blob: 8407f95c984c3245bd453e41e3af8295b671dcc8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from cpython.pycapsule cimport PyCapsule_CheckExact, PyCapsule_GetPointer
import atexit
from import Mapping
import re
import sys
import warnings
# These are imprecise because the type (in pandas 0.x) depends on the presence
# of nulls
cdef dict _pandas_type_map = {
_Type_NA: np.object_, # NaNs
_Type_BOOL: np.bool_,
_Type_INT8: np.int8,
_Type_INT16: np.int16,
_Type_INT32: np.int32,
_Type_INT64: np.int64,
_Type_UINT8: np.uint8,
_Type_UINT16: np.uint16,
_Type_UINT32: np.uint32,
_Type_UINT64: np.uint64,
_Type_HALF_FLOAT: np.float16,
_Type_FLOAT: np.float32,
_Type_DOUBLE: np.float64,
_Type_DATE32: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'),
_Type_DATE64: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'),
_Type_TIMESTAMP: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'),
_Type_DURATION: np.dtype('timedelta64[ns]'),
_Type_BINARY: np.object_,
_Type_FIXED_SIZE_BINARY: np.object_,
_Type_STRING: np.object_,
_Type_LIST: np.object_,
_Type_MAP: np.object_,
_Type_DECIMAL128: np.object_,
cdef dict _pep3118_type_map = {
_Type_INT8: b'b',
_Type_INT16: b'h',
_Type_INT32: b'i',
_Type_INT64: b'q',
_Type_UINT8: b'B',
_Type_UINT16: b'H',
_Type_UINT32: b'I',
_Type_UINT64: b'Q',
_Type_HALF_FLOAT: b'e',
_Type_FLOAT: b'f',
_Type_DOUBLE: b'd',
cdef bytes _datatype_to_pep3118(CDataType* type):
Construct a PEP 3118 format string describing the given datatype.
None is returned for unsupported types.
char = _pep3118_type_map[]
except KeyError:
return None
if char in b'bBhHiIqQ':
# Use "standard" int widths, not native
return b'=' + char
return char
cdef void* _as_c_pointer(v, allow_null=False) except *:
Convert a Python object to a raw C pointer.
Used mainly for the C data interface.
Integers are accepted as well as capsule objects with a NULL name.
(the latter for compatibility with raw pointers exported by reticulate)
cdef void* c_ptr
if isinstance(v, int):
c_ptr = <void*> <uintptr_t > v
elif isinstance(v, float):
"Passing a pointer value as a float is unsafe and only "
"supported for compatibility with older versions of the R "
"Arrow library", UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
c_ptr = <void*> <uintptr_t > v
elif PyCapsule_CheckExact(v):
c_ptr = PyCapsule_GetPointer(v, NULL)
raise TypeError(f"Expected a pointer value, got {type(v)!r}")
if not allow_null and c_ptr == NULL:
raise ValueError(f"Null pointer (value before cast = {v!r})")
return c_ptr
def _is_primitive(Type type):
# This is simply a redirect, the official API is in pyarrow.types.
return is_primitive(type)
# Workaround for Cython parsing bug
ctypedef CFixedWidthType* _CFixedWidthTypePtr
cdef class DataType(_Weakrefable):
Base class of all Arrow data types.
Each data type is an *instance* of this class.
def __cinit__(self):
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call {}'s constructor directly, use public "
"functions like pyarrow.int64, pyarrow.list_, etc. "
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
assert type != nullptr
self.sp_type = type
self.type = type.get()
self.pep3118_format = _datatype_to_pep3118(self.type)
cdef Field field(self, int i):
cdef int index = <int> _normalize_index(i, self.type.num_fields())
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.type.field(index))
def id(self):
def bit_width(self):
cdef _CFixedWidthTypePtr ty
ty = dynamic_cast[_CFixedWidthTypePtr](self.type)
if ty == nullptr:
raise ValueError("Non-fixed width type")
return ty.bit_width()
def num_children(self):
The number of child fields.
