blob: 52f02797ad7eb89bdebccec25dde1fe0910a5de4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.DatasetType;
import org.apache.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.IndexType;
import org.apache.asterix.common.exceptions.CompilationException;
import org.apache.asterix.common.exceptions.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.asterix.common.metadata.DataverseName;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.declared.MetadataProvider;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataset;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.utils.ArrayIndexUtil;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.utils.DatasetUtil;
import org.apache.asterix.metadata.utils.MetadataUtil;
import org.apache.asterix.optimizer.base.AnalysisUtil;
import org.apache.asterix.optimizer.rules.util.FullTextUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Triple;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalExpressionTag;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalOperatorTag;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalVariable;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AssignOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.DataSourceScanOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.LeftOuterUnnestMapOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.UnnestMapOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.UnnestOperator;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.visitors.VariableUtilities;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.typing.ITypingContext;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.rewriter.base.IAlgebraicRewriteRule;
* Class that embodies the commonalities between rewrite rules for access
* methods.
public abstract class AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule implements IAlgebraicRewriteRule {
protected MetadataProvider metadataProvider;
public abstract Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> getAccessMethods();
protected static void registerAccessMethod(IAccessMethod accessMethod,
Map<FunctionIdentifier, List<IAccessMethod>> accessMethods) {
List<Pair<FunctionIdentifier, Boolean>> funcs = accessMethod.getOptimizableFunctions();
for (Pair<FunctionIdentifier, Boolean> funcIdent : funcs) {
List<IAccessMethod> l = accessMethods.get(funcIdent.first);
if (l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<IAccessMethod>();
accessMethods.put(funcIdent.first, l);
public boolean rewritePre(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
throws AlgebricksException {
return false;
protected void setMetadataDeclarations(IOptimizationContext context) {
metadataProvider = (MetadataProvider) context.getMetadataProvider();
protected void fillSubTreeIndexExprs(OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree,
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs, IOptimizationContext context,
boolean isJoinLeftBranch) throws AlgebricksException {
fillSubTreeIndexExprs(subTree, analyzedAMs, context, isJoinLeftBranch, false);
* Fills the information about the given optimizable function expressions using the subtree.
* @param subTree
* @param analyzedAMs
* @param context
* @param isJoinLeftBranch
* @param isArbitraryFormOfSubtree if the given subtree is in an arbitrary form that OptimizableSubTree class can't initialize, we try
* to fill the field type of each variable that is used in the optimizable function expressions.
* This way, an index-nested-loop-join transformation can be conducted properly since the transformation
* process skips an optimzable function expression if the field type of one of its variable is unknown.
* @throws AlgebricksException
protected void fillSubTreeIndexExprs(OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree,
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs, IOptimizationContext context,
boolean isJoinLeftBranch, boolean isArbitraryFormOfSubtree) throws AlgebricksException {
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
// Check applicability of indexes by access method type.
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> entry =;
AccessMethodAnalysisContext amCtx = entry.getValue();
// For the current access method type, map variables to applicable
// indexes.
if (isArbitraryFormOfSubtree) {
fillVarFieldTypeForOptFuncExprs(subTree, amCtx, context);
} else {
if (isJoinLeftBranch) {
fillVarFieldTypeForOptFuncExprs(subTree, amCtx, context);
fillAllIndexExprs(subTree, amCtx, context, entry.getKey());
* Sets the subtree and the field type for the variables in the given function expression.
* This method is only used for an arbitrary form of the probe-subtree in a join.
protected void fillVarFieldTypeForOptFuncExprs(OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree,
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, ITypingContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
ILogicalOperator rootOp = subTree.getRoot();
IVariableTypeEnvironment envSubtree = context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(rootOp);
Set<LogicalVariable> liveVarsAtRootOp = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();
VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(rootOp, liveVarsAtRootOp);
// For each optimizable function expression, applies the field type of each variable.
for (IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr : analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExprs()) {
for (LogicalVariable var : liveVarsAtRootOp) {
int optVarIndex = optFuncExpr.findLogicalVar(var);
if (optVarIndex < 0) {
optFuncExpr.setOptimizableSubTree(optVarIndex, subTree);
IAType fieldType = (IAType) envSubtree.getVarType(var);
optFuncExpr.setFieldType(optVarIndex, fieldType);
protected void pruneIndexCandidates(Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs,
IOptimizationContext context, IVariableTypeEnvironment typeEnvironment, boolean checkApplicableOnly)
throws AlgebricksException {
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
// Check applicability of indexes by access method type.
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> entry =;
AccessMethodAnalysisContext amCtx = entry.getValue();
pruneIndexCandidates(entry.getKey(), amCtx, context, typeEnvironment, checkApplicableOnly);
// Remove access methods for which there are definitely no
// applicable indexes.
if (amCtx.isIndexExprsAndVarsEmpty()) {
* Simply picks the first index that it finds. TODO: Improve this decision
* process by making it more systematic.
protected Pair<IAccessMethod, Index> chooseBestIndex(Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
List<Pair<IAccessMethod, Index>> list = new ArrayList<>();
chooseAllIndexes(analyzedAMs, list);
return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
* Choose all indexes that match the given access method. These indexes will be used as index-search
* to replace the given predicates in a SELECT operator. Also, if there are multiple same type of indexes
* on the same field, only one of them will be chosen. Allowed cases (AccessMethod, IndexType) are:
* [BTreeAccessMethod , IndexType.BTREE], [RTreeAccessMethod , IndexType.RTREE],
protected void chooseAllIndexes(Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs,
List<Pair<IAccessMethod, Index>> result) {
// Use variables (fields) to the index types map to check which type of indexes are applied for the vars.
