blob: 9be4b32eb68904c9a6df7244e27d8092738b0862 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/record-batch.R
\title{Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatch}
as_record_batch(x, ..., schema = NULL)
\method{as_record_batch}{RecordBatch}(x, ..., schema = NULL)
\method{as_record_batch}{Table}(x, ..., schema = NULL)
\method{as_record_batch}{arrow_dplyr_query}(x, ...)
\method{as_record_batch}{data.frame}(x, ..., schema = NULL)
\item{x}{An object to convert to an Arrow RecordBatch}
\item{...}{Passed to S3 methods}
\item{schema}{a \link{Schema}, or \code{NULL} (the default) to infer the schema from
the data in \code{...}. When providing an Arrow IPC buffer, \code{schema} is required.}
A \link{RecordBatch}
Whereas \code{\link[=record_batch]{record_batch()}} constructs a \link{RecordBatch} from one or more columns,
\code{as_record_batch()} converts a single object to an Arrow \link{RecordBatch}.
# use as_record_batch() for a single object
as_record_batch(data.frame(col1 = 1, col2 = "two"))
# use record_batch() to create from columns
record_batch(col1 = 1, col2 = "two")