blob: e453e7dc90565b56b50ea47675a77ef5f5c0cb04 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Column module */
(function (global, angular) {
"use strict";
var smartTableColumnModule = angular.module('smartTable.column', ['smartTable.templateUrlList']).constant('DefaultColumnConfiguration', {
isSortable: true,
isEditable: false,
type: 'text',
//it is useless to have that empty strings, but it reminds what is available
headerTemplateUrl: '',
map: '',
label: '',
sortPredicate: '',
formatFunction: '',
formatParameter: '',
filterPredicate: '',
cellTemplateUrl: '',
headerClass: '',
cellClass: ''
function ColumnProvider(DefaultColumnConfiguration, templateUrlList) {
function Column(config) {
if (!(this instanceof Column)) {
return new Column(config);
angular.extend(this, config);
this.setDefaultOption = function (option) {
angular.extend(Column.prototype, option);
DefaultColumnConfiguration.headerTemplateUrl = templateUrlList.defaultHeader;
this.$get = function () {
return Column;
ColumnProvider.$inject = ['DefaultColumnConfiguration', 'templateUrlList'];
smartTableColumnModule.provider('Column', ColumnProvider);
//make it global so it can be tested
global.ColumnProvider = ColumnProvider;
})(window, angular);
/* Directives */
(function (angular) {
"use strict";
angular.module('smartTable.directives', ['smartTable.templateUrlList', 'smartTable.templates'])
.directive('smartTable', ['templateUrlList', 'DefaultTableConfiguration', function (templateList, defaultConfig) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
columnCollection: '=columns',
dataCollection: '=rows',
config: '='
replace: 'true',
templateUrl: templateList.smartTable,
controller: 'TableCtrl',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
var templateObject;
scope.$watch('config', function (config) {
var newConfig = angular.extend({}, defaultConfig, config),
length = scope.columns !== undefined ? scope.columns.length : 0;
//remove the checkbox column if needed
if (newConfig.selectionMode !== 'multiple' || newConfig.displaySelectionCheckbox !== true) {
for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (scope.columns[i].isSelectionColumn === true) {
} else {
//add selection box column if required
ctrl.insertColumn({cellTemplateUrl: templateList.selectionCheckbox, headerTemplateUrl: templateList.selectAllCheckbox, isSelectionColumn: true}, 0);
}, true);
//insert columns from column config
scope.$watch('columnCollection', function (oldValue, newValue) {
if (scope.columnCollection) {
for (var i = 0, l = scope.columnCollection.length; i < l; i++) {
} else {
//or guess data Structure
if (scope.dataCollection && scope.dataCollection.length > 0) {
templateObject = scope.dataCollection[0];
angular.forEach(templateObject, function (value, key) {
if (key[0] != '$') {
ctrl.insertColumn({label: key, map: key});
}, true);
//if item are added or removed into the data model from outside the grid
scope.$watch('dataCollection.length', function (oldValue, newValue) {
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
ctrl.sortBy();//it will trigger the refresh... some hack ?
