blob: e4f795ba0315b0a0a15e59951227e2f01944602e [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.declared.AqlCompiledDatasetDecl;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.declared.AqlCompiledIndexDecl;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.utils.DatasetUtils;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalExpressionTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalVariable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractLogicalExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ConstantExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AssignOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.rewriter.base.IAlgebraicRewriteRule;
* Class that embodies the commonalities between rewrite rules for access methods.
public abstract class AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule implements IAlgebraicRewriteRule {
public abstract Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> getAccessMethods();
protected static void registerAccessMethod(IAccessMethod accessMethod, Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> accessMethods) {
List<FunctionIdentifier> funcs = accessMethod.getOptimizableFunctions();
for (FunctionIdentifier funcIdent : funcs) {
List<IAccessMethod> l = accessMethods.get(funcIdent);
if (l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<IAccessMethod>();
accessMethods.put(funcIdent, l);
public boolean rewritePre(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context) {
return false;
protected void fillSubTreeIndexExprs(OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree, Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
// The assign may be null if there is only a filter on the primary index key.
// Match variables from lowest assign which comes directly after the dataset scan.
List<LogicalVariable> varList = (!subTree.assigns.isEmpty()) ? subTree.assigns.get(subTree.assigns.size() - 1).getVariables() : subTree.dataSourceScan.getVariables();
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
// Check applicability of indexes by access method type.
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> entry =;
AccessMethodAnalysisContext amCtx = entry.getValue();
// For the current access method type, map variables from the assign op to applicable indexes.
fillAllIndexExprs(varList, subTree, amCtx);
protected void pruneIndexCandidates(Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
// Check applicability of indexes by access method type.
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> entry =;
AccessMethodAnalysisContext amCtx = entry.getValue();
pruneIndexCandidates(entry.getKey(), amCtx);
// Remove access methods for which there are definitely no applicable indexes.
if (amCtx.indexExprs.isEmpty()) {
* Simply picks the first index that it finds.
* TODO: Improve this decision process by making it more systematic.
protected Pair<IAccessMethod, AqlCompiledIndexDecl> chooseIndex(
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> amEntry =;
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = amEntry.getValue();
Iterator<Map.Entry<AqlCompiledIndexDecl, List<Integer>>> indexIt = analysisCtx.indexExprs.entrySet().iterator();
if (indexIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<AqlCompiledIndexDecl, List<Integer>> indexEntry =;
return new Pair<IAccessMethod, AqlCompiledIndexDecl>(amEntry.getKey(), indexEntry.getKey());
return null;
* Removes irrelevant access methods candidates, based on whether the
* expressions in the query match those in the index. For example, some
* index may require all its expressions to be matched, and some indexes may
* only require a match on a prefix of fields to be applicable. This methods
* removes all index candidates indexExprs that are definitely not
* applicable according to the expressions involved.
public void pruneIndexCandidates(IAccessMethod accessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<AqlCompiledIndexDecl, List<Integer>>> it = analysisCtx.indexExprs.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<AqlCompiledIndexDecl, List<Integer>> entry =;
AqlCompiledIndexDecl index = entry.getKey();
Iterator<Integer> exprsIter = entry.getValue().iterator();
boolean allUsed = true;
int lastFieldMatched = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < index.getFieldExprs().size(); i++) {
String keyField = index.getFieldExprs().get(i);
boolean foundKeyField = false;
while (exprsIter.hasNext()) {
Integer ix =;
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = analysisCtx.matchedFuncExprs.get(ix);
// If expr is not optimizable by concrete index then remove expr and continue.
if (!accessMethod.exprIsOptimizable(index, optFuncExpr)) {
// Check if any field name in the optFuncExpr matches.
if (optFuncExpr.findFieldName(keyField) != -1) {
foundKeyField = true;
if (lastFieldMatched == i - 1) {
lastFieldMatched = i;
if (!foundKeyField) {
allUsed = false;
// If the access method requires all exprs to be matched but they are not, remove this candidate.
if (!allUsed && accessMethod.matchAllIndexExprs()) {
// A prefix of the index exprs may have been matched.
if (lastFieldMatched < 0 && accessMethod.matchPrefixIndexExprs()) {
* Analyzes the given selection condition, filling analyzedAMs with applicable access method types.
* At this point we are not yet consulting the metadata whether an actual index exists or not.
protected boolean analyzeCondition(ILogicalExpression cond, List<AssignOperator> assigns, Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) cond;
FunctionIdentifier funcIdent = funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
// Don't consider optimizing a disjunctive condition with an index (too complicated for now).
if (funcIdent == AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.OR) {
return false;
boolean found = analyzeFunctionExpr(funcExpr, assigns, analyzedAMs);
for (Mutable<ILogicalExpression> arg : funcExpr.getArguments()) {
ILogicalExpression argExpr = arg.getValue();
if (argExpr.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression argFuncExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) argExpr;
boolean matchFound = analyzeFunctionExpr(argFuncExpr, assigns, analyzedAMs);
found = found || matchFound;
return found;
* Finds applicable access methods for the given function expression based
* on the function identifier, and an analysis of the function's arguments.
* Updates the analyzedAMs accordingly.
protected boolean analyzeFunctionExpr(AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr, List<AssignOperator> assigns, Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
FunctionIdentifier funcIdent = funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
if (funcIdent == AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.AND) {
return false;
// Retrieves the list of access methods that are relevant based on the funcIdent.