Map<List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>, List<IndexType>> resultVarsToIndexTypesMap = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> amEntry =;
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = amEntry.getValue();
Iterator<Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>> indexIt =
while (indexIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> indexEntry =;
IAccessMethod chosenAccessMethod = amEntry.getKey();
Index chosenIndex = indexEntry.getKey();
IndexType indexType = chosenIndex.getIndexType();
boolean isKeywordIndexChosen = indexType == IndexType.LENGTH_PARTITIONED_WORD_INVIX
|| indexType == IndexType.SINGLE_PARTITION_WORD_INVIX;
boolean isNgramIndexChosen = indexType == IndexType.LENGTH_PARTITIONED_NGRAM_INVIX
if ((chosenAccessMethod == BTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE && indexType == IndexType.BTREE)
|| (chosenAccessMethod == ArrayBTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE && indexType == IndexType.ARRAY)
|| (chosenAccessMethod == RTreeAccessMethod.INSTANCE && indexType == IndexType.RTREE)
// the inverted index will be utilized
// For Ngram, the full-text config used in the index and in the query are always the default one,
// so we don't check if the full-text config in the index and query match
// Note that the ngram index can be used in both
// 1) full-text ftcontains() function
// 2) non-full-text, regular string contains() function
// 3) edit-distance functions that take keyword as an argument,
// e.g. edit_distance_check() when the threshold is larger than 1
|| (chosenAccessMethod == InvertedIndexAccessMethod.INSTANCE && isNgramIndexChosen)
// the inverted index will be utilized
// For keyword, different full-text configs may apply to different indexes on the same field,
// so we need to check if the config used in the index matches the config in the ftcontains() query
// If not, then we cannot use this index.
// Note that for now, the keyword/fulltext index can be utilized in
// 1) the full-text ftcontains() function
// 2) functions that take keyword as an argument, e.g. edit_distance_check() when the threshold is 1
|| (chosenAccessMethod == InvertedIndexAccessMethod.INSTANCE && isKeywordIndexChosen
&& isSameFullTextConfigInIndexAndQuery(analysisCtx, chosenIndex.getIndexDetails()))) {
if (resultVarsToIndexTypesMap.containsKey(indexEntry.getValue())) {
List<IndexType> appliedIndexTypes = resultVarsToIndexTypesMap.get(indexEntry.getValue());
if (!appliedIndexTypes.contains(indexType)) {
result.add(new Pair<>(chosenAccessMethod, chosenIndex));
} else {
List<IndexType> addedIndexTypes = new ArrayList<>();
resultVarsToIndexTypesMap.put(indexEntry.getValue(), addedIndexTypes);
result.add(new Pair<>(chosenAccessMethod, chosenIndex));
private boolean isSameFullTextConfigInIndexAndQuery(AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx,
Index.IIndexDetails indexDetails) {
String indexFullTextConfig = ((Index.TextIndexDetails) indexDetails).getFullTextConfigName();
IOptimizableFuncExpr expr = analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExpr(0);
if (FullTextUtil.isFullTextContainsFunctionExpr(expr)) {
// ftcontains()
String expectedConfig = FullTextUtil.getFullTextConfigNameFromExpr(expr);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(expectedConfig)) {
return Strings.isNullOrEmpty(indexFullTextConfig);
} else if (expectedConfig.equals(indexFullTextConfig)) {
return true;
} else {
// besides ftcontains(), there are other functions that utilize the full-text inverted-index,
// e.g. edit_distance_check(),
// for now, we don't accept users to specify the full-text config in those functions,
// that means, we assume the full-text config used in those function is always the default one with the name null,
// and if the index full-text config name is also null, the index can be utilized
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(indexFullTextConfig)) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes irrelevant access methods candidates, based on whether the
* expressions in the query match those in the index. For example, some
* index may require all its expressions to be matched, and some indexes may
* only require a match on a prefix of fields to be applicable. This methods
* removes all index candidates indexExprs that are definitely not
* applicable according to the expressions involved.
