blob: 0e533c4a4fa665a8988c03cbd036dd1713e11d31 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
from import Sequence
import decimal
import enum
from functools import lru_cache, partial
import struct
import sys
import warnings
import gdb
from gdb.types import get_basic_type
# gdb API docs at
# TODO check guidelines here:
# TODO investigate auto-loading:
_type_ids = [
'NA', 'BOOL', 'UINT8', 'INT8', 'UINT16', 'INT16', 'UINT32', 'INT32',
# Mirror the C++ Type::type enum
Type = enum.IntEnum('Type', _type_ids, start=0)
def byte_order():
Get the target program (not the GDB host's) endianness.
s = gdb.execute("show endian", to_string=True).strip()
if 'big' in s:
return 'big'
elif 'little' in s:
return 'little'
warnings.warn('Could not determine target endianness '
f'from GDB\'s response:\n"""{s}"""')
# Fall back to host endianness
return sys.byteorder
def for_evaluation(val, ty=None):
Return a parsable form of gdb.Value `val`, optionally with gdb.Type `ty`.
if ty is None:
ty = get_basic_type(val.type)
if ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
# It's already a pointer, can represent it directly
return f"(({ty}) ({val}))"
if val.address is None:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot further evaluate rvalue: {val}")
return f"(* ({ty}*) ({val.address}))"
def is_char_star(ty):
# Note that "const char*" can have TYPE_CODE_INT as target type...
ty = get_basic_type(ty)
return (ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR and
def deref(val):
Dereference a raw or smart pointer.
ty = get_basic_type(val.type)
if ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
return val.dereference()
if "shared" in
return SharedPtr(val).value
if "unique" in
return UniquePtr(val).value
raise TypeError(f"Cannot dereference value of type '{}'")
_string_literal_mapping = {
ord('\\'): r'\\',
ord('\n'): r'\n',
ord('\r'): r'\r',
ord('\t'): r'\t',
ord('"'): r'\"',
for c in range(0, 32):
if c not in _string_literal_mapping:
_string_literal_mapping[c] = f"\\x{c:02x}"
def string_literal(s):
Format a Python string or gdb.Value for display as a literal.
max_len = 50
if isinstance(s, gdb.Value):
s = s.string()
if len(s) > max_len:
s = s[:max_len]
return '"' + s.translate(_string_literal_mapping) + '" [continued]'
return '"' + s.translate(_string_literal_mapping) + '"'
def bytes_literal(val, size=None):
Format a gdb.Value for display as a literal containing possibly
unprintable characters.
return val.lazy_string(length=size).value()
def utf8_literal(val, size=None):
Format a gdb.Value for display as a utf-8 literal.
if size is None:
s = val.string(encoding='utf8', errors='backslashreplace')
elif size != 0:
s = val.string(encoding='utf8', errors='backslashreplace', length=size)
s = ""
return string_literal(s)
def half_float_value(val):
Return a Python float of the given half-float (represented as a uint64_t
buf = gdb.selected_inferior().read_memory(val.address, 2)
return struct.unpack("e", buf)[0]
def load_atomic(val):
Load a std::atomic<T>'s value.
valty = val.type.template_argument(0)
# XXX This assumes std::atomic<T> has the same layout as a raw T.
return val.address.reinterpret_cast(valty.pointer()).dereference()
def load_null_count(val):
Load a null count from a gdb.Value of an integer (either atomic or not).
if get_basic_type(val.type).code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_INT:
val = load_atomic(val)
return val
def format_null_count(val):
Format a null count value.
if not isinstance(val, int):
null_count = int(load_null_count(val))
return (f"null count {null_count}" if null_count != -1
else "unknown null count")
def short_time_unit(val):
return ['s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns'][int(val)]
def format_month_interval(val):
Format a MonthInterval value.
return f"{int(val)}M"
def cast_to_concrete(val, ty):
return (val.reference_value().reinterpret_cast(ty.reference())
def scalar_class_from_type(name):
Given a DataTypeClass class name (such as "BooleanType"), return the
corresponding Scalar class name.
assert name.endswith("Type")
return name[:-4] + "Scalar"
def array_class_from_type(name):
Given a DataTypeClass class name (such as "BooleanType"), return the
corresponding Array class name.
assert name.endswith("Type")
return name[:-4] + "Array"
class CString:
A `const char*` or similar value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __bool__(self):
return int(data) != 0 and int(data[0]) != 0
def data(self):
return self.val
def bytes_literal(self):
return self.val.lazy_string().value()
def string_literal(self):
# XXX use lazy_string() as well?
return string_literal(self.val)
def string(self):
return self.val.string()
def __format__(self, fmt):
return str(self.bytes_literal())
# NOTE: gdb.parse_and_eval() is *slow* and calling it multiple times
# may add noticeable latencies. For standard C++ classes, we therefore
# try to fetch their properties from libstdc++ internals (which hopefully
# are stable), before falling back on calling the public API methods.
class SharedPtr:
A `std::shared_ptr<T>` value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
# libstdc++ internals
self._ptr = val['_M_ptr']
except gdb.error:
# fallback for other C++ standard libraries
self._ptr = gdb.parse_and_eval(f"{for_evaluation(val)}.get()")
def get(self):
Return the underlying pointer (a T*).
