blob: 9d837474cd6645e76faa324d62b38a49c9fd60c2 [file] [log] [blame]
drop dataverse tpch if exists;
create dataverse tpch;
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
l_orderkey: int32,
l_partkey: int32,
l_suppkey: int32,
l_linenumber: int32,
l_quantity: int32,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
l_returnflag: string,
l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
l_commitdate: string,
l_receiptdate: string,
l_shipinstruct: string,
l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
o_orderkey: int32,
o_custkey: int32,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
o_shippriority: int32,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
c_custkey: int32,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
c_nationkey: int32,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
s_suppkey: int32,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
s_nationkey: int32,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
n_nationkey: int32,
n_name: string,
n_regionkey: int32,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
r_regionkey: int32,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
p_partkey: int32,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
p_size: int32,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
ps_partkey: int32,
ps_suppkey: int32,
ps_availqty: int32,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
partitioned by key l_orderkey, l_linenumber on group1;
create dataset Orders(OrderType)
partitioned by key o_orderkey on group1;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
partitioned by key s_suppkey on group1;
create dataset Region(RegionType)
partitioned by key r_regionkey on group1;
create dataset Nation(NationType)
partitioned by key n_nationkey on group1;
create dataset Part(PartType)
partitioned by key p_partkey on group1;
create dataset PartSupp(PartSuppType)
partitioned by key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey on group1;
create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
partitioned by key c_custkey on group1;
load dataset LineItem
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/lineitem.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset Orders
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/orders.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset Supplier
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/supplier.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset Region
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/region.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset Nation
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/nation.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset Part
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/part.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset PartSupp
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/partsupp.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
load dataset Customer
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/customer.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
write output to nc1:"rttest/tpch_q9_product_type_profit_nt.adm";
for $profit in
( for $o in dataset('Orders')
for $l3 in
( for $p in dataset('Part')
for $l2 in
( for $ps in dataset('PartSupp')
for $l1 in
( for $s1 in
( for $s in dataset('Supplier')
for $n in dataset('Nation')
where $n.n_nationkey = $s.s_nationkey
{ "s_suppkey": $s.s_suppkey, "n_name": $n.n_name} )
for $l in dataset('LineItem')
where $s1.s_suppkey = $l.l_suppkey
{ "l_suppkey": $l.l_suppkey, "l_extendedprice": $l.l_extendedprice, "l_discount": $l.l_discount,
"l_quantity": $l.l_quantity, "l_partkey": $l.l_partkey, "l_orderkey": $l.l_orderkey, "n_name": $s1.n_name } )
where $ps.ps_suppkey = $l1.l_suppkey and $ps.ps_partkey = $l1.l_partkey
{ "l_extendedprice": $l1.l_extendedprice, "l_discount": $l1.l_discount, "l_quantity": $l1.l_quantity,
"l_partkey": $l1.l_partkey, "l_orderkey": $l1.l_orderkey, "n_name": $l1.n_name, "ps_supplycost": $ps.ps_supplycost } )
where contains($p.p_name, 'green') and $p.p_partkey = $l2.l_partkey
{ "l_extendedprice": $l2.l_extendedprice, "l_discount": $l2.l_discount, "l_quantity": $l2.l_quantity,
"l_orderkey": $l2.l_orderkey, "n_name": $l2.n_name, "ps_supplycost": $l2.ps_supplycost } )
where $o.o_orderkey = $l3.l_orderkey
let $amount := $l3.l_extendedprice * (1 - $l3.l_discount) - $l3.ps_supplycost * $l3.l_quantity
let $o_year := year($o.o_orderdate)
{ "nation": $l3.n_name, "o_year": $o_year, "amount": $amount } )
group by $nation := $profit.nation, $o_year := $profit.o_year with $profit
order by $nation, $o_year desc
{ "nation": $nation,
"o_year": $o_year,
"sum_profit": sum( for $pr in $profit return $pr.amount ) }