blob: 5e6c939ef67ad9cdd6f32ce6cdd732e45b8298fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import * as Schema_ from './fb/Schema';
import * as Message_ from './fb/Message';
import { Vector, View } from './vector';
import { flatbuffers } from 'flatbuffers';
import { DictionaryBatch } from './ipc/metadata';
import { TypeVisitor, VisitorNode } from './visitor';
export import Long = flatbuffers.Long;
export import ArrowType =;
export import DateUnit =;
export import TimeUnit =;
export import Precision =;
export import UnionMode =;
export import VectorType =;
export import IntervalUnit =;
export import MessageHeader =;
export import MetadataVersion =;
export class Schema {
public static from(vectors: Vector[]) {
return new Schema(, i) => new Field('' + i, v.type)));
// @ts-ignore
protected _bodyLength: number;
// @ts-ignore
protected _headerType: MessageHeader;
public readonly fields: Field[];
public readonly version: MetadataVersion;
public readonly metadata?: Map<string, string>;
public readonly dictionaries: Map<number, Field<Dictionary>>;
constructor(fields: Field[],
metadata?: Map<string, string>,
version: MetadataVersion = MetadataVersion.V4,
dictionaries: Map<number, Field<Dictionary>> = new Map()) {
this.fields = fields;
this.version = version;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.dictionaries = dictionaries;
public get bodyLength() { return this._bodyLength; }
public get headerType() { return this._headerType; }
public select(...fieldNames: string[]): Schema {
const namesToKeep = fieldNames.reduce((xs, x) => (xs[x] = true) && xs, Object.create(null));
const newDictFields = new Map(), newFields = this.fields.filter((f) => namesToKeep[]);
this.dictionaries.forEach((f, dictId) => (namesToKeep[]) && newDictFields.set(dictId, f));
return new Schema(newFields, this.metadata, this.version, newDictFields);
public static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((prototype: Schema) => {
prototype._bodyLength = 0;
prototype._headerType = MessageHeader.Schema;
return 'Schema';
export class Field<T extends DataType = DataType> {
public readonly type: T;
public readonly name: string;
public readonly nullable: boolean;
public readonly metadata?: Map<string, string> | null;
constructor(name: string, type: T, nullable = false, metadata?: Map<string, string> | null) { = name;
this.type = type;
this.nullable = nullable;
this.metadata = metadata;
public toString() { return `${}: ${this.type}`; }
public get typeId(): T['TType'] { return this.type.TType; }
public get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string { return 'Field'; }
public get indicies(): T | Int<any> {
return DataType.isDictionary(this.type) ? this.type.indicies : this.type;
export type TimeBitWidth = 32 | 64;
export type IntBitWidth = 8 | 16 | 32 | 64;
export type NumericType = Int | Float | Date_ | Time | Interval | Timestamp;
export type FixedSizeType = Int64 | Uint64 | Decimal | FixedSizeBinary;
export type PrimitiveType = NumericType | FixedSizeType;
export type FlatListType = Utf8 | Binary; // <-- these types have `offset`, `data`, and `validity` buffers
export type FlatType = Bool | PrimitiveType | FlatListType; // <-- these types have `data` and `validity` buffers
export type ListType = List<any>; // <-- these types have `offset` and `validity` buffers
export type NestedType = Map_ | Struct | List<any> | FixedSizeList<any> | Union<any>; // <-- these types have `validity` buffer and nested childData
export type SingleNestedType = List<any> | FixedSizeList<any>; // <-- these are nested types that can only have a single child
* *
* Main data type enumeration:
* *
* Data types in this library are all *logical*. They can be expressed as
* either a primitive physical type (bytes or bits of some fixed size), a
* nested type consisting of other data types, or another data type (e.g. a
* timestamp encoded as an int64)
export enum Type {
NONE = 0, // The default placeholder type
Null = 1, // A NULL type having no physical storage
Int = 2, // Signed or unsigned 8, 16, 32, or 64-bit little-endian integer
Float = 3, // 2, 4, or 8-byte floating point value
Binary = 4, // Variable-length bytes (no guarantee of UTF8-ness)
Utf8 = 5, // UTF8 variable-length string as List<Char>
Bool = 6, // Boolean as 1 bit, LSB bit-packed ordering
Decimal = 7, // Precision-and-scale-based decimal type. Storage type depends on the parameters.