* @throws AlgebricksException
public void pruneIndexCandidates(IAccessMethod accessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx,
IOptimizationContext context, IVariableTypeEnvironment typeEnvironment, boolean checkApplicableOnly)
throws AlgebricksException {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>> indexExprAndVarIt =
boolean hasIndexPreferences = false;
ArrayList<Integer> matchedExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
while (indexExprAndVarIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> indexExprAndVarEntry =;
Index index = indexExprAndVarEntry.getKey();
IndexType indexType = index.getIndexType();
if (!accessMethod.matchIndexType(indexType)) {
List<List<String>> keyFieldNames;
List<IAType> keyFieldTypes;
switch (Index.IndexCategory.of(indexType)) {
case ARRAY:
Index.ArrayIndexDetails arrayIndexDetails = (Index.ArrayIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
keyFieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
keyFieldTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Index.ArrayIndexElement e : arrayIndexDetails.getElementList()) {
for (int i = 0; i < e.getProjectList().size(); i++) {
List<String> project = e.getProjectList().get(i);
keyFieldNames.add(ArrayIndexUtil.getFlattenedKeyFieldNames(e.getUnnestList(), project));
case VALUE:
Index.ValueIndexDetails valueIndexDetails = (Index.ValueIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
keyFieldNames = valueIndexDetails.getKeyFieldNames();
keyFieldTypes = valueIndexDetails.getKeyFieldTypes();
case TEXT:
Index.TextIndexDetails textIndexDetails = (Index.TextIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
keyFieldNames = textIndexDetails.getKeyFieldNames();
keyFieldTypes = textIndexDetails.getKeyFieldTypes();
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.COMPILATION_UNKNOWN_INDEX_TYPE, String.valueOf(indexType));
boolean allUsed = true;
int lastFieldMatched = -1;
// Used to keep track of matched expressions (added for prefix search)
int numMatchedKeys = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < keyFieldNames.size(); i++) {
List<String> keyField = keyFieldNames.get(i);
final IAType keyType = keyFieldTypes.get(i);
boolean foundKeyField = false;
Iterator<Pair<Integer, Integer>> exprsAndVarIter = indexExprAndVarEntry.getValue().iterator();
while (exprsAndVarIter.hasNext()) {
final Pair<Integer, Integer> exprAndVarIdx =;
final IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExpr(exprAndVarIdx.first);
// If expr is not optimizable by concrete index then remove
// expr and continue.
if (!accessMethod.exprIsOptimizable(index, optFuncExpr, checkApplicableOnly)) {
boolean typeMatch = true;
//Prune indexes based on field types
List<IAType> matchedTypes = new ArrayList<>();
//retrieve types of expressions joined/selected with an indexed field
for (int j = 0; j < optFuncExpr.getNumLogicalVars(); j++) {
if (j != exprAndVarIdx.second) {
if (matchedTypes.size() < 2 && optFuncExpr.getNumLogicalVars() == 1) {
.add((IAType) ExpressionTypeComputer.INSTANCE.getType(optFuncExpr.getConstantExpr(0),
context.getMetadataProvider(), typeEnvironment));
//infer type of logicalExpr based on index keyType
matchedTypes.add((IAType) ExpressionTypeComputer.INSTANCE.getType(
optFuncExpr.getLogicalExpr(exprAndVarIdx.second), null, new IVariableTypeEnvironment() {
public Object getVarType(LogicalVariable var) throws AlgebricksException {
if (var.equals(optFuncExpr.getSourceVar(exprAndVarIdx.second))) {
return keyType;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public Object getVarType(LogicalVariable var,
List<LogicalVariable> nonMissableVariables,
List<List<LogicalVariable>> correlatedMissableVariableLists,
List<LogicalVariable> nonNullableVariables,
List<List<LogicalVariable>> correlatedNullableVariableLists)
throws AlgebricksException {
if (var.equals(optFuncExpr.getSourceVar(exprAndVarIdx.second))) {
return keyType;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public void setVarType(LogicalVariable var, Object type) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public Object getType(ILogicalExpression expr) throws AlgebricksException {
return ExpressionTypeComputer.INSTANCE.getType(expr, null, this);
public boolean substituteProducedVariable(LogicalVariable v1, LogicalVariable v2)
throws AlgebricksException {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
//for the case when jaccard similarity is measured between ordered & unordered lists
boolean jaccardSimilarity = optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier().getName()
// Full-text search consideration: an (un)ordered list of string type can be compatible with string
// type. i.e. an (un)ordered list can be provided as arguments to a string type field index.
List<IAType> elementTypes = matchedTypes;
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.FULLTEXT_CONTAINS
|| optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr()
.getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.FULLTEXT_CONTAINS_WO_OPTION) {
for (int j = 0; j < matchedTypes.size(); j++) {
if (matchedTypes.get(j).getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.ARRAY
|| matchedTypes.get(j).getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.MULTISET) {
elementTypes.set(j, ((AbstractCollectionType) matchedTypes.get(j)).getItemType());
for (int j = 0; j < matchedTypes.size(); j++) {
for (int k = j + 1; k < matchedTypes.size(); k++) {
typeMatch &= isMatched(elementTypes.get(j), elementTypes.get(k), jaccardSimilarity);
// Check if any field name in the optFuncExpr matches.
if (typeMatch && optFuncExpr.findFieldName(keyField) != -1
&& optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(exprAndVarIdx.second).hasDataSourceScan()) {
foundKeyField = true;
hasIndexPreferences =
hasIndexPreferences || accessMethod.getSecondaryIndexPreferences(optFuncExpr) != null;
if (foundKeyField) {
if (lastFieldMatched == i - 1) {
lastFieldMatched = i;
} else {
allUsed = false;
// if any expression was matched, remove the non-matched expressions, otherwise the index is unusable
if (lastFieldMatched >= 0) {
exprsAndVarIter = indexExprAndVarEntry.getValue().iterator();
while (exprsAndVarIter.hasNext()) {
if (!matchedExpressions.contains( {
// If the access method requires all exprs to be matched but they
// are not, remove this candidate.
if (!allUsed && accessMethod.matchAllIndexExprs(index)) {
// A prefix of the index exprs may have been matched.
if (accessMethod.matchPrefixIndexExprs(index)) {
if (lastFieldMatched < 0) {
} else if (Index.IndexCategory.of(indexType).equals(Index.IndexCategory.ARRAY)) {
// For array indexes, we cannot make the decision to apply the prefix until we see a conjunct
// conditioning on an array. We should improve using array indexes for queries that don't involve
// the array component in the future.
