blob: 01e964939e9dc176e0e46fefc16fccf2102178ba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.api;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.functions.FunctionSignature;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataTransactionContext;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.DatasourceAdapter;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataset;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Datatype;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataverse;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Function;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Node;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.NodeGroup;
* A metadata manager provides user access to Asterix metadata (e.g., types,
* datasets, indexes, etc.). A metadata manager satisfies requests by contacting
* the metadata node which is responsible for the storage-level details. This
* interface describes the operations that a metadata manager must support.
* Every operation is meant to be performed in the context of a transaction on
* the metadata node against the metadata. It is the responsibility of the user
* to begin a transaction, lock the metadata, and commit or abort a metadata
* transaction using the appropriate methods declared below. Lock acquisition at
* finer levels is the responsibility of the metadata node, not the metadata
* manager or its user.
public interface IMetadataManager {
* Initializes the metadata manager, e.g., finds the remote metadata node.
* @throws RemoteException
* If an error occurred while contacting the proxy for finding
* the metadata node.
public void init() throws RemoteException, MetadataException;
* Begins a transaction on the metadata node.
* @return A globally unique transaction id.
* @throws ACIDException
* @throws RemoteException
public MetadataTransactionContext beginTransaction() throws ACIDException, RemoteException;
* Commits a remote transaction on the metadata node.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @throws ACIDException
* @throws RemoteException
public void commitTransaction(MetadataTransactionContext ctx) throws ACIDException, RemoteException;
* Aborts a remote transaction running on the metadata node.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @throws ACIDException
* @throws RemoteException
public void abortTransaction(MetadataTransactionContext ctx) throws ACIDException, RemoteException;
* Locks the metadata in given mode. The lock acquisition is delegated to
* the metadata node. This method blocks until the lock can be acquired.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param lockMode
* Desired lockode.
* @throws ACIDException
* @throws RemoteException
public void lock(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, int lockMode) throws ACIDException, RemoteException;
* Releases all locks on the metadata held by the given transaction id.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @throws ACIDException
* @throws RemoteException
public void unlock(MetadataTransactionContext ctx) throws ACIDException, RemoteException;
* Inserts a new dataverse into the metadata.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverse
* Dataverse instance to be inserted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataverse already exists.
public void addDataverse(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, Dataverse dataverse) throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves a dataverse with given name.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of the dataverse to retrieve.
* @return A dataverse instance.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataverse does not exist.
public Dataverse getDataverse(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName) throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves all datasets belonging to the given dataverse.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of the dataverse of which to find all datasets.
* @return A list of dataset instances.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataverse does not exist.
public List<Dataset> getDataverseDatasets(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName)
throws MetadataException;
* Deletes the dataverse with given name, and all it's associated datasets,
* indexes, and types.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @return A list of dataset instances.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataverse does not exist.
public void dropDataverse(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName) throws MetadataException;
* Inserts a new dataset into the metadata.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataset
* Dataset instance to be inserted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataset already exists.
public void addDataset(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, Dataset dataset) throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves a dataset within a given dataverse.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Dataverse name to look for the dataset.
* @param datasetName
* Name of dataset to be retrieved.
* @return A dataset instance.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataset does not exist.
public Dataset getDataset(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datasetName)
throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves all indexes of a dataset.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of dataverse which holds the given dataset.
* @param datasetName
* Name of dataset for which to retrieve all indexes.
* @return A list of Index instances.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataset and/or dataverse does not exist.
public List<Index> getDatasetIndexes(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datasetName)
throws MetadataException;
* Deletes the dataset with given name, and all it's associated indexes.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of dataverse which holds the given dataset.
* @param datasetName
* Name of dataset to delete.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the dataset and/or dataverse does not exist.
public void dropDataset(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datasetName)
throws MetadataException;
* Inserts an index into the metadata. The index itself knows its name, and
* which dataset it belongs to.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param index
* Index instance to be inserted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the index already exists.
public void addIndex(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, Index index) throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves the index with given name, in given dataverse and dataset.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of the datavers holding the given dataset.
* @param datasetName
* Name of the dataset holding the index.
* @indexName Name of the index to retrieve.
* @return An Index instance.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the index does not exist.
public Index getIndex(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datasetName, String indexName)
throws MetadataException;
* Deletes the index with given name, in given dataverse and dataset.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of the datavers holding the given dataset.
* @param datasetName
* Name of the dataset holding the index.
* @indexName Name of the index to retrieve.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the index does not exist.
public void dropIndex(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datasetName, String indexName)
throws MetadataException;
* Inserts a datatype.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param datatype
* Datatype instance to be inserted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the datatype already exists.
public void addDatatype(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, Datatype datatype) throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves the datatype with given name in given dataverse.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of dataverse holding the datatype.
* @param datatypeName
* Name of datatype to be retrieved.
* @return A datatype instance.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the datatype does not exist.
public Datatype getDatatype(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datatypeName)
throws MetadataException;
* Deletes the given datatype in given dataverse.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* Name of dataverse holding the datatype.
* @param datatypeName
* Name of datatype to be deleted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if there are still datasets using the type to be
* deleted.
public void dropDatatype(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String datatypeName)
throws MetadataException;
* Inserts a node group.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param nodeGroup
* Node group instance to insert.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the node group already exists.
public void addNodegroup(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, NodeGroup nodeGroup) throws MetadataException;
* Retrieves a node group.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param nodeGroupName
* Name of node group to be retrieved.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the node group does not exist.
public NodeGroup getNodegroup(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String nodeGroupName) throws MetadataException;
* Deletes a node group.
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param nodeGroupName
* Name of node group to be deleted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, there are still datasets partitioned on the node
* group to be deleted.
public void dropNodegroup(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String nodeGroupName) throws MetadataException;
* Inserts a node (machine).
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param node
* Node instance to be inserted.
* @throws MetadataException
* For example, if the node already exists.
public void addNode(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, Node node) throws MetadataException;
* @param mdTxnCtx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param function
* An instance of type Function that represents the function
* being added
* @throws MetadataException
public void addFunction(MetadataTransactionContext mdTxnCtx, Function function) throws MetadataException;
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param functionSignature
* the functions signature (unique to the function)
* @return
* @throws MetadataException
public Function getFunction(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, FunctionSignature functionSignature)
throws MetadataException;
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param functionSignature
* the functions signature (unique to the function)
* @throws MetadataException
public void dropFunction(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, FunctionSignature functionSignature)
throws MetadataException;
* @param mdTxnCtx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param function
* An instance of type Adapter that represents the adapter being
* added
* @throws MetadataException
public void addAdapter(MetadataTransactionContext mdTxnCtx, DatasourceAdapter adapter) throws MetadataException;
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* the dataverse associated with the adapter being searched
* @param Name
* name of the adapter
* @return
* @throws MetadataException
public DatasourceAdapter getAdapter(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String name)
throws MetadataException;
* @param ctx
* MetadataTransactionContext of an active metadata transaction.
* @param dataverseName
* the dataverse associated with the adapter being dropped
* @param name
* name of the adapter
* @throws MetadataException
public void dropAdapter(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName, String name) throws MetadataException;
* @param ctx
* @param dataverseName
* @return
* @throws MetadataException
public List<Function> getDataverseFunctions(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, String dataverseName)
throws MetadataException;