blob: 1bc5ed7a372a80537e77d4b90494ee2d6d04d27b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
NA = None
cdef class NAType(Scalar):
Null (NA) value singleton
def __cinit__(self):
global NA
if NA is not None:
raise Exception('Cannot create multiple NAType instances')
self.type = null()
def __repr__(self):
return 'NA'
def as_py(self):
return None
NA = NAType()
cdef class ArrayValue(Scalar):
cdef void init(self, DataType type, const shared_ptr[CArray]& sp_array,
int64_t index):
self.type = type
self.index = index
cdef void _set_array(self, const shared_ptr[CArray]& sp_array):
self.sp_array = sp_array
def _check_null(self):
if self.sp_array.get() == NULL:
raise ReferenceError(
'ArrayValue instance not propertly initialized '
'(references NULL pointer)')
def __repr__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'as_py'):
return repr(self.as_py())
return super(Scalar, self).__repr__()
cdef class BooleanValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CBooleanArray* ap = <CBooleanArray*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class Int8Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CInt8Array* ap = <CInt8Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class UInt8Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CUInt8Array* ap = <CUInt8Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class Int16Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CInt16Array* ap = <CInt16Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class UInt16Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CUInt16Array* ap = <CUInt16Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class Int32Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CInt32Array* ap = <CInt32Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class UInt32Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CUInt32Array* ap = <CUInt32Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class Int64Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CInt64Array* ap = <CInt64Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class UInt64Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CUInt64Array* ap = <CUInt64Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class Date32Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CDate32Array* ap = <CDate32Array*> self.sp_array.get()
# Shift to seconds since epoch
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
int(ap.Value(self.index)) * 86400).date()
cdef class Date64Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CDate64Array* ap = <CDate64Array*> self.sp_array.get()
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
ap.Value(self.index) / 1000).date()
cdef class Time32Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
CTime32Array* ap = <CTime32Array*> self.sp_array.get()
CTime32Type* dtype = <CTime32Type*> ap.type().get()
if dtype.unit() == TimeUnit_SECOND:
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=ap.Value(self.index))
return (datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + delta).time()
delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=ap.Value(self.index))
return (datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + delta).time()
cdef class Time64Value(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
CTime64Array* ap = <CTime64Array*> self.sp_array.get()
CTime64Type* dtype = <CTime64Type*> ap.type().get()
cdef int64_t val = ap.Value(self.index)
if dtype.unit() == TimeUnit_MICRO:
return (datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) +
return (datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) +
datetime.timedelta(microseconds=val / 1000)).time()
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
TimeUnit_SECOND: lambda x, tzinfo: (
TimeUnit_MILLI: lambda x, tzinfo: (
datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x / 1e3).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
TimeUnit_MICRO: lambda x, tzinfo: (
datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x / 1e6).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
TimeUnit_SECOND: lambda x, tzinfo: pd.Timestamp(
x * 1000000000, tz=tzinfo, unit='ns',
TimeUnit_MILLI: lambda x, tzinfo: pd.Timestamp(
x * 1000000, tz=tzinfo, unit='ns',
TimeUnit_MICRO: lambda x, tzinfo: pd.Timestamp(
x * 1000, tz=tzinfo, unit='ns',
TimeUnit_NANO: lambda x, tzinfo: pd.Timestamp(
x, tz=tzinfo, unit='ns',
cdef class TimestampValue(ArrayValue):
property value:
def __get__(self):
cdef CTimestampArray* ap = <CTimestampArray*> self.sp_array.get()