Index.ArrayIndexDetails arrayIndexDetails = (Index.ArrayIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
int indexOfFirstArrayField = 0;
for (Index.ArrayIndexElement e : arrayIndexDetails.getElementList()) {
if (!e.getUnnestList().isEmpty()) {
for (List<String> ignored : e.getProjectList()) {
if (lastFieldMatched < indexOfFirstArrayField) {
analysisCtx.putNumberOfMatchedKeys(index, numMatchedKeys);
if (hasIndexPreferences) {
Collection<Index> preferredSecondaryIndexes = fetchSecondaryIndexPreferences(accessMethod, analysisCtx);
if (preferredSecondaryIndexes != null) {
// if we have preferred indexes then remove all non-preferred indexes
removeNonPreferredSecondaryIndexes(analysisCtx, preferredSecondaryIndexes);
private boolean isMatched(IAType type1, IAType type2, boolean useListDomain) throws AlgebricksException {
// Sanity check - two types can't be NULL in order to be matched.
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return false;
if (ATypeHierarchy.isSameTypeDomain(Index.getNonNullableType(type1).first.getTypeTag(),
Index.getNonNullableType(type2).first.getTypeTag(), useListDomain)) {
return true;
return ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(Index.getNonNullableType(type1).first.getTypeTag(),
private Set<Index> fetchSecondaryIndexPreferences(IAccessMethod accessMethod,
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx) {
Set<Index> preferredSecondaryIndexes = null;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>> indexExprAndVarIt =
analysisCtx.getIteratorForIndexExprsAndVars(); indexExprAndVarIt.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> indexExprAndVarEntry =;
Index index = indexExprAndVarEntry.getKey();
if (index.isSecondaryIndex()) {
for (Pair<Integer, Integer> exprVarPair : indexExprAndVarEntry.getValue()) {
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExpr(exprVarPair.first);
Collection<String> preferredIndexNames = accessMethod.getSecondaryIndexPreferences(optFuncExpr);
if (preferredIndexNames != null && preferredIndexNames.contains(index.getIndexName())) {
if (preferredSecondaryIndexes == null) {
preferredSecondaryIndexes = new HashSet<>();
return preferredSecondaryIndexes;
private void removeNonPreferredSecondaryIndexes(AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx,
Collection<Index> preferredIndexes) {
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>> indexExprAndVarIt =
analysisCtx.getIteratorForIndexExprsAndVars(); indexExprAndVarIt.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<Index, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> indexExprAndVarEntry =;
Index index = indexExprAndVarEntry.getKey();
if (index.isSecondaryIndex() && !preferredIndexes.contains(index)) {
* Analyzes the given selection condition, filling analyzedAMs with
* applicable access method types. At this point we are not yet consulting
* the metadata whether an actual index exists or not.
* @throws AlgebricksException
protected boolean analyzeSelectOrJoinOpConditionAndUpdateAnalyzedAM(ILogicalExpression cond,
List<AbstractLogicalOperator> assignsAndUnnests,
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs, IOptimizationContext context,
IVariableTypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) throws AlgebricksException {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) cond;
FunctionIdentifier funcIdent = funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
// TODO: We don't consider a disjunctive condition with an index yet since it's complex.
if (funcIdent == AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.OR) {
return false;
} else if (funcIdent == AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.AND) {
// This is the only case that the optimizer can check the given function's arguments to see
// if one of its argument can utilize an index.
boolean found = false;
for (Mutable<ILogicalExpression> arg : funcExpr.getArguments()) {
ILogicalExpression argExpr = arg.getValue();
if (argExpr.getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression argFuncExpr = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) argExpr;
boolean matchFound = analyzeFunctionExprAndUpdateAnalyzedAM(argFuncExpr, assignsAndUnnests, analyzedAMs,
context, typeEnvironment);
found = found || matchFound;
return found;
} else {
// For single function or "NOT" case:
return analyzeFunctionExprAndUpdateAnalyzedAM(funcExpr, assignsAndUnnests, analyzedAMs, context,
* Finds applicable access methods for the given function expression based
* on the function identifier, and an analysis of the function's arguments.
* Updates the analyzedAMs accordingly.
* @throws AlgebricksException
protected boolean analyzeFunctionExprAndUpdateAnalyzedAM(AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr,
List<AbstractLogicalOperator> assignsAndUnnests,
Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs, IOptimizationContext context,
IVariableTypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) throws AlgebricksException {
FunctionIdentifier funcIdent = funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
if (funcIdent == AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.AND) {
return false;
// Retrieves the list of access methods that are relevant based on the
// funcIdent.
