blob: 3269be7ff1b167a3cbeacf6cbf5ae1e25c58eadd [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.DatasetType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.declared.AqlMetadataProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataset;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.base.AnalysisUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalOperatorTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AssignOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.DataSourceScanOperator;
* Operator subtree that matches the following patterns, and provides convenient access to its nodes:
* (select)? <-- (assign)+ <-- (datasource scan)
* and
* (select)? <-- (datasource scan)
public class OptimizableOperatorSubTree {
public ILogicalOperator root = null;
public Mutable<ILogicalOperator> rootRef = null;
public final List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> assignRefs = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>>();
public final List<AssignOperator> assigns = new ArrayList<AssignOperator>();
public Mutable<ILogicalOperator> dataSourceScanRef = null;
public DataSourceScanOperator dataSourceScan = null;
// Dataset and type metadata. Set in setDatasetAndTypeMetadata().
public Dataset dataset = null;
public ARecordType recordType = null;
public boolean initFromSubTree(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> subTreeOpRef) {
rootRef = subTreeOpRef;
root = subTreeOpRef.getValue();
// Examine the op's children to match the expected patterns.
AbstractLogicalOperator subTreeOp = (AbstractLogicalOperator) subTreeOpRef.getValue();
// Skip select operator.
if (subTreeOp.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) {
subTreeOpRef = subTreeOp.getInputs().get(0);
subTreeOp = (AbstractLogicalOperator) subTreeOpRef.getValue();
// Check primary-index pattern.
if (subTreeOp.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN) {
// Pattern may still match if we are looking for primary index matches as well.
if (subTreeOp.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.DATASOURCESCAN) {
dataSourceScanRef = subTreeOpRef;
dataSourceScan = (DataSourceScanOperator) subTreeOp;
return true;
return false;
// Match (assign)+.
do {
assigns.add((AssignOperator) subTreeOp);
subTreeOpRef = subTreeOp.getInputs().get(0);
subTreeOp = (AbstractLogicalOperator) subTreeOpRef.getValue();
} while (subTreeOp.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN);
// Set to last valid assigns.
subTreeOpRef = assignRefs.get(assignRefs.size() - 1);
subTreeOp = assigns.get(assigns.size() - 1);
// Match datasource scan.
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef3 = subTreeOp.getInputs().get(0);
AbstractLogicalOperator op3 = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef3.getValue();
if (op3.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.DATASOURCESCAN) {
return false;
dataSourceScanRef = opRef3;
dataSourceScan = (DataSourceScanOperator) op3;
return true;
* Find the dataset corresponding to the datasource scan in the metadata.
* Also sets recordType to be the type of that dataset.
public boolean setDatasetAndTypeMetadata(AqlMetadataProvider metadataProvider) throws AlgebricksException {
if (dataSourceScan == null) {
return false;
// Find the dataset corresponding to the datasource scan in the metadata.
Pair<String, String> datasetInfo = AnalysisUtil.getDatasetInfo(dataSourceScan);
String dataverseName = datasetInfo.first;
String datasetName = datasetInfo.second;
if (dataverseName == null || datasetName == null) {
return false;
dataset = metadataProvider.findDataset(dataverseName, datasetName);
if (dataset == null) {
throw new AlgebricksException("No metadata for dataset " + datasetName);
if (dataset.getDatasetType() != DatasetType.INTERNAL && dataset.getDatasetType() != DatasetType.FEED) {
return false;
// Get the record type for that dataset.
IAType itemType = metadataProvider.findType(dataverseName, dataset.getItemTypeName());
if (itemType.getTypeTag() != ATypeTag.RECORD) {
return false;
recordType = (ARecordType) itemType;
return true;
public boolean hasDataSourceScan() {
return dataSourceScan != null;
public void reset() {
root = null;
rootRef = null;
dataSourceScanRef = null;
dataSourceScan = null;
dataset = null;
recordType = null;