Date = 8, // int32_t days or int64_t milliseconds since the UNIX epoch
Time = 9, // Time as signed 32 or 64-bit integer, representing either seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds since midnight since midnight
Timestamp = 10, // Exact timestamp encoded with int64 since UNIX epoch (Default unit millisecond)
Interval = 11, // YEAR_MONTH or DAY_TIME interval in SQL style
List = 12, // A list of some logical data type
Struct = 13, // Struct of logical types
Union = 14, // Union of logical types
FixedSizeBinary = 15, // Fixed-size binary. Each value occupies the same number of bytes
FixedSizeList = 16, // Fixed-size list. Each value occupies the same number of bytes
Map = 17, // Map of named logical types
Dictionary = 'Dictionary', // Dictionary aka Category type
DenseUnion = 'DenseUnion', // Dense Union of logical types
SparseUnion = 'SparseUnion', // Sparse Union of logical types
export interface DataType<TType extends Type = any> {
readonly TType: TType;
readonly TArray: any;
readonly TValue: any;
readonly ArrayType: any;
export abstract class DataType<TType extends Type = any> implements Partial<VisitorNode> {
// @ts-ignore
public [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
static isNull (x: any): x is Null { return x && x.TType === Type.Null; }
static isInt (x: any): x is Int { return x && x.TType === Type.Int; }
static isFloat (x: any): x is Float { return x && x.TType === Type.Float; }
static isBinary (x: any): x is Binary { return x && x.TType === Type.Binary; }
static isUtf8 (x: any): x is Utf8 { return x && x.TType === Type.Utf8; }
static isBool (x: any): x is Bool { return x && x.TType === Type.Bool; }
static isDecimal (x: any): x is Decimal { return x && x.TType === Type.Decimal; }
static isDate (x: any): x is Date_ { return x && x.TType === Type.Date; }
static isTime (x: any): x is Time { return x && x.TType === Type.Time; }
static isTimestamp (x: any): x is Timestamp { return x && x.TType === Type.Timestamp; }
static isInterval (x: any): x is Interval { return x && x.TType === Type.Interval; }
static isList (x: any): x is List { return x && x.TType === Type.List; }
static isStruct (x: any): x is Struct { return x && x.TType === Type.Struct; }
static isUnion (x: any): x is Union { return x && x.TType === Type.Union; }
static isDenseUnion (x: any): x is DenseUnion { return x && x.TType === Type.DenseUnion; }
static isSparseUnion (x: any): x is SparseUnion { return x && x.TType === Type.SparseUnion; }
static isFixedSizeBinary (x: any): x is FixedSizeBinary { return x && x.TType === Type.FixedSizeBinary; }
static isFixedSizeList (x: any): x is FixedSizeList { return x && x.TType === Type.FixedSizeList; }
static isMap (x: any): x is Map_ { return x && x.TType === Type.Map; }
static isDictionary (x: any): x is Dictionary { return x && x.TType === Type.Dictionary; }
constructor(public readonly TType: TType,
public readonly children?: Field[]) {}
public acceptTypeVisitor(visitor: TypeVisitor): any {
return TypeVisitor.visitTypeInline(visitor, this);
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: DataType) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'DataType';
export interface Null extends DataType<Type.Null> { TArray: void; TValue: null; }
export class Null extends DataType<Type.Null> {
constructor() {
public toString() { return `Null`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Null) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Null';
export interface Int<TValueType = any, TArrayType extends IntArray = IntArray> extends DataType<Type.Int> { TArray: TArrayType; TValue: TValueType; }
export class Int<TValueType = any, TArrayType extends IntArray = IntArray> extends DataType<Type.Int> {
constructor(public readonly isSigned: boolean,
public readonly bitWidth: IntBitWidth) {
public get ArrayType(): TypedArrayConstructor<TArrayType> {
switch (this.bitWidth) {
case 8: return (this.isSigned ? Int8Array : Uint8Array) as any;
case 16: return (this.isSigned ? Int16Array : Uint16Array) as any;
case 32: return (this.isSigned ? Int32Array : Uint32Array) as any;
case 64: return (this.isSigned ? Int32Array : Uint32Array) as any;
throw new Error(`Unrecognized ${this[Symbol.toStringTag]} type`);
public toString() { return `${this.isSigned ? `I` : `Ui`}nt${this.bitWidth}`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Int) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Int';
export class Int8 extends Int<number, Int8Array> { constructor() { super(true, 8); } }
export class Int16 extends Int<number, Int16Array> { constructor() { super(true, 16); } }
export class Int32 extends Int<number, Int32Array> { constructor() { super(true, 32); } }
export class Int64 extends Int<Int32Array, Int32Array> { constructor() { super(true, 64); } }
export class Uint8 extends Int<number, Uint8Array> { constructor() { super(false, 8); } }
export class Uint16 extends Int<number, Uint16Array> { constructor() { super(false, 16); } }
export class Uint32 extends Int<number, Uint32Array> { constructor() { super(false, 32); } }
export class Uint64 extends Int<Uint32Array, Uint32Array> { constructor() { super(false, 64); } }
export interface Float<TArrayType extends FloatArray = FloatArray> extends DataType<Type.Float> { TArray: TArrayType; TValue: number; }
export class Float<TArrayType extends FloatArray = FloatArray> extends DataType<Type.Float> {
constructor(public readonly precision: Precision) {
// @ts-ignore
public get ArrayType(): TypedArrayConstructor<TArrayType> {
switch (this.precision) {
case Precision.HALF: return Uint16Array as any;
case Precision.SINGLE: return Float32Array as any;
case Precision.DOUBLE: return Float64Array as any;
throw new Error(`Unrecognized ${this[Symbol.toStringTag]} type`);
