blob: 3e50d16e3724d3484cc94dae7d902dc11dc815b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { RecordBatch } from './recordbatch';
import { Col, Predicate } from './predicate';
import { Schema, Field, Struct } from './type';
import { read, readAsync } from './ipc/reader/arrow';
import { isPromise, isAsyncIterable } from './util/compat';
import { Vector, DictionaryVector, IntVector, StructVector } from './vector';
import { ChunkedView } from './vector/chunked';
export type NextFunc = (idx: number, batch: RecordBatch) => void;
export type BindFunc = (batch: RecordBatch) => void;
export interface DataFrame {
filter(predicate: Predicate): DataFrame;
scan(next: NextFunc, bind?: BindFunc): void;
count(): number;
countBy(col: (Col|string)): CountByResult;
export class Table implements DataFrame {
static empty() { return new Table(new Schema([]), []); }
static from(sources?: Iterable<Uint8Array | Buffer | string> | object | string) {
if (sources) {
let schema: Schema | undefined;
let recordBatches: RecordBatch[] = [];
for (let recordBatch of read(sources)) {
schema = schema || recordBatch.schema;
return new Table(schema || new Schema([]), recordBatches);
return Table.empty();
static async fromAsync(sources?: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array | Buffer | string>) {
if (isAsyncIterable(sources)) {
let schema: Schema | undefined;
let recordBatches: RecordBatch[] = [];
for await (let recordBatch of readAsync(sources)) {
schema = schema || recordBatch.schema;
return new Table(schema || new Schema([]), recordBatches);
} else if (isPromise(sources)) {
return Table.from(await sources);
} else if (sources) {
return Table.from(sources);
return Table.empty();
static fromStruct(struct: StructVector) {
const schema = new Schema(struct.type.children);
const chunks = struct.view instanceof ChunkedView ?
(struct.view.chunkVectors as StructVector[]) :
return new Table( => new RecordBatch(schema, chunk.length, chunk.view.childData)));
public readonly schema: Schema;
public readonly length: number;
public readonly numCols: number;
// List of inner RecordBatches
public readonly batches: RecordBatch[];
// List of inner Vectors, possibly spanning batches
protected readonly _columns: Vector<any>[] = [];
// Union of all inner RecordBatches into one RecordBatch, possibly chunked.
// If the Table has just one inner RecordBatch, this points to that.
// If the Table has multiple inner RecordBatches, then this is a Chunked view
// over the list of RecordBatches. This allows us to delegate the responsibility
// of indexing, iterating, slicing, and visiting to the Nested/Chunked Data/Views.
public readonly batchesUnion: RecordBatch;
constructor(batches: RecordBatch[]);
constructor(...batches: RecordBatch[]);
constructor(schema: Schema, batches: RecordBatch[]);
constructor(schema: Schema, ...batches: RecordBatch[]);
constructor(...args: any[]) {
let schema: Schema;
let batches: RecordBatch[];
if (args[0] instanceof Schema) {
schema = args[0];
batches = Array.isArray(args[1][0]) ? args[1][0] : args[1];
} else if (args[0] instanceof RecordBatch) {
schema = (batches = args)[0].schema;
} else {
schema = (batches = args[0])[0].schema;
this.schema = schema;
this.batches = batches;
this.batchesUnion = batches.length == 0 ?
new RecordBatch(schema, 0, []) :
batches.reduce((union, batch) => union.concat(batch));
this.length = this.batchesUnion.length;
this.numCols = this.batchesUnion.numCols;
public get(index: number): Struct['TValue'] {
return this.batchesUnion.get(index)!;
public getColumn(name: string) {
return this.getColumnAt(this.getColumnIndex(name));
public getColumnAt(index: number) {
return index < 0 || index >= this.numCols
? null
: this._columns[index] || (
this._columns[index] = this.batchesUnion.getChildAt(index)!);
public getColumnIndex(name: string) {
return this.schema.fields.findIndex((f) => === name);
public [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Struct['TValue']> {
return this.batchesUnion[Symbol.iterator]() as any;
public filter(predicate: Predicate): DataFrame {
return new FilteredDataFrame(this.batches, predicate);
public scan(next: NextFunc, bind?: BindFunc) {
const batches = this.batches, numBatches = batches.length;
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
if (bind) { bind(batch); }
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, numRows = batch.length; ++index < numRows;) {
next(index, batch);
public count(): number { return this.length; }
public countBy(name: Col | string): CountByResult {
const batches = this.batches, numBatches = batches.length;
const count_by = typeof name === 'string' ? new Col(name) : name;
// Assume that all dictionary batches are deltas, which means that the
// last record batch has the most complete dictionary
count_by.bind(batches[numBatches - 1]);
const vector = count_by.vector as DictionaryVector;
if (!(vector instanceof DictionaryVector)) {
throw new Error('countBy currently only supports dictionary-encoded columns');
// TODO: Adjust array byte width based on overall length
// (e.g. if this.length <= 255 use Uint8Array, etc...)
