blob: 1292ff27c56ae6f17f550c8d17d678825f08b7db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTrait;
public class FieldPrefixCompressor implements IFrameCompressor {
// minimum ratio of uncompressed tuples to total tuple to consider
// re-compression
private float ratioThreshold;
// minimum number of tuple matching field prefixes to consider compressing
// them
private int occurrenceThreshold;
private ITypeTrait[] typeTraits;
public FieldPrefixCompressor(ITypeTrait[] typeTraits, float ratioThreshold, int occurrenceThreshold) {
this.typeTraits = typeTraits;
this.ratioThreshold = ratioThreshold;
this.occurrenceThreshold = occurrenceThreshold;
public boolean compress(BTreeFieldPrefixNSMLeafFrame frame, MultiComparator cmp) throws Exception {
int tupleCount = frame.getTupleCount();
if (tupleCount <= 0) {
return false;
int uncompressedTupleCount = frame.getUncompressedTupleCount();
float ratio = (float) uncompressedTupleCount / (float) tupleCount;
if (ratio < ratioThreshold)
return false;
IBinaryComparator[] cmps = cmp.getComparators();
int fieldCount = cmp.getKeyFieldCount();
ByteBuffer buf = frame.getBuffer();
byte[] pageArray = buf.array();
IPrefixSlotManager slotManager = frame.slotManager;
// perform analysis pass
ArrayList<KeyPartition> keyPartitions = getKeyPartitions(frame, cmp, occurrenceThreshold);
if (keyPartitions.size() == 0)
return false;
// for each keyPartition, determine the best prefix length for
// compression, and count how many prefix tuple we would need in total
int totalSlotsNeeded = 0;
int totalPrefixBytes = 0;
for (KeyPartition kp : keyPartitions) {
for (int j = 0; j < kp.pmi.length; j++) {
int benefitMinusCost = kp.pmi[j].spaceBenefit - kp.pmi[j].spaceCost;
if (benefitMinusCost > kp.maxBenefitMinusCost) {
kp.maxBenefitMinusCost = benefitMinusCost;
kp.maxPmiIndex = j;
// ignore keyPartitions with no benefit and don't count bytes and
// slots needed
if (kp.maxBenefitMinusCost <= 0)
totalPrefixBytes += kp.pmi[kp.maxPmiIndex].prefixBytes;
totalSlotsNeeded += kp.pmi[kp.maxPmiIndex].prefixSlotsNeeded;
// System.out.println("TOTAL SLOTS NEEDED: " + totalSlotsNeeded);
// we use a greedy heuristic to solve this "knapsack"-like problem
// (every keyPartition has a space savings and a number of slots
// required, but we the number of slots are constrained by
// we sort the keyPartitions by maxBenefitMinusCost / prefixSlotsNeeded
// and later choose the top MAX_PREFIX_SLOTS
int[] newPrefixSlots;
if (totalSlotsNeeded > FieldPrefixSlotManager.MAX_PREFIX_SLOTS) {
// order keyPartitions by the heuristic function
SortByHeuristic heuristicComparator = new SortByHeuristic();
Collections.sort(keyPartitions, heuristicComparator);
int slotsUsed = 0;
int numberKeyPartitions = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < keyPartitions.size(); i++) {
KeyPartition kp = keyPartitions.get(i);
slotsUsed += kp.pmi[kp.maxPmiIndex].prefixSlotsNeeded;
if (slotsUsed > FieldPrefixSlotManager.MAX_PREFIX_SLOTS) {
numberKeyPartitions = i + 1;
slotsUsed -= kp.pmi[kp.maxPmiIndex].prefixSlotsNeeded;
newPrefixSlots = new int[slotsUsed];
// remove irrelevant keyPartitions and adjust total prefix bytes
while (keyPartitions.size() >= numberKeyPartitions) {
int lastIndex = keyPartitions.size() - 1;
KeyPartition kp = keyPartitions.get(lastIndex);
if (kp.maxBenefitMinusCost > 0)
totalPrefixBytes -= kp.pmi[kp.maxPmiIndex].prefixBytes;
// re-order keyPartitions by prefix (corresponding to original
// order)
SortByOriginalRank originalRankComparator = new SortByOriginalRank();
Collections.sort(keyPartitions, originalRankComparator);
} else {
newPrefixSlots = new int[totalSlotsNeeded];
int[] newTupleSlots = new int[tupleCount];
// WARNING: our hope is that compression is infrequent
// here we allocate a big chunk of memory to temporary hold the new,
// re-compressed tuple
// in general it is very hard to avoid this step
int prefixFreeSpace = frame.getOrigFreeSpaceOff();
int tupleFreeSpace = prefixFreeSpace + totalPrefixBytes;
byte[] buffer = new byte[buf.capacity()];
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
