blob: 3d99b6789b518ef7218afac7ca742c53a51a3ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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drop dataverse tpcds if exists;
create dataverse tpcds;
use tpcds;
create type tpcds.customer_address_type as closed {
ca_address_sk : bigint,
ca_address_id : string,
ca_street_number : string?,
ca_street_name : string?,
ca_street_type : string?,
ca_suite_number : string?,
ca_city : string?,
ca_county : string?,
ca_state : string?,
ca_zip : string?,
ca_country : string?,
ca_gmt_offset : double?,
ca_location_type : string?
create type tpcds.household_demographics_type as
closed {
hd_demo_sk : bigint,
hd_income_band_sk : bigint?,
hd_buy_potential : string?,
hd_dep_count : bigint?,
hd_vehicle_count : bigint?
create type tpcds.store_sales_type as
closed {
ss_sold_date_sk: bigint?,
ss_sold_time_sk: bigint?,
ss_item_sk: bigint,
ss_customer_sk: bigint?,
ss_cdemo_sk: bigint?,
ss_hdemo_sk: bigint?,
ss_addr_sk: bigint?,
ss_store_sk: bigint?,
ss_promo_sk: bigint?,
ss_ticket_number: bigint,
ss_quantity: bigint?,
ss_wholesale_cost: double?,
ss_list_price: double?,
ss_sales_price: double?,
ss_ext_discount_amt: double?,
ss_ext_sales_price: double?,
ss_ext_wholesale_cost: double?,
ss_ext_list_price: double?,
ss_ext_tax: double?,
ss_coupon_amt: double?,
ss_net_paid: double?,
ss_net_paid_inc_tax: double?,
ss_net_profit: double?
create type tpcds.date_dim_type as
closed {
d_date_sk : bigint,
d_date_id : string,
d_date : string?,
d_month_seq : bigint?,
d_week_seq : bigint?,
d_quarter_seq : bigint?,
d_year : bigint? ,
d_dow : bigint? ,
d_moy : bigint?,
d_dom : bigint?,
d_qoy : bigint?,
d_fy_year : bigint?,
d_fy_quarter_seq : bigint?,
d_fy_week_seq : bigint?,
d_day_name : string?,
d_quarter_name : string?,
d_holiday : string?,
d_weekend : string?,
d_following_holiday : string?,
d_first_dom : bigint?,
d_last_dom : bigint?,
d_same_day_ly : bigint?,
d_same_day_lq : bigint?,
d_current_day : string?,
d_current_week : string?,
d_current_month : string?,
d_current_quarter : string?,
d_current_year : string?
create type tpcds.store_type as
closed {
s_store_sk : bigint,
s_store_id : string,
s_rec_start_date : string?,
s_rec_end_date : string?,
s_closed_date_sk : bigint?,
s_store_name : string?,
s_number_employees : bigint?,
s_floor_space : bigint?,
s_hours : string?,
s_manager : string?,
s_market_id : bigint?,
s_geography_class : string?,
s_market_desc : string?,
s_market_manager : string?,
s_division_id : bigint?,
s_division_name : string?,
s_company_id : bigint?,
s_company_name : string?,
s_street_number : string?,
s_street_name : string?,
s_street_type : string?,
s_suite_number : string?,
s_city : string?,
s_county : string?,
s_state : string?,
s_zip : string?,
s_country : string?,
s_gmt_offset : double?,
s_tax_precentage : double?
create type tpcds.customer_type as
closed {
c_customer_sk : bigint,
c_customer_id : string,
c_current_cdemo_sk : bigint?,
c_current_hdemo_sk : bigint?,
c_current_addr_sk : bigint?,
c_first_shipto_date_sk : bigint?,
c_first_sales_date_sk : bigint?,
c_salutation : string?,
c_first_name : string?,
c_last_name : string?,
c_preferred_cust_flag : string?,
c_birth_day : bigint?,
c_birth_month : bigint?,
c_birth_year : bigint?,
c_birth_country : string?,
c_login : string?,
c_email_address : string?,
c_last_review_date : string?
create dataset customer_address(customer_address_type) primary key ca_address_sk;
create dataset household_demographics (household_demographics_type) primary key hd_demo_sk;
create dataset store_sales (store_sales_type) primary key ss_item_sk, ss_ticket_number;
create dataset date_dim(date_dim_type) primary key d_date_sk;
create dataset store (store_type) primary key s_store_sk;
create dataset customer (customer_type) primary key c_customer_sk;