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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.asterix.optimizer.rules.cbo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.IndexedNLJoinExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalExpressionTag;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalOperatorTag;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalVariable;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.OperatorAnnotations;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.BroadcastExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ConstantExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.HashJoinExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.VariableReferenceExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractBinaryJoinOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AssignOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.DataSourceScanOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.EmptyTupleSourceOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.SelectOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.visitors.VariableUtilities;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.prettyprint.IPlanPrettyPrinter;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.rewriter.base.IAlgebraicRewriteRule;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.rewriter.base.PhysicalOptimizationConfig;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class EnumerateJoinsRule implements IAlgebraicRewriteRule {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
protected final JoinEnum joinEnum;
public EnumerateJoinsRule(JoinEnum joinEnum) {
this.joinEnum = joinEnum;
public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context) {
return false;
* If this method returns false, that means CBO code will not be used to optimize the part of the join graph that
* was passed in. Currently, we do not optimize query graphs with outer joins in them. If the CBO code is activated
* a new join graph (with inputs possibly switched) will be created and the return value will be true.
public boolean rewritePre(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
throws AlgebricksException {
boolean cboMode = this.getCBOMode(context);
boolean cboTestMode = this.getCBOTestMode(context);
if (!(cboMode || cboTestMode)) {
return false;
// If we reach here, then either cboMode or cboTestMode is true.
// If cboTestMode is true, then we use predefined cardinalities for datasets for asterixdb regression tests.
// If cboMode is true, then all datasets need to have samples, otherwise the check in doAllDataSourcesHaveSamples()
// further below will return false.
ILogicalOperator op = opRef.getValue();
if (!((op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.INNERJOIN)
|| ((op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.DISTRIBUTE_RESULT)))) {
return false;
// if this join has already been seen before, no need to apply the rule again
if (context.checkIfInDontApplySet(this, op)) {
return false;
List<ILogicalOperator> joinOps = new ArrayList<>();
List<ILogicalOperator> internalEdges = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> joinLeafInputsHashMap = new HashMap<>();
// The data scan operators. Will be in the order of the from clause.
// Important for position ordering when assigning bits to join expressions.
List<Pair<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, DataSourceScanOperator>> emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<DataSourceScanOperator, EmptyTupleSourceOperator> dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap = new HashMap<>();
IPlanPrettyPrinter pp = context.getPrettyPrinter();
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) op, "Original Whole plan1");
boolean canTransform = getJoinOpsAndLeafInputs(op, emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps, joinLeafInputsHashMap,
dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap, internalEdges, joinOps);
if (!canTransform) {
return false;
// if this happens, something in the input plan is not acceptable to the new code.
if (emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps.size() != joinLeafInputsHashMap.size()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ETS " + emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps.size() + " != LI " + joinLeafInputsHashMap.size());
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) op, "Original Whole plan2");
int numberOfFromTerms = emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps.size();
joinEnum.initEnum((AbstractLogicalOperator) op, cboMode, cboTestMode, numberOfFromTerms,
emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps, joinLeafInputsHashMap, dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap, internalEdges, joinOps,
if (cboMode) {
if (!doAllDataSourcesHaveSamples(emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps, context)) {
return false;
if (internalEdges.size() > 0) {
pushAssignsIntoLeafInputs(joinLeafInputsHashMap, internalEdges);
int cheapestPlan = joinEnum.enumerateJoins(); // MAIN CALL INTO CBO
if (cheapestPlan == PlanNode.NO_PLAN) {
return false;
PlanNode cheapestPlanNode = joinEnum.allPlans.get(cheapestPlan);
if (numberOfFromTerms > 1) {
buildNewTree(cheapestPlanNode, joinLeafInputsHashMap, joinOps, new MutableInt(0));
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) joinOps.get(0), "New Whole Plan after buildNewTree 1");
ILogicalOperator root = addConstantInternalEdgesAtTheTop(joinOps.get(0), internalEdges);
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) joinOps.get(0), "New Whole Plan after buildNewTree 2");
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) root, "New Whole Plan after buildNewTree");
// this will be the new root
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("---------------------------- Printing Leaf Inputs");
printLeafPlans(pp, joinLeafInputsHashMap);
// print joins starting from the bottom
for (int i = joinOps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) joinOps.get(i), "join " + i);
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) joinOps.get(0), "New Whole Plan");
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) root, "New Whole Plan");
// turn of this rule for all joins in this set (subtree)
for (ILogicalOperator joinOp : joinOps) {
context.addToDontApplySet(this, joinOp);
} else {
buildNewTree(cheapestPlanNode, joinLeafInputsHashMap);
return true;
private boolean getCBOMode(IOptimizationContext context) {
PhysicalOptimizationConfig physOptConfig = context.getPhysicalOptimizationConfig();
return physOptConfig.getCBOMode();
private boolean getCBOTestMode(IOptimizationContext context) {
PhysicalOptimizationConfig physOptConfig = context.getPhysicalOptimizationConfig();
return physOptConfig.getCBOTestMode();
* Should not see any kind of joins here. store the emptyTupeSourceOp and DataSource operators.