List<IAccessMethod> relevantAMs = getAccessMethods().get(funcIdent);
if (relevantAMs == null) {
return false;
boolean atLeastOneMatchFound = false;
// Place holder for a new analysis context in case we need one.
AccessMethodAnalysisContext newAnalysisCtx = new AccessMethodAnalysisContext();
for (IAccessMethod accessMethod : relevantAMs) {
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzedAMs.get(accessMethod);
// Use the current place holder.
if (analysisCtx == null) {
analysisCtx = newAnalysisCtx;
// Analyzes the funcExpr's arguments to see if the accessMethod is
// truly applicable.
boolean matchFound = accessMethod.analyzeFuncExprArgsAndUpdateAnalysisCtx(funcExpr, assignsAndUnnests,
analysisCtx, context, typeEnvironment);
if (matchFound) {
// If we've used the current new context placeholder, replace it
// with a new one.
if (analysisCtx == newAnalysisCtx) {
analyzedAMs.put(accessMethod, analysisCtx);
newAnalysisCtx = new AccessMethodAnalysisContext();
atLeastOneMatchFound = true;
return atLeastOneMatchFound;
* Finds secondary indexes whose keys include fieldName, and adds a mapping
* in analysisCtx.indexEsprs from that index to the a corresponding
* optimizable function expression.
* @return true if a candidate index was added to foundIndexExprs, false
* otherwise
* @throws AlgebricksException
protected boolean fillIndexExprs(List<Index> datasetIndexes, List<String> fieldName, IAType fieldType,
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr, int matchedFuncExprIndex, int varIdx,
OptimizableOperatorSubTree matchedSubTree, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, int fieldSource,
IAccessMethod accessMethod) throws AlgebricksException {
List<Index> indexCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
// Add an index to the candidates if one of the indexed fields is fieldName
for (Index index : datasetIndexes) {
if (!accessMethod.matchIndexType(index.getIndexType())) {
List<List<String>> keyFieldNames;
List<IAType> keyFieldTypes;
List<Integer> keySources;
boolean isOverridingKeyFieldTypes;
boolean hasCastDefaultNull = false;
switch (Index.IndexCategory.of(index.getIndexType())) {
case ARRAY:
Index.ArrayIndexDetails arrayIndexDetails = (Index.ArrayIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
keyFieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
keyFieldTypes = new ArrayList<>();
keySources = new ArrayList<>();
for (Index.ArrayIndexElement e : arrayIndexDetails.getElementList()) {
for (int i = 0; i < e.getProjectList().size(); i++) {
List<String> project = e.getProjectList().get(i);
keyFieldNames.add(ArrayIndexUtil.getFlattenedKeyFieldNames(e.getUnnestList(), project));
isOverridingKeyFieldTypes = arrayIndexDetails.isOverridingKeyFieldTypes();
case VALUE:
Index.ValueIndexDetails valueIndexDetails = (Index.ValueIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
keyFieldNames = valueIndexDetails.getKeyFieldNames();
keyFieldTypes = valueIndexDetails.getKeyFieldTypes();
keySources = valueIndexDetails.getKeyFieldSourceIndicators();
isOverridingKeyFieldTypes = valueIndexDetails.isOverridingKeyFieldTypes();
hasCastDefaultNull = valueIndexDetails.getCastDefaultNull().getOrElse(false);
case TEXT:
Index.TextIndexDetails textIndexDetails = (Index.TextIndexDetails) index.getIndexDetails();
keyFieldNames = textIndexDetails.getKeyFieldNames();
keyFieldTypes = textIndexDetails.getKeyFieldTypes();
keySources = textIndexDetails.getKeyFieldSourceIndicators();
isOverridingKeyFieldTypes = textIndexDetails.isOverridingKeyFieldTypes();
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.COMPILATION_UNKNOWN_INDEX_TYPE,
// Need to also verify the index is pending no op
int keyIdx = keyFieldNames.indexOf(fieldName);
if (keyIdx >= 0 && keySourceMatches(keySources, keyIdx, fieldSource)
&& index.getPendingOp() == MetadataUtil.PENDING_NO_OP) {
IAType indexedType = keyFieldTypes.get(keyIdx);
List<AbstractFunctionCallExpression> stepExprs = optFuncExpr.getStepsExprs(varIdx);
if (acceptSteps(index, accessMethod, stepExprs, indexedType, hasCastDefaultNull)) {
boolean isFieldTypeUnknown = fieldType == BuiltinType.AMISSING || fieldType == BuiltinType.ANY;
if (isFieldTypeUnknown && (!isOverridingKeyFieldTypes || index.isEnforced())) {
optFuncExpr.setFieldType(varIdx, indexedType);
analysisCtx.addIndexExpr(matchedSubTree.getDataset(), index, matchedFuncExprIndex, varIdx);
// No index candidates for fieldName.