return self._ptr
def value(self):
The underlying value (a T).
return self._ptr.dereference()
class UniquePtr:
A `std::unique_ptr<T>` value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
ty = self.val.type.template_argument(0)
# XXX This assumes that the embedded T* pointer lies at the start
# of std::unique_ptr<T>.
self._ptr = self.val.address.reinterpret_cast(ty.pointer().pointer())
def get(self):
Return the underlying pointer (a T*).
return self._ptr
def value(self):
The underlying value (a T).
return self._ptr.dereference()
class Variant:
A arrow::util::Variant<...>.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.index = int(self.val['index_'])
self.value_type = self.val.type.template_argument(self.index)
except RuntimeError:
# Index out of bounds
self.value_type = None
def value(self):
if self.value_type is None:
return None
ptr = self.val.address
if ptr is not None:
return ptr.reinterpret_cast(self.value_type.pointer()
return None
class StdString:
A `std::string` (or possibly `string_view`) value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
# libstdc++ internals
self._data = val['_M_dataplus']['_M_p']
self._size = val['_M_string_length']
except gdb.error:
# fallback for other C++ standard libraries
self._data = gdb.parse_and_eval(f"{for_evaluation(val)}.c_str()")
self._size = gdb.parse_and_eval(f"{for_evaluation(val)}.size()")
def __bool__(self):
return self._size != 0
def data(self):
return self._data
def size(self):
return self._size
def bytes_literal(self):
return self._data.lazy_string(length=self._size).value()
def string_literal(self):
# XXX use lazy_string() as well?
return string_literal(self._data)
def string(self):
return self._data.string()
def __format__(self, fmt):
return str(self.bytes_literal())
class StdVector(Sequence):
A `std::vector<T>` value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
# libstdc++ internals
impl = self.val['_M_impl']
self._data = impl['_M_start']
self._size = int(impl['_M_finish'] - self._data)
except gdb.error:
# fallback for other C++ standard libraries
self._data = int(gdb.parse_and_eval(
self._size = int(gdb.parse_and_eval(
def _check_index(self, index):
if index < 0 or index >= self._size:
raise IndexError(
f"Index {index} out of bounds (should be in [0, {self._size - 1}])")
def __len__(self):
return self._size
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._data[index]
def eval_at(self, index, eval_format):
Run `eval_format` with the value at `index`.
For example, if `eval_format` is "{}.get()", this will evaluate
return gdb.parse_and_eval(
def iter_eval(self, eval_format):
data_eval = for_evaluation(self._data)
for i in range(self._size):
yield gdb.parse_and_eval(
def size(self):
return self._size
class StdPtrVector(StdVector):
def __getitem__(self, index):
return deref(super().__getitem__(index))
class FieldVector(StdVector):
def __getitem__(self, index):
Dereference the Field object at this index.
return Field(deref(super().__getitem__(index)))
def __str__(self):
l = [str(self[i]) for i in range(len(self))]
return "{" + ", ".join(l) + "}"
class Field:
A arrow::Field value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def name(self):
return StdString(self.val['name_'])
def type(self):
return deref(self.val['type_'])
def nullable(self):
return bool(self.val['nullable_'])
def __str__(self):
return str(self.val)
class FieldPtr(Field):
A std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> value.
def __init__(self, val):
class Buffer:
A arrow::Buffer value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.size = int(val['size_'])
def data(self):
return self.val['data_']
def bytes_literal(self):
if self.size > 0:
return self.val['data_'].lazy_string(length=self.size).value()
return '""'
class BufferPtr:
A arrow::Buffer* value (possibly null).
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
ptr = int(self.val)
self.buf = Buffer(val.dereference()) if ptr != 0 else None
def data(self):
if self.buf is None:
return None
def size(self):
if self.buf is None:
return None
return self.buf.size
def bytes_literal(self):
if self.buf is None:
return None
return self.buf.bytes_literal()
KeyValue = namedtuple('KeyValue', ('key', 'value'))
class Metadata(Sequence):
A arrow::KeyValueMetadata value.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.keys = StdVector(self.val['keys_'])
self.values = StdVector(self.val['values_'])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.keys)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return KeyValue(StdString(self.keys[i]), StdString(self.values[i]))
class MetadataPtr(Sequence):
A shared_ptr<arrow::KeyValueMetadata> value, possibly null.
def __init__(self, val):
self.ptr = SharedPtr(val).get()
self.is_null = int(self.ptr) == 0 = None if self.is_null else Metadata(self.ptr.dereference())
def __len__(self):
return 0 if self.is_null else len(
def __getitem__(self, i):
if self.is_null:
raise IndexError
DecimalTraits = namedtuple('DecimalTraits', ('nbits', 'struct_format_le'))
decimal_traits = {
128: DecimalTraits(128, 'Qq'),
256: DecimalTraits(256, 'QQQq'),
class Decimal:
A arrow::BasicDecimal{128,256...} value.