//just to be able to select the row
.directive('smartTableDataRow', function () {
return {
require: '^smartTable',
restrict: 'C',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
var _config;
if ((_config = scope.config) != null) {
if (typeof _config.rowFunction === "function") {
_config.rowFunction(scope, element, attr, ctrl);
element.bind('click', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
//header cell with sorting functionality or put a checkbox if this column is a selection column
.directive('smartTableHeaderCell',function () {
return {
restrict: 'C',
require: '^smartTable',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
element.bind('click', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
}).directive('smartTableSelectAll', function () {
return {
restrict: 'C',
require: '^smartTable',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
element.bind('click', function (event) {
ctrl.toggleSelectionAll(element[0].checked === true);
//credit to Valentyn shybanov :
.directive('stopEvent', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
element.bind(attr.stopEvent, function (e) {
//the global filter
.directive('smartTableGlobalSearch', ['templateUrlList', function (templateList) {
return {
restrict: 'C',
require: '^smartTable',
scope: {
columnSpan: '@'
templateUrl: templateList.smartTableGlobalSearch,
replace: false,
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
scope.searchValue = '';
scope.$watch('searchValue', function (value) {
//todo perf improvement only filter on blur ?;
//a customisable cell (see templateUrl) and editable
//TODO check with the ng-include strategy
.directive('smartTableDataCell', ['$filter', '$http', '$templateCache', '$compile', '$parse', function (filter, http, templateCache, compile, parse) {
return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function (scope, element) {
column = scope.column,
isSimpleCell = !column.isEditable,
row = scope.dataRow,
format = filter('format'),
getter = parse(,
//can be useful for child directives
scope.$watch('dataRow', function (value) {
scope.formatedValue = format(getter(row), column.formatFunction, column.formatParameter);
if (isSimpleCell === true) {
}, true);
function defaultContent() {
if (column.isEditable) {
element.html('<div editable-cell="" row="dataRow" column="column" type="column.type"></div>');
} else {
scope.$watch('column.cellTemplateUrl', function (value) {
if (value) {
//we have to load the template (and cache it) : a kind of ngInclude
http.get(value, {cache: templateCache}).success(function (response) {
isSimpleCell = false;
//create a scope
childScope = scope.$new();
//compile the element with its new content and new scope
} else {
//directive that allows type to be bound in input
.directive('inputType', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1,
link: function (scope, ielement, iattr) {
//force the type to be set before inputDirective is called
var type = scope.$eval(iattr.type);
iattr.$set('type', type);
//an editable content in the context of a cell (see row, column)
.directive('editableCell', ['templateUrlList', '$parse', function (templateList, parse) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
require: '^smartTable',
templateUrl: templateList.editableCell,
scope: {
row: '=',
column: '=',
type: '='
replace: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var form = angular.element(element.children()[1]),
input = angular.element(form.children()[0]),
getter = parse(;
//init values
scope.isEditMode = false;
scope.$watch('row', function () {
scope.value = getter(scope.row);
}, true);
scope.submit = function () {
//update model if valid
if (scope.myForm.$valid === true) {
ctrl.updateDataRow(scope.row,, scope.value);
ctrl.sortBy();//it will trigger the refresh... (ie it will sort, filter, etc with the new value)
scope.toggleEditMode = function () {
scope.value = getter(scope.row);
scope.isEditMode = scope.isEditMode !== true;
scope.$watch('isEditMode', function (newValue) {
if (newValue === true) {
input.bind('blur', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
/* Filters */
(function (angular) {
"use strict";
angular.module('smartTable.filters', []).