List<IAccessMethod> relevantAMs = getAccessMethods().get(funcIdent);
if (relevantAMs == null) {
return false;
boolean atLeastOneMatchFound = false;
// Place holder for a new analysis context in case we need one.
AccessMethodAnalysisContext newAnalysisCtx = new AccessMethodAnalysisContext();
for(IAccessMethod accessMethod : relevantAMs) {
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzedAMs.get(accessMethod);
// Use the current place holder.
if (analysisCtx == null) {
analysisCtx = newAnalysisCtx;
// Analyzes the funcExpr's arguments to see if the accessMethod is truly applicable.
boolean matchFound = accessMethod.analyzeFuncExprArgs(funcExpr, assigns, analysisCtx);
if (matchFound) {
// If we've used the current new context placeholder, replace it with a new one.
if (analysisCtx == newAnalysisCtx) {
analyzedAMs.put(accessMethod, analysisCtx);
newAnalysisCtx = new AccessMethodAnalysisContext();
atLeastOneMatchFound = true;
return atLeastOneMatchFound;
* Finds secondary indexes whose keys include fieldName, and adds a mapping in analysisCtx.indexEsprs
* from that index to the a corresponding optimizable function expression.
* @return true if a candidate index was added to foundIndexExprs, false
* otherwise
protected boolean fillIndexExprs(String fieldName, int matchedFuncExprIndex,
AqlCompiledDatasetDecl datasetDecl, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx) {
AqlCompiledIndexDecl primaryIndexDecl = DatasetUtils.getPrimaryIndex(datasetDecl);
List<String> primaryIndexFields = primaryIndexDecl.getFieldExprs();
List<AqlCompiledIndexDecl> indexCandidates = DatasetUtils.findSecondaryIndexesByOneOfTheKeys(datasetDecl, fieldName);
// Check whether the primary index is a candidate. If so, add it to the list.
if (primaryIndexFields.contains(fieldName)) {
if (indexCandidates == null) {
indexCandidates = new ArrayList<AqlCompiledIndexDecl>(1);
// No index candidates for fieldName.
if (indexCandidates == null) {
return false;
// Go through the candidates and fill indexExprs.
for (AqlCompiledIndexDecl index : indexCandidates) {
analysisCtx.addIndexExpr(datasetDecl, index, matchedFuncExprIndex);
return true;
protected void fillAllIndexExprs(List<LogicalVariable> varList, OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx) {
for (int optFuncExprIndex = 0; optFuncExprIndex < analysisCtx.matchedFuncExprs.size(); optFuncExprIndex++) {
for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < varList.size(); varIndex++) {
LogicalVariable var = varList.get(varIndex);
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = analysisCtx.matchedFuncExprs.get(optFuncExprIndex);
int funcVarIndex = optFuncExpr.findLogicalVar(var);
// No matching var in optFuncExpr.
if (funcVarIndex == -1) {
// At this point we have matched the optimizable func expr at optFuncExprIndex to an assigned variable.
String fieldName = null;
if (!subTree.assigns.isEmpty()) {
// Get the fieldName corresponding to the assigned variable at varIndex
// from the assign operator right above the datasource scan.
// If the expr at varIndex is not a fieldAccess we get back null.
fieldName = getFieldNameOfFieldAccess(subTree.assigns.get(subTree.assigns.size() - 1), subTree.recordType, varIndex);
if (fieldName == null) {
} else {
// We don't have an assign, only a datasource scan.
// The last var. is the record itself, so skip it.
if (varIndex >= varList.size() - 1) {
// The variable value is one of the partitioning fields.
fieldName = DatasetUtils.getPartitioningExpressions(subTree.datasetDecl).get(varIndex);
// Set the fieldName in the corresponding matched function expression, and remember matching subtree.
optFuncExpr.setFieldName(funcVarIndex, fieldName);
optFuncExpr.setOptimizableSubTree(funcVarIndex, subTree);
fillIndexExprs(fieldName, optFuncExprIndex, subTree.datasetDecl, analysisCtx);
* Returns the field name corresponding to the assigned variable at varIndex.
* Returns null if the expr at varIndex is not a field access function.
protected String getFieldNameOfFieldAccess(AssignOperator assign, ARecordType recordType, int varIndex) {
// Get expression corresponding to var at varIndex.
AbstractLogicalExpression assignExpr = (AbstractLogicalExpression) assign.getExpressions()
if (assignExpr.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
return null;
// Analyze the assign op to get the field name
// corresponding to the field being assigned at varIndex.
AbstractFunctionCallExpression assignFuncExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) assignExpr;
FunctionIdentifier assignFuncIdent = assignFuncExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
if (assignFuncIdent == AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_NAME) {
ILogicalExpression nameArg = assignFuncExpr.getArguments().get(1).getValue();
if (nameArg.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.CONSTANT) {
return null;
ConstantExpression constExpr = (ConstantExpression) nameArg;
return ((AString) ((AsterixConstantValue) constExpr.getValue()).getObject()).getStringValue();
} else if (assignFuncIdent == AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_INDEX) {
ILogicalExpression idxArg = assignFuncExpr.getArguments().get(1).getValue();
if (idxArg.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.CONSTANT) {
return null;
ConstantExpression constExpr = (ConstantExpression) idxArg;
int fieldIndex = ((AInt32) ((AsterixConstantValue) constExpr.getValue()).getObject()).getIntegerValue();
return recordType.getFieldNames()[fieldIndex];
return null;