def __init__(self, traits, val):
self.val = val
self.traits = traits
def from_bits(cls, nbits, *args, **kwargs):
return cls(decimal_traits[nbits], *args, **kwargs)
def words(self):
The decimal words, from least to most significant.
mem = gdb.selected_inferior().read_memory(
self.val['array_'].address, self.traits.nbits // 8)
fmt = self.traits.struct_format_le
if byte_order() == 'big':
fmt = fmt[::-1]
words = struct.unpack(f"={fmt}", mem)
if byte_order() == 'big':
words = words[::-1]
return words
def __int__(self):
The underlying bigint value.
v = 0
words = self.words
bits_per_word = self.traits.nbits // len(words)
for w in reversed(words):
v = (v << bits_per_word) + w
return v
def format(self, precision, scale):
Format as a decimal number with the given precision and scale.
v = int(self)
with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
ctx.prec = precision
ctx.capitals = False
return str(decimal.Decimal(v).scaleb(-scale))
Decimal128 = partial(Decimal.from_bits, 128)
Decimal256 = partial(Decimal.from_bits, 256)
decimal_type_to_class = {
'Decimal128Type': Decimal128,
'Decimal256Type': Decimal256,
class ExtensionType:
A arrow::ExtensionType.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def storage_type(self):
return deref(self.val['storage_type_'])
def to_string(self):
The result of calling ToString().
return StdString(gdb.parse_and_eval(
class Schema:
A arrow::Schema.
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
impl = deref(self.val['impl_'])
self.fields = FieldVector(impl['fields_'])
self.metadata = MetadataPtr(impl['metadata_'])
class RecordBatch:
A arrow::RecordBatch.
def __init__(self, val):
# XXX this relies on RecordBatch always being a SimpleRecordBatch
# under the hood. What if users create their own RecordBatch
# implementation?
self.val = cast_to_concrete(val,
self.schema = Schema(deref(self.val['schema_']))
self.columns = StdPtrVector(self.val['columns_'])
def num_rows(self):
return self.val['num_rows_']
class Table:
A arrow::Table.
def __init__(self, val):
# XXX this relies on Table always being a SimpleTable under the hood.
# What if users create their own Table implementation?
self.val = cast_to_concrete(val,
self.schema = Schema(deref(self.val['schema_']))
self.columns = StdPtrVector(self.val['columns_'])
def num_rows(self):
return self.val['num_rows_']
type_reprs = {
'NullType': 'null',
'BooleanType': 'boolean',
'UInt8Type': 'uint8',
'Int8Type': 'int8',
'UInt16Type': 'uint16',
'Int16Type': 'int16',
'UInt32Type': 'uint32',
'Int32Type': 'int32',
'UInt64Type': 'uint64',
'Int64Type': 'int64',
'HalfFloatType': 'float16',
'FloatType': 'float32',
'DoubleType': 'float64',
'Date32Type': 'date32',
'Date64Type': 'date64',
'Time32Type': 'time32',
'Time64Type': 'time64',
'TimestampType': 'timestamp',
'MonthIntervalType': 'month_interval',
'DayTimeIntervalType': 'day_time_interval',
'MonthDayNanoIntervalType': 'month_day_nano_interval',
'DurationType': 'duration',
'Decimal128Type': 'decimal128',
'Decimal256Type': 'decimal256',
'StringType': 'utf8',
'LargeStringType': 'large_utf8',
'BinaryType': 'binary',
'LargeBinaryType': 'large_binary',
'FixedSizeBinaryType': 'fixed_size_binary',
'ListType': 'list',
'LargeListType': 'large_list',
'FixedSizeListType': 'fixed_size_list',
'MapType': 'map',
'StructType': 'struct_',
'SparseUnionType': 'sparse_union',
'DenseUnionType': 'dense_union',
'DictionaryType': 'dictionary',
class TypePrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::DataTypeClass and subclasses.
def __init__(self, name, val): = name
# Cast to concrete type class to access all derived methods
# and properties.
self.type = gdb.lookup_type(f"arrow::{name}")
self.val = cast_to_concrete(val, self.type)
def fields(self):
return FieldVector(self.val['children_'])
def _format_type(self):
r = type_reprs.get(,
return f"arrow::{r}"
def _for_evaluation(self):
return for_evaluation(self.val, self.type)
class PrimitiveTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for non-parametric types.
def to_string(self):
return f"{self._format_type()}()"
class TimeTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for time and duration types.
def _get_unit(self):
return self.val['unit_']
def to_string(self):
return f"{self._format_type()}({self._get_unit()})"
class TimestampTypePrinter(TimeTypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for timestamp types.