const counts: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array(vector.dictionary.length);
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
// rebind the countBy Col
const keys = (count_by.vector as DictionaryVector).indicies;
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, numRows = batch.length; ++index < numRows;) {
let key = keys.get(index);
if (key !== null) { counts[key]++; }
return new CountByResult(vector.dictionary, IntVector.from(counts));
public select(...columnNames: string[]) {
return new Table( =>;
public toString(separator?: string) {
let str = '';
for (const row of this.rowsToString(separator)) {
str += row + '\n';
return str;
public rowsToString(separator = ' | '): TableToStringIterator {
return new TableToStringIterator(tableRowsToString(this, separator));
class FilteredDataFrame implements DataFrame {
private predicate: Predicate;
private batches: RecordBatch[];
constructor (batches: RecordBatch[], predicate: Predicate) {
this.batches = batches;
this.predicate = predicate;
public scan(next: NextFunc, bind?: BindFunc) {
// inlined version of this:
// this.parent.scan((idx, columns) => {
// if (this.predicate(idx, columns)) next(idx, columns);
// });
const batches = this.batches;
const numBatches = batches.length;
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
// TODO: bind batches lazily
// If predicate doesn't match anything in the batch we don't need
// to bind the callback
if (bind) { bind(batch); }
const predicate = this.predicate.bind(batch);
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, numRows = batch.length; ++index < numRows;) {
if (predicate(index, batch)) { next(index, batch); }
public count(): number {
// inlined version of this:
// let sum = 0;
// this.parent.scan((idx, columns) => {
// if (this.predicate(idx, columns)) ++sum;
// });
// return sum;
let sum = 0;
const batches = this.batches;
const numBatches = batches.length;
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
const predicate = this.predicate.bind(batch);
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, numRows = batch.length; ++index < numRows;) {
if (predicate(index, batch)) { ++sum; }
return sum;
public filter(predicate: Predicate): DataFrame {
return new FilteredDataFrame(
public countBy(name: Col | string): CountByResult {
const batches = this.batches, numBatches = batches.length;
const count_by = typeof name === 'string' ? new Col(name) : name;
// Assume that all dictionary batches are deltas, which means that the
// last record batch has the most complete dictionary
count_by.bind(batches[numBatches - 1]);
const vector = count_by.vector as DictionaryVector;
if (!(vector instanceof DictionaryVector)) {
throw new Error('countBy currently only supports dictionary-encoded columns');
// TODO: Adjust array byte width based on overall length
// (e.g. if this.length <= 255 use Uint8Array, etc...)
const counts: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array(vector.dictionary.length);
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
const predicate = this.predicate.bind(batch);
// rebind the countBy Col
const keys = (count_by.vector as DictionaryVector).indicies;
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, numRows = batch.length; ++index < numRows;) {
let key = keys.get(index);
if (key !== null && predicate(index, batch)) { counts[key]++; }
return new CountByResult(vector.dictionary, IntVector.from(counts));
export class CountByResult extends Table implements DataFrame {
constructor(values: Vector, counts: IntVector<any>) {
new RecordBatch(new Schema([
new Field('values', values.type),
new Field('counts', counts.type)
counts.length, [values, counts]
public toJSON(): Object {
const values = this.getColumnAt(0)!;
const counts = this.getColumnAt(1)!;
const result = {} as { [k: string]: number | null };
for (let i = -1; ++i < this.length;) {
result[values.get(i)] = counts.get(i);
return result;
export class TableToStringIterator implements IterableIterator<string> {
constructor(private iterator: IterableIterator<string>) {}
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.iterator; }
next(value?: any) { return; }
throw(error?: any) { return this.iterator.throw && this.iterator.throw(error) || { done: true, value: '' }; }
return(value?: any) { return this.iterator.return && this.iterator.return(value) || { done: true, value: '' }; }
pipe(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream) {
let res: IteratorResult<string>;
let write = () => {
if (stream['writable']) {
do {
if ((res = { break; }
} while (stream['write'](res.value + '\n', 'utf8'));
if (!res || !res.done) {
stream['once']('drain', write);
} else if (!(stream as any)['isTTY']) {
function* tableRowsToString(table: Table, separator = ' | ') {
const fields = table.schema.fields;
const header = ['row_id', => `${f}`)].map(stringify);
const maxColumnWidths = => x.length);
// Pass one to convert to strings and count max column widths
for (let i = -1, n = table.length - 1; ++i < n;) {
let val, row = [i, ...table.get(i)];
for (let j = -1, k = row.length; ++j < k; ) {
val = stringify(row[j]);
maxColumnWidths[j] = Math.max(maxColumnWidths[j], val.length);
yield, j) => leftPad(x, ' ', maxColumnWidths[j])).join(separator);
for (let i = -1; ++i < table.length;) {
yield [i, ...table.get(i)]
.map((x) => stringify(x))
.map((x, j) => leftPad(x, ' ', maxColumnWidths[j]))
function leftPad(str: string, fill: string, n: number) {
return (new Array(n + 1).join(fill) + str).slice(-1 * n);
function stringify(x: any) {
return typeof x === 'string' ? `"${x}"` : ArrayBuffer.isView(x) ? `[${x}]` : JSON.stringify(x);