blob: d2cd356fa6116af11db4f92ab6347a94e1f751cb [file] [log] [blame]
public class ADateAndTimeParser {
private static final GregorianCalendarSystem gCalInstance = GregorianCalendarSystem.getInstance();
private static final String dateErrorMessage = "Wrong date format!";
private static final String timeErrorMessage = "Wrong time format!";
* Parse the given char sequence as a date string, and return the milliseconds represented by the date.
* @param charAccessor
* accessor for the char sequence
* @param isDateOnly
* indicating whether it is a single date string, or it is the date part of a datetime string
* @param errorMessage
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static <T> long parseDatePart(ICharSequenceAccessor<T> charAccessor, boolean isDateOnly) throws Exception {
int length = charAccessor.getLength();
int offset = 0;
int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
boolean positive = true;
boolean isExtendedForm = false;
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) == '-') {
positive = false;
if ((isDateOnly) && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 4) == '-' || (!isDateOnly)
&& charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 13) == ':') {
isExtendedForm = true;
if (isExtendedForm) {
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 4) != '-' || charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 7) != '-') {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage);
// year
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9') {
year = year * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage);
if (year < GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MINS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.YEAR.ordinal()]
|| year > GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MAXS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.YEAR.ordinal()]) {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage + ": year " + year);
offset += (isExtendedForm) ? 5 : 4;
// month
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9')) {
month = month * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage);
if (month < GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MINS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.MONTH.ordinal()]
|| month > GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MAXS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.MONTH.ordinal()]) {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage + ": month " + month);
offset += (isExtendedForm) ? 3 : 2;
// day
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9')) {
day = day * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage);
if (day < GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MINS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.DAY.ordinal()]
|| day > GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MAXS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.DAY.ordinal()]) {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage + ": day " + day);
offset += 2;
if (!positive) {
year *= -1;
if (isDateOnly && length > offset) {
throw new Exception(dateErrorMessage);
return gCalInstance.getChronon(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
* Parse the given char sequence as a time string, and return the milliseconds represented by the time.
* @param charAccessor
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static <T> int parseTimePart(ICharSequenceAccessor<T> charAccessor) throws Exception {
int length = charAccessor.getLength();
int offset = 0;
int hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0, millis = 0;
int timezone = 0;
boolean isExtendedForm = false;
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 2) == ':') {
isExtendedForm = true;
if (isExtendedForm && (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 2) != ':' || charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 5) != ':')) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
// hour
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9')) {
hour = hour * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
if (hour < GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MINS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.HOUR.ordinal()]
|| hour > GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MAXS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.HOUR.ordinal()]) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage + ": hour " + hour);
offset += (isExtendedForm) ? 3 : 2;
// minute
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9')) {
min = min * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
if (min < GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MINS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.MINUTE.ordinal()]
|| min > GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MAXS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.MINUTE.ordinal()]) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage + ": min " + min);
offset += (isExtendedForm) ? 3 : 2;
// second
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9')) {
sec = sec * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
if (sec < GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MINS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.SECOND.ordinal()]
|| sec > GregorianCalendarSystem.FIELD_MAXS[GregorianCalendarSystem.Fields.SECOND.ordinal()]) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage + ": sec " + sec);
offset += 2;
if ((isExtendedForm && length > offset && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) == '.')
|| (!isExtendedForm && length > offset)) {
offset += (isExtendedForm) ? 1 : 0;
int i = 0;
for (; i < 3 && offset + i < length; i++) {
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) <= '9') {
millis = millis * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + i) - '0';
} else {
offset += i;
for (; i < 3; i++) {
millis = millis * 10;
// error is thrown if more than three digits are seen for the millisecond part
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) <= '9') {
throw new Exception("Wrong format of time instance: too many fields for millisecond.");
if (length > offset) {
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) != 'Z') {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) != '+' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) != '-')
|| (isExtendedForm && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 3) != ':')) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
short timezoneHour = 0;
short timezoneMinute = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 1 + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 1 + i) <= '9')) {
timezoneHour = (short) (timezoneHour * 10 + charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + 1 + i) - '0');
} else {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
if (timezoneHour < GregorianCalendarSystem.TIMEZONE_HOUR_MIN
|| timezoneHour > GregorianCalendarSystem.TIMEZONE_HOUR_MAX) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage + ": time zone hour " + timezoneHour);
int temp_offset = (isExtendedForm) ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + temp_offset + 3 + i) >= '0' && charAccessor.getCharAt(offset
+ temp_offset + 3 + i) <= '9')) {
timezoneMinute = (short) (timezoneMinute * 10
+ charAccessor.getCharAt(offset + temp_offset + 3 + i) - '0');
} else {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage);
if (timezoneMinute < GregorianCalendarSystem.TIMEZONE_MIN_MIN
|| timezoneMinute > GregorianCalendarSystem.TIMEZONE_MIN_MAX) {
throw new Exception(timeErrorMessage + ": time zone minute " + timezoneMinute);
if (charAccessor.getCharAt(offset) == '-') {
timezone = (byte) -((timezoneHour * 4) + timezoneMinute / 15);
} else {
timezone = (byte) ((timezoneHour * 4) + timezoneMinute / 15);
return gCalInstance.getChronon(hour, min, sec, millis, timezone);