def to_string(self):
tz = StdString(self.val['timezone_'])
if tz:
return f'{self._format_type()}({self._get_unit()}, {tz})'
return f'{self._format_type()}({self._get_unit()})'
class FixedSizeBinaryTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for fixed-size binary types.
def to_string(self):
width = int(self.val['byte_width_'])
return f"{self._format_type()}({width})"
class DecimalTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for decimal types.
def to_string(self):
precision = int(self.val['precision_'])
scale = int(self.val['scale_'])
return f"{self._format_type()}({precision}, {scale})"
class ListTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for list types.
def _get_value_type(self):
fields = self.fields
if len(fields) != 1:
return None
return fields[0].type
def to_string(self):
child = self._get_value_type()
if child is None:
return f"{self._format_type()}<uninitialized or corrupt>"
return f"{self._format_type()}({child})"
class FixedSizeListTypePrinter(ListTypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for fixed-size list type.
def to_string(self):
child = self._get_value_type()
if child is None:
return f"{self._format_type()}<uninitialized or corrupt>"
list_size = int(self.val['list_size_'])
return f"{self._format_type()}({child}, {list_size})"
class MapTypePrinter(ListTypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for map types.
def to_string(self):
struct_type = self._get_value_type()
if struct_type is None:
return f"{self._format_type()}<uninitialized or corrupt>"
struct_children = FieldVector(struct_type['children_'])
if len(struct_children) != 2:
return f"{self._format_type()}<uninitialized or corrupt>"
key_type = struct_children[0].type
item_type = struct_children[1].type
return (f"{self._format_type()}({key_type}, {item_type}, "
class DictionaryTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for dictionary types.
def to_string(self):
index_type = deref(self.val['index_type_'])
value_type = deref(self.val['value_type_'])
ordered = self.val['ordered_']
return (f"{self._format_type()}({index_type}, {value_type}, "
class StructTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for struct types.
def to_string(self):
return f"{self._format_type()}({self.fields})"
class UnionTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for union types.
def to_string(self):
type_codes = StdVector(self.val['type_codes_'])
type_codes = "{" + ", ".join(str(x.cast(gdb.lookup_type('int')))
for x in type_codes) + "}"
return f"{self._format_type()}(fields={self.fields}, type_codes={type_codes})"
class ExtensionTypePrinter(TypePrinter):
Pretty-printer for extension types.
def to_string(self):
ext_type = ExtensionType(self.val)
return (f"{self._format_type()} {ext_type.to_string().string_literal()} "
f"with storage type {ext_type.storage_type}")
class ScalarPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Scalar and subclasses.
def __new__(cls, val):
# Lookup actual (derived) class to instantiate
type_id = int(deref(val['type'])['id_'])
type_class = lookup_type_class(type_id)
if type_class is not None:
cls = type_class.scalar_printer
assert issubclass(cls, ScalarPrinter)
self = object.__new__(cls)
self.type_class = type_class
self.type_name = = scalar_class_from_type(self.type_name)
self.type_id = type_id
# Cast to concrete Scalar class to access derived attributes.
concrete_type = gdb.lookup_type(f"arrow::{}")
self.val = cast_to_concrete(val, concrete_type)
self.is_valid = bool(self.val['is_valid'])
return self
def type(self):
The concrete DataTypeClass instance.
concrete_type = gdb.lookup_type(f"arrow::{self.type_name}")
return cast_to_concrete(deref(self.val['type']),
def _format_type(self):
return f"arrow::{}"
def _format_null(self):
if self.type_class.is_parametric:
return f"{self._format_type()} of type {self.type}, null value"
return f"{self._format_type()} of null value"
def _for_evaluation(self):
return for_evaluation(self.val)
class NullScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::NullScalar.
def to_string(self):
return self._format_type()
class NumericScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for numeric Arrow scalars.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
value = self.val['value']
if self.type_name == "HalfFloatType":
return (f"{self._format_type()} "
f"of value {half_float_value(value)} [{value}]")
if self.type_name in ("UInt8Type", "Int8Type"):
value = value.cast(gdb.lookup_type('int'))
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value}"
class TimeScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for Arrow time-like scalars.
def to_string(self):
unit = short_time_unit(self.type['unit_'])
if not self.is_valid:
return f"{self._format_type()} of null value [{unit}]"
value = self.val['value']
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value}{unit}"
class Date32ScalarPrinter(TimeScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::Date32Scalar.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
value = self.val['value']
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value}d"
class Date64ScalarPrinter(TimeScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::Date64Scalar.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
value = self.val['value']
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value}ms"
class TimestampScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::TimestampScalar.
def to_string(self):
unit = short_time_unit(self.type['unit_'])
tz = StdString(self.type['timezone_'])
tz = tz.string_literal() if tz.size != 0 else "no timezone"
if not self.is_valid:
return f"{self._format_type()} of null value [{unit}, {tz}]"
value = self.val['value']
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value}{unit} [{tz}]"
class MonthIntervalScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::MonthIntervalScalarPrinter.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
value = self.val['value']
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {format_month_interval(value)}"
class DecimalScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::DecimalScalar and subclasses.