public toString() { return `Float${(this.precision << 5) || 16}`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Float) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Float';
export class Float16 extends Float<Uint16Array> { constructor() { super(Precision.HALF); } }
export class Float32 extends Float<Float32Array> { constructor() { super(Precision.SINGLE); } }
export class Float64 extends Float<Float64Array> { constructor() { super(Precision.DOUBLE); } }
export interface Binary extends DataType<Type.Binary> { TArray: Uint8Array; TValue: Uint8Array; }
export class Binary extends DataType<Type.Binary> {
constructor() {
public toString() { return `Binary`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Binary) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Uint8Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Binary';
export interface Utf8 extends DataType<Type.Utf8> { TArray: Uint8Array; TValue: string; }
export class Utf8 extends DataType<Type.Utf8> {
constructor() {
public toString() { return `Utf8`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Utf8) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Uint8Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Utf8';
export interface Bool extends DataType<Type.Bool> { TArray: Uint8Array; TValue: boolean; }
export class Bool extends DataType<Type.Bool> {
constructor() {
public toString() { return `Bool`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Bool) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Uint8Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Bool';
export interface Decimal extends DataType<Type.Decimal> { TArray: Uint32Array; TValue: Uint32Array; }
export class Decimal extends DataType<Type.Decimal> {
constructor(public readonly scale: number,
public readonly precision: number) {
public toString() { return `Decimal[${this.precision}e${this.scale > 0 ? `+` : ``}${this.scale}]`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Decimal) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Uint32Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Decimal';
/* tslint:disable:class-name */
export interface Date_ extends DataType<Type.Date> { TArray: Int32Array; TValue: Date; }
export class Date_ extends DataType<Type.Date> {
constructor(public readonly unit: DateUnit) {
public toString() { return `Date${(this.unit + 1) * 32}<${DateUnit[this.unit]}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Date_) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Int32Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Date';
export interface Time extends DataType<Type.Time> { TArray: Uint32Array; TValue: number; }
export class Time extends DataType<Type.Time> {
constructor(public readonly unit: TimeUnit,
public readonly bitWidth: TimeBitWidth) {
public toString() { return `Time${this.bitWidth}<${TimeUnit[this.unit]}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Time) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Uint32Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Time';
export interface Timestamp extends DataType<Type.Timestamp> { TArray: Int32Array; TValue: number; }
export class Timestamp extends DataType<Type.Timestamp> {
constructor(public unit: TimeUnit, public timezone?: string | null) {
public toString() { return `Timestamp<${TimeUnit[this.unit]}${this.timezone ? `, ${this.timezone}` : ``}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Timestamp) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Int32Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Timestamp';
export interface Interval extends DataType<Type.Interval> { TArray: Int32Array; TValue: Int32Array; }
export class Interval extends DataType<Type.Interval> {
constructor(public unit: IntervalUnit) {
public toString() { return `Interval<${IntervalUnit[this.unit]}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Interval) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Int32Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Interval';
export interface List<T extends DataType = any> extends DataType<Type.List> { TArray: any; TValue: Vector<T>; }
export class List<T extends DataType = any> extends DataType<Type.List> {
constructor(public children: Field[]) {
super(Type.List, children);
public toString() { return `List<${this.valueType}>`; }
public get ArrayType() { return this.valueType.ArrayType; }
public get valueType() { return this.children[0].type as T; }
public get valueField() { return this.children[0] as Field<T>; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: List) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'List';
export interface Struct extends DataType<Type.Struct> { TArray: any; TValue: View<any>; }
export class Struct extends DataType<Type.Struct> {
constructor(public children: Field[]) {
super(Type.Struct, children);
public toString() { return `Struct<${ => f.type).join(`, `)}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Struct) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Struct';
export interface Union<TType extends Type = any> extends DataType<TType> { TArray: Int8Array; TValue: any; }
export class Union<TType extends Type = any> extends DataType<TType> {
constructor(public readonly mode: UnionMode,
public readonly typeIds: ArrowType[],
public readonly children: Field[]) {
super(<TType> (mode === UnionMode.Sparse ? Type.SparseUnion : Type.DenseUnion), children);
public toString() { return `${this[Symbol.toStringTag]}<${ => Type[x]).join(` | `)}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Union) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Int8Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Union';
export class DenseUnion extends Union<Type.DenseUnion> {
constructor(typeIds: ArrowType[], children: Field[]) {
super(UnionMode.Dense, typeIds, children);