cdef CTimestampType* dtype = <CTimestampType*> ap.type().get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
def as_py(self):
cdef CTimestampArray* ap = <CTimestampArray*> self.sp_array.get()
cdef CTimestampType* dtype = <CTimestampType*> ap.type().get()
value = self.value
if not dtype.timezone().empty():
import pytz
tzinfo = pytz.timezone(frombytes(dtype.timezone()))
tzinfo = None
converter = DATETIME_CONVERSION_FUNCTIONS[dtype.unit()]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot convert nanosecond timestamps without pandas'
return converter(value, tzinfo=tzinfo)
cdef class FloatValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CFloatArray* ap = <CFloatArray*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class DoubleValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CDoubleArray* ap = <CDoubleArray*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.Value(self.index)
cdef class DecimalValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
CDecimal128Array* ap = <CDecimal128Array*> self.sp_array.get()
c_string s = ap.FormatValue(self.index)
return _pydecimal.Decimal(s.decode('utf8'))
cdef class StringValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
cdef CStringArray* ap = <CStringArray*> self.sp_array.get()
return ap.GetString(self.index).decode('utf-8')
cdef class BinaryValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
const uint8_t* ptr
int32_t length
CBinaryArray* ap = <CBinaryArray*> self.sp_array.get()
ptr = ap.GetValue(self.index, &length)
return cp.PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(<const char*>(ptr), length)
cdef class ListValue(ArrayValue):
def __len__(self):
return self.ap.value_length(self.index)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.getitem(i)
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self.getitem(i)
raise StopIteration
cdef void _set_array(self, const shared_ptr[CArray]& sp_array):
self.sp_array = sp_array
self.ap = <CListArray*> sp_array.get()
self.value_type = pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.ap.value_type())
cdef getitem(self, int64_t i):
cdef int64_t j = self.ap.value_offset(self.index) + i
return box_scalar(self.value_type, self.ap.values(), j)
def as_py(self):
int64_t j
list result = []
for j in range(len(self)):
return result
cdef class UnionValue(ArrayValue):
cdef void _set_array(self, const shared_ptr[CArray]& sp_array):
self.sp_array = sp_array
self.ap = <CUnionArray*> sp_array.get()
cdef getitem(self, int64_t i):
cdef int8_t type_id = self.ap.raw_type_ids()[i]
cdef shared_ptr[CArray] child = self.ap.child(type_id)
if self.ap.mode() == _UnionMode_SPARSE:
return box_scalar(self.type[type_id], child, i)
return box_scalar(self.type[type_id], child,
def as_py(self):
return self.getitem(self.index).as_py()
cdef class FixedSizeBinaryValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
CFixedSizeBinaryArray* ap
CFixedSizeBinaryType* ap_type
int32_t length
const char* data
ap = <CFixedSizeBinaryArray*> self.sp_array.get()
ap_type = <CFixedSizeBinaryType*> ap.type().get()
length = ap_type.byte_width()
data = <const char*> ap.GetValue(self.index)
return cp.PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(data, length)
cdef class StructValue(ArrayValue):
def as_py(self):
CStructArray* ap
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] child_fields = self.type.type.children()
ap = <CStructArray*> self.sp_array.get()
wrapped_arrays = (pyarrow_wrap_array(ap.field(i))
for i in range(ap.num_fields()))
child_names = (child.get().name() for child in child_fields)
# Return the struct as a dict
return {
frombytes(name): child_array[self.index].as_py()
for name, child_array in
zip(child_names, wrapped_arrays)
cdef dict _scalar_classes = {
_Type_BOOL: BooleanValue,
_Type_UINT8: UInt8Value,
_Type_UINT16: UInt16Value,
_Type_UINT32: UInt32Value,
_Type_UINT64: UInt64Value,
_Type_INT8: Int8Value,
_Type_INT16: Int16Value,
_Type_INT32: Int32Value,
_Type_INT64: Int64Value,
_Type_DATE32: Date32Value,
_Type_DATE64: Date64Value,
_Type_TIME32: Time32Value,
_Type_TIME64: Time64Value,
_Type_TIMESTAMP: TimestampValue,
_Type_FLOAT: FloatValue,
_Type_DOUBLE: DoubleValue,
_Type_LIST: ListValue,
_Type_UNION: UnionValue,
_Type_BINARY: BinaryValue,
_Type_STRING: StringValue,
_Type_FIXED_SIZE_BINARY: FixedSizeBinaryValue,
_Type_DECIMAL: DecimalValue,
_Type_STRUCT: StructValue,
cdef object box_scalar(DataType type, const shared_ptr[CArray]& sp_array,
int64_t index):
cdef ArrayValue val
if == _Type_NA:
return NA
elif sp_array.get().IsNull(index):
return NA
val = _scalar_classes[]()
val.init(type, sp_array, index)
return val