def decimal_class(self):
return decimal_type_to_class[self.type_name]
def to_string(self):
ty = self.type
precision = int(ty['precision_'])
scale = int(ty['scale_'])
suffix = f"[precision={precision}, scale={scale}]"
if not self.is_valid:
return f"{self._format_type()} of null value {suffix}"
value = self.decimal_class(self.val['value']).format(precision, scale)
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value} {suffix}"
class BaseBinaryScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::BaseBinaryScalar and subclasses.
def _format_buf(self, bufptr):
if 'String' in self.type_name:
return utf8_literal(, bufptr.size)
return bufptr.bytes_literal()
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
bufptr = BufferPtr(SharedPtr(self.val['value']).get())
size = bufptr.size
if size is None:
return f"{self._format_type()} of value <unallocated>"
return (f"{self._format_type()} of size {size}, "
f"value {self._format_buf(bufptr)}")
class FixedSizeBinaryScalarPrinter(BaseBinaryScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::FixedSizeBinaryScalar.
def to_string(self):
size = self.type['byte_width_']
if not self.is_valid:
return f"{self._format_type()} of size {size}, null value"
bufptr = BufferPtr(SharedPtr(self.val['value']).get())
if is None:
return f"{self._format_type()} of size {size}, <unallocated>"
return (f"{self._format_type()} of size {size}, "
f"value {self._format_buf(bufptr)}")
class DictionaryScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::DictionaryScalar.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
index = deref(self.val['value']['index'])
dictionary = deref(self.val['value']['dictionary'])
return (f"{self._format_type()} of index {index}, "
f"dictionary {dictionary}")
class BaseListScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::BaseListScalar and subclasses.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
value = deref(self.val['value'])
return f"{self._format_type()} of value {value}"
class StructScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::StructScalar.
def display_hint(self):
return 'map'
def children(self):
eval_fields = StdVector(self.type['children_'])
eval_values = StdVector(self.val['value'])
for field, value in zip(eval_fields, eval_values):
name = StdString(deref(field)['name_']).string_literal()
yield ("name", name)
yield ("value", deref(value))
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
return f"{self._format_type()}"
class UnionScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::UnionScalar and subclasses.
def to_string(self):
type_code = self.val['type_code'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('int'))
if not self.is_valid:
return (f"{self._format_type()} of type {self.type}, "
f"type code {type_code}, null value")
value = deref(self.val['value'])
return (f"{self._format_type()} of type code {type_code}, "
f"value {value}")
class MapScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::MapScalar.
def to_string(self):
if not self.is_valid:
return self._format_null()
array = deref(self.val['value'])
data = deref(array['data_'])
data_printer = ArrayDataPrinter("arrow::ArrayData", data)
return (f"{self._format_type()} of type {self.type}, "
f"value {data_printer._format_contents()}")
class ExtensionScalarPrinter(ScalarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::ExtensionScalar.
def to_string(self):
ext_type = ExtensionType(self.type)
if not self.is_valid:
return (f"{self._format_type()} of type "
f"{ext_type.to_string().string_literal()}, null value")
value = deref(self.val['value'])
return (f"{self._format_type()} of type "
f"{ext_type.to_string().string_literal()}, value {value}")
class ArrayDataPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::ArrayData.
def __new__(cls, name, val):
# Lookup actual (derived) class to instantiate
type_id = int(deref(val['type'])['id_'])
type_class = lookup_type_class(type_id)
if type_class is not None:
cls = type_class.array_data_printer
assert issubclass(cls, ArrayDataPrinter)
self = object.__new__(cls) = name
self.type_class = type_class
self.type_name =
self.type_id = type_id
self.val = val
return self
def type(self):
The concrete DataTypeClass instance.
concrete_type = gdb.lookup_type(f"arrow::{self.type_name}")
return cast_to_concrete(deref(self.val['type']), concrete_type)
def _format_contents(self):
return (f"length {self.val['length']}, "
def to_string(self):
ty = self.type
return (f"{} of type {ty}, "
class ArrayPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Array and subclasses.
def __init__(self, val):
data = deref(val['data_'])
self.data_printer = ArrayDataPrinter("arrow::ArrayData", data) = array_class_from_type(self.data_printer.type_name)
def _format_contents(self):
return self.data_printer._format_contents()
def to_string(self):
if self.data_printer.type_class.is_parametric:
ty = self.data_printer.type
return f"arrow::{} of type {ty}, {self._format_contents()}"
return f"arrow::{} of {self._format_contents()}"
class ChunkedArrayPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::ChunkedArray.
