blob: 5921c4cecb9ee95d97315fa8475d0ae74022b4a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* tslint:disable */
// Dynamically load an Arrow target build based on command line arguments
const path = require('path');
const target = process.env.TEST_TARGET!;
const format = process.env.TEST_MODULE!;
const useSrc = process.env.TEST_TS_SOURCE === `true`;
// these are duplicated in the gulpfile :<
const targets = [`es5`, `es2015`, `esnext`];
const formats = [`cjs`, `esm`, `cls`, `umd`];
function throwInvalidImportError(name: string, value: string, values: string[]) {
throw new Error('Unrecognized ' + name + ' \'' + value + '\'. Please run tests with \'--' + name + ' <any of ' + values.join(', ') + '>\'');
let modulePath = ``;
if (useSrc) modulePath = '../src';
else if (target === `ts` || target === `apache-arrow`) modulePath = target;
else if (!~targets.indexOf(target)) throwInvalidImportError('target', target, targets);
else if (!~formats.indexOf(format)) throwInvalidImportError('module', format, formats);
else modulePath = path.join(target, format);
import { read, readAsync } from '../src/Arrow';
export { read, readAsync };
import { View, VectorLike } from '../src/Arrow';
export { View, VectorLike };
import { Table, Field, Schema, RecordBatch, Type } from '../src/Arrow';
export { Table, Field, Schema, RecordBatch, Type };
import { TypedArray, TypedArrayConstructor, IntBitWidth, TimeBitWidth } from '../src/Arrow';
export { TypedArray, TypedArrayConstructor, IntBitWidth, TimeBitWidth };
import * as Arrow_ from '../src/Arrow';
export let Arrow = require(path.resolve(`./targets`, modulePath, `Arrow`)) as typeof Arrow_;
export default Arrow;