// perform compression, and reorg
// we assume that the keyPartitions are sorted by the prefixes (i.e., in
// the logical target order)
int kpIndex = 0;
int tupleIndex = 0;
int prefixTupleIndex = 0;
uncompressedTupleCount = 0;
TypeAwareTupleWriter tupleWriter = new TypeAwareTupleWriter(typeTraits);
FieldPrefixTupleReference tupleToWrite = new FieldPrefixTupleReference(tupleWriter.createTupleReference());
while (tupleIndex < tupleCount) {
if (kpIndex < keyPartitions.size()) {
// beginning of keyPartition found, compress entire keyPartition
if (tupleIndex == keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).firstTupleIndex) {
// number of fields we decided to use for compression of
// this keyPartition
int numFieldsToCompress = keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).maxPmiIndex + 1;
int segmentStart = keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).firstTupleIndex;
int tuplesInSegment = 1;
// System.out.println("PROCESSING KEYPARTITION: " + kpIndex
// + " RANGE: " + keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).firstRecSlotNum
// + " " + keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).lastRecSlotNum +
// " FIELDSTOCOMPRESS: " + numFieldsToCompress);
FieldPrefixTupleReference prevTuple = new FieldPrefixTupleReference(tupleWriter
FieldPrefixTupleReference tuple = new FieldPrefixTupleReference(tupleWriter.createTupleReference());
for (int i = tupleIndex + 1; i <= keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).lastTupleIndex; i++) {
prevTuple.resetByTupleIndex(frame, i - 1);
tuple.resetByTupleIndex(frame, i);
// check if tuples match in numFieldsToCompress of their
// first fields
int prefixFieldsMatch = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numFieldsToCompress; j++) {
if (cmps[j].compare(pageArray, prevTuple.getFieldStart(j), prevTuple.getFieldLength(j),
pageArray, tuple.getFieldStart(j), tuple.getFieldLength(j)) == 0)
// the two tuples must match in exactly the number of
// fields we decided to compress for this keyPartition
int processSegments = 0;
if (prefixFieldsMatch == numFieldsToCompress)
if (i == keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).lastTupleIndex)
for (int r = 0; r < processSegments; r++) {
// compress current segment and then start new
// segment
if (tuplesInSegment < occurrenceThreshold || numFieldsToCompress <= 0) {
// segment does not have at least
// occurrenceThreshold tuples, so write tuples
// uncompressed
for (int j = 0; j < tuplesInSegment; j++) {
int slotNum = segmentStart + j;
tupleToWrite.resetByTupleIndex(frame, slotNum);
newTupleSlots[tupleCount - 1 - slotNum] = slotManager.encodeSlotFields(
FieldPrefixSlotManager.TUPLE_UNCOMPRESSED, tupleFreeSpace);
tupleFreeSpace += tupleWriter.writeTuple(tupleToWrite, byteBuffer, tupleFreeSpace);
uncompressedTupleCount += tuplesInSegment;
} else {
// segment has enough tuples, compress segment
// extract prefix, write prefix tuple to buffer,
// and set prefix slot
newPrefixSlots[newPrefixSlots.length - 1 - prefixTupleIndex] = slotManager
.encodeSlotFields(numFieldsToCompress, prefixFreeSpace);
// int tmp = freeSpace;
// prevRec.reset();
// System.out.println("SOURCE CONTENTS: " +
// buf.getInt(prevRec.getFieldOff()) + " " +
// buf.getInt(prevRec.getFieldOff()+4));
prefixFreeSpace += tupleWriter.writeTupleFields(prevTuple, 0, numFieldsToCompress,
byteBuffer, prefixFreeSpace);
// System.out.println("WRITING PREFIX RECORD " +
// prefixSlotNum + " AT " + tmp + " " +
// freeSpace);
// System.out.print("CONTENTS: ");
// for(int x = 0; x < numFieldsToCompress; x++)
// System.out.print(buf.getInt(tmp + x*4) +
// " ");
// System.out.println();
// truncate tuples, write them to buffer, and
// set tuple slots
for (int j = 0; j < tuplesInSegment; j++) {
int currTupleIndex = segmentStart + j;
tupleToWrite.resetByTupleIndex(frame, currTupleIndex);
newTupleSlots[tupleCount - 1 - currTupleIndex] = slotManager.encodeSlotFields(
prefixTupleIndex, tupleFreeSpace);
tupleFreeSpace += tupleWriter.writeTupleFields(tupleToWrite, numFieldsToCompress,
