tree: 0d37cbfdb77c94f03b3eca683ba4aac962a5909c [path history] [tgz]
  1. aurora.json

Apache Aurora development environment

This directory contains Packer scripts to build and distribute the base development environment for Aurora.

The goal of this environment is to pre-fetch dependencies and artifacts needed for the integration test environment so that vagrant up is cheap after the box has been fetched for the first time.

As dependencies (libraries, or external packages) of Aurora change, it will be helpful to update this box and keep this cost low.

Updating the box

  1. Download packer

  2. Modify build scripts to make the changes you want (e.g. install packages via apt)

  3. Fetch the latest version of our base box

     $ vagrant box update --box ubuntu/trusty64

    The box will be stored in version-specific directories under ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64/. Find the path to the .ovf file for the latest version of the box. In the following step, this path will be referred to as $UBUNTU_OVF.

  4. Build the new box Using the path from the previous step, run the following command to start the build.

     $ packer build -var "base_box_ovf=$UBUNTU_OVF" aurora.json

    This takes a while, approximately 20 minutes. When finished, your working directory will contain a file named

  5. Verify your box locally

     $ vagrant box add --name aurora-dev-env-testing \

    This will make a vagrant box named aurora-dev-env-testing locally available to vagrant (i.e. not on Vagrant Cloud). We use a different name here to avoid confusion that could arise from using an unreleased base box.

    Edit the Vagrantfile, changing the line = "apache-aurora/dev-environment"

    to = "aurora-dev-env-testing"

    At this point, you can use the box as normal to run integraion tests.

  6. Upload the box to Vagrant Cloud Our boxes are stored here. You must have committer access to upload a dev image box, please ask in if you would like to contribute.