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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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#' @include record-batch.R
#' @title Table class
#' @description A Table is a sequence of [chunked arrays][ChunkedArray]. They
#' have a similar interface to [record batches][RecordBatch], but they can be
#' composed from multiple record batches or chunked arrays.
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Factory:
#' The `Table$create()` function takes the following arguments:
#' * `...` arrays, chunked arrays, or R vectors, with names; alternatively,
#' an unnamed series of [record batches][RecordBatch] may also be provided,
#' which will be stacked as rows in the table.
#' * `schema` a [Schema], or `NULL` (the default) to infer the schema from
#' the data in `...`
#' @section S3 Methods and Usage:
#' Tables are data-frame-like, and many methods you expect to work on
#' a `data.frame` are implemented for `Table`. This includes `[`, `[[`,
#' `$`, `names`, `dim`, `nrow`, `ncol`, `head`, and `tail`. You can also pull
#' the data from an Arrow table into R with ``. See the
#' examples.
#' A caveat about the `$` method: because `Table` is an `R6` object,
#' `$` is also used to access the object's methods (see below). Methods take
#' precedence over the table's columns. So, `tab$Slice` would return the
#' "Slice" method function even if there were a column in the table called
#' "Slice".
#' @section R6 Methods:
#' In addition to the more R-friendly S3 methods, a `Table` object has
#' the following R6 methods that map onto the underlying C++ methods:
#' - `$column(i)`: Extract a `ChunkedArray` by integer position from the table
#' - `$ColumnNames()`: Get all column names (called by `names(tab)`)
#' - `$GetColumnByName(name)`: Extract a `ChunkedArray` by string name
#' - `$field(i)`: Extract a `Field` from the table schema by integer position
#' - `$SelectColumns(indices)`: Return new `Table` with specified columns, expressed as 0-based integers.
#' - `$Slice(offset, length = NULL)`: Create a zero-copy view starting at the
#' indicated integer offset and going for the given length, or to the end
#' of the table if `NULL`, the default.
#' - `$Take(i)`: return an `Table` with rows at positions given by
#' integers `i`. If `i` is an Arrow `Array` or `ChunkedArray`, it will be
#' coerced to an R vector before taking.
#' - `$Filter(i, keep_na = TRUE)`: return an `Table` with rows at positions where logical
#' vector or Arrow boolean-type `(Chunked)Array` `i` is `TRUE`.
#' - `$serialize(output_stream, ...)`: Write the table to the given
#' [OutputStream]
#' - `$cast(target_schema, safe = TRUE, options = cast_options(safe))`: Alter
#' the schema of the record batch.
#' There are also some active bindings:
#' - `$num_columns`
#' - `$num_rows`
#' - `$schema`
#' - `$metadata`: Returns the key-value metadata of the `Schema` as a named list.
#' Modify or replace by assigning in (`tab$metadata <- new_metadata`).
#' All list elements are coerced to string.