constant('DefaultFilters', ['currency', 'date', 'json', 'lowercase', 'number', 'uppercase']).
filter('format', ['$filter', 'DefaultFilters', function (filter, defaultfilters) {
return function (value, formatFunction, filterParameter) {
var returnFunction;
if (formatFunction && angular.isFunction(formatFunction)) {
returnFunction = formatFunction;
} else {
returnFunction = defaultfilters.indexOf(formatFunction) !== -1 ? filter(formatFunction) : function (value) {
return value;
return returnFunction(value, filterParameter);
/*table module */
(function (angular) {
"use strict";
angular.module('smartTable.table', ['smartTable.column', 'smartTable.utilities', 'smartTable.directives', 'smartTable.filters', 'ui.bootstrap.pagination.smartTable'])
.constant('DefaultTableConfiguration', {
selectionMode: 'none',
isGlobalSearchActivated: false,
displaySelectionCheckbox: false,
isPaginationEnabled: true,
itemsByPage: 10,
maxSize: 5,
//just to remind available option
sortAlgorithm: '',
filterAlgorithm: ''
.controller('TableCtrl', ['$scope', 'Column', '$filter', '$parse', 'ArrayUtility', 'DefaultTableConfiguration', function (scope, Column, filter, parse, arrayUtility, defaultConfig) {
scope.columns = [];
scope.dataCollection = scope.dataCollection || [];
scope.displayedCollection = []; //init empty array so that if pagination is enabled, it does not spoil performances
scope.numberOfPages = calculateNumberOfPages(scope.dataCollection);
scope.currentPage = 1;
scope.holder = {isAllSelected: false};
var predicate = {},
function isAllSelected() {
var i,
l = scope.displayedCollection.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (scope.displayedCollection[i].isSelected !== true) {
return false;
return true;
function calculateNumberOfPages(array) {
if (!angular.isArray(array) || array.length === 0 || scope.itemsByPage < 1) {
return 1;
return Math.ceil(array.length / scope.itemsByPage);
function sortDataRow(array, column) {
var sortAlgo = (scope.sortAlgorithm && angular.isFunction(scope.sortAlgorithm)) === true ? scope.sortAlgorithm : filter('orderBy');
if (column && !(column.reverse === undefined)) {
return arrayUtility.sort(array, sortAlgo, column.sortPredicate, column.reverse);
} else {
return array;
function selectDataRow(array, selectionMode, index, select) {
var dataRow, oldValue;
if ((!angular.isArray(array)) || (selectionMode !== 'multiple' && selectionMode !== 'single')) {
if (index >= 0 && index < array.length) {
dataRow = array[index];
if (selectionMode === 'single') {
//unselect all the others
for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
oldValue = array[i].isSelected;
array[i].isSelected = false;
if (oldValue === true) {
scope.$emit('selectionChange', {item: array[i]});
dataRow.isSelected = select;
scope.holder.isAllSelected = isAllSelected();
scope.$emit('selectionChange', {item: dataRow});
* set the config (config parameters will be available through scope
* @param config
this.setGlobalConfig = function (config) {
angular.extend(scope, defaultConfig, config);
* change the current page displayed
* @param page
this.changePage = function (page) {
var oldPage = scope.currentPage;
if (angular.isNumber( {
scope.currentPage =;
scope.displayedCollection = this.pipe(scope.dataCollection);
scope.holder.isAllSelected = isAllSelected();
scope.$emit('changePage', {oldValue: oldPage, newValue: scope.currentPage});
* set column as the column used to sort the data (if it is already the case, it will change the reverse value)
* @method sortBy
* @param column
this.sortBy = function (column) {
var index = scope.columns.indexOf(column);
if (index !== -1) {
if (column.isSortable === true) {
// reset the last column used
if (lastColumnSort && lastColumnSort !== column) {
lastColumnSort.reverse = undefined;
column.sortPredicate = column.sortPredicate ||;
if (column.reverse === undefined) {
column.reverse = false;
else if (column.reverse === false) {
column.reverse = true;
else {
column.reverse = undefined;
lastColumnSort = column;
scope.displayedCollection = this.pipe(scope.dataCollection);
* set the filter predicate used for searching
* @param input
* @param column
*/ = function (input, column) {
//update column and global predicate