* Each leaf input will normally have both, but sometimes only emptyTupeSourceOp will be present (in lists)
private Pair<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, DataSourceScanOperator> containsLeafInputOnly(ILogicalOperator op) {
DataSourceScanOperator dataSourceOp = null;
ILogicalOperator currentOp = op;
while (currentOp.getInputs().size() == 1) {
if (currentOp.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.DATASOURCESCAN) {
// we should not see two data scans in the same path
if (dataSourceOp != null) {
return null;
dataSourceOp = (DataSourceScanOperator) currentOp;
currentOp = currentOp.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
if (currentOp.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.EMPTYTUPLESOURCE) {
return new Pair<>((EmptyTupleSourceOperator) currentOp, dataSourceOp);
return null;
* Check to see if there is only one assign here and nothing below that other than a join.
* have not seen cases where there is more than one assign in a leafinput.
private boolean onlyOneAssign(ILogicalOperator nextOp) {
if (nextOp.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN) {
return false;
List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> nextOpInputs = nextOp.getInputs();
return nextOpInputs.get(0).getValue().getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.INNERJOIN;
private ILogicalOperator findSelectOrDataScan(ILogicalOperator op) {
LogicalOperatorTag tag;
while (true) {
if (op.getInputs().size() > 1) {
return null; // Assuming only a linear plan for single table queries (as leafInputs are linear).
tag = op.getOperatorTag();
if (tag == LogicalOperatorTag.EMPTYTUPLESOURCE) {
return null; // if this happens, there is nothing we can do in CBO code since there is no datasourcescan
if ((tag == LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) || (tag == LogicalOperatorTag.DATASOURCESCAN)) {
return op;
op = op.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
* This is the main routine that stores all the join operators and the leafInputs. We will later reuse the same
* join operators but switch the leafInputs (see buildNewTree). The whole scheme is based on the assumption that the
* leafInputs can be switched. The various data structures make the leafInputs accessible efficiently.
private boolean getJoinOpsAndLeafInputs(ILogicalOperator op,
List<Pair<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, DataSourceScanOperator>> emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps,
HashMap<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> joinLeafInputsHashMap,
HashMap<DataSourceScanOperator, EmptyTupleSourceOperator> dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap,
List<ILogicalOperator> internalEdges, List<ILogicalOperator> joinOps) {
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.LEFTOUTERJOIN) {
return false;
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.INNERJOIN) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ILogicalOperator nextOp = op.getInputs().get(i).getValue();
boolean canTransform = getJoinOpsAndLeafInputs(nextOp, emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps,
joinLeafInputsHashMap, dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap, internalEdges, joinOps);
if (!canTransform) {
return false;
} else {
Pair<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, DataSourceScanOperator> etsDataSource = containsLeafInputOnly(op);
if (etsDataSource != null) { // a leaf input
EmptyTupleSourceOperator etsOp = etsDataSource.first;
DataSourceScanOperator dataSourceOp = etsDataSource.second;
emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps.add(new Pair<>(etsOp, dataSourceOp));
if (op.getOperatorTag().equals(LogicalOperatorTag.DISTRIBUTE_RESULT)) {// single table query
ILogicalOperator selectOp = findSelectOrDataScan(op);
if (selectOp == null) {
return false;
} else {
joinLeafInputsHashMap.put(etsOp, selectOp);
} else {
joinLeafInputsHashMap.put(etsOp, op);
dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap.put(dataSourceOp, etsOp);
} else { // This must be an internal edge
if (onlyOneAssign(op)) {
// currently, will handle only assign statement and nothing else in an internal Edge.
