blob: d9b5da988db04028c1e1b7e2a861f4c2bbfa2cbd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.asterix.algebra.operators.CommitOperator;
import org.apache.asterix.common.exceptions.CompilationException;
import org.apache.asterix.common.exceptions.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.declared.MetadataProvider;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalExpressionTag;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalOperatorTag;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalVariable;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.VariableReferenceExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator.ExecutionMode;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.DelegateOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.IntersectOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.OrderOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.SelectOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.visitors.VariableUtilities;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.util.OperatorPropertiesUtil;
* This rule optimizes simple selections with secondary or primary indexes.
* The use of an index is expressed as an UNNESTMAP operator over an index-search function which will be
* replaced with the appropriate embodiment during codegen.
* This rule seeks to change the following patterns.
* For the secondary-index searches, a SELECT operator is followed by one or more ASSIGN / UNNEST operators.
* A DATASOURCE_SCAN operator should be placed before these operators.
* For the primary-index search, a SELECT operator is followed by DATASOURE_SCAN operator since no ASSIGN / UNNEST
* operator is required to get the primary key fields (they are already stored fields in the BTree tuples).
* If the above pattern is found, this rule replaces the pattern with the following pattern.
* If the given plan is both a secondary-index search and an index-only plan, it builds two paths.
* The left path has a UNIONALL operator at the top. And the original SELECT operator is followed. Also, the original
* ASSIGN / UNNEST operators are followed. Then, UNNEST-MAP for the primary-index-search is followed
* to fetch the record. Before that, a SPLIT operator is introduced. Before this, an UNNEST-MAP for
* the secondary-index-search is followed to conduct a secondary-index search. The search key (original ASSIGN/UNNEST)
* to the secondary-index-search (UNNEST-MAP) is placed before that.
* The right path has the above UNIONALL operator at the top. Then, possibly has optional SELECT and/or ASSIGN/UNNEST
* operators for the composite BTree or RTree search cases. Then, the above SPLIT operator is followed. Before the SPLIT
* operator, it shares the same operators with the left path.
* To be qualified as an index-only plan, there are two conditions.
* 1) Search predicate can be covered by a secondary index-search.
* 2) there are only PK and/or SK fields in the return clause.
* If the given query satisfies the above conditions, we call it an index-only plan.
* The benefit of the index-only plan is that we don't need to traverse the primary index
* after fetching SK, PK entries from a secondary index.
* The index-only plan works as follows.
* 1) During a secondary-index search, after fetching <SK, PK> pair that satisfies the given predicate,
* we try to get an instantTryLock on PK to verify that <SK, PK> is a valid pair.
* If it succeeds, the given <SK, PK> pair is trustworthy so that we can return this as a valid output.
* This tuple goes to the right path of UNIONALL operator since we don't need to traverse the primary index.
* If instantTryLock on PK fails, an operation on the PK record is ongoing, so we need to traverse
* the primary index to fetch the entire record and verify the search predicate. So, this <SK, PK> pair
* goes to the left path of UNIONALL operator to traverse the primary index.
* In the left path, we fetch the record using the given PK and fetch SK field and does SELECT verification.
* 2) A UNIONALL operator combines tuples from the left path and the right path and the rest of the plan continues.
* In an index-only plan, sort before the primary index-search is not required since we assume that
* the chances that a tuple (<SK, PK> pair) goes into the left path are low.
* If the given query plan is not an index-only plan, we call this plan as non-index only plan.
* In this case, the original plan will be transformed into the following pattern.
* The original SELECT operator is placed at the top. And the original ASSIGN / UNNEST operators are followed.
* An UNNEST-MAP that conducts the primary-index-search to fetch the primary keys are placed before that. An ORDER
* operator is placed to sort the primary keys before feed them into the primary-index. Then, an UNNEST-MAP is followed
* to conduct a secondary-index search. Then, the search key (ASSIGN / UNNEST) is followed.
* In this case, the sort is optional, and some access methods implementations may choose not to sort.
* Note that for some index-based optimizations we do not remove the triggering
* condition from the select, since the index may only acts as a filter, and the
* final verification must still be done with the original select condition.
* The basic outline of this rule is:
* 1. Match operator pattern.
* 2. Analyze select condition to see if there are optimizable functions (delegated to IAccessMethods).
* 3. Check meta-data to see if there are applicable indexes.
* 4. Choose an index (or more indexes) to apply.
* 5. Rewrite the plan using index(es) (delegated to IAccessMethods).
* If multiple secondary index access paths are available, the optimizer uses the intersection operator
* to get the intersected primary key from all the chosen secondary indexes. In this case, we don't check
* whether the given plan is an index-only plan.