import warnings
warnings.warn("num_children is deprecated, use num_fields",
return self.num_fields
def num_fields(self):
The number of child fields.
return self.type.num_fields()
def num_buffers(self):
Number of data buffers required to construct Array type
excluding children.
return self.type.layout().buffers.size()
def __str__(self):
return frombytes(self.type.ToString(), safe=True)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __reduce__(self):
return type_for_alias, (str(self),)
def __repr__(self):
return '{0.__class__.__name__}({0})'.format(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return NotImplemented
def equals(self, other):
Return true if type is equivalent to passed value.
other : DataType or string convertible to DataType
is_equal : bool
cdef DataType other_type
other_type = ensure_type(other)
return self.type.Equals(deref(other_type.type))
def to_pandas_dtype(self):
Return the equivalent NumPy / Pandas dtype.
cdef Type type_id =
if type_id in _pandas_type_map:
return _pandas_type_map[type_id]
raise NotImplementedError(str(self))
def _export_to_c(self, out_ptr):
Export to a C ArrowSchema struct, given its pointer.
Be careful: if you don't pass the ArrowSchema struct to a consumer,
its memory will leak. This is a low-level function intended for
expert users.
<ArrowSchema*> _as_c_pointer(out_ptr)))
def _import_from_c(in_ptr):
Import DataType from a C ArrowSchema struct, given its pointer.
This is a low-level function intended for expert users.
result = GetResultValue(ImportType(<ArrowSchema*>
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(result)
cdef class DictionaryMemo(_Weakrefable):
Tracking container for dictionary-encoded fields.
def __cinit__(self):
self.sp_memo.reset(new CDictionaryMemo())
self.memo = self.sp_memo.get()
cdef class DictionaryType(DataType):
Concrete class for dictionary data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.dict_type = <const CDictionaryType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return dictionary, (self.index_type, self.value_type, self.ordered)
def ordered(self):
Whether the dictionary is ordered, i.e. whether the ordering of values
in the dictionary is important.
return self.dict_type.ordered()
def index_type(self):
The data type of dictionary indices (a signed integer type).
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.dict_type.index_type())
def value_type(self):
The dictionary value type.
The dictionary values are found in an instance of DictionaryArray.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.dict_type.value_type())
cdef class ListType(DataType):
Concrete class for list data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.list_type = <const CListType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return list_, (self.value_field,)
def value_field(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.list_type.value_field())
def value_type(self):
The data type of list values.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.list_type.value_type())
cdef class LargeListType(DataType):
Concrete class for large list data types
(like ListType, but with 64-bit offsets).
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.list_type = <const CLargeListType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return large_list, (self.value_field,)
def value_field(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.list_type.value_field())
def value_type(self):
The data type of large list values.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.list_type.value_type())
cdef class MapType(DataType):
Concrete class for map data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.map_type = <const CMapType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return map_, (self.key_field, self.item_field)
def key_field(self):
The field for keys in the map entries.
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.map_type.key_field())
def key_type(self):
The data type of keys in the map entries.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.map_type.key_type())
def item_field(self):
The field for items in the map entries.
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.map_type.item_field())
def item_type(self):
The data type of items in the map entries.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.map_type.item_type())
cdef class FixedSizeListType(DataType):
Concrete class for fixed size list data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.list_type = <const CFixedSizeListType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return list_, (self.value_type, self.list_size)
def value_field(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.list_type.value_field())
def value_type(self):
The data type of large list values.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.list_type.value_type())
def list_size(self):
The size of the fixed size lists.
return self.list_type.list_size()
cdef class StructType(DataType):
Concrete class for struct data types.
``StructType`` supports direct indexing using ``[...]`` (implemented via
``__getitem__``) to access its fields.
It will return the struct field with the given index or name.
