blob: 74bdbc2c80b054f9675588841a653627dfdf8440 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009-2012 by The Regents of the University of California
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.driver.EventDriver;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.cluster.Cluster;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.cluster.Node;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.pattern.Delay;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.pattern.Event;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.pattern.Nodeid;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.pattern.Pattern;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.pattern.Patterns;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.event.schema.pattern.Value;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.installer.command.StopCommand;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.installer.driver.ManagixDriver;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.installer.model.AsterixInstance;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.installer.service.ILookupService;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.installer.service.ServiceProvider;
public class PatternCreator {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PatternCreator.class.getName());
private ILookupService lookupService = ServiceProvider.INSTANCE.getLookupService();
private static int CC_DEBUG_PORT = 8800;
private static int NC_DEBUG_PORT = 8701;
private void addInitialDelay(Pattern p, int delay, String unit) {
Delay d = new Delay(new Value(null, "" + delay), unit);
public Patterns getStartAsterixPattern(String asterixInstanceName, Cluster cluster) throws Exception {
String ccLocationId = cluster.getMasterNode().getId();
String ccLocationIp = cluster.getMasterNode().getIp();
String destDir = cluster.getWorkingDir().getDir() + File.separator + "hyracks";
List<Pattern> ps = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
Pattern createCC = createCCStartPattern(ccLocationId);
addInitialDelay(createCC, 2, "sec");
Pattern copyHyracks = createCopyHyracksPattern(cluster, ccLocationIp, destDir);
boolean copyHyracksToNC = !cluster.getWorkingDir().isNFS();
for (Node node : cluster.getNode()) {
if (copyHyracksToNC) {
Pattern copyHyracksForNC = createCopyHyracksPattern(cluster, node.getIp(), destDir);
Pattern createNC = createNCStartPattern(cluster.getMasterNode().getIp(), node.getId(), asterixInstanceName
+ "_" + node.getId());
addInitialDelay(createNC, 4, "sec");
Pattern asterixDeploy = createAsterixDeployPattern(asterixInstanceName, cluster);
addInitialDelay(asterixDeploy, 6, "sec");
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(ps);
return patterns;
public Patterns getStopCommandPattern(StopCommand stopCommand) throws Exception {
List<Pattern> ps = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
AsterixInstance asterixInstance = lookupService.getAsterixInstance(stopCommand.getAsterixInstanceName());
Cluster cluster = asterixInstance.getCluster();
String ccLocation = cluster.getMasterNode().getId();
Pattern createCC = createCCStopPattern(ccLocation);
addInitialDelay(createCC, 5, "sec");
String asterixInstanceName = stopCommand.getAsterixInstanceName();
int nodeControllerIndex = 1;
for (Node node : cluster.getNode()) {
Pattern createNC = createNCStopPattern(node.getId(), asterixInstanceName + "_" + nodeControllerIndex);
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(ps);
return patterns;
public Patterns getBackUpAsterixPattern(AsterixInstance instance, String backupPath) throws Exception {
Cluster cluster = instance.getCluster();
String clusterStore = instance.getCluster().getStore();
String hdfsUrl = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getUrl();
String hadoopVersion = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getVersion();
String hdfsBackupDir = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getBackupDir();
String workingDir = cluster.getWorkingDir().getDir();
String backupId = "" + instance.getBackupInfo().size();
String nodeStore;
String pargs;
List<Pattern> patternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
for (Node node : cluster.getNode()) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, node.getId()));
nodeStore = node.getStore() == null ? clusterStore : node.getStore();
pargs = workingDir + " " + instance.getName() + " " + nodeStore + " " + backupId + " " + hdfsUrl + " "
+ hadoopVersion + " " + hdfsBackupDir + " " + node.getId();
Event event = new Event("backup", nodeid, pargs);
patternList.add(new Pattern(null, 1, null, event));
return new Patterns(patternList);
public Patterns getRestoreAsterixPattern(AsterixInstance instance, int backupId) throws Exception {
Cluster cluster = instance.getCluster();
String clusterStore = instance.getCluster().getStore();
String hdfsUrl = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getUrl();
String hadoopVersion = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getVersion();
String hdfsBackupDir = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getBackupDir();
String workingDir = cluster.getWorkingDir().getDir();
String nodeStore;
String pargs;
List<Pattern> patternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
for (Node node : cluster.getNode()) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, node.getId()));
nodeStore = node.getStore() == null ? clusterStore : node.getStore();
pargs = workingDir + " " + instance.getName() + " " + nodeStore + " " + backupId + " " + hdfsUrl + " "
+ hadoopVersion + " " + hdfsBackupDir + " " + node.getId();
Event event = new Event("restore", nodeid, pargs);
patternList.add(new Pattern(null, 1, null, event));
return new Patterns(patternList);
public Patterns createHadoopLibraryTransferPattern(Cluster cluster) throws Exception {
List<Pattern> patternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
