blob: abfcfb335eeb2c26975b05562f767c5eec3618b4 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.declared.AqlMetadataProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalExpressionTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalOperatorTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.SelectOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.util.OperatorPropertiesUtil;
* This rule optimizes simple selections with secondary or primary indexes. The use of an
* index is expressed as an unnest-map over an index-search function which will be
* replaced with the appropriate embodiment during codegen.
* Matches the following operator patterns:
* Standard secondary index pattern:
* There must be at least one assign, but there may be more, e.g., when matching similarity-jaccard-check().
* (select) <-- (assign)+ <-- (datasource scan)
* Primary index lookup pattern:
* Since no assign is necessary to get the primary key fields (they are already stored fields in the BTree tuples).
* (select) <-- (datasource scan)
* Replaces the above patterns with this plan:
* (select) <-- (assign) <-- (btree search) <-- (sort) <-- (unnest-map(index search)) <-- (assign)
* The sort is optional, and some access methods implementations may choose not to sort.
* Note that for some index-based optimizations we do not remove the triggering
* condition from the select, since the index may only acts as a filter, and the
* final verification must still be done with the original select condition.
* The basic outline of this rule is:
* 1. Match operator pattern.
* 2. Analyze select condition to see if there are optimizable functions (delegated to IAccessMethods).
* 3. Check metadata to see if there are applicable indexes.
* 4. Choose an index to apply (for now only a single index will be chosen).
* 5. Rewrite plan using index (delegated to IAccessMethods).
public class IntroduceSelectAccessMethodRule extends AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule {
// Operators representing the patterns to be matched:
// These ops are set in matchesPattern()
protected Mutable<ILogicalOperator> selectRef = null;
protected SelectOperator select = null;
protected AbstractFunctionCallExpression selectCond = null;
protected final OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree = new OptimizableOperatorSubTree();
// Register access methods.
protected static Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> accessMethods = new HashMap<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>>();
static {
registerAccessMethod(BTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
registerAccessMethod(RTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
registerAccessMethod(InvertedIndexAccessMethod.INSTANCE, accessMethods);
public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
throws AlgebricksException {
// Match operator pattern and initialize operator members.
if (!matchesOperatorPattern(opRef, context)) {
return false;
// Analyze select condition.
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs = new HashMap<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>();
if (!analyzeCondition(selectCond, subTree.assigns, analyzedAMs)) {
return false;
// Set dataset and type metadata.
if (!subTree.setDatasetAndTypeMetadata((AqlMetadataProvider) context.getMetadataProvider())) {
return false;
fillSubTreeIndexExprs(subTree, analyzedAMs);
// Choose index to be applied.
Pair<IAccessMethod, Index> chosenIndex = chooseIndex(analyzedAMs);
if (chosenIndex == null) {
context.addToDontApplySet(this, select);
return false;
// Apply plan transformation using chosen index.
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzedAMs.get(chosenIndex.first);
boolean res = chosenIndex.first.applySelectPlanTransformation(selectRef, subTree, chosenIndex.second,
analysisCtx, context);
if (res) {
OperatorPropertiesUtil.typeOpRec(opRef, context);
context.addToDontApplySet(this, select);
return res;
protected boolean matchesOperatorPattern(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context) {
// First check that the operator is a select and its condition is a function call.
AbstractLogicalOperator op1 = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue();
if (context.checkIfInDontApplySet(this, op1)) {
return false;
if (op1.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) {
return false;
// Set and analyze select.
selectRef = opRef;
select = (SelectOperator) op1;
// Check that the select's condition is a function call.
ILogicalExpression condExpr = select.getCondition().getValue();
if (condExpr.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
return false;
selectCond = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) condExpr;
return subTree.initFromSubTree(op1.getInputs().get(0));
public Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> getAccessMethods() {
return accessMethods;
private void clear() {
selectRef = null;
select = null;
selectCond = null;