blob: 63dd3ac11a70533b70efe80c007afa59e8e8b018 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.avro;
import static org.apache.avro.TestSchemaCompatibility.validateIncompatibleSchemas;
import static org.apache.avro.TestSchemas.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.avro.SchemaCompatibility.SchemaIncompatibilityType;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
public class TestSchemaCompatibilityTypeMismatch {
@Parameters(name = "r: {0} | w: {1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Object[][] fields = { //
{ NULL_SCHEMA, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: NULL not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" },
{ NULL_SCHEMA, LONG_SCHEMA, "reader type: NULL not compatible with writer type: LONG", "/" },
{ BOOLEAN_SCHEMA, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: BOOLEAN not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, NULL_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: NULL", "/" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, BOOLEAN_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: BOOLEAN", "/" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, LONG_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: LONG", "/" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, FLOAT_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: FLOAT", "/" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, DOUBLE_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: DOUBLE", "/" },
{ LONG_SCHEMA, FLOAT_SCHEMA, "reader type: LONG not compatible with writer type: FLOAT", "/" },
{ LONG_SCHEMA, DOUBLE_SCHEMA, "reader type: LONG not compatible with writer type: DOUBLE", "/" },
{ FLOAT_SCHEMA, DOUBLE_SCHEMA, "reader type: FLOAT not compatible with writer type: DOUBLE", "/" },
{ DOUBLE_SCHEMA, STRING_SCHEMA, "reader type: DOUBLE not compatible with writer type: STRING", "/" },
{ FIXED_4_BYTES, STRING_SCHEMA, "reader type: FIXED not compatible with writer type: STRING", "/" },
{ STRING_SCHEMA, BOOLEAN_SCHEMA, "reader type: STRING not compatible with writer type: BOOLEAN", "/" },
{ STRING_SCHEMA, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: STRING not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" },
{ BYTES_SCHEMA, NULL_SCHEMA, "reader type: BYTES not compatible with writer type: NULL", "/" },
{ BYTES_SCHEMA, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: BYTES not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" },
{ A_INT_RECORD1, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: RECORD not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" },
{ INT_ARRAY_SCHEMA, LONG_ARRAY_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: LONG", "/items" },
{ INT_MAP_SCHEMA, INT_ARRAY_SCHEMA, "reader type: MAP not compatible with writer type: ARRAY", "/" },
{ INT_ARRAY_SCHEMA, INT_MAP_SCHEMA, "reader type: ARRAY not compatible with writer type: MAP", "/" },
{ INT_MAP_SCHEMA, LONG_MAP_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: LONG", "/values" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, ENUM2_AB_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: ENUM", "/" },
{ ENUM2_AB_SCHEMA, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: ENUM not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" },
"reader type: FLOAT not compatible with writer type: DOUBLE", "/" },
{ LONG_SCHEMA, INT_FLOAT_UNION_SCHEMA, "reader type: LONG not compatible with writer type: FLOAT", "/" },
{ INT_SCHEMA, INT_FLOAT_UNION_SCHEMA, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: FLOAT", "/" },
{ INT_LIST_RECORD, LONG_LIST_RECORD, "reader type: INT not compatible with writer type: LONG",
"/fields/0/type" },
{ NULL_SCHEMA, INT_SCHEMA, "reader type: NULL not compatible with writer type: INT", "/" } };
return Arrays.asList(fields);
public Schema reader;
public Schema writer;
public String details;
public String location;
public void testTypeMismatchSchemas() throws Exception {
validateIncompatibleSchemas(reader, writer, SchemaIncompatibilityType.TYPE_MISMATCH, details, location);