if (column && scope.columns.indexOf(column) !== -1) {
predicate[] = input;
} else {
predicate = {$: input};
scope.displayedCollection = this.pipe(scope.dataCollection);
* combine sort, search and limitTo operations on an array,
* @param array
* @returns Array, an array result of the operations on input array
this.pipe = function (array) {
var filterAlgo = (scope.filterAlgorithm && angular.isFunction(scope.filterAlgorithm)) === true ? scope.filterAlgorithm : filter('filter'),
//filter and sort are commutative
output = sortDataRow(arrayUtility.filter(array, filterAlgo, predicate), lastColumnSort);
scope.numberOfPages = calculateNumberOfPages(output);
return scope.isPaginationEnabled ? arrayUtility.fromTo(output, (scope.currentPage - 1) * scope.itemsByPage, scope.itemsByPage) : output;
Column API
* insert a new column in scope.collection at index or push at the end if no index
* @param columnConfig column configuration used to instantiate the new Column
* @param index where to insert the column (at the end if not specified)
this.insertColumn = function (columnConfig, index) {
var column = new Column(columnConfig);
arrayUtility.insertAt(scope.columns, index, column);
* remove the column at columnIndex from scope.columns
* @param columnIndex index of the column to be removed
this.removeColumn = function (columnIndex) {
arrayUtility.removeAt(scope.columns, columnIndex);
* move column located at oldIndex to the newIndex in scope.columns
* @param oldIndex index of the column before it is moved
* @param newIndex index of the column after the column is moved
this.moveColumn = function (oldIndex, newIndex) {
arrayUtility.moveAt(scope.columns, oldIndex, newIndex);
* remove all columns
this.clearColumns = function () {
scope.columns.length = 0;
* select or unselect the item of the displayedCollection with the selection mode set in the scope
* @param dataRow
this.toggleSelection = function (dataRow) {
var index = scope.dataCollection.indexOf(dataRow);
if (index !== -1) {
selectDataRow(scope.dataCollection, scope.selectionMode, index, dataRow.isSelected !== true);
* select/unselect all the currently displayed rows
* @param value if true select, else unselect
this.toggleSelectionAll = function (value) {
var i = 0,
l = scope.displayedCollection.length;
if (scope.selectionMode !== 'multiple') {
for (; i < l; i++) {
selectDataRow(scope.displayedCollection, scope.selectionMode, i, value === true);
* remove the item at index rowIndex from the displayed collection
* @param rowIndex
* @returns {*} item just removed or undefined
this.removeDataRow = function (rowIndex) {
var toRemove = arrayUtility.removeAt(scope.displayedCollection, rowIndex);
arrayUtility.removeAt(scope.dataCollection, scope.dataCollection.indexOf(toRemove));
* move an item from oldIndex to newIndex in displayedCollection
* @param oldIndex
* @param newIndex
this.moveDataRow = function (oldIndex, newIndex) {
arrayUtility.moveAt(scope.displayedCollection, oldIndex, newIndex);
* update the model, it can be a non existing yet property
* @param dataRow the dataRow to update
* @param propertyName the property on the dataRow ojbect to update
* @param newValue the value to set
this.updateDataRow = function (dataRow, propertyName, newValue) {
var index = scope.displayedCollection.indexOf(dataRow),
getter = parse(propertyName),
setter = getter.assign,
if (index !== -1) {
oldValue = getter(scope.displayedCollection[index]);
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
setter(scope.displayedCollection[index], newValue);
scope.$emit('updateDataRow', {item: scope.displayedCollection[index]});
angular.module('smartTable.templates', ['partials/defaultCell.html', 'partials/defaultHeader.html', 'partials/editableCell.html', 'partials/globalSearchCell.html', 'partials/pagination.html', 'partials/selectAllCheckbox.html', 'partials/selectionCheckbox.html', 'partials/smartTable.html']);
angular.module("partials/defaultCell.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
angular.module("partials/defaultHeader.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<span class=\"header-content\" ng-class=\"{'sort-ascent':column.reverse==false,'sort-descent':column.reverse==true}\">{{column.label}}</span>");