fieldCount - numFieldsToCompress, byteBuffer, tupleFreeSpace);
// begin new segment
segmentStart = i;
tuplesInSegment = 1;
tupleIndex = keyPartitions.get(kpIndex).lastTupleIndex;
} else {
// just write the tuple uncompressed
tupleToWrite.resetByTupleIndex(frame, tupleIndex);
newTupleSlots[tupleCount - 1 - tupleIndex] = slotManager.encodeSlotFields(
FieldPrefixSlotManager.TUPLE_UNCOMPRESSED, tupleFreeSpace);
tupleFreeSpace += tupleWriter.writeTuple(tupleToWrite, byteBuffer, tupleFreeSpace);
} else {
// just write the tuple uncompressed
tupleToWrite.resetByTupleIndex(frame, tupleIndex);
newTupleSlots[tupleCount - 1 - tupleIndex] = slotManager.encodeSlotFields(
FieldPrefixSlotManager.TUPLE_UNCOMPRESSED, tupleFreeSpace);
tupleFreeSpace += tupleWriter.writeTuple(tupleToWrite, byteBuffer, tupleFreeSpace);
// sanity check to see if we have written exactly as many prefix bytes
// as computed before
if (prefixFreeSpace != frame.getOrigFreeSpaceOff() + totalPrefixBytes) {
throw new Exception("ERROR: Number of prefix bytes written don't match computed number");
// in some rare instances our procedure could even increase the space
// requirement which is very dangerous
// this can happen to to the greedy solution of the knapsack-like
// problem
// therefore, we check if the new space exceeds the page size to avoid
// the only danger of an increasing space
int totalSpace = tupleFreeSpace + newTupleSlots.length * slotManager.getSlotSize() + newPrefixSlots.length
* slotManager.getSlotSize();
if (totalSpace > buf.capacity())
return false; // just leave the page as is
// copy new tuple and new slots into original page
int freeSpaceAfterInit = frame.getOrigFreeSpaceOff();
.arraycopy(buffer, freeSpaceAfterInit, pageArray, freeSpaceAfterInit, tupleFreeSpace
- freeSpaceAfterInit);
// copy prefix slots
int slotOffRunner = buf.capacity() - slotManager.getSlotSize();
for (int i = 0; i < newPrefixSlots.length; i++) {
buf.putInt(slotOffRunner, newPrefixSlots[newPrefixSlots.length - 1 - i]);
slotOffRunner -= slotManager.getSlotSize();
// copy tuple slots
for (int i = 0; i < newTupleSlots.length; i++) {
buf.putInt(slotOffRunner, newTupleSlots[newTupleSlots.length - 1 - i]);
slotOffRunner -= slotManager.getSlotSize();
// int originalFreeSpaceOff = frame.getOrigFreeSpaceOff();
// System.out.println("ORIGINALFREESPACE: " + originalFreeSpaceOff);
// System.out.println("RECSPACE BEF: " + (frame.getFreeSpaceOff() -
// originalFreeSpaceOff));
// System.out.println("RECSPACE AFT: " + (recordFreeSpace -
// originalFreeSpaceOff));
// System.out.println("PREFIXSLOTS BEF: " +
// frame.getNumPrefixRecords());
// System.out.println("PREFIXSLOTS AFT: " + newPrefixSlots.length);
// System.out.println("FREESPACE BEF: " + frame.getFreeSpaceOff());
// System.out.println("FREESPACE AFT: " + recordFreeSpace);
// System.out.println("PREFIXES: " + newPrefixSlots.length + " / " +
// FieldPrefixSlotManager.MAX_PREFIX_SLOTS);
// System.out.println("RECORDS: " + newRecordSlots.length);
// update space fields, TODO: we need to update more fields
int totalFreeSpace = buf.capacity() - tupleFreeSpace
- ((newTupleSlots.length + newPrefixSlots.length) * slotManager.getSlotSize());
return true;
// we perform an analysis pass over the tuples to determine the costs and
// benefits of different compression options
// a "keypartition" is a range of tuples that has an identical first field
// for each keypartition we chose a prefix length to use for compression
// i.e., all tuples in a keypartition will be compressed based on the same
// prefix length (number of fields)
// the prefix length may be different for different keypartitions
// the occurrenceThreshold determines the minimum number of tuples that must
// share a common prefix in order for us to consider compressing them
private ArrayList<KeyPartition> getKeyPartitions(BTreeFieldPrefixNSMLeafFrame frame, MultiComparator cmp,
int occurrenceThreshold) {
IBinaryComparator[] cmps = cmp.getComparators();
int fieldCount = cmp.getKeyFieldCount();
int maxCmps = cmps.length - 1;
ByteBuffer buf = frame.getBuffer();
