blob: 3c14f33b135b5955b4db3c4079fd6efa8d23fe77 [file] [log] [blame]
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* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary rtree index in index subtree.
* Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
drop database test if exists;
create database test;
use test;
create type test.TwitterUserType as
closed {
`screen-name` : string,
lang : string,
`friends-count` : int32,
`statuses-count` : int32,
name : string,
`followers-count` : int32
create type test.TweetMessageType as
closed {
tweetid : int64,
user : TwitterUserType,
`sender-location` : point,
`send-time` : datetime,
`referred-topics` : {{string}},
`message-text` : string,
countA : int32,
countB : int32
create table TweetMessages(TweetMessageType) primary key tweetid;
create index twmSndLocIx on TweetMessages (`sender-location`) type rtree;
create index msgCountAIx on TweetMessages (countA) type btree;
create index msgCountBIx on TweetMessages (countB) type btree;
create index msgTextIx on TweetMessages (`message-text`) type keyword;
write output to asterix_nc1:"rttest/rtree-index-join_leftouterjoin-probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx_01.adm"
select element {'tweetid1':t1.tweetid,'loc1':t1.`sender-location`,'nearby-message':(
select element {'tweetid2':t2.tweetid,'loc2':t2.`sender-location`}
from TweetMessages as t2
where test.`spatial-intersect`(t2.`sender-location`,n)
order by t2.tweetid
from TweetMessages as t1
with n as test.`create-circle`(t1.`sender-location`,0.5)
where (t1.tweetid < test.int64('10'))
order by t1.tweetid