angular.module("partials/editableCell.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<div ng-dblclick=\"isEditMode || toggleEditMode($event)\">\n" +
" <span ng-hide=\"isEditMode\">{{value | format:column.formatFunction:column.formatParameter}}</span>\n" +
"\n" +
" <form ng-submit=\"submit()\" ng-show=\"isEditMode\" name=\"myForm\">\n" +
" <input name=\"myInput\" ng-model=\"value\" type=\"type\" input-type/>\n" +
" </form>\n" +
angular.module("partials/globalSearchCell.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<label>Search :</label>\n" +
"<input type=\"text\" ng-model=\"searchValue\"/>");
angular.module("partials/pagination.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<div class=\"pagination\">\n" +
" <ul class=\"pagination\">\n" +
" <li ng-repeat=\"page in pages\" ng-class=\"{active:, disabled: page.disabled}\"><a\n" +
" ng-click=\"selectPage(page.number)\">{{page.text}}</a></li>\n" +
" </ul>\n" +
"</div> ");
angular.module("partials/selectAllCheckbox.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<input class=\"smart-table-select-all\" type=\"checkbox\" ng-model=\"holder.isAllSelected\"/>");
angular.module("partials/selectionCheckbox.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<input type=\"checkbox\" ng-model=\"dataRow.isSelected\" stop-event=\"click\"/>");
angular.module("partials/smartTable.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<table class=\"smart-table\">\n" +
" <thead>\n" +
" <tr class=\"smart-table-global-search-row\" ng-show=\"isGlobalSearchActivated\">\n" +
" <td class=\"smart-table-global-search\" column-span=\"{{columns.length}}\" colspan=\"{{columnSpan}}\">\n" +
" </td>\n" +
" </tr>\n" +
" <tr class=\"smart-table-header-row\">\n" +
" <th ng-repeat=\"column in columns\" ng-include=\"column.headerTemplateUrl\"\n" +
" class=\"smart-table-header-cell {{column.headerClass}}\" scope=\"col\">\n" +
" </th>\n" +
" </tr>\n" +
" </thead>\n" +
" <tbody>\n" +
" <tr ng-repeat=\"dataRow in displayedCollection\" ng-class=\"{selected:dataRow.isSelected}\"\n" +
" class=\"smart-table-data-row\">\n" +
" <td ng-repeat=\"column in columns\" class=\"smart-table-data-cell {{column.cellClass}}\"></td>\n" +
" </tr>\n" +
" </tbody>\n" +
" <tfoot ng-show=\"isPaginationEnabled\">\n" +
" <tr class=\"smart-table-footer-row\">\n" +
" <td colspan=\"{{columns.length}}\">\n" +
" <div pagination-smart-table=\"\" num-pages=\"numberOfPages\" max-size=\"maxSize\" current-page=\"currentPage\"></div>\n" +
" </td>\n" +
" </tr>\n" +
" </tfoot>\n" +
"</table>\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
(function (angular) {
"use strict";
angular.module('smartTable.templateUrlList', [])
.constant('templateUrlList', {
smartTable: 'partials/smartTable.html',
smartTableGlobalSearch: 'partials/globalSearchCell.html',
editableCell: 'partials/editableCell.html',
selectionCheckbox: 'partials/selectionCheckbox.html',
selectAllCheckbox: 'partials/selectAllCheckbox.html',
defaultHeader: 'partials/defaultHeader.html',
pagination: 'partials/pagination.html'
(function (angular) {
"use strict";
angular.module('smartTable.utilities', [])
.factory('ArrayUtility', function () {
* remove the item at index from arrayRef and return the removed item
* @param arrayRef
* @param index
* @returns {*}
var removeAt = function (arrayRef, index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < arrayRef.length) {
return arrayRef.splice(index, 1)[0];
* insert item in arrayRef at index or a the end if index is wrong
* @param arrayRef
* @param index
* @param item
insertAt = function (arrayRef, index, item) {
if (index >= 0 && index < arrayRef.length) {
arrayRef.splice(index, 0, item);
} else {
* move the item at oldIndex to newIndex in arrayRef
* @param arrayRef
* @param oldIndex
* @param newIndex
moveAt = function (arrayRef, oldIndex, newIndex) {
var elementToMove;
if (oldIndex >= 0 && oldIndex < arrayRef.length && newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < arrayRef.length) {
elementToMove = arrayRef.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
arrayRef.splice(newIndex, 0, elementToMove);
* sort arrayRef according to sortAlgorithm following predicate and reverse
* @param arrayRef
* @param sortAlgorithm