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> struct_type = pa.struct({'x': pa.int32(), 'y': pa.string()})
>>> struct_type[0]
pyarrow.Field<x: int32>
>>> struct_type['y']
pyarrow.Field<y: string>
>>> pa.schema(list(struct_type))
x: int32
y: string
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.struct_type = <const CStructType*> type.get()
cdef Field field_by_name(self, name):
Return a child field by its name.
name : str
The name of the field to look up.
field : Field
The child field with the given name.
If the name isn't found, or if several fields have the given
cdef vector[shared_ptr[CField]] fields
fields = self.struct_type.GetAllFieldsByName(tobytes(name))
if fields.size() == 0:
raise KeyError(name)
elif fields.size() > 1:
warnings.warn("Struct field name corresponds to more "
"than one field", UserWarning)
raise KeyError(name)
return pyarrow_wrap_field(fields[0])
def get_field_index(self, name):
Return index of the unique field with the given name.
name : str
The name of the field to look up.
index : int
The index of the field with the given name; -1 if the
name isn't found or there are several fields with the given
return self.struct_type.GetFieldIndex(tobytes(name))
def get_all_field_indices(self, name):
Return sorted list of indices for the fields with the given name.
name : str
The name of the field to look up.
indices : List[int]
return self.struct_type.GetAllFieldIndices(tobytes(name))
def __len__(self):
Like num_fields().
return self.type.num_fields()
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over struct fields, in order.
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
Return the struct field with the given index or name.
if isinstance(i, (bytes, str)):
return self.field_by_name(i)
elif isinstance(i, int):
return self.field(i)
raise TypeError('Expected integer or string index')
def __reduce__(self):
return struct, (list(self),)
cdef class UnionType(DataType):
Base class for union data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
def mode(self):
The mode of the union ("dense" or "sparse").
cdef CUnionType* type = <CUnionType*> self.sp_type.get()
cdef int mode = type.mode()
if mode == _UnionMode_DENSE:
return 'dense'
if mode == _UnionMode_SPARSE:
return 'sparse'
assert 0
def type_codes(self):
The type code to indicate each data type in this union.
cdef CUnionType* type = <CUnionType*> self.sp_type.get()
return type.type_codes()
def __len__(self):
Like num_fields().
return self.type.num_fields()
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over union members, in order.
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
Return a child field by its index.
return self.field(i)
def __reduce__(self):
return union, (list(self), self.mode, self.type_codes)
cdef class SparseUnionType(UnionType):
Concrete class for sparse union types.
cdef class DenseUnionType(UnionType):
Concrete class for dense union types.
cdef class TimestampType(DataType):
Concrete class for timestamp data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.ts_type = <const CTimestampType*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The timestamp unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.ts_type.unit())
def tz(self):
The timestamp time zone, if any, or None.
if self.ts_type.timezone().size() > 0:
return frombytes(self.ts_type.timezone())
return None
def to_pandas_dtype(self):
Return the equivalent NumPy / Pandas dtype.
if is None:
return _pandas_type_map[_Type_TIMESTAMP]
# Return DatetimeTZ
from pyarrow.pandas_compat import make_datetimetz
return make_datetimetz(
def __reduce__(self):
return timestamp, (self.unit,
cdef class Time32Type(DataType):
Concrete class for time32 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.time_type = <const CTime32Type*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The time unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.time_type.unit())
cdef class Time64Type(DataType):
Concrete class for time64 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.time_type = <const CTime64Type*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The time unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.time_type.unit())
cdef class DurationType(DataType):
Concrete class for duration data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.duration_type = <const CDurationType*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The duration unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.duration_type.unit())
cdef class FixedSizeBinaryType(DataType):
Concrete class for fixed-size binary data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.fixed_size_binary_type = (
<const CFixedSizeBinaryType*> type.get())
def __reduce__(self):
return binary, (self.byte_width,)
def byte_width(self):
The binary size in bytes.
