
names = avro.schema.Names()
to_dump = {}
to_dump['request'] = self.request.to_json(names)
to_dump['response'] = self.response.to_json(names)
if self.errors:
to_dump['errors'] = self.errors.to_json(names)
return to_dump
def __eq__(self, that):
return == and self.props == that.props
def make_avpr_object(json_data):
"""Build Avro Protocol from data parsed out of JSON string."""
name = json_data.get('protocol')
namespace = json_data.get('namespace')
types = json_data.get('types')
messages = json_data.get('messages')
except AttributeError:
raise ProtocolParseException('Not a JSON object: %s' % json_data)
return Protocol(name, namespace, types, messages)
def parse(json_string):
"""Constructs the Protocol from the JSON text."""
json_data = json.loads(json_string)
except ValueError:
raise ProtocolParseException('Error parsing JSON: %s' % json_string)
# construct the Avro Protocol object
return make_avpr_object(json_data)