byte[] pageArray = buf.array();
IPrefixSlotManager slotManager = frame.slotManager;
ArrayList<KeyPartition> keyPartitions = new ArrayList<KeyPartition>();
KeyPartition kp = new KeyPartition(maxCmps);
TypeAwareTupleWriter tupleWriter = new TypeAwareTupleWriter(typeTraits);
FieldPrefixTupleReference prevTuple = new FieldPrefixTupleReference(tupleWriter.createTupleReference());
FieldPrefixTupleReference tuple = new FieldPrefixTupleReference(tupleWriter.createTupleReference());
kp.firstTupleIndex = 0;
int tupleCount = frame.getTupleCount();
for (int i = 1; i < tupleCount; i++) {
prevTuple.resetByTupleIndex(frame, i - 1);
tuple.resetByTupleIndex(frame, i);
// System.out.println("BEFORE RECORD: " + i + " " + rec.recSlotOff +
// " " + rec.recOff);
// kp.print();
int prefixFieldsMatch = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < maxCmps; j++) {
if (cmps[j].compare(pageArray, prevTuple.getFieldStart(j), prevTuple.getFieldLength(j), pageArray,
tuple.getFieldStart(j), prevTuple.getFieldLength(j)) == 0) {
int prefixBytes = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(tuple, 0, prefixFieldsMatch);
int spaceBenefit = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(tuple)
- tupleWriter.bytesRequired(tuple, prefixFieldsMatch, tuple.getFieldCount()
- prefixFieldsMatch);
if (kp.pmi[j].matches == occurrenceThreshold) {
// if we compress this prefix, we pay the cost of
// storing it once, plus the size for one prefix slot
kp.pmi[j].prefixBytes += prefixBytes;
kp.pmi[j].spaceCost += prefixBytes + slotManager.getSlotSize();
kp.pmi[j].spaceBenefit += occurrenceThreshold * spaceBenefit;
} else if (kp.pmi[j].matches > occurrenceThreshold) {
// we are beyond the occurrence threshold, every
// additional tuple with a matching prefix increases the
// benefit
kp.pmi[j].spaceBenefit += spaceBenefit;
} else {
kp.pmi[j].matches = 1;
// System.out.println();
// System.out.println("AFTER RECORD: " + i);
// kp.print();
// System.out.println("-----------------");
// this means not even the first field matched, so we start to
// consider a new "key partition"
if (maxCmps > 0 && prefixFieldsMatch == 0) {
// System.out.println("NEW KEY PARTITION");
kp.lastTupleIndex = i - 1;
// remove keyPartitions that don't have enough tuples
if ((kp.lastTupleIndex - kp.firstTupleIndex) + 1 < occurrenceThreshold)
keyPartitions.remove(keyPartitions.size() - 1);
kp = new KeyPartition(maxCmps);
kp.firstTupleIndex = i;
kp.lastTupleIndex = tupleCount - 1;
// remove keyPartitions that don't have enough tuples
if ((kp.lastTupleIndex - kp.firstTupleIndex) + 1 < occurrenceThreshold)
keyPartitions.remove(keyPartitions.size() - 1);
return keyPartitions;
private class PrefixMatchInfo {
public int matches = 1;
public int spaceCost = 0;
public int spaceBenefit = 0;
public int prefixSlotsNeeded = 0;
public int prefixBytes = 0;
private class KeyPartition {
public int firstTupleIndex;
public int lastTupleIndex;
public PrefixMatchInfo[] pmi;
public int maxBenefitMinusCost = 0;
public int maxPmiIndex = -1;
// number of fields used for compression for this kp of current page
public KeyPartition(int numKeyFields) {
pmi = new PrefixMatchInfo[numKeyFields];
for (int i = 0; i < numKeyFields; i++) {
pmi[i] = new PrefixMatchInfo();
private class SortByHeuristic implements Comparator<KeyPartition> {
public int compare(KeyPartition a, KeyPartition b) {
if (a.maxPmiIndex < 0) {
if (b.maxPmiIndex < 0)
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b.maxPmiIndex < 0)
return -1;
// non-negative maxPmiIndex, meaning a non-zero benefit exists
float thisHeuristicVal = (float) a.maxBenefitMinusCost / (float) a.pmi[a.maxPmiIndex].prefixSlotsNeeded;
float otherHeuristicVal = (float) b.maxBenefitMinusCost / (float) b.pmi[b.maxPmiIndex].prefixSlotsNeeded;
if (thisHeuristicVal < otherHeuristicVal)
return 1;
else if (thisHeuristicVal > otherHeuristicVal)
return -1;
return 0;
private class SortByOriginalRank implements Comparator<KeyPartition> {
public int compare(KeyPartition a, KeyPartition b) {
return a.firstTupleIndex - b.firstTupleIndex;