blob: 56ba78529ddb2cb05b57f22247790b1d863d6f2f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.comm.FrameHelper;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.comm.IFrameTupleAccessor;
public class FrameTupleAppender {
private final int frameSize;
private ByteBuffer buffer;
private int tupleCount;
private int tupleDataEndOffset;
public FrameTupleAppender(int frameSize) {
this.frameSize = frameSize;
public void reset(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean clear) {
this.buffer = buffer;
if (clear) {
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), 0);
tupleCount = 0;
tupleDataEndOffset = 0;
} else {
tupleCount = buffer.getInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize));
tupleDataEndOffset = tupleCount == 0 ? 0 : buffer.getInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize)
- tupleCount * 4);
public boolean append(int[] fieldSlots, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
if (tupleDataEndOffset + fieldSlots.length * 4 + length + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
for (int i = 0; i < fieldSlots.length; ++i) {
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + i * 4, fieldSlots[i]);
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + fieldSlots.length * 4, length);
tupleDataEndOffset += fieldSlots.length * 4 + length;
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public boolean appendSkipEmptyField(int[] fieldSlots, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length){
if (tupleDataEndOffset + fieldSlots.length * 4 + length + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
int effectiveSlots = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldSlots.length; ++i) {
if(fieldSlots[i] > 0){
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + i * 4, fieldSlots[i]);
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + effectiveSlots * 4, length);
tupleDataEndOffset += effectiveSlots * 4 + length;
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public boolean append(IFrameTupleAccessor tupleAccessor, int tStartOffset, int tEndOffset) {
int length = tEndOffset - tStartOffset;
if (tupleDataEndOffset + length + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
ByteBuffer src = tupleAccessor.getBuffer();
System.arraycopy(src.array(), tStartOffset, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset, length);
tupleDataEndOffset += length;
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public boolean append(IFrameTupleAccessor tupleAccessor, int tIndex) {
int tStartOffset = tupleAccessor.getTupleStartOffset(tIndex);
int tEndOffset = tupleAccessor.getTupleEndOffset(tIndex);
return append(tupleAccessor, tStartOffset, tEndOffset);
public boolean appendConcat(IFrameTupleAccessor accessor0, int tIndex0, IFrameTupleAccessor accessor1, int tIndex1) {
int startOffset0 = accessor0.getTupleStartOffset(tIndex0);
int endOffset0 = accessor0.getTupleEndOffset(tIndex0);
int length0 = endOffset0 - startOffset0;
int startOffset1 = accessor1.getTupleStartOffset(tIndex1);
int endOffset1 = accessor1.getTupleEndOffset(tIndex1);
int length1 = endOffset1 - startOffset1;
if (tupleDataEndOffset + length0 + length1 + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
ByteBuffer src0 = accessor0.getBuffer();
ByteBuffer src1 = accessor1.getBuffer();
int slotsLen0 = accessor0.getFieldSlotsLength();
int slotsLen1 = accessor1.getFieldSlotsLength();
int dataLen0 = length0 - slotsLen0;
int dataLen1 = length1 - slotsLen1;
// Copy slots from accessor0 verbatim
System.arraycopy(src0.array(), startOffset0, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset, slotsLen0);
// Copy slots from accessor1 with the following transformation: newSlotIdx = oldSlotIdx + dataLen0
for (int i = 0; i < slotsLen1 / 4; ++i) {
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0 + i * 4,
src1.getInt(startOffset1 + i * 4) + dataLen0);
// Copy data0
System.arraycopy(src0.array(), startOffset0 + slotsLen0, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0
+ slotsLen1, dataLen0);
// Copy data1
System.arraycopy(src1.array(), startOffset1 + slotsLen1, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0
+ slotsLen1 + dataLen0, dataLen1);