* The detailed documentation of intersecting multiple secondary indexes is here:
public class IntroduceSelectAccessMethodRule extends AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule {
// Operators representing the patterns to be matched:
// These ops are set in matchesPattern()
protected Mutable<ILogicalOperator> selectRef = null;
protected SelectOperator selectOp = null;
protected AbstractFunctionCallExpression selectCond = null;
protected IVariableTypeEnvironment typeEnvironment = null;
protected final OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree = new OptimizableOperatorSubTree();
protected List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> afterSelectRefs = null;
// For plan rewriting to recognize applicable array indexes.
private final SelectFromSubplanRewrite selectFromSubplanRewrite = new SelectFromSubplanRewrite();
private final MergedSelectRewrite mergedSelectRewrite = new MergedSelectRewrite();
// Register access methods.
protected static Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> accessMethods = new HashMap<>();
static {
registerAccessMethod(BTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
registerAccessMethod(RTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
registerAccessMethod(InvertedIndexAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
registerAccessMethod(ArrayBTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
for (Pair<FunctionIdentifier, Boolean> f : ArrayBTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE.getOptimizableFunctions()) {
* Recursively check the given plan from the root operator to transform a plan
* with SELECT operator into an index-utilized plan.
public boolean rewritePre(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
throws AlgebricksException {
AbstractLogicalOperator op = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue();
// Already checked?
if (context.checkIfInDontApplySet(this, op)) {
return false;
// We start at the top of the plan. Thus, check whether this operator is the root,
// which is DISTRIBUTE_RESULT, SINK, or COMMIT since we start the process from the root operator.
if (op.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.DISTRIBUTE_RESULT
&& op.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.SINK
&& op.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.DELEGATE_OPERATOR) {
return false;
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.DELEGATE_OPERATOR
&& !(((DelegateOperator) op).getDelegate() instanceof CommitOperator)) {
return false;
afterSelectRefs = new ArrayList<>();
// Recursively check the given plan whether the desired pattern exists in it.
// If so, try to optimize the plan.
boolean planTransformed = checkAndApplyTheSelectTransformation(opRef, context);
if (selectOp != null) {
// We found an optimization here. Don't need to optimize this operator again.
context.addToDontApplySet(this, selectOp);
if (!planTransformed) {
return false;
} else {
OperatorPropertiesUtil.typeOpRec(opRef, context);
return planTransformed;
* Check that the given SELECT condition is a function call.
* Call initSubTree() to initialize the optimizable subtree that collects information from
* the operators below the given SELECT operator.
* In order to transform the given plan, a datasource should be configured
* since we are going to transform a datasource into an unnest-map operator.
protected boolean checkSelectOpConditionAndInitSubTree(IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
// Set and analyze select.
ILogicalExpression condExpr = selectOp.getCondition().getValue();
typeEnvironment = context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(selectOp);
if (condExpr.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
return false;
selectCond = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) condExpr;
// Initialize the subtree information.
// Match and put assign, unnest, and datasource information.
boolean res = subTree.initFromSubTree(selectOp.getInputs().get(0));
return res && subTree.hasDataSourceScan();
* Constructs all applicable secondary index-based access paths in the given selection plan and
* intersects them using INTERSECT operator to guide to the common primary-index search.
* This method assumes that there are two or more secondary indexes in the given path.
private boolean intersectAllSecondaryIndexes(List<Pair<IAccessMethod, Index>> chosenIndexes,
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs, IOptimizationContext context)
throws AlgebricksException {
if (chosenIndexes.size() == 1) {
throw CompilationException.create(ErrorCode.CHOSEN_INDEX_COUNT_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ONE);
// Intersect all secondary indexes, and postpone the primary index search.
Mutable<ILogicalExpression> conditionRef = selectOp.getCondition();
List<ILogicalOperator> subRoots = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pair<IAccessMethod, Index> pair : chosenIndexes) {
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzedAMs.get(pair.first);
boolean retainInput = AccessMethodUtils.retainInputs(subTree.getDataSourceVariables(),
subTree.getDataSourceRef().getValue(), afterSelectRefs);
boolean requiresBroadcast = subTree.getDataSourceRef().getValue().getInputs().get(0).getValue()
.getExecutionMode() == ExecutionMode.UNPARTITIONED;
ILogicalOperator subRoot = pair.first.createIndexSearchPlan(afterSelectRefs, selectRef, conditionRef,
subTree.getAssignsAndUnnestsRefs(), subTree, null, pair.second, analysisCtx, retainInput, false,
requiresBroadcast, context, null, null);
if (subRoot == null) {
return false;
// Connect each secondary index utilization plan to a common intersect operator.
ILogicalOperator primaryUnnestOp = connectAll2ndarySearchPlanWithIntersect(subRoots, context);
return primaryUnnestOp != null;
* Checks whether the primary index exists among the applicable indexes and return it if is exists.