String workingDir = cluster.getWorkingDir().getDir();
String hadoopVersion = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getVersion();
File hadoopDir = new File(ManagixDriver.getManagixHome() + File.separator + ManagixDriver.MANAGIX_INTERNAL_DIR
+ File.separator + "hadoop-" + hadoopVersion);
if (!hadoopDir.exists()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Hadoop version :" + hadoopVersion + " not supported");
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, EventDriver.CLIENT_NODE.getId()));
String username = cluster.getUsername() != null ? cluster.getUsername() : System.getProperty("");
String pargs = username + " " + hadoopDir.getAbsolutePath() + " " + cluster.getMasterNode().getIp() + " "
+ workingDir;
Event event = new Event("directory_transfer", nodeid, pargs);
Pattern p = new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
addInitialDelay(p, 2, "sec");
boolean copyToNC = !cluster.getWorkingDir().isNFS();
if (copyToNC) {
for (Node node : cluster.getNode()) {
nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, node.getId()));
pargs = cluster.getUsername() + " " + hadoopDir.getAbsolutePath() + " " + node.getIp() + " "
+ workingDir;
event = new Event("directory_transfer", nodeid, pargs);
p = new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
addInitialDelay(p, 2, "sec");
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(patternList);
return patterns;
public Patterns createDeleteInstancePattern(AsterixInstance instance) throws Exception {
List<Pattern> patternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
if (instance.getBackupInfo() != null && instance.getBackupInfo().size() > 0) {
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(patternList);
return patterns;
private Patterns createRemoveHDFSBackupPattern(AsterixInstance instance) throws Exception {
List<Pattern> patternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
Cluster cluster = instance.getCluster();
String hdfsUrl = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getUrl();
String hadoopVersion = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getVersion();
String hdfsBackupDir = ManagixDriver.getConfiguration().getBackup().getHdfs().getBackupDir();
String workingDir = cluster.getWorkingDir().getDir();
Node launchingNode = cluster.getNode().get(0);
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, launchingNode.getId()));
String pathToDelete = hdfsBackupDir + File.separator + instance.getName();
String pargs = workingDir + " " + hadoopVersion + " " + hdfsUrl + " " + pathToDelete;
Event event = new Event("hdfs_delete", nodeid, pargs);
patternList.add(new Pattern(null, 1, null, event));
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(patternList);
return patterns;
private Patterns createRemoveAsterixStoragePattern(AsterixInstance instance) throws Exception {
List<Pattern> patternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
Cluster cluster = instance.getCluster();
String pargs = null;
for (Node node : cluster.getNode()) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, node.getId()));
String[] nodeStores;
if (node.getStore() != null) {
nodeStores = node.getStore().trim().split(",");
for (String ns : nodeStores) {
pargs = ns + File.separator + instance.getName();
} else {
nodeStores = cluster.getStore().trim().split(",");
for (String ns : nodeStores) {
pargs = ns + File.separator + node.getId() + File.separator + instance.getName();
Event event = new Event("file_delete", nodeid, pargs);
patternList.add(new Pattern(null, 1, null, event));
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(patternList);
return patterns;
private Pattern createCopyHyracksPattern(Cluster cluster, String destinationIp, String destDir) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, EventDriver.CLIENT_NODE.getId()));
String username = cluster.getUsername() != null ? cluster.getUsername() : System.getProperty("");
String pargs = username + " " + ManagixDriver.getHyrackServerZip() + " " + destinationIp + " " + destDir + " "
+ "unpack";
Event event = new Event("file_transfer", nodeid, pargs);
return new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
private Pattern createCCStartPattern(String hostId) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, hostId));
Event event = new Event("cc_start", nodeid, "" + CC_DEBUG_PORT);
return new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
public Pattern createCCStopPattern(String hostId) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, hostId));
Event event = new Event("cc_failure", nodeid, null);
return new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
public Pattern createNCStartPattern(String ccHost, String hostId, String nodeControllerId) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, hostId));
Event event = new Event("node_join", nodeid, ccHost + " " + nodeControllerId + " " + NC_DEBUG_PORT);
return new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
public Pattern createNCStopPattern(String hostId, String nodeControllerId) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, hostId));
Event event = new Event("node_failure", nodeid, nodeControllerId);
return new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);
private Pattern createAsterixDeployPattern(String asterixInstanceName, Cluster cluster) {
Nodeid nodeid = new Nodeid(new Value(null, EventDriver.CLIENT_NODE.getId()));
String asterixZipName = ManagixDriver.getAsterixZip().substring(
ManagixDriver.getAsterixZip().lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
String asterixInstanceZip = ManagixDriver.getAsterixDir() + File.separator + asterixInstanceName
+ File.separator + asterixZipName;
Event event = new Event("asterix_deploy", nodeid, ManagixDriver.getManagixHome() + " " + asterixInstanceZip
+ " " + cluster.getMasterNode().getIp());
return new Pattern(null, 1, null, event);