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: DenseUnion) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'DenseUnion';
export class SparseUnion extends Union<Type.SparseUnion> {
constructor(typeIds: ArrowType[], children: Field[]) {
super(UnionMode.Sparse, typeIds, children);
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: SparseUnion) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'SparseUnion';
export interface FixedSizeBinary extends DataType<Type.FixedSizeBinary> { TArray: Uint8Array; TValue: Uint8Array; }
export class FixedSizeBinary extends DataType<Type.FixedSizeBinary> {
constructor(public readonly byteWidth: number) {
public toString() { return `FixedSizeBinary[${this.byteWidth}]`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: FixedSizeBinary) => {
(<any> proto).ArrayType = Uint8Array;
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'FixedSizeBinary';
export interface FixedSizeList<T extends DataType = any> extends DataType<Type.FixedSizeList> { TArray: any; TValue: Vector<T>; }
export class FixedSizeList<T extends DataType = any> extends DataType<Type.FixedSizeList> {
constructor(public readonly listSize: number,
public readonly children: Field[]) {
super(Type.FixedSizeList, children);
public get ArrayType() { return this.valueType.ArrayType; }
public get valueType() { return this.children[0].type as T; }
public get valueField() { return this.children[0] as Field<T>; }
public toString() { return `FixedSizeList[${this.listSize}]<${this.valueType}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: FixedSizeList) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'FixedSizeList';
/* tslint:disable:class-name */
export interface Map_ extends DataType<Type.Map> { TArray: Uint8Array; TValue: View<any>; }
export class Map_ extends DataType<Type.Map> {
constructor(public readonly keysSorted: boolean,
public readonly children: Field[]) {
super(Type.Map, children);
public toString() { return `Map<${this.children.join(`, `)}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Map_) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Map_';
export interface Dictionary<T extends DataType = any> extends DataType<Type.Dictionary> { TArray: T['TArray']; TValue: T['TValue']; }
export class Dictionary<T extends DataType> extends DataType<Type.Dictionary> {
public readonly id: number;
public readonly dictionary: T;
public readonly indicies: Int<any>;
public readonly isOrdered: boolean;
constructor(dictionary: T, indicies: Int<any>, id?: Long | number | null, isOrdered?: boolean | null) {
this.indicies = indicies;
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.isOrdered = isOrdered || false; = id == null ? DictionaryBatch.getId() : typeof id === 'number' ? id : id.low;
public get ArrayType() { return this.dictionary.ArrayType; }
public toString() { return `Dictionary<${this.indicies}, ${this.dictionary}>`; }
protected static [Symbol.toStringTag] = ((proto: Dictionary) => {
return proto[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Dictionary';
export interface IterableArrayLike<T = any> extends ArrayLike<T>, Iterable<T> {}
export interface TypedArrayConstructor<T extends TypedArray = TypedArray> {
readonly prototype: T;
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
new (length: number): T;
new (elements: Iterable<number>): T;
new (arrayOrArrayBuffer: ArrayLike<number> | ArrayBufferLike): T;
new (buffer: ArrayBufferLike, byteOffset: number, length?: number): T;
of(...items: number[]): T;
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number>, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): T;
export type FloatArray = Uint16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array;
export type IntArray = Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array;
export interface TypedArray extends Iterable<number> {
[index: number]: number;
readonly length: number;
readonly byteLength: number;
readonly byteOffset: number;
readonly buffer: ArrayBufferLike;
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
[Symbol.toStringTag]: any;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<number>;
entries(): IterableIterator<[number, number]>;
keys(): IterableIterator<number>;
values(): IterableIterator<number>;
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: TypedArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: TypedArray) => any, thisArg?: any): TypedArray;
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: TypedArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: TypedArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: TypedArray) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
includes(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): boolean;
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
join(separator?: string): string;
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: TypedArray) => number, thisArg?: any): TypedArray;
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: TypedArray) => number): number;
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: TypedArray) => number, initialValue: number): number;
reduce<U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: TypedArray) => U, initialValue: U): U;
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: TypedArray) => number): number;
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: TypedArray) => number, initialValue: number): number;
reduceRight<U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: TypedArray) => U, initialValue: U): U;
reverse(): TypedArray;
set(array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): void;
slice(start?: number, end?: number): TypedArray;
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: TypedArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): TypedArray;
toLocaleString(): string;
toString(): string;