blob: 7cfa022eea4a80d4017375a1b481410bf88f9eb2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.avro.generic;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException;
import org.apache.avro.Conversion;
import org.apache.avro.LogicalType;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field;
/** {@link DatumWriter} for generic Java objects. */
public class GenericDatumWriter<D> implements DatumWriter<D> {
private final GenericData data;
private Schema root;
public GenericDatumWriter() { this(GenericData.get()); }
protected GenericDatumWriter(GenericData data) { = data; }
public GenericDatumWriter(Schema root) {
public GenericDatumWriter(Schema root, GenericData data) {
/** Return the {@link GenericData} implementation. */
public GenericData getData() { return data; }
public void setSchema(Schema root) { this.root = root; }
public void write(D datum, Encoder out) throws IOException {
write(root, datum, out);
/** Called to write data.*/
protected void write(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
LogicalType logicalType = schema.getLogicalType();
if (datum != null && logicalType != null) {
Conversion<?> conversion = getData()
.getConversionByClass(datum.getClass(), logicalType);
convert(schema, logicalType, conversion, datum), out);
} else {
writeWithoutConversion(schema, datum, out);
private <T> Object convert(Schema schema, LogicalType logicalType,
Conversion<T> conversion, Object datum) {
if (conversion == null) {
return datum;
Class<T> fromClass = conversion.getConvertedType();
switch (schema.getType()) {
case RECORD: return conversion.toRecord(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case ENUM: return conversion.toEnumSymbol(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case ARRAY: return conversion.toArray(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case MAP: return conversion.toMap(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case FIXED: return conversion.toFixed(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case STRING: return conversion.toCharSequence(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case BYTES: return conversion.toBytes(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case INT: return conversion.toInt(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case LONG: return conversion.toLong(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case FLOAT: return conversion.toFloat(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case DOUBLE: return conversion.toDouble(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
case BOOLEAN: return conversion.toBoolean(fromClass.cast(datum), schema, logicalType);
return datum;
/** Called to write data.*/
protected void writeWithoutConversion(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
try {
switch (schema.getType()) {
case RECORD: writeRecord(schema, datum, out); break;
case ENUM: writeEnum(schema, datum, out); break;
case ARRAY: writeArray(schema, datum, out); break;
case MAP: writeMap(schema, datum, out); break;
case UNION:
int index = resolveUnion(schema, datum);
write(schema.getTypes().get(index), datum, out);
case FIXED: writeFixed(schema, datum, out); break;
case STRING: writeString(schema, datum, out); break;
case BYTES: writeBytes(datum, out); break;
case INT: out.writeInt(((Number)datum).intValue()); break;
case LONG: out.writeLong((Long)datum); break;
case FLOAT: out.writeFloat((Float)datum); break;
case DOUBLE: out.writeDouble((Double)datum); break;
case BOOLEAN: out.writeBoolean((Boolean)datum); break;
case NULL: out.writeNull(); break;
default: error(schema,datum);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw npe(e, " of "+schema.getFullName());
/** Helper method for adding a message to an NPE. */
protected NullPointerException npe(NullPointerException e, String s) {
NullPointerException result = new NullPointerException(e.getMessage()+s);
result.initCause(e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause());
return result;
/** Called to write a record. May be overridden for alternate record
* representations.*/
protected void writeRecord(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
Object state = data.getRecordState(datum, schema);
for (Field f : schema.getFields()) {
writeField(datum, f, out, state);
/** Called to write a single field of a record. May be overridden for more
* efficient or alternate implementations.*/
protected void writeField(Object datum, Field f, Encoder out, Object state)
throws IOException {
Object value = data.getField(datum,, f.pos(), state);
try {
write(f.schema(), value, out);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw npe(e, " in field " +;
/** Called to write an enum value. May be overridden for alternate enum
* representations.*/
protected void writeEnum(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
if (!data.isEnum(datum))
throw new AvroTypeException("Not an enum: "+datum);
/** Called to write a array. May be overridden for alternate array
* representations.*/
protected void writeArray(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
Schema element = schema.getElementType();
long size = getArraySize(datum);
long actualSize = 0;
for (Iterator<? extends Object> it = getArrayElements(datum); it.hasNext();) {
write(element,, out);
if (actualSize != size) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Size of array written was " +
size + ", but number of elements written was " + actualSize + ". ");
/** Called to find the index for a datum within a union. By default calls
* {@link GenericData#resolveUnion(Schema,Object)}.*/
protected int resolveUnion(Schema union, Object datum) {
return data.resolveUnion(union, datum);
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #writeArray} to get the
* size of an array. The default implementation is for {@link Collection}.*/
protected long getArraySize(Object array) {
return ((Collection) array).size();
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #writeArray} to enumerate
* array elements. The default implementation is for {@link Collection}.*/
protected Iterator<? extends Object> getArrayElements(Object array) {
return ((Collection) array).iterator();
/** Called to write a map. May be overridden for alternate map
* representations.*/
protected void writeMap(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
Schema value = schema.getValueType();
int size = getMapSize(datum);
int actualSize = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Object,Object> entry : getMapEntries(datum)) {
writeString(entry.getKey().toString(), out);
write(value, entry.getValue(), out);
if (actualSize != size) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Size of map written was " +
size + ", but number of entries written was " + actualSize + ". ");
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #writeMap} to get the size
* of a map. The default implementation is for {@link Map}.*/
protected int getMapSize(Object map) {
return ((Map) map).size();
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #writeMap} to enumerate
* map elements. The default implementation is for {@link Map}.*/
protected Iterable<Map.Entry<Object,Object>> getMapEntries(Object map) {
return ((Map) map).entrySet();
/** Called to write a string. May be overridden for alternate string
* representations.*/
protected void writeString(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
writeString(datum, out);
/** Called to write a string. May be overridden for alternate string
* representations.*/
protected void writeString(Object datum, Encoder out) throws IOException {
out.writeString((CharSequence) datum);
/** Called to write a bytes. May be overridden for alternate bytes
* representations.*/
protected void writeBytes(Object datum, Encoder out) throws IOException {
/** Called to write a fixed value. May be overridden for alternate fixed
* representations.*/
protected void writeFixed(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
throws IOException {
out.writeFixed(((GenericFixed)datum).bytes(), 0, schema.getFixedSize());
private void error(Schema schema, Object datum) {
throw new AvroTypeException("Not a "+schema+": "+datum);