def __init__(self, name, val): = name
self.val = val
self.chunks = StdVector(self.val['chunks_'])
def display_hint(self):
return "array"
def children(self):
for i, chunk in enumerate(self.chunks):
printer = ArrayPrinter(deref(chunk))
yield str(i), printer._format_contents()
def to_string(self):
ty = deref(self.val['type_'])
return (f"{} of type {ty}, length {self.val['length_']}, "
f"{format_null_count(self.val['null_count_'])} "
f"with {len(self.chunks)} chunks")
class DataTypeClass:
array_data_printer = ArrayDataPrinter
def __init__(self, name): = name
class NullTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = NullScalarPrinter
class NumericTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = NumericScalarPrinter
class Date32TypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = Date32ScalarPrinter
class Date64TypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = Date64ScalarPrinter
class TimeTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = TimeTypePrinter
scalar_printer = TimeScalarPrinter
class TimestampTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = TimestampTypePrinter
scalar_printer = TimestampScalarPrinter
class DurationTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = TimeTypePrinter
scalar_printer = TimeScalarPrinter
class MonthIntervalTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = MonthIntervalScalarPrinter
class DayTimeIntervalTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = NumericScalarPrinter
class MonthDayNanoIntervalTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = NumericScalarPrinter
class DecimalTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = DecimalTypePrinter
scalar_printer = DecimalScalarPrinter
class BaseBinaryTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = False
type_printer = PrimitiveTypePrinter
scalar_printer = BaseBinaryScalarPrinter
class FixedSizeBinaryTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = FixedSizeBinaryTypePrinter
scalar_printer = FixedSizeBinaryScalarPrinter
class BaseListTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = ListTypePrinter
scalar_printer = BaseListScalarPrinter
class FixedSizeListTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = FixedSizeListTypePrinter
scalar_printer = BaseListScalarPrinter
class MapTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = MapTypePrinter
scalar_printer = MapScalarPrinter
class StructTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = StructTypePrinter
scalar_printer = StructScalarPrinter
class UnionTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = UnionTypePrinter
scalar_printer = UnionScalarPrinter
class DictionaryTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = DictionaryTypePrinter
scalar_printer = DictionaryScalarPrinter
class ExtensionTypeClass(DataTypeClass):
is_parametric = True
type_printer = ExtensionTypePrinter
scalar_printer = ExtensionScalarPrinter
DataTypeTraits = namedtuple('DataTypeTraits', ('factory', 'name'))
type_traits_by_id = {
Type.NA: DataTypeTraits(NullTypeClass, 'NullType'),
Type.BOOL: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'BooleanType'),
Type.UINT8: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'UInt8Type'),
Type.INT8: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'Int8Type'),
Type.UINT16: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'UInt16Type'),
Type.INT16: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'Int16Type'),
Type.UINT32: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'UInt32Type'),
Type.INT32: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'Int32Type'),
Type.UINT64: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'UInt64Type'),
Type.INT64: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'Int64Type'),
Type.HALF_FLOAT: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'HalfFloatType'),
Type.FLOAT: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'FloatType'),
Type.DOUBLE: DataTypeTraits(NumericTypeClass, 'DoubleType'),
Type.STRING: DataTypeTraits(BaseBinaryTypeClass, 'StringType'),
Type.BINARY: DataTypeTraits(BaseBinaryTypeClass, 'BinaryType'),
Type.LARGE_STRING: DataTypeTraits(BaseBinaryTypeClass, 'LargeStringType'),
Type.LARGE_BINARY: DataTypeTraits(BaseBinaryTypeClass, 'LargeBinaryType'),
Type.FIXED_SIZE_BINARY: DataTypeTraits(FixedSizeBinaryTypeClass,
Type.DATE32: DataTypeTraits(Date32TypeClass, 'Date32Type'),
Type.DATE64: DataTypeTraits(Date64TypeClass, 'Date64Type'),
Type.TIMESTAMP: DataTypeTraits(TimestampTypeClass, 'TimestampType'),
Type.TIME32: DataTypeTraits(TimeTypeClass, 'Time32Type'),
Type.TIME64: DataTypeTraits(TimeTypeClass, 'Time64Type'),
Type.DURATION: DataTypeTraits(DurationTypeClass, 'DurationType'),
Type.INTERVAL_MONTHS: DataTypeTraits(MonthIntervalTypeClass,
Type.INTERVAL_DAY_TIME: DataTypeTraits(DayTimeIntervalTypeClass,
Type.INTERVAL_MONTH_DAY_NANO: DataTypeTraits(MonthDayNanoIntervalTypeClass,
Type.DECIMAL128: DataTypeTraits(DecimalTypeClass, 'Decimal128Type'),
Type.DECIMAL256: DataTypeTraits(DecimalTypeClass, 'Decimal256Type'),
Type.LIST: DataTypeTraits(BaseListTypeClass, 'ListType'),
Type.LARGE_LIST: DataTypeTraits(BaseListTypeClass, 'LargeListType'),
Type.FIXED_SIZE_LIST: DataTypeTraits(FixedSizeListTypeClass,
Type.MAP: DataTypeTraits(MapTypeClass, 'MapType'),
Type.STRUCT: DataTypeTraits(StructTypeClass, 'StructType'),
Type.SPARSE_UNION: DataTypeTraits(UnionTypeClass, 'SparseUnionType'),
Type.DENSE_UNION: DataTypeTraits(UnionTypeClass, 'DenseUnionType'),
Type.DICTIONARY: DataTypeTraits(DictionaryTypeClass, 'DictionaryType'),
Type.EXTENSION: DataTypeTraits(ExtensionTypeClass, 'ExtensionType'),
max_type_id = len(type_traits_by_id) - 1
def lookup_type_class(type_id):
Lookup a type class (an instance of DataTypeClass) by its type id.
traits = type_traits_by_id.get(type_id)
if traits is not None:
return traits.factory(
return None
class StatusPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Status.