// we can lift this restriction later if the need arises. This just makes some code easier.
boolean canTransform =
getJoinOpsAndLeafInputs(op.getInputs().get(0).getValue(), emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps,
joinLeafInputsHashMap, dataSourceEmptyTupleHashMap, internalEdges, joinOps);
if (!canTransform) {
return false;
//internalEdges.add(op); // better to store the parent; do this soon.
} else {
return false;
return true;
private void addCardCostAnnotations(ILogicalOperator op, PlanNode plan) {
(double) Math.round(plan.getJoinNode().getCardinality() * 100) / 100);
(double) Math.round(plan.computeTotalCost() * 100) / 100);
if (plan.IsScanNode()) {
(double) Math.round(plan.getJoinNode().getOrigCardinality() * 100) / 100);
(double) Math.round(plan.computeOpCost() * 100) / 100);
} else {
(double) Math.round(plan.getLeftExchangeCost().computeTotalCost() * 100) / 100);
(double) Math.round(plan.getRightExchangeCost().computeTotalCost() * 100) / 100);
(double) Math.round((plan.computeOpCost()) * 100) / 100);
if (op.getOperatorTag().equals(LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT)) {
op.getAnnotations().put(OperatorAnnotations.OP_COST_LOCAL, 0.0);
* Finds the DataSourceScanOperator given a leafInput
private ILogicalOperator findDataSourceScanOperator(ILogicalOperator op) {
ILogicalOperator origOp = op;
while (op != null && op.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.EMPTYTUPLESOURCE) {
if (op.getOperatorTag().equals(LogicalOperatorTag.DATASOURCESCAN)) {
return op;
op = op.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
return origOp;
private void removeJoinAnnotations(AbstractFunctionCallExpression afcExpr) {
private void setAnnotation(AbstractFunctionCallExpression afcExpr, IExpressionAnnotation anno) {
FunctionIdentifier fi = afcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> arguments = afcExpr.getArguments();
if (fi.equals(AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.AND)) {
for (Mutable<ILogicalExpression> iLogicalExpressionMutable : arguments) {
ILogicalExpression argument = iLogicalExpressionMutable.getValue();
AbstractFunctionCallExpression expr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) argument;
} else {
//Internal edges are assign statements. The RHS has a variable in it.
// We need to find the internal edge that has a variable coming from this leaf leafInput.
private int findInternalEdge(ILogicalOperator leafInput, List<ILogicalOperator> internalEdges)
throws AlgebricksException {
int i = -1;
for (ILogicalOperator ie : internalEdges) {
// this will be an Assign, so no need to check
AssignOperator aOp = (AssignOperator) ie;
List<LogicalVariable> vars = new ArrayList<>();
HashSet<LogicalVariable> vars2 = new HashSet<>();
VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(leafInput, vars2);
if (vars2.containsAll(vars)) { // note that this will fail if there variables from different leafInputs
return i;
return -1;
private ILogicalOperator addAssignToLeafInput(ILogicalOperator leafInput, ILogicalOperator internalEdge) {
ILogicalOperator root = leafInput;
// this will be an Assign, so no need to check
AssignOperator aOp = (AssignOperator) internalEdge;
return aOp;
private void skipAllIndexes(PlanNode plan, ILogicalOperator leafInput) {
if (plan.scanOp == PlanNode.ScanMethod.TABLE_SCAN && leafInput.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) {
SelectOperator selOper = (SelectOperator) leafInput;
ILogicalExpression expr = selOper.getCondition().getValue();
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> conjs = new ArrayList<>();
if (expr.splitIntoConjuncts(conjs)) {
conjs.remove(new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(ConstantExpression.TRUE));
for (Mutable<ILogicalExpression> conj : conjs) {
if (conj.getValue().getExpressionTag().equals(LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL)) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression afce = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) conj.getValue();
// remove any annotations that may have been here from other parts of the code. We know we want a datascan.