#' - `$columns`: Returns a list of `ChunkedArray`s
#' @rdname Table
#' @name Table
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tab <- Table$create(name = rownames(mtcars), mtcars)
#' dim(tab)
#' dim(head(tab))
#' names(tab)
#' tab$mpg
#' tab[["cyl"]]
#'[4:8, c("gear", "hp", "wt")])
#' }
#' @export
Table <- R6Class("Table", inherit = ArrowObject,
public = list(
column = function(i) {
shared_ptr(ChunkedArray, Table__column(self, i))
ColumnNames = function() Table__ColumnNames(self),
GetColumnByName = function(name) {
assert_is(name, "character")
assert_that(length(name) == 1)
shared_ptr(ChunkedArray, Table__GetColumnByName(self, name))
field = function(i) shared_ptr(Field, Table__field(self, i)),
serialize = function(output_stream, ...) write_table(self, output_stream, ...),
ToString = function() ToString_tabular(self),
cast = function(target_schema, safe = TRUE, options = cast_options(safe)) {
assert_is(target_schema, "Schema")
assert_is(options, "CastOptions")
assert_that(identical(self$schema$names, target_schema$names), msg = "incompatible schemas")
shared_ptr(Table, Table__cast(self, target_schema, options))
SelectColumns = function(indices) {
shared_ptr(Table, Table__SelectColumns(self, indices))
Slice = function(offset, length = NULL) {
if (is.null(length)) {
shared_ptr(Table, Table__Slice1(self, offset))
} else {
shared_ptr(Table, Table__Slice2(self, offset, length))
Take = function(i) {
if (is.numeric(i)) {
i <- as.integer(i)
if (is.integer(i)) {
i <- Array$create(i)
shared_ptr(Table, call_function("take", self, i))
Filter = function(i, keep_na = TRUE) {
if (is.logical(i)) {
i <- Array$create(i)
shared_ptr(Table, call_function("filter", self, i, options = list(keep_na = keep_na)))
Equals = function(other, check_metadata = FALSE, ...) {
inherits(other, "Table") && Table__Equals(self, other, isTRUE(check_metadata))
Validate = function() {
ValidateFull = function() {
active = list(
num_columns = function() Table__num_columns(self),
num_rows = function() Table__num_rows(self),
schema = function() shared_ptr(Schema, Table__schema(self)),
metadata = function(new) {
if (missing(new)) {
# Get the metadata (from the schema)
} else {
# Set the metadata
new <- prepare_key_value_metadata(new)
out <- Table__ReplaceSchemaMetadata(self, new)
# ReplaceSchemaMetadata returns a new object but we're modifying in place,
# so swap in that new C++ object pointer into our R6 object
columns = function() map(Table__columns(self), shared_ptr, class = ChunkedArray)
arrow_attributes <- function(x, only_top_level = FALSE) {
att <- attributes(x)
removed_attributes <- character()
if (identical(class(x), c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))) {
removed_attributes <- c("class", "row.names", "names")
} else if (inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
removed_attributes <- c("row.names", "names")
} else if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
removed_attributes <- c("class", "levels")
} else if (inherits(x, "integer64") || inherits(x, "Date")) {
removed_attributes <- c("class")
} else if (inherits(x, "POSIXct")) {
removed_attributes <- c("class", "tzone")
} else if (inherits(x, "hms") || inherits(x, "difftime")) {
removed_attributes <- c("class", "units")
att <- att[setdiff(names(att), removed_attributes)]
if (isTRUE(only_top_level)) {
if ( {
columns <- map(x, arrow_attributes)
if (length(att) || !all(map_lgl(columns, is.null))) {
list(attributes = att, columns = columns)
} else if (length(att)) {
list(attributes = att, columns = NULL)
} else {
Table$create <- function(..., schema = NULL) {
dots <- list2(...)
# making sure there are always names
if (is.null(names(dots))) {
names(dots) <- rep_len("", length(dots))
stopifnot(length(dots) > 0)
if (all_record_batches(dots)) {
shared_ptr(Table, Table__from_record_batches(dots, schema))
} else {
shared_ptr(Table, Table__from_dots(dots, schema))
#' @export <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
df <- Table__to_dataframe(x, use_threads = option_use_threads())
if (!is.null(r_metadata <- x$metadata$r)) {
df <- apply_arrow_r_metadata(df, .unserialize_arrow_r_metadata(r_metadata))
#' @export
as.list.Table <- as.list.RecordBatch
#' @export
row.names.Table <- row.names.RecordBatch
#' @export
dimnames.Table <- dimnames.RecordBatch
#' @export
dim.Table <- function(x) c(x$num_rows, x$num_columns)
#' @export
names.Table <- function(x) x$ColumnNames()
#' @export
`[.Table` <- `[.RecordBatch`
#' @export
`[[.Table` <- `[[.RecordBatch`
#' @export
`$.Table` <- `$.RecordBatch`
#' @export
head.Table <- head.RecordBatch
#' @export
tail.Table <- tail.RecordBatch