_status_codes_by_id = {
0: 'OK',
1: 'OutOfMemory',
2: 'KeyError',
3: 'TypeError',
4: 'Invalid',
5: 'IOError',
6: 'CapacityError',
7: 'IndexError',
8: 'Cancelled',
9: 'UnknownError',
10: 'NotImplemented',
11: 'SerializationError',
13: 'RError',
40: 'CodeGenError',
41: 'ExpressionValidationError',
42: 'ExecutionError',
45: 'AlreadyExists',
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
def _format_detail(self, state):
detail_ptr = SharedPtr(state['detail']).get()
if int(detail_ptr) == 0:
return None
detail_id = CString(gdb.parse_and_eval(
# Cannot use StdString as ToString() returns a rvalue
detail_msg = CString(gdb.parse_and_eval(
return f"[{detail_id.string()}] {detail_msg.string_literal()}"
def _format_error(self, state):
code = int(state['code'])
codename = self._status_codes_by_id.get(code)
if codename is not None:
s = f"arrow::Status::{codename}("
s = f"arrow::Status(<unknown code {code}>, "
s += StdString(state['msg']).string_literal()
detail_msg = self._format_detail(state)
if detail_msg is not None:
return s + f", detail={detail_msg})"
return s + ")"
def to_string(self):
state_ptr = self.val['state_']
if int(state_ptr) == 0:
return "arrow::Status::OK()"
return self._format_error(state_ptr.dereference())
class ResultPrinter(StatusPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::Result<T>.
def to_string(self):
data_type = self.val.type.template_argument(0)
state_ptr = self.val['status_']['state_']
if int(state_ptr) != 0:
inner = self._format_error(state_ptr)
data_ptr = self.val['storage_']['data_'].address
assert data_ptr
inner = data_ptr.reinterpret_cast(
return f"arrow::Result<{data_type}>({inner})"
class StringViewPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::util::string_view.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
size = int(self.val['size_'])
if size == 0:
return f"arrow::util::string_view of size 0"
data = bytes_literal(self.val['data_'], size)
return f"arrow::util::string_view of size {size}, {data}"
class OptionalPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::util::optional.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
data_type = self.val.type.template_argument(0)
# XXX We rely on internal details of our vendored optional<T>
# implementation, as inlined methods may not be callable from gdb.
if not self.val['has_value_']:
inner = "nullopt"
data_ptr = self.val['contained']['data'].address
assert data_ptr
inner = data_ptr.reinterpret_cast(
return f"arrow::util::optional<{data_type}>({inner})"
class VariantPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::util::Variant.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
self.variant = Variant(val)
def to_string(self):
if self.variant.value_type is None:
return "arrow::util::Variant (uninitialized or corrupt)"
type_desc = (f"arrow::util::Variant of index {self.variant.index} "
f"(actual type {self.variant.value_type})")
value = self.variant.value
if value is None:
return (f"{type_desc}, unavailable value")
return (f"{type_desc}, value {value}")
class FieldPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Field.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
f = Field(self.val)
nullable = f.nullable
if nullable:
return f'arrow::field({}, {f.type})'
return f'arrow::field({}, {f.type}, nullable=false)'
class MetadataPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::KeyValueMetadata.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
self.metadata = Metadata(self.val)
def display_hint(self):
return 'map'
def children(self):
for k, v in self.metadata:
yield ("key", k.bytes_literal())
yield ("value", v.bytes_literal())
def to_string(self):
return f"arrow::KeyValueMetadata of size {len(self.metadata)}"
class SchemaPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Schema.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
self.schema = Schema(val)
# TODO endianness
def display_hint(self):
return 'map'
def children(self):
for field in self.schema.fields:
yield ("name",
yield ("type", field.type)
def to_string(self):
num_fields = len(self.schema.fields)
md_items = len(self.schema.metadata)
if md_items > 0:
return (f"arrow::Schema with {num_fields} fields "
f"and {md_items} metadata items")
return f"arrow::Schema with {num_fields} fields"
class BaseColumnarPrinter:
def __init__(self, name, val, columnar): = name
self.val = val
self.columnar = columnar
self.schema = self.columnar.schema
def display_hint(self):
return 'map'
def children(self):
for field, col in zip(self.schema.fields,
yield ("name",
yield ("value", col)
def to_string(self):
num_fields = len(self.schema.fields)
num_rows = self.columnar.num_rows
md_items = len(self.schema.metadata)
if md_items > 0:
return (f"arrow::{} with {num_fields} columns, "
f"{num_rows} rows, {md_items} metadata items")
return (f"arrow::{} with {num_fields} columns, "
f"{num_rows} rows")
class RecordBatchPrinter(BaseColumnarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::RecordBatch.