tupleDataEndOffset += (length0 + length1);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public boolean appendConcat(IFrameTupleAccessor accessor0, int tIndex0, int[] fieldSlots1, byte[] bytes1, int offset1,
int dataLen1) {
int startOffset0 = accessor0.getTupleStartOffset(tIndex0);
int endOffset0 = accessor0.getTupleEndOffset(tIndex0);
int length0 = endOffset0 - startOffset0;
int slotsLen1 = fieldSlots1.length * 4;
int length1 = slotsLen1 + dataLen1;
if (tupleDataEndOffset + length0 + length1 + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
ByteBuffer src0 = accessor0.getBuffer();
int slotsLen0 = accessor0.getFieldSlotsLength();
int dataLen0 = length0 - slotsLen0;
// Copy slots from accessor0 verbatim
System.arraycopy(src0.array(), startOffset0, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset, slotsLen0);
// Copy fieldSlots1 with the following transformation: newSlotIdx = oldSlotIdx + dataLen0
for (int i = 0; i < fieldSlots1.length; ++i) {
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0 + i * 4, (fieldSlots1[i] + dataLen0));
// Copy data0
System.arraycopy(src0.array(), startOffset0 + slotsLen0, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0
+ slotsLen1, dataLen0);
// Copy bytes1
System.arraycopy(bytes1, offset1, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0 + fieldSlots1.length * 4
+ dataLen0, dataLen1);
tupleDataEndOffset += (length0 + length1);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public boolean appendConcat(int[] fieldSlots0, byte[] bytes0, int offset0, int dataLen0, IFrameTupleAccessor accessor1,
int tIndex1) {
int slotsLen0 = fieldSlots0.length * 4;
int length0 = slotsLen0 + dataLen0;
int startOffset1 = accessor1.getTupleStartOffset(tIndex1);
int endOffset1 = accessor1.getTupleEndOffset(tIndex1);
int length1 = endOffset1 - startOffset1;
if (tupleDataEndOffset + length0 + length1 + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
ByteBuffer src1 = accessor1.getBuffer();
int slotsLen1 = accessor1.getFieldSlotsLength();
int dataLen1 = length1 - slotsLen1;
// Copy fieldSlots0 verbatim
for (int i = 0; i < fieldSlots0.length; ++i) {
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + i * 4, fieldSlots0[i]);
// Copy slots from accessor1 with the following transformation: newSlotIdx = oldSlotIdx + dataLen0
for (int i = 0; i < slotsLen1 / 4; ++i) {
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0 + i * 4, src1.getInt(startOffset1 + i * 4) + dataLen0);
// Copy bytes0
System.arraycopy(bytes0, offset0, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0 + slotsLen1,
// Copy data1
System.arraycopy(src1.array(), startOffset1 + slotsLen1, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset + slotsLen0
+ slotsLen1 + dataLen0, dataLen1);
tupleDataEndOffset += (length0 + length1);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public boolean appendProjection(IFrameTupleAccessor accessor, int tIndex, int[] fields) {
int fTargetSlotsLength = fields.length * 4;
int length = fTargetSlotsLength;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
length += (accessor.getFieldEndOffset(tIndex, fields[i]) - accessor.getFieldStartOffset(tIndex, fields[i]));
if (tupleDataEndOffset + length + 4 + (tupleCount + 1) * 4 <= frameSize) {
int fSrcSlotsLength = accessor.getFieldSlotsLength();
int tStartOffset = accessor.getTupleStartOffset(tIndex);
int fStartOffset = 0;
int fEndOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
int fSrcStart = tStartOffset + fSrcSlotsLength + accessor.getFieldStartOffset(tIndex, fields[i]);
int fLen = accessor.getFieldEndOffset(tIndex, fields[i])
- accessor.getFieldStartOffset(tIndex, fields[i]);
System.arraycopy(accessor.getBuffer().array(), fSrcStart, buffer.array(), tupleDataEndOffset
+ fTargetSlotsLength + fStartOffset, fLen);
fEndOffset += fLen;
buffer.putInt(tupleDataEndOffset + i * 4, fEndOffset);
fStartOffset = fEndOffset;
tupleDataEndOffset += length;
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize) - 4 * (tupleCount + 1), tupleDataEndOffset);
buffer.putInt(FrameHelper.getTupleCountOffset(frameSize), tupleCount);
return true;
return false;
public int getTupleCount() {
return tupleCount;
public ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
return buffer;