blob: d5a07075584403af2af81b965058b05b96362068 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { Arrow } from './index.js';
// from
let seed = 1;
function random() {
const x = Math.sin(seed++) * 10_000;
return x - Math.floor(x);
console.time('Prepare Data');
const LENGTH = 100_000;
const NUM_BATCHES = 10;
const cities = ['Charlottesville', 'New York', 'San Francisco', 'Seattle', 'Terre Haute', 'Washington, DC'];
const values = Arrow.vectorFromArray(cities, new Arrow.Utf8).memoize();
const batches = Array.from({ length: NUM_BATCHES }).map(() => {
const lat = Float32Array.from(
{ length: LENGTH },
() => ((random() - 0.5) * 2 * 90));
const lng = Float32Array.from(
{ length: LENGTH },
() => ((random() - 0.5) * 2 * 90));
const origin = Uint8Array.from(
{ length: LENGTH },
() => (random() * 6));
const destination = Uint8Array.from(
{ length: LENGTH },
() => (random() * 6));
const originType = new Arrow.Dictionary(values.type, new Arrow.Int8, 0, false);
const destinationType = new Arrow.Dictionary(values.type, new Arrow.Int8, 0, false);
return new Arrow.RecordBatch({
'lat': Arrow.makeData({ type: new Arrow.Float32, data: lat }),
'lng': Arrow.makeData({ type: new Arrow.Float32, data: lng }),
'origin': Arrow.makeData({ type: originType, length: origin.length, nullCount: 0, data: origin, dictionary: values }),
'destination': Arrow.makeData({ type: destinationType, length: destination.length, nullCount: 0, data: destination, dictionary: values }),
export const typedArrays = {
uint8Array: Uint8Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
uint16Array: Uint16Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
uint32Array: Uint32Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
uint64Array: BigUint64Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => 42n),
int8Array: Int8Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
int16Array: Int16Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
int32Array: Int32Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
int64Array: BigInt64Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => 42n),
float32Array: Float32Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
float64Array: Float64Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255)
export const arrays = {
numbers: Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() * 255),
booleans: Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => random() > 0.5),
dictionary: Array.from({ length: LENGTH }, () => cities[Math.floor(random() * cities.length)])
export const vectors: { [k: string]: Arrow.Vector } = Object.fromEntries([
...Object.entries(typedArrays).map(([name, array]) => [name, Arrow.makeVector(array)]),
...Object.entries(arrays).map(([name, array]) => [name, Arrow.vectorFromArray(array)]),
['string', Arrow.vectorFromArray(arrays.dictionary, new Arrow.Utf8)],
const tracks = new Arrow.Table(batches[0].schema, batches);
console.timeEnd('Prepare Data');
export default [
name: 'tracks',
table: tracks,
ipc: Arrow.RecordBatchStreamWriter.writeAll(tracks).toUint8Array(true),
countBys: ['origin', 'destination'],
counts: [
{ column: 'lat', test: 'gt' as 'gt' | 'eq', value: 0 },
{ column: 'lng', test: 'gt' as 'gt' | 'eq', value: 0 },
{ column: 'origin', test: 'eq' as 'gt' | 'eq', value: 'Seattle' },