def __init__(self, name, val):
BaseColumnarPrinter.__init__(self, "RecordBatch", val, RecordBatch(val))
class TablePrinter(BaseColumnarPrinter):
Pretty-printer for arrow::Table.
def __init__(self, name, val):
BaseColumnarPrinter.__init__(self, "Table", val, Table(val))
class DatumPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Datum.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
self.variant = Variant(val['value'])
def to_string(self):
if self.variant.index == 0:
# Datum::NONE
return "arrow::Datum (empty)"
if self.variant.value_type is None:
return "arrow::Datum (uninitialized or corrupt?)"
# All non-empty Datums contain a shared_ptr<T>
value = deref(self.variant.value)
return f"arrow::Datum of value {value}"
class BufferPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::Buffer and subclasses.
def __init__(self, name, val): = name
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
if bool(self.val['is_mutable_']):
mutable = 'mutable'
mutable = 'read-only'
size = int(self.val['size_'])
if size == 0:
return f"arrow::{} of size 0, {mutable}"
if not self.val['is_cpu_']:
return f"arrow::{} of size {size}, {mutable}, not on CPU"
data = bytes_literal(self.val['data_'], size)
return f"arrow::{} of size {size}, {mutable}, {data}"
class DayMillisecondsPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::DayTimeIntervalType::DayMilliseconds.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return f"{self.val['days']}d{self.val['milliseconds']}ms"
class MonthDayNanosPrinter:
Pretty-printer for arrow::MonthDayNanoIntervalType::MonthDayNanos.
def __init__(self, name, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return (f"{self.val['months']}M{self.val['days']}d"
class DecimalPrinter:
Pretty-printer for Arrow decimal values.
def __init__(self, nbits, name, val): = name
self.val = val
self.nbits = nbits
def to_string(self):
dec = Decimal.from_bits(self.nbits, self.val)
return f"{}({int(dec)})"
printers = {
"arrow::ArrayData": ArrayDataPrinter,
"arrow::BasicDecimal128": partial(DecimalPrinter, 128),
"arrow::BasicDecimal256": partial(DecimalPrinter, 256),
"arrow::ChunkedArray": ChunkedArrayPrinter,
"arrow::Datum": DatumPrinter,
"arrow::DayTimeIntervalType::DayMilliseconds": DayMillisecondsPrinter,
"arrow::Decimal128": partial(DecimalPrinter, 128),
"arrow::Decimal256": partial(DecimalPrinter, 256),
"arrow::MonthDayNanoIntervalType::MonthDayNanos": MonthDayNanosPrinter,
"arrow::Field": FieldPrinter,
"arrow::KeyValueMetadata": MetadataPrinter,
"arrow::RecordBatch": RecordBatchPrinter,
"arrow::Result": ResultPrinter,
"arrow::Schema": SchemaPrinter,
"arrow::SimpleRecordBatch": RecordBatchPrinter,
"arrow::SimpleTable": TablePrinter,
"arrow::Status": StatusPrinter,
"arrow::Table": TablePrinter,
"arrow::util::optional": OptionalPrinter,
"arrow::util::string_view": StringViewPrinter,
"arrow::util::Variant": VariantPrinter,
"nonstd::optional_lite::optional": OptionalPrinter,
"nonstd::sv_lite::basic_string_view": StringViewPrinter,
def arrow_pretty_print(val):
name = val.type.strip_typedefs().name
if name is None:
name = name.partition('<')[0] # Remove template parameters
printer = printers.get(name)
if printer is not None:
return printer(name, val)
if not name.startswith("arrow::"):
arrow_name = name[len("arrow::"):]
if arrow_name.endswith("Buffer"):
except Exception:
# Not a Buffer?
return BufferPrinter(arrow_name, val)
elif arrow_name.endswith("Type"):
# Look up dynamic type, as it may be hidden behind a DataTypeClass
# pointer or reference.
type_id = int(val['id_'])
except Exception:
# Not a DataTypeClass?
type_class = lookup_type_class(type_id)
if type_class is not None:
return type_class.type_printer(, val)
elif arrow_name.endswith("Array"):
return ArrayPrinter(val)
elif arrow_name.endswith("Scalar"):
except Exception:
# Not a Scalar?
return ScalarPrinter(val)
def main():
# This pattern allows for two modes of use:
# - manual loading using `source`: current_objfile()
# will be None;
# - automatic loading from the GDB `scripts-directory`: current_objfile()
# will be tied to the inferior being debugged.
objfile = gdb.current_objfile()
if objfile is None:
objfile = gdb