* @param chosenIndexes
* @return Pair<IAccessMethod, Index> for the primary index
* null otherwise
* @throws AlgebricksException
private Pair<IAccessMethod, Index> fetchPrimaryIndexAmongChosenIndexes(
List<Pair<IAccessMethod, Index>> chosenIndexes) throws AlgebricksException {
Optional<Pair<IAccessMethod, Index>> primaryIndex = -> pair.second.isPrimaryIndex()).findFirst();
if (primaryIndex.isPresent()) {
return primaryIndex.get();
return null;
* Connect each secondary index utilization plan to a common INTERSECT operator.
private ILogicalOperator connectAll2ndarySearchPlanWithIntersect(List<ILogicalOperator> subRoots,
IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
ILogicalOperator lop = subRoots.get(0);
List<List<LogicalVariable>> inputVars = new ArrayList<>(subRoots.size());
for (int i = 0; i < subRoots.size(); i++) {
if (lop.getOperatorTag() != subRoots.get(i).getOperatorTag()) {
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.COMPILATION_ERROR, lop.getSourceLocation(),
"The data source root should have the same operator type.");
if (lop.getInputs().size() != 1) {
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.COMPILATION_ERROR, lop.getSourceLocation(),
"The primary search has multiple inputs.");
ILogicalOperator curRoot = subRoots.get(i);
OrderOperator order = (OrderOperator) curRoot.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
List<LogicalVariable> orderedColumn = new ArrayList<>(order.getOrderExpressions().size());
for (Pair<OrderOperator.IOrder, Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> orderExpression : order
.getOrderExpressions()) {
if (orderExpression.second.getValue().getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.VARIABLE) {
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.COMPILATION_ERROR,
"The order by expression should be variables, but they aren't variables.");
VariableReferenceExpression orderedVar =
(VariableReferenceExpression) orderExpression.second.getValue();
List<LogicalVariable> inputVars0 = inputVars.get(0);
List<LogicalVariable> outputVars = new ArrayList<>(inputVars0.size());
for (LogicalVariable inputVar : inputVars0) {
LogicalVariable outputVar = context.newVar();
VariableUtilities.substituteVariables(lop, inputVar, outputVar, context);
IntersectOperator intersect = new IntersectOperator(outputVars, inputVars);
for (ILogicalOperator secondarySearch : subRoots) {
lop.getInputs().set(0, new MutableObject<>(intersect));
return lop;
* Recursively traverse the given plan and check whether a SELECT operator exists.
* If one is found, maintain the path from the root to SELECT operator and
* optimize the path from the SELECT operator to the EMPTY_TUPLE_SOURCE operator
* if it is not already optimized.
protected boolean checkAndApplyTheSelectTransformation(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef,
IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
AbstractLogicalOperator op = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue();
boolean selectFoundAndOptimizationApplied;
boolean isSelectOp = false;
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> selectRefFromThisOp = null;
SelectOperator selectOpFromThisOp = null;
// Check the current operator pattern to see whether it is a JOIN or not.
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) {
selectRef = opRef;
selectOp = (SelectOperator) op;
selectRefFromThisOp = opRef;
selectOpFromThisOp = (SelectOperator) op;
isSelectOp = true;
} else {
// This is not a SELECT operator. Remember this operator.
// Recursively check the plan and try to optimize it. We first check the children of the given operator
// to make sure an earlier select in the path is optimized first.
for (Mutable<ILogicalOperator> inputOpRef : op.getInputs()) {
selectFoundAndOptimizationApplied = checkAndApplyTheSelectTransformation(inputOpRef, context);
if (selectFoundAndOptimizationApplied) {
return true;
// Traverse the plan until we find a SELECT operator.
if (isSelectOp) {
// Restore the information from this operator since it might have been be set to null
// if there are other select operators in the earlier path.
selectRef = selectRefFromThisOp;
selectOp = selectOpFromThisOp;
// Decides the plan transformation check needs to be continued.
// This variable is needed since we can't just return false
// in order to keep this operator in the afterSelectRefs list.
boolean continueCheck = true;
// Already checked this SELECT operator? If not, this operator may be optimized.
if (context.checkIfInDontApplySet(this, selectOp)) {
continueCheck = false;
// For each access method, contains the information about
// whether an available index can be applicable or not.