if (indexCandidates.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean acceptSteps(Index index, IAccessMethod accessMethod, List<AbstractFunctionCallExpression> stepExprs,
IAType indexedType, boolean indexHasCastDefaultNull) throws AlgebricksException {
for (int i = stepExprs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!accessMethod.acceptsFunction(stepExprs.get(i), index, indexedType, indexHasCastDefaultNull, i == 0)) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean keySourceMatches(List<Integer> keySources, int keyIdx, int fieldSource) {
// TODO(ali): keySources from Index should not be null. should investigate if it can happen (ie on external ds)
return keySources == null ? fieldSource == 0 : keySources.get(keyIdx) == fieldSource;
protected void fillAllIndexExprs(OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx,
IOptimizationContext context, IAccessMethod accessMethod) throws AlgebricksException {
int optFuncExprIndex = 0;
List<Index> datasetIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
LogicalVariable datasetMetaVar = null;
if (subTree.getDataSourceType() != DataSourceType.COLLECTION_SCAN
&& subTree.getDataSourceType() != DataSourceType.INDEXONLY_PLAN_SECONDARY_INDEX_LOOKUP) {
datasetIndexes = metadataProvider.getDatasetIndexes(subTree.getDataset().getDataverseName(),
List<LogicalVariable> datasetVars = subTree.getDataSourceVariables();
if (subTree.getDataset().hasMetaPart()) {
datasetMetaVar = datasetVars.get(datasetVars.size() - 1);
for (IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr : analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExprs()) {
// Try to match variables from optFuncExpr to assigns or unnests.
for (int assignOrUnnestIndex = 0; assignOrUnnestIndex < subTree.getAssignsAndUnnests()
.size(); assignOrUnnestIndex++) {
AbstractLogicalOperator op = subTree.getAssignsAndUnnests().get(assignOrUnnestIndex);
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN) {
analyzeAssignOp((AssignOperator) op, optFuncExpr, subTree, assignOrUnnestIndex, datasetMetaVar,
context, datasetIndexes, optFuncExprIndex, analysisCtx, accessMethod);
} else {
analyzeUnnestOp((UnnestOperator) op, optFuncExpr, subTree, assignOrUnnestIndex, datasetMetaVar,
context, datasetIndexes, optFuncExprIndex, analysisCtx, accessMethod);
// Try to match variables from optFuncExpr to datasourcescan if not
// already matched in assigns.
List<LogicalVariable> dsVarList = subTree.getDataSourceVariables();
matchVarsFromOptFuncExprToDataSourceScan(optFuncExpr, optFuncExprIndex, datasetIndexes, dsVarList, subTree,
analysisCtx, context, false, accessMethod);
// If there is one more datasource in the subtree, we need to scan that datasource, too.
List<LogicalVariable> additionalDsVarList = null;
if (subTree.hasIxJoinOuterAdditionalDataSource()) {
additionalDsVarList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < subTree.getIxJoinOuterAdditionalDataSourceRefs().size(); i++) {
matchVarsFromOptFuncExprToDataSourceScan(optFuncExpr, optFuncExprIndex, datasetIndexes,
additionalDsVarList, subTree, analysisCtx, context, true, accessMethod);
private void analyzeUnnestOp(UnnestOperator unnestOp, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr,
OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree, int assignOrUnnestIndex, LogicalVariable datasetMetaVar,
IOptimizationContext context, List<Index> datasetIndexes, int optFuncExprIndex,
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, IAccessMethod accessMethod) throws AlgebricksException {
LogicalVariable var = unnestOp.getVariable();
int funcVarIndex = optFuncExpr.findLogicalVar(var);
// No matching var in optFuncExpr.
if (funcVarIndex == -1) {
// At this point we have matched the optimizable func expr
// at optFuncExprIndex to an unnest variable.
// Remember matching subtree.
optFuncExpr.setOptimizableSubTree(funcVarIndex, subTree);
List<String> fieldName = null;
int fieldSource = 0;
if (subTree.getDataSourceType() == DataSourceType.COLLECTION_SCAN) {
ILogicalExpression expr = optFuncExpr.getArgument(funcVarIndex).getValue();
if (expr.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
optFuncExpr.addStepExpr(funcVarIndex, ((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr));
optFuncExpr.setLogicalExpr(funcVarIndex, expr);
} else {
if (subTree.getDataSourceType() == DataSourceType.DATASOURCE_SCAN) {
subTree.setLastMatchedDataSourceVars(0, funcVarIndex);
Pair<List<String>, Integer> fieldNameAndSource =
AccessMethodUtils.getFieldNameSetStepsFromSubTree(optFuncExpr, subTree, assignOrUnnestIndex, 0,
funcVarIndex, optFuncExpr.getArgument(funcVarIndex).getValue(), context);
fieldName = fieldNameAndSource.first;
fieldSource = fieldNameAndSource.second;
if (fieldName.isEmpty()) {
IAType fieldType =
(IAType) context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(unnestOp).getType(optFuncExpr.getLogicalExpr(funcVarIndex));
// Set the fieldName in the corresponding matched function
// expression.
