blob: 3d4986d20f35463aed919320fec0e9e3a639a0bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataset;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Quadruple;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ScalarFunctionCallExpression;
* Context for analyzing the applicability of a single access method.
public class AccessMethodAnalysisContext {
private final ArrayIndexStructureMatcher arrayIndexStructureMatcher = new ArrayIndexStructureMatcher();
private List<IOptimizableFuncExpr> matchedFuncExprs = new ArrayList<IOptimizableFuncExpr>();
// Contains candidate indexes and a list of (integer,integer) tuples that index into matchedFuncExprs and
// matched variable inside this expr. We are mapping from candidate indexes to a list of function expressions
// that match one of the index's expressions.
private Map<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> indexExprsAndVars =
new TreeMap<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>();
// Maps from index to the dataset it is indexing.
private Map<Index, Dataset> indexDatasetMap = new TreeMap<Index, Dataset>();
// Maps from an index to the number of matched fields in the query plan (for performing prefix search)
private Map<Index, Integer> indexNumMatchedKeys = new TreeMap<Index, Integer>();
// variables for resetting null placeholder for left-outer-join
// See AccessMethodUtils#removeUnjoinedDuplicatesInLOJ() for a definition of a special GroupBy
// and extra output processing steps needed when it's not available.
private Mutable<ILogicalOperator> lojSpecialGroupByOpRef = null;
private ScalarFunctionCallExpression lojIsMissingNullFuncInSpecialGroupBy = null;
// For a secondary index, if we use only PK and secondary key field in a plan, it is an index-only plan.
// Contains information about index-only plan
// 1. isIndexOnlyPlan - index-only plan possible?
// This option is the primary option. If this is false, then regardless of the following variables,
// An index-only plan will not be constructed. If this is true, then we use the following variables to
// construct an index-only plan.
// 2. secondaryKeyFieldUsedAfterSelectOrJoinOp - secondary key field usage after the select or join operator?
// If the secondary key field is used after SELECT or JOIN operator (e.g., returning the field),
// then we need to keep secondary keys from the secondary index search.
// 3. requireVerificationAfterSIdxSearch -
// whether a verification (especially for R-Tree case) is required after the secondary index search?
// For an R-Tree index, if the given query shape is not RECTANGLE or POINT,
// we need to add the original SELECT operator to filter out the false positive results.
// (e.g., spatial-intersect($o.pointfield, create-circle(create-point(30.0,70.0), 5.0)) )
// Also, for a B-Tree composite index, we need to apply SELECT operators in the right path
// to remove any false positive results from the secondary composite index search.
// Lastly, if there is an index-nested-loop-join and the join contains more conditions
// other than joining fields, then those conditions need to be applied to filter out
// false positive results in the right path (isntantTryLock success path).
// (e.g., where $a.authors /*+ indexnl */ = $b.authors and $ = $
// For more details, refer to AccessMethodUtils.createPrimaryIndexUnnestMap() method.
// 4. doesSIdxSearchCoverAllPredicates - can the given index cover all search predicates?
// In other words, all search predicates are about the given secondary index?
private Quadruple<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean> indexOnlyPlanInfo =
new Quadruple<>(false, false, false, false);
public void addIndexExpr(Dataset dataset, Index index, Integer exprIndex, Integer varIndex) {
List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> exprs = getIndexExprsFromIndexExprsAndVars(index);
if (exprs == null) {
exprs = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
putIndexExprToIndexExprsAndVars(index, exprs);
exprs.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(exprIndex, varIndex));
putDatasetIntoIndexDatasetMap(index, dataset);
public List<IOptimizableFuncExpr> getMatchedFuncExprs() {
return matchedFuncExprs;
public IOptimizableFuncExpr getMatchedFuncExpr(int index) {
return matchedFuncExprs.get(index);
public void addMatchedFuncExpr(IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) {
public Iterator<Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>> getIteratorForIndexExprsAndVars() {
return indexExprsAndVars.entrySet().iterator();
public boolean isIndexExprsAndVarsEmpty() {
return indexExprsAndVars.isEmpty();
public List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> getIndexExprsFromIndexExprsAndVars(Index index) {
return indexExprsAndVars.get(index);
public void putIndexExprToIndexExprsAndVars(Index index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> exprs) {
indexExprsAndVars.put(index, exprs);
public Integer getNumberOfMatchedKeys(Index index) {
return indexNumMatchedKeys.get(index);
public void putNumberOfMatchedKeys(Index index, Integer numMatchedKeys) {
indexNumMatchedKeys.put(index, numMatchedKeys);
public void setLOJSpecialGroupByOpRef(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef) {
lojSpecialGroupByOpRef = opRef;
public Mutable<ILogicalOperator> getLOJSpecialGroupByOpRef() {
return lojSpecialGroupByOpRef;
public void setLOJIsMissingNullFuncInSpecialGroupBy(ScalarFunctionCallExpression isMissingNullFunc) {
lojIsMissingNullFuncInSpecialGroupBy = isMissingNullFunc;
public ScalarFunctionCallExpression getLOJIsMissingNullFuncInSpecialGroupBy() {
return lojIsMissingNullFuncInSpecialGroupBy;
public Dataset getDatasetFromIndexDatasetMap(Index idx) {
return getIndexDatasetMap().get(idx);
public void putDatasetIntoIndexDatasetMap(Index idx, Dataset ds) {
getIndexDatasetMap().put(idx, ds);
public void setIndexOnlyPlanInfo(Quadruple<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean> indexOnlyPlanInfo) {
this.indexOnlyPlanInfo = indexOnlyPlanInfo;
public Quadruple<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean> getIndexOnlyPlanInfo() {
return this.indexOnlyPlanInfo;
public Map<Index, Dataset> getIndexDatasetMap() {
return indexDatasetMap;
public void setIndexDatasetMap(Map<Index, Dataset> indexDatasetMap) {
this.indexDatasetMap = indexDatasetMap;
public ArrayIndexStructureMatcher getArrayIndexStructureMatcher() {
return arrayIndexStructureMatcher;