return self.fixed_size_binary_type.byte_width()
cdef class Decimal128Type(FixedSizeBinaryType):
Concrete class for decimal128 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
FixedSizeBinaryType.init(self, type)
self.decimal128_type = <const CDecimal128Type*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return decimal128, (self.precision, self.scale)
def precision(self):
The decimal precision, in number of decimal digits (an integer).
return self.decimal128_type.precision()
def scale(self):
The decimal scale (an integer).
return self.decimal128_type.scale()
cdef class Decimal256Type(FixedSizeBinaryType):
Concrete class for Decimal256 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
FixedSizeBinaryType.init(self, type)
self.decimal256_type = <const CDecimal256Type*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return decimal256, (self.precision, self.scale)
def precision(self):
The decimal precision, in number of decimal digits (an integer).
return self.decimal256_type.precision()
def scale(self):
The decimal scale (an integer).
return self.decimal256_type.scale()
cdef class BaseExtensionType(DataType):
Concrete base class for extension types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.ext_type = <const CExtensionType*> type.get()
def extension_name(self):
The extension type name.
return frombytes(self.ext_type.extension_name())
def storage_type(self):
The underlying storage type.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.ext_type.storage_type())
def wrap_array(self, storage):
Wrap the given storage array as an extension array.
storage : Array or ChunkedArray
array : Array or ChunkedArray
Extension array wrapping the storage array
shared_ptr[CDataType] c_storage_type
if isinstance(storage, Array):
c_storage_type = (<Array> storage).ap.type()
elif isinstance(storage, ChunkedArray):
c_storage_type = (<ChunkedArray> storage).chunked_array.type()
raise TypeError(
f"Expected array or chunked array, got {storage.__class__}")
if not c_storage_type.get().Equals(deref(self.ext_type)
raise TypeError(
f"Incompatible storage type for {self}: "
f"expected {self.storage_type}, got {storage.type}")
if isinstance(storage, Array):
return pyarrow_wrap_array(
self.sp_type, (<Array> storage).sp_array))
return pyarrow_wrap_chunked_array(
self.sp_type, (<ChunkedArray> storage).sp_chunked_array))
cdef class ExtensionType(BaseExtensionType):
Concrete base class for Python-defined extension types.
storage_type : DataType
extension_name : str
def __cinit__(self):
if type(self) is ExtensionType:
raise TypeError("Can only instantiate subclasses of "
def __init__(self, DataType storage_type, extension_name):
Initialize an extension type instance.
This should be called at the end of the subclass'
``__init__`` method.
shared_ptr[CExtensionType] cpy_ext_type
c_string c_extension_name
c_extension_name = tobytes(extension_name)
assert storage_type is not None
storage_type.sp_type, c_extension_name, type(self),
self.init(<shared_ptr[CDataType]> cpy_ext_type)
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
BaseExtensionType.init(self, type)
self.cpy_ext_type = <const CPyExtensionType*> type.get()
# Store weakref and serialized version of self on C++ type instance
def __eq__(self, other):
# Default implementation to avoid infinite recursion through
# DataType.__eq__ -> ExtensionType::ExtensionEquals -> DataType.__eq__
if isinstance(other, ExtensionType):
return (type(self) == type(other) and
self.extension_name == other.extension_name and
self.storage_type == other.storage_type)
return NotImplemented
def __repr__(self):
fmt = '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'
return fmt.format(self, repr(self.storage_type))
def __arrow_ext_serialize__(self):
Serialized representation of metadata to reconstruct the type object.
This method should return a bytes object, and those serialized bytes
are stored in the custom metadata of the Field holding an extension
type in an IPC message.
