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<li class="">Type System</li>
<li id="publishDate" class="pull-right">Last Published: 2015-07-09</li> <li class="divider pull-right">|</li>
<li id="projectVersion" class="pull-right">Version: 0.5-incubating</li>
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<h2>Type System<a name="Type_System"></a></h2></div>
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<h3>Introduction<a name="Introduction"></a></h3></div>
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<h3>Overview<a name="Overview"></a></h3></div>
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<h4>Data Types Overview<a name="Data_Types_Overview"></a></h4>
<p><img src="data-types.png" alt="" /></p></div>
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<h4>Types Instances Overview<a name="Types_Instances_Overview"></a></h4>
<p><img src="types-instances.png" alt="" /></p></div>
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<h3>Details<a name="Details"></a></h3>
<p>### Structs are like C structs - they don't have an identity - no independent lifecycle - like a bag of properties - like in hive, also</p>
<p>### Classes are classes - like any OO class - have identity - can have inheritence - can contain structs - don't necessarily need to use a struct inside the class to define props - can also define props using <a href="./AttributeDefinition.html">AttributeDefinition</a> using the basic data types - classes are immutable once created</p>
<p>### On search interface: - can search for all instances of a class - classes could become tables in a relational system, for instance - also databases, columns, etc.</p>
<p>### Traits is similar to scala - traits more like decorators (?) - traits get applied to instances - not classes - this satisfies the classification mechanism (ish) - can have a class instance have any number of traits - e.g. security clearance - any Person class could have it; so we add it as a mixin to the Person class - security clearance trait has a level attribute - traits are labels - each label can have its own attribute - reason for doing this is: - modeled security clearance trait - want to prescribe it to other things, too - can now search for anything that has security clearance level = 1, for instance</p>
<p>### On Instances: - class, trait, struct all have bags of attributes - can get name of type associated with attribute - can get or set the attribute in that bag for each instance</p>
<p>### On Classification: - create column as a class - create a trait to classify as &quot;PHI&quot; - would create the instance of the column with the PHI trait - apply traits to instances - CAN'T apply traits to class</p>
<p>### Other useful information</p>
<p><a href="./HierarchicalClassType.html">HierarchicalClassType</a> - base type for <a href="./ClassType.html">ClassType</a> and <a href="./TraitType.html">TraitType</a> Instances created from Definitions</p>
<p>Every instance is referenceable - i.e. something can point to it in the graph db <a href="./MetadataService.html">MetadataService</a> may not be used longterm - it is currently used for bootstrapping the repo &amp; type system</p>
<p>Id class - represents the Id of an instance</p>
<p>When the web service receives an object graph, the <a href="./ObjectGraphWalker.html">ObjectGraphWalker</a> is used to update things - <a href="./DiscoverInstances.html">DiscoverInstances</a> is used to discover the instances in the object graph received by the web service</p>
<p><a href="./MapIds.html">MapIds</a> assigns new ids to the discovered instances in the object graph</p>
<p>Anything under the storage package is not part of the public interface</p></div>
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