blob: 240f8c773330004340590812503a1e1bfa937666 [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.functions;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
* The most simple implementation of a static hashtable you could imagine.
* Intended to work with binary data and be able to map arbitrary key types to
* arbitrary value types, given that they have implementations of
* IBinaryHashFunction and IBinaryComparator.
* Uses 2 bytes each to indicate the length of the key and the value.
* Uses 8 byte pointers for the linked list (4 bytes frame index, 4 bytes frame offset).
* This class is NOT thread safe.
public class BinaryHashMap {
// Special value to indicate an empty "bucket" in the header array.
private static final long NULL_PTR = -1;
private static final int PTR_SIZE = 8;
private static final int SLOT_SIZE = 2;
private static final int ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE = PTR_SIZE + 2 * SLOT_SIZE;
private final IBinaryHashFunction hashFunc;
private final IBinaryComparator cmp;
private final BinaryEntry returnValue = new BinaryEntry();
private final long[] listHeads;
private final int frameSize;
private final List<ByteBuffer> frames = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
private int currFrameIndex;
private int nextOff;
private int size;
// Can be used for key or value.
public static class BinaryEntry {
public byte[] buf;
public int off;
public int len;
public void set(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
this.buf = buf; = off;
this.len = len;
// Inefficient. Just for debugging.
public String print(ISerializerDeserializer serde) throws HyracksDataException {
ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, off, len);
DataInput dataIn = new DataInputStream(inStream);
return serde.deserialize(dataIn).toString();
public BinaryHashMap(int tableSize, int frameSize, IBinaryHashFunction hashFunc, IBinaryComparator cmp) {
listHeads = new long[tableSize];
this.frameSize = frameSize;
this.hashFunc = hashFunc;
this.cmp = cmp;
* Inserts key, value into the hash map. If key already exists, returns
* existing entry. Otherwise, returns null.
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public BinaryEntry put(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value) {
return getPutInternal(key, value, true);
* Retrieves value for given key. Returns null if key doesn't exist.
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public BinaryEntry get(BinaryEntry key) {
return getPutInternal(key, null, false);
private BinaryEntry getPutInternal(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value, boolean put) {
int bucket = Math.abs(hashFunc.hash(key.buf,, key.len) % listHeads.length);
long headPtr = listHeads[bucket];
if (headPtr == NULL_PTR) {
// Key definitely doesn't exist yet.
if (put) {
listHeads[bucket] = appendEntry(key, value);
return null;
// Follow the chain until we found an entry matching the given key.
int frameOff;
ByteBuffer frame;
do {
int frameIndex = getFrameIndex(headPtr);
frameOff = getFrameOffset(headPtr);
frame = frames.get(frameIndex);
int entryKeyOff = frameOff + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE;
int entryKeyLen = frame.getShort(frameOff);
if (, entryKeyOff, entryKeyLen, key.buf,, key.len) == 0) {
// Key found, set values and return.
int entryValOff = frameOff + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + entryKeyLen;
int entryValLen = frame.getShort(frameOff + SLOT_SIZE);
returnValue.set(frame.array(), entryValOff, entryValLen);
return returnValue;
headPtr = frame.getLong(frameOff + 2 * SLOT_SIZE);
} while (headPtr != NULL_PTR);
// We've followed the chain to its end, and didn't find the key.
if (put) {
// Append the new entry, and set a pointer to it in the last entry we've checked.
long newPtr = appendEntry(key, value);
frame.putLong(frameOff + 2 * SLOT_SIZE, newPtr);
return null;
public long appendEntry(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value) {
ByteBuffer frame = frames.get(currFrameIndex);
int requiredSpace = key.len + value.len + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE;
if (nextOff + requiredSpace >= frameSize) {
// Entry doesn't fit on frame, allocate a new one.
if (requiredSpace > frameSize) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Key and value greater than framesize.");
nextOff = 0;
frame = frames.get(currFrameIndex);
writeEntryHeader(frame, nextOff, key.len, value.len, NULL_PTR);
System.arraycopy(key.buf,, frame.array(), nextOff + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE, key.len);
System.arraycopy(value.buf,, frame.array(), nextOff + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + key.len, value.len);
long entryPtr = getEntryPtr(currFrameIndex, nextOff);
nextOff += requiredSpace;
return entryPtr;
private void writeEntryHeader(ByteBuffer frame, int targetOff, int keyLen, int valLen, long ptr) {
frame.putShort(targetOff, (short) keyLen);
frame.putShort(targetOff + SLOT_SIZE, (short) valLen);
frame.putLong(targetOff + 2 * SLOT_SIZE, ptr);
private long getEntryPtr(int frameIndex, int frameOff) {
return (((long) frameIndex) << 32) + frameOff;
private int getFrameIndex(long ptr) {
return (int) ((ptr >> 32) & 0xffffffff);
private int getFrameOffset(long ptr) {
return (int) (ptr & 0xffffffff);
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size > 0;
public void clear() {
// Initialize all entries to point to nothing.
Arrays.fill(listHeads, NULL_PTR);
currFrameIndex = 0;
nextOff = 0;
size = 0;
public Iterator<Pair<BinaryEntry, BinaryEntry>> iterator() {
return new BinaryHashMapIterator();
public class BinaryHashMapIterator implements Iterator<Pair<BinaryEntry, BinaryEntry> > {
private final Pair<BinaryEntry, BinaryEntry> val = new Pair<BinaryEntry, BinaryEntry>(new BinaryEntry(), new BinaryEntry());
private int listHeadIndex;
private ByteBuffer frame;
private int frameIndex;
private int frameOff;
public BinaryHashMapIterator() {
listHeadIndex = 0;
frame = null;
frameIndex = -1;
frameOff = -1;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (frame != null) {
long nextPtr = frame.getLong(frameOff + 2 * SLOT_SIZE);
if (nextPtr == NULL_PTR) {
// End of current list.
return nextListHead();
} else {
// Follow pointer.
return true;
return nextListHead();
private boolean nextListHead() {
// Position to first non-null list-head pointer.
while(listHeadIndex < listHeads.length && listHeads[listHeadIndex] == NULL_PTR) {
if (listHeadIndex < listHeads.length) {
// Positioned to first non-null list head.
return true;
} else {
// No more lists.
frame = null;
return false;
private void setValue(long ptr) {
frameIndex = getFrameIndex(ptr);
frameOff = getFrameOffset(ptr);
frame = frames.get(frameIndex);
int entryKeyOff = frameOff + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE;
int entryKeyLen = frame.getShort(frameOff);
int entryValOff = frameOff + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + entryKeyLen;
int entryValLen = frame.getShort(frameOff + SLOT_SIZE);
val.first.set(frame.array(), entryKeyOff, entryKeyLen);
val.second.set(frame.array(), entryValOff, entryValLen);
public Pair<BinaryEntry, BinaryEntry> next() {
return val;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove not implemented");