The bytes are passed to ``__arrow_ext_deserialize`` and should hold
sufficient information to reconstruct the data type instance.
return NotImplementedError
def __arrow_ext_deserialize__(self, storage_type, serialized):
Return an extension type instance from the storage type and serialized
This method should return an instance of the ExtensionType subclass
that matches the passed storage type and serialized metadata (the
return value of ``__arrow_ext_serialize__``).
return NotImplementedError
def __arrow_ext_class__(self):
"""Return an extension array class to be used for building or
deserializing arrays with this extension type.
This method should return a subclass of the ExtensionArray class. By
default, if not specialized in the extension implementation, an
extension type array will be a built-in ExtensionArray instance.
return ExtensionArray
def __arrow_ext_scalar_class__(self):
"""Return an extension scalar class for building scalars with this
extension type.
This method should return subclass of the ExtensionScalar class. By
default, if not specialized in the extension implementation, an
extension type scalar will be a built-in ExtensionScalar instance.
return ExtensionScalar
cdef class PyExtensionType(ExtensionType):
Concrete base class for Python-defined extension types based on pickle
for (de)serialization.
storage_type : DataType
The storage type for which the extension is built.
def __cinit__(self):
if type(self) is PyExtensionType:
raise TypeError("Can only instantiate subclasses of "
def __init__(self, DataType storage_type):
ExtensionType.__init__(self, storage_type, "arrow.py_extension_type")
def __reduce__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Please implement {0}.__reduce__"
def __arrow_ext_serialize__(self):
return builtin_pickle.dumps(self)
def __arrow_ext_deserialize__(cls, storage_type, serialized):
ty = builtin_pickle.loads(serialized)
except Exception:
# For some reason, it's impossible to deserialize the
# ExtensionType instance. Perhaps the serialized data is
# corrupt, or more likely the type is being deserialized
# in an environment where the original Python class or module
# is not available. Fall back on a generic BaseExtensionType.
return UnknownExtensionType(storage_type, serialized)
if ty.storage_type != storage_type:
raise TypeError("Expected storage type {0} but got {1}"
.format(ty.storage_type, storage_type))
return ty
cdef class UnknownExtensionType(PyExtensionType):
A concrete class for Python-defined extension types that refer to
an unknown Python implementation.
storage_type : DataType
The storage type for which the extension is built.
serialized : bytes
The serialised output.
bytes serialized
def __init__(self, DataType storage_type, serialized):
self.serialized = serialized
PyExtensionType.__init__(self, storage_type)
def __arrow_ext_serialize__(self):
return self.serialized
_python_extension_types_registry = []
def register_extension_type(ext_type):
Register a Python extension type.
Registration is based on the extension name (so different registered types
need unique extension names). Registration needs an extension type
instance, but then works for any instance of the same subclass regardless
of parametrization of the type.
ext_type : BaseExtensionType instance
The ExtensionType subclass to register.
DataType _type = ensure_type(ext_type, allow_none=False)
if not isinstance(_type, BaseExtensionType):
raise TypeError("Only extension types can be registered")
# register on the C++ side
RegisterPyExtensionType(<shared_ptr[CDataType]> _type.sp_type))
# register on the python side
def unregister_extension_type(type_name):
Unregister a Python extension type.
type_name : str
The name of the ExtensionType subclass to unregister.