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs = null;
if (continueCheck) {
analyzedAMs = new TreeMap<>();
if (continueCheck && context.getPhysicalOptimizationConfig().isArrayIndexEnabled()
&& SelectFromSubplanRewrite.isApplicableForRewriteCursory(metadataProvider, selectOp)) {
// If there exists a composite atomic-array index, our conjuncts will be split across multiple
// SELECTs. This rewrite is to be used **solely** for the purpose of changing a DATA-SCAN into a
// non-index-only plan branch. No nodes introduced from this rewrite will be used beyond this point.
if (rewriteLocallyAndTransform(selectRef, context, mergedSelectRewrite)) {
return true;
// If there exists a SUBPLAN in our plan, and we are conditioning on a variable, attempt to rewrite
// this subplan to allow an array-index AM to be introduced. Again, this rewrite is to be used
// **solely** for the purpose of changing a DATA-SCAN into a non-index-only plan branch.
if (rewriteLocallyAndTransform(selectRef, context, selectFromSubplanRewrite)) {
return true;
// Check the condition of SELECT operator is a function call since
// only function call can be transformed using available indexes.
// If so, initialize the subtree information that will be used later to decide whether
// the given plan is truly optimizable or not.
if (continueCheck && !checkSelectOpConditionAndInitSubTree(context)) {
continueCheck = false;
// Analyze the condition of SELECT operator and initialize analyzedAMs.
// Check whether the function in the SELECT operator can be truly transformed.
if (continueCheck && !analyzeSelectOrJoinOpConditionAndUpdateAnalyzedAM(selectCond,
subTree.getAssignsAndUnnests(), analyzedAMs, context, typeEnvironment)) {
continueCheck = false;
// Find the dataset from the data-source and
// the record type of the dataset from the metadata.
// This will be used to find an applicable index on the dataset.
if (continueCheck && !subTree.setDatasetAndTypeMetadata((MetadataProvider) context.getMetadataProvider())) {
continueCheck = false;
if (continueCheck) {
// Map variables to the applicable indexes and find the field name and type.
// Then find the applicable indexes for the variables used in the SELECT condition.
fillSubTreeIndexExprs(subTree, analyzedAMs, context, false);
// Prune the access methods based on the function expression and access methods.
pruneIndexCandidates(analyzedAMs, context, typeEnvironment);
// Choose all indexes that will be applied.
List<Pair<IAccessMethod, Index>> chosenIndexes = chooseAllIndexes(analyzedAMs);
if (chosenIndexes == null || chosenIndexes.isEmpty()) {
// We can't apply any index for this SELECT operator
context.addToDontApplySet(this, selectRef.getValue());
return false;
// Apply plan transformation using chosen index.
boolean res;
// Primary index applicable?
Pair<IAccessMethod, Index> chosenPrimaryIndex = fetchPrimaryIndexAmongChosenIndexes(chosenIndexes);
if (chosenPrimaryIndex != null) {
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzedAMs.get(chosenPrimaryIndex.first);
res = chosenPrimaryIndex.first.applySelectPlanTransformation(afterSelectRefs, selectRef, subTree,
chosenPrimaryIndex.second, analysisCtx, context);
context.addToDontApplySet(this, selectRef.getValue());
} else if (chosenIndexes.size() == 1) {
// Index-only plan possible?
// Gets the analysis context for the given index.
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzedAMs.get(chosenIndexes.get(0).first);
// Finds the field name of each variable in the sub-tree.
// Finally, try to apply plan transformation using chosen index.
res = chosenIndexes.get(0).first.applySelectPlanTransformation(afterSelectRefs, selectRef, subTree,
chosenIndexes.get(0).second, analysisCtx, context);
context.addToDontApplySet(this, selectRef.getValue());
} else {
// Multiple secondary indexes applicable?
res = intersectAllSecondaryIndexes(chosenIndexes, analyzedAMs, context);
context.addToDontApplySet(this, selectRef.getValue());
// If the plan transformation is successful, we don't need to traverse
// the plan any more, since if there are more SELECT operators, the next
// trigger on this plan will find them.
if (res) {
OperatorPropertiesUtil.typeOpRec(opRef, context);
return res;
selectRef = null;
selectOp = null;
// Cleans the path after SELECT operator by removing the current operator in the list.
return false;
public Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> getAccessMethods() {
return accessMethods;
private boolean rewriteLocallyAndTransform(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context,
IIntroduceAccessMethodRuleLocalRewrite<SelectOperator> rewriter) throws AlgebricksException {
SelectOperator selectRewrite = rewriter.createOperator(selectOp, context);
boolean transformationResult = false;
if (selectRewrite != null) {
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> selectRuleInput = new MutableObject<>(selectRewrite);
transformationResult = checkAndApplyTheSelectTransformation(selectRuleInput, context);
// Restore our state, so we can look for more optimizations if this transformation failed.
selectOp = rewriter.restoreBeforeRewrite(null, null);
selectRef = opRef;
return transformationResult;
private void clear() {
afterSelectRefs = null;
selectRef = null;
selectOp = null;
selectCond = null;
typeEnvironment = null;