blob: 8976ee187f862d3792ce10249346b4286dd8dc4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* Description : Create a highly nested datastructure that uses opened and closed datasets
at different levels. Use open-nested indexes at every level
to copy from one data set upwards
check the final result to see if copies were successful all the way up
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 20 Oct 2014
drop database test if exists;
create database test;
use test;
create type test.S as
id : int64
create type test.GS as
closed {
id : int64,
Genus : string,
lower : S
create type test.FGS as
id : int64,
Family : string
create type test.OFGS as
closed {
id : int64,
`Order` : string,
lower : FGS
create type test.COFGS as
closed {
id : int64,
Class : string,
lower : OFGS
create type test.PCOFGS as
closed {
id : int64,
Phylum : string,
lower : COFGS
create type test.KPCOFGS as
id : int64,
Kingdom : string
create type test.Classification as
closed {
id : int64,
fullClassification : KPCOFGS
create type test.Animal as
closed {
id : int64,
class : Classification
create table Animals(Animal) primary key id;
create table Classifications(Classification) primary key id;
create table KPCOFGSs(KPCOFGS) primary key id;
create table Ss(S) primary key id;
create table GSs(GS) primary key id;
create table FGSs(FGS) primary key id;
create table OFGSs(OFGS) primary key id;
create table COFGSs(COFGS) primary key id;
create table PCOFGSs(PCOFGS) primary key id;
create index species on Ss (Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index genus on GSs (lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index family on FGSs (lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index orda on OFGSs (lower.lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index classy on COFGSs (lower.lower.lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index phylum on PCOFGSs (lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index phylum on KPCOFGSs (lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index class on Classifications (fullClassification.lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;
create index anim on Animals (class.fullClassification.lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.lower.Species:string) type btree enforced;