optFuncExpr.setFieldName(funcVarIndex, fieldName, fieldSource);
optFuncExpr.setFieldType(funcVarIndex, fieldType);
setTypeTag(context, subTree, optFuncExpr, funcVarIndex);
if (subTree.hasDataSource()) {
fillIndexExprs(datasetIndexes, fieldName, fieldType, optFuncExpr, optFuncExprIndex, funcVarIndex, subTree,
analysisCtx, fieldSource, accessMethod);
private void analyzeAssignOp(AssignOperator assignOp, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr,
OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree, int assignOrUnnestIndex, LogicalVariable datasetMetaVar,
IOptimizationContext context, List<Index> datasetIndexes, int optFuncExprIndex,
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, IAccessMethod accessMethod) throws AlgebricksException {
boolean doesArrayIndexQualify = context.getPhysicalOptimizationConfig().isArrayIndexEnabled()
&& -> i.getIndexType() == IndexType.ARRAY);
List<LogicalVariable> varList = assignOp.getVariables();
for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < varList.size(); varIndex++) {
LogicalVariable var = varList.get(varIndex);
int optVarIndex = optFuncExpr.findLogicalVar(var);
if (optVarIndex == -1) {
if (doesArrayIndexQualify && subTree.getDataSourceType() == DataSourceType.DATASOURCE_SCAN) {
// We may be able to apply an array index to this variable.
Triple<Integer, List<String>, IAType> fieldTriplet = AccessMethodUtils
.analyzeVarForArrayIndexes(datasetIndexes, optFuncExpr, subTree, context, var, analysisCtx);
if (fieldTriplet != null && subTree.hasDataSource()) {
fillIndexExprs(datasetIndexes, fieldTriplet.second, fieldTriplet.third, optFuncExpr,
optFuncExprIndex, fieldTriplet.first, subTree, analysisCtx, 0, accessMethod);
// At this point we have matched the optimizable func
// expr at optFuncExprIndex to an assigned variable.
// Remember matching subtree.
optFuncExpr.setOptimizableSubTree(optVarIndex, subTree);
if (subTree.getDataSourceType() == DataSourceType.DATASOURCE_SCAN) {
subTree.setLastMatchedDataSourceVars(varIndex, optVarIndex);
Pair<List<String>, Integer> fieldNameAndSource =
AccessMethodUtils.getFieldNameSetStepsFromSubTree(optFuncExpr, subTree, assignOrUnnestIndex,
varIndex, optVarIndex, optFuncExpr.getArgument(optVarIndex).getValue(), context);
List<String> fieldName = fieldNameAndSource.first;
int fieldSource = fieldNameAndSource.second;
IAType fieldType = (IAType) context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(assignOp).getVarType(var);
// Set the fieldName in the corresponding matched
// function expression.
optFuncExpr.setFieldName(optVarIndex, fieldName, fieldSource);
optFuncExpr.setFieldType(optVarIndex, fieldType);
setTypeTag(context, subTree, optFuncExpr, optVarIndex);
if (subTree.hasDataSource()) {
fillIndexExprs(datasetIndexes, fieldName, fieldType, optFuncExpr, optFuncExprIndex, optVarIndex,
subTree, analysisCtx, fieldSource, accessMethod);
private void matchVarsFromOptFuncExprToDataSourceScan(IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr, int optFuncExprIndex,
List<Index> datasetIndexes, List<LogicalVariable> dsVarList, OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree,
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, IOptimizationContext context, boolean fromAdditionalDataSource,
IAccessMethod accessMethod) throws AlgebricksException {
MutableInt mutableFieldSource = new MutableInt(0);
for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < dsVarList.size(); varIndex++) {
LogicalVariable var = dsVarList.get(varIndex);
int funcVarIndex = optFuncExpr.findLogicalVar(var);
// No matching var in optFuncExpr.
if (funcVarIndex == -1) {
// The variable value is one of the partitioning fields.
List<String> fieldName = null;
IAType fieldType = null;
List<List<String>> subTreePKs = null;
if (!fromAdditionalDataSource) {
Dataset dataset = subTree.getDataset();
subTreePKs = dataset.getPrimaryKeys();
// Check whether this variable is PK, not a record variable.
if (varIndex <= subTreePKs.size() - 1) {
fieldName = subTreePKs.get(varIndex);
fieldType = (IAType) context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(subTree.getDataSourceRef().getValue())
List<Integer> keySourceIndicators = DatasetUtil.getKeySourceIndicators(dataset);
if (keySourceIndicators != null) {
} else {
// Need to check additional dataset one by one
for (int i = 0; i < subTree.getIxJoinOuterAdditionalDatasets().size(); i++) {
Dataset dataset = subTree.getIxJoinOuterAdditionalDatasets().get(i);
if (dataset != null) {
subTreePKs = dataset.getPrimaryKeys();
// Check whether this variable is PK, not a record variable.
