blob: 41b036a812f702831bae0078744f9f1565350ba4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Description : Create Channel Test. Confirms that the subscription and result datasets are created
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : March 2015
* Author : Steven Jacobs
drop dataverse channels if exists;
create dataverse channels;
use dataverse channels;
create type TweetMessageTypeuuid as closed {
tweetid: uuid,
sender-location: point,
send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
message-text: string,
countA: int32,
countB: int32
create dataset TweetMessageuuids(TweetMessageTypeuuid)
primary key tweetid autogenerated;
create function NearbyTweetsContainingText($location, $text) {
for $tweet in dataset TweetMessageuuids
let $circle := create-circle($location,30.0)
where contains($tweet.message-text,$text)
and spatial-intersect($tweet.sender-location, $location)
return $tweet.message-text
create repetitive channel nearbyTweetChannel using NearbyTweetsContainingText@2 period duration("PT10M");