} else {
if ((expr.getExpressionTag().equals(LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL))) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression afce = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
// remove any annotations that may have been here from other parts of the code. We know we want a datascan.
// This is for single table queries
private void buildNewTree(PlanNode plan,
HashMap<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> joinLeafInputsHashMap) {
ILogicalOperator leftInput = joinLeafInputsHashMap.get(plan.getEmptyTupleSourceOp());
skipAllIndexes(plan, leftInput);
ILogicalOperator selOp = findSelectOrDataScan(leftInput);
if (selOp != null) {
addCardCostAnnotations(selOp, plan);
addCardCostAnnotations(findDataSourceScanOperator(leftInput), plan);
// This one is for join queries
private void buildNewTree(PlanNode plan, HashMap<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> joinLeafInputsHashMap,
List<ILogicalOperator> joinOps, MutableInt totalNumberOfJoins) {
// we have to move the inputs in op around so that they match the tree structure in pn
// we use the existing joinOps and switch the leafInputs appropriately.
List<PlanNode> allPlans = joinEnum.getAllPlans();
int leftIndex = plan.getLeftPlanIndex();
int rightIndex = plan.getRightPlanIndex();
PlanNode leftPlan = allPlans.get(leftIndex);
PlanNode rightPlan = allPlans.get(rightIndex);
ILogicalOperator joinOp = joinOps.get(totalNumberOfJoins.intValue());
if (plan.IsJoinNode()) {
AbstractBinaryJoinOperator abJoinOp = (AbstractBinaryJoinOperator) joinOp;
ILogicalExpression expr = plan.getJoinExpr();
// add the annotations
if (plan.getJoinOp() == PlanNode.JoinMethod.INDEX_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN) {
// this annotation is needed for the physical optimizer to replace this with the unnest operator later
AbstractFunctionCallExpression afcExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
setAnnotation(afcExpr, IndexedNLJoinExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE_ANY_INDEX);
} else if (plan.getJoinOp() == PlanNode.JoinMethod.HYBRID_HASH_JOIN
|| plan.getJoinOp() == PlanNode.JoinMethod.BROADCAST_HASH_JOIN
|| plan.getJoinOp() == PlanNode.JoinMethod.CARTESIAN_PRODUCT_JOIN) {
if (plan.getJoinOp() == PlanNode.JoinMethod.BROADCAST_HASH_JOIN) {
// Broadcast the right branch.
BroadcastExpressionAnnotation bcast =
new BroadcastExpressionAnnotation(plan.side == HashJoinExpressionAnnotation.BuildSide.RIGHT
? BroadcastExpressionAnnotation.BroadcastSide.RIGHT
: BroadcastExpressionAnnotation.BroadcastSide.LEFT);
AbstractFunctionCallExpression afcExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
setAnnotation(afcExpr, bcast);
} else if (plan.getJoinOp() == PlanNode.JoinMethod.HYBRID_HASH_JOIN) {
HashJoinExpressionAnnotation hjAnnotation = new HashJoinExpressionAnnotation(plan.side);
AbstractFunctionCallExpression afcExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
setAnnotation(afcExpr, hjAnnotation);
} else {
if (expr != ConstantExpression.TRUE) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression afcExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
addCardCostAnnotations(joinOp, plan);
if (leftPlan.IsScanNode()) {
// leaf
ILogicalOperator leftInput = joinLeafInputsHashMap.get(leftPlan.getEmptyTupleSourceOp());
skipAllIndexes(leftPlan, leftInput);
ILogicalOperator selOp = findSelectOrDataScan(leftInput);
if (selOp != null) {
addCardCostAnnotations(selOp, leftPlan);
addCardCostAnnotations(findDataSourceScanOperator(leftInput), leftPlan);
} else {
// join
ILogicalOperator leftInput = joinOps.get(totalNumberOfJoins.intValue());
buildNewTree(allPlans.get(leftIndex), joinLeafInputsHashMap, joinOps, totalNumberOfJoins);
if (rightPlan.IsScanNode()) {
// leaf
ILogicalOperator rightInput = joinLeafInputsHashMap.get(rightPlan.getEmptyTupleSourceOp());
skipAllIndexes(rightPlan, rightInput);
ILogicalOperator selOp = findSelectOrDataScan(rightInput);
if (selOp != null) {
addCardCostAnnotations(selOp, rightPlan);
addCardCostAnnotations(findDataSourceScanOperator(rightInput), rightPlan);
} else {
// join
ILogicalOperator rightInput = joinOps.get(totalNumberOfJoins.intValue());
buildNewTree(allPlans.get(rightIndex), joinLeafInputsHashMap, joinOps, totalNumberOfJoins);
// in some very rare cases, there is an internal edge that has an assign statement such as $$var = 20 but this variable
// is not used anywhere in the current join graph but is used outside the current join graph. So we add this assign to the top of
// our plan, so the rest of the code will be happy. Strange that this assign appears in the join graph.