* @param predicate
* @param reverse
* @returns {*}
sort = function (arrayRef, sortAlgorithm, predicate, reverse) {
if (!sortAlgorithm || !angular.isFunction(sortAlgorithm)) {
return arrayRef;
} else {
return sortAlgorithm(arrayRef, predicate, reverse === true);//excpet if reverse is true it will take it as false
* filter arrayRef according with filterAlgorithm and predicate
* @param arrayRef
* @param filterAlgorithm
* @param predicate
* @returns {*}
filter = function (arrayRef, filterAlgorithm, predicate) {
if (!filterAlgorithm || !angular.isFunction(filterAlgorithm)) {
return arrayRef;
} else {
return filterAlgorithm(arrayRef, predicate);
* return an array, part of array ref starting at min and the size of length
* @param arrayRef
* @param min
* @param length
* @returns {*}
fromTo = function (arrayRef, min, length) {
var out = [],
if (!angular.isArray(arrayRef)) {
return arrayRef;
start = Math.max(min, 0);
start = Math.min(start, (arrayRef.length - 1) > 0 ? arrayRef.length - 1 : 0);
length = Math.max(0, length);
limit = Math.min(start + length, arrayRef.length);
for (var i = start; i < limit; i++) {
return out;
return {
removeAt: removeAt,
insertAt: insertAt,
moveAt: moveAt,
sort: sort,
filter: filter,
fromTo: fromTo
(function (angular) {
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.pagination.smartTable', ['smartTable.templateUrlList'])
.constant('paginationConfig', {
boundaryLinks: false,
directionLinks: true,
firstText: 'First',
previousText: '<',
nextText: '>',
lastText: 'Last'
.directive('paginationSmartTable', ['paginationConfig', 'templateUrlList', function (paginationConfig, templateUrlList) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
require: '^smartTable',
scope: {
numPages: '=',
currentPage: '=',
maxSize: '='
templateUrl: templateUrlList.pagination,
replace: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
// Setup configuration parameters
var boundaryLinks = angular.isDefined(attrs.boundaryLinks) ? scope.$eval(attrs.boundaryLinks) : paginationConfig.boundaryLinks;
var directionLinks = angular.isDefined(attrs.directionLinks) ? scope.$eval(attrs.directionLinks) : paginationConfig.directionLinks;
var firstText = angular.isDefined(attrs.firstText) ? attrs.firstText : paginationConfig.firstText;
var previousText = angular.isDefined(attrs.previousText) ? attrs.previousText : paginationConfig.previousText;
var nextText = angular.isDefined(attrs.nextText) ? attrs.nextText : paginationConfig.nextText;
var lastText = angular.isDefined(attrs.lastText) ? attrs.lastText : paginationConfig.lastText;
// Create page object used in template
function makePage(number, text, isActive, isDisabled) {
return {
number: number,
text: text,
active: isActive,
disabled: isDisabled
scope.$watch('numPages + currentPage + maxSize', function () {
scope.pages = [];
// Default page limits
var startPage = 1, endPage = scope.numPages;
// recompute if maxSize
if (scope.maxSize && scope.maxSize < scope.numPages) {
startPage = Math.max(scope.currentPage - Math.floor(scope.maxSize / 2), 1);
endPage = startPage + scope.maxSize - 1;
// Adjust if limit is exceeded
if (endPage > scope.numPages) {
endPage = scope.numPages;
startPage = endPage - scope.maxSize + 1;
// Add page number links
for (var number = startPage; number <= endPage; number++) {
var page = makePage(number, number, scope.isActive(number), false);
// Add previous & next links
if (directionLinks) {
var previousPage = makePage(scope.currentPage - 1, previousText, false, scope.noPrevious());
var nextPage = makePage(scope.currentPage + 1, nextText, false, scope.noNext());
// Add first & last links
if (boundaryLinks) {
var firstPage = makePage(1, firstText, false, scope.noPrevious());
var lastPage = makePage(scope.numPages, lastText, false, scope.noNext());
if (scope.currentPage > scope.numPages) {
scope.noPrevious = function () {
return scope.currentPage === 1;
scope.noNext = function () {
return scope.currentPage === scope.numPages;
scope.isActive = function (page) {
return scope.currentPage === page;
scope.selectPage = function (page) {
if (!scope.isActive(page) && page > 0 && page <= scope.numPages) {
scope.currentPage = page;
ctrl.changePage({ page: page });