blob: d09755a699d433313ed2d0c2e813b2bd55446976 [file] [log] [blame]
//***** Test to conduct a join between datasets belonging to different dataverses*****//
drop dataverse test1 if exists;
drop dataverse test2 if exists;
create dataverse test1;
create dataverse test2;
create type test1.AddressType as open {
number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
create type test1.CustomerType as closed {
cid: int32,
name: string,
cashBack: int32,
age: int32?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
oid: int32,
total: float
create dataset test1.Customers(CustomerType)
partitioned by key cid;
create type test2.OrderType as open {
oid: int32,
cid: int32,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
items: [int32]
create dataset test2.Orders(OrderType)
partitioned by key oid;
load dataset test1.Customers
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
load dataset test2.Orders
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
write output to nc1:"rttest/cross-dataverse_join_across_dataverses.adm";
for $c in dataset('test1.Customers')
for $o in dataset('test2.Orders')
where $c.cid = $o.cid
order by $, $
return {"cust_name":$, "cust_age": $c.age, "order_total":$, "orderList":[$o.oid, $o.cid], "orderList":{{$o.oid, $o.cid}}}