private ILogicalOperator addConstantInternalEdgesAtTheTop(ILogicalOperator op,
List<ILogicalOperator> internalEdges) {
if (internalEdges.size() == 0) {
return op;
ILogicalOperator root = op;
for (ILogicalOperator ie : internalEdges) {
// this will be an Assign, so no need to check
AssignOperator aOp = (AssignOperator) ie;
root = aOp;
return root;
public static void printPlan(IPlanPrettyPrinter pp, AbstractLogicalOperator op, String text)
throws AlgebricksException {
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
pp.printOperator(op, true, false);
LOGGER.trace("---------------------------- {}\n{}\n----------------------------", text, pp);
private void printLeafPlans(IPlanPrettyPrinter pp,
HashMap<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> joinLeafInputsHashMap) throws AlgebricksException {
Iterator<Map.Entry<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator>> li =
int i = 0;
while (li.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> pair =;
ILogicalOperator element = pair.getValue();
printPlan(pp, (AbstractLogicalOperator) element, "Printing Leaf Input" + i);
// for every internal edge assign (again assuming only 1 for now), find the corresponding leafInput and place the assign
// on top of that LeafInput. Modify the joinLeafInputsHashMap as well.
private void pushAssignsIntoLeafInputs(HashMap<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> joinLeafInputsHashMap,
List<ILogicalOperator> internalEdges) throws AlgebricksException {
for (Map.Entry<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, ILogicalOperator> mapElement : joinLeafInputsHashMap.entrySet()) {
ILogicalOperator joinLeafInput = mapElement.getValue();
EmptyTupleSourceOperator ets = mapElement.getKey();
int internalEdgeNumber = findInternalEdge(joinLeafInput, internalEdges);
if (internalEdgeNumber != -1) {
joinLeafInput = addAssignToLeafInput(joinLeafInput, internalEdges.get(internalEdgeNumber));
joinLeafInputsHashMap.put(ets, joinLeafInput);
internalEdges.remove(internalEdgeNumber); // no longer needed
private boolean substituteVarOnce(ILogicalExpression exp, LogicalVariable oldVar, LogicalVariable newVar) {
switch (exp.getExpressionTag()) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression fun = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) exp;
for (int i = 0; i < fun.getArguments().size(); i++) {
ILogicalExpression arg = fun.getArguments().get(i).getValue();
if (substituteVarOnce(arg, oldVar, newVar)) {
return true;
return false;
VariableReferenceExpression varExpr = (VariableReferenceExpression) exp;
if (varExpr.getVariableReference().equals(oldVar)) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
// check to see if every dataset has a sample. If not, CBO code cannot run. A warning message must be issued as well.
private boolean doAllDataSourcesHaveSamples(
List<Pair<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, DataSourceScanOperator>> emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps,
IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
for (Pair<EmptyTupleSourceOperator, DataSourceScanOperator> emptyTupleAndDataSourceOp : emptyTupleAndDataSourceOps) {
if (emptyTupleAndDataSourceOp.getSecond() != null) {
DataSourceScanOperator scanOp = emptyTupleAndDataSourceOp.getSecond();
Index index = joinEnum.getStatsHandle().findSampleIndex(scanOp, context);
if (index == null) {
return false;
return true;