// TODO(ali): investigate why var (LogicalVariable) is looked up in subTreePKs (List<List<str>>)
if (subTreePKs.contains(var) && varIndex <= subTreePKs.size() - 1) {
fieldName = subTreePKs.get(varIndex);
fieldType = (IAType) context
List<Integer> keySourceIndicators = DatasetUtil.getKeySourceIndicators(dataset);
if (keySourceIndicators != null) {
// Set the fieldName in the corresponding matched function
// expression, and remember matching subtree.
int fieldSource = mutableFieldSource.intValue();
optFuncExpr.setFieldName(funcVarIndex, fieldName, fieldSource);
optFuncExpr.setOptimizableSubTree(funcVarIndex, subTree);
optFuncExpr.setSourceVar(funcVarIndex, var);
ILogicalExpression expr = optFuncExpr.getArgument(funcVarIndex).getValue();
if (expr.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
optFuncExpr.addStepExpr(funcVarIndex, ((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr));
optFuncExpr.setLogicalExpr(funcVarIndex, expr);
setTypeTag(context, subTree, optFuncExpr, funcVarIndex);
if (subTree.hasDataSourceScan()) {
fillIndexExprs(datasetIndexes, fieldName, fieldType, optFuncExpr, optFuncExprIndex, funcVarIndex,
subTree, analysisCtx, fieldSource, accessMethod);
private void setTypeTag(IOptimizationContext context, OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree,
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr, int funcVarIndex) throws AlgebricksException {
// Set the typeTag if the type is not null
IAType type = (IAType) context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(subTree.getRoot())
optFuncExpr.setFieldType(funcVarIndex, type);
* Finds the field name of each variable in the ASSIGN or UNNEST operators of the sub-tree.
protected void fillFieldNamesInTheSubTree(OptimizableOperatorSubTree subTree, IOptimizationContext context)
throws AlgebricksException {
for (int assignOrUnnestIndex = 0; assignOrUnnestIndex < subTree.getAssignsAndUnnests()
.size(); assignOrUnnestIndex++) {
AbstractLogicalOperator op = subTree.getAssignsAndUnnests().get(assignOrUnnestIndex);
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN) {
AssignOperator assignOp = (AssignOperator) op;
List<LogicalVariable> varList = assignOp.getVariables();
for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < varList.size(); varIndex++) {
LogicalVariable var = varList.get(varIndex);
// funcVarIndex is not required. Thus, we set it to -1.
// optFuncExpr and parentFuncExpr are not required, too. Thus, we set them to null.
List<String> fieldName = AccessMethodUtils.getFieldNameSetStepsFromSubTree(null, subTree,
assignOrUnnestIndex, varIndex, -1, null, context).first;
if (fieldName != null && !fieldName.isEmpty()) {
subTree.getVarsToFieldNameMap().put(var, fieldName);
} else if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.UNNEST) {
UnnestOperator unnestOp = (UnnestOperator) op;
LogicalVariable var = unnestOp.getVariable();
if (subTree.getDataSourceType() != DataSourceType.COLLECTION_SCAN) {
// funcVarIndex is not required. Thus, we set it to -1.
// optFuncExpr and parentFuncExpr are not required, too. Thus, we set them to null.
List<String> fieldName = AccessMethodUtils.getFieldNameSetStepsFromSubTree(null, subTree,
assignOrUnnestIndex, 0, -1, null, context).first;
if (fieldName != null && !fieldName.isEmpty()) {
subTree.getVarsToFieldNameMap().put(var, fieldName);
} else {
// unnestmap or left-outer-unnestmap?
LeftOuterUnnestMapOperator leftOuterUnnestMapOp = null;
UnnestMapOperator unnestMapOp = null;
List<LogicalVariable> varList = null;
if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.UNNEST_MAP) {
unnestMapOp = (UnnestMapOperator) op;
varList = unnestMapOp.getVariables();
} else if (op.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.LEFT_OUTER_UNNEST_MAP) {
leftOuterUnnestMapOp = (LeftOuterUnnestMapOperator) op;
varList = leftOuterUnnestMapOp.getVariables();
} else {
for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < varList.size(); varIndex++) {
LogicalVariable var = varList.get(varIndex);
// funcVarIndex is not required. Thus, we set it to -1.
// optFuncExpr and parentFuncExpr are not required, too. Thus, we set them to null.
List<String> fieldName = AccessMethodUtils.getFieldNameSetStepsFromSubTree(null, subTree,
assignOrUnnestIndex, varIndex, -1, null, context).first;
if (fieldName != null && !fieldName.isEmpty()) {
subTree.getVarsToFieldNameMap().put(var, fieldName);
// DatasourceScan?
if (subTree.hasDataSourceScan()) {
List<LogicalVariable> primaryKeyVarList = new ArrayList<>();
if (subTree.getDataset().getDatasetType() == DatasetType.INTERNAL) {
subTree.getPrimaryKeyVars(null, primaryKeyVarList);
Index primaryIndex = getPrimaryIndexFromDataSourceScanOp(subTree.getDataSourceRef().getValue());
List<List<String>> keyFieldNames =
((Index.ValueIndexDetails) primaryIndex.getIndexDetails()).getKeyFieldNames();
for (int i = 0; i < primaryKeyVarList.size(); i++) {
subTree.getVarsToFieldNameMap().put(primaryKeyVarList.get(i), keyFieldNames.get(i));
* Fetches the associated primary index from the given DATASOURCESCAN operator.
protected Index getPrimaryIndexFromDataSourceScanOp(ILogicalOperator dataSourceScanOp) throws AlgebricksException {
if (dataSourceScanOp.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.DATASOURCESCAN) {
return null;
Pair<DataverseName, String> datasetInfo =
AnalysisUtil.getDatasetInfo((DataSourceScanOperator) dataSourceScanOp);
return metadataProvider.getIndex(datasetInfo.first, datasetInfo.second, datasetInfo.second);