c_string c_type_name = tobytes(type_name)
cdef class KeyValueMetadata(_Metadata, Mapping):
__arg0__ : dict
A dict of the key-value metadata
**kwargs : optional
additional key-value metadata
def __init__(self, __arg0__=None, **kwargs):
vector[c_string] keys, values
shared_ptr[const CKeyValueMetadata] result
items = []
if __arg0__ is not None:
other = (__arg0__.items() if isinstance(__arg0__, Mapping)
else __arg0__)
items.extend((tobytes(k), v) for k, v in other)
prior_keys = {k for k, v in items}
for k, v in kwargs.items():
k = tobytes(k)
if k in prior_keys:
raise KeyError("Duplicate key {}, "
"use pass all items as list of tuples if you "
"intend to have duplicate keys")
items.append((k, v))
for key, value in items:
result.reset(new CKeyValueMetadata(move(keys), move(values)))
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[const CKeyValueMetadata]& wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.metadata = wrapped.get()
cdef wrap(const shared_ptr[const CKeyValueMetadata]& sp):
cdef KeyValueMetadata self = KeyValueMetadata.__new__(KeyValueMetadata)
return self
cdef inline shared_ptr[const CKeyValueMetadata] unwrap(self) nogil:
return self.wrapped
def equals(self, KeyValueMetadata other):
return self.metadata.Equals(deref(other.wrapped))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
return frombytes(self.metadata.ToString(), safe=True)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
if isinstance(other, Mapping):
other = KeyValueMetadata(other)
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def __len__(self):
return self.metadata.size()
def __contains__(self, key):
return self.metadata.Contains(tobytes(key))
def __getitem__(self, key):
return GetResultValue(self.metadata.Get(tobytes(key)))
def __iter__(self):
return self.keys()
def __reduce__(self):
return KeyValueMetadata, (list(self.items()),)
def key(self, i):
return self.metadata.key(i)
def value(self, i):
return self.metadata.value(i)
def keys(self):
for i in range(self.metadata.size()):
yield self.metadata.key(i)
def values(self):
for i in range(self.metadata.size()):
yield self.metadata.value(i)
def items(self):
for i in range(self.metadata.size()):
yield (self.metadata.key(i), self.metadata.value(i))
def get_all(self, key):
key = tobytes(key)
return [v for k, v in self.items() if k == key]
def to_dict(self):
Convert KeyValueMetadata to dict. If a key occurs twice, the value for
the first one is returned
cdef object key # to force coercion to Python
result = ordered_dict()
for i in range(self.metadata.size()):
key = self.metadata.key(i)
if key not in result:
result[key] = self.metadata.value(i)
return result
cpdef KeyValueMetadata ensure_metadata(object meta, c_bool allow_none=False):
if allow_none and meta is None:
return None
elif isinstance(meta, KeyValueMetadata):
return meta
return KeyValueMetadata(meta)
cdef class Field(_Weakrefable):
A named field, with a data type, nullability, and optional metadata.
Do not use this class's constructor directly; use pyarrow.field
def __cinit__(self):
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call Field's constructor directly, use "
"`pyarrow.field` instead.")
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CField]& field):
self.sp_field = field
self.field = field.get()
self.type = pyarrow_wrap_data_type(field.get().type())
def equals(self, Field other, bint check_metadata=False):
Test if this field is equal to the other
other : pyarrow.Field
check_metadata : bool, default False
Whether Field metadata equality should be checked as well.
is_equal : bool
return self.field.Equals(deref(other.field), check_metadata)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def __reduce__(self):
return field, (, self.type, self.nullable, self.metadata)
def __str__(self):
return 'pyarrow.Field<{0}>'.format(
frombytes(self.field.ToString(), safe=True))
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((, self.type, self.field.nullable()))
def nullable(self):
return self.field.nullable()
def name(self):
return frombytes(
def metadata(self):
wrapped = pyarrow_wrap_metadata(self.field.metadata())
if wrapped is not None:
return wrapped.to_dict()
return wrapped
def add_metadata(self, metadata):
warnings.warn("The 'add_metadata' method is deprecated, use "
"'with_metadata' instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.with_metadata(metadata)
def with_metadata(self, metadata):
Add metadata as dict of string keys and values to Field
metadata : dict
Keys and values must be string-like / coercible to bytes
field : pyarrow.Field
cdef shared_ptr[CField] c_field
meta = ensure_metadata(metadata, allow_none=False)
with nogil:
c_field = self.field.WithMetadata(meta.unwrap())
return pyarrow_wrap_field(c_field)
def remove_metadata(self):
Create new field without metadata, if any
field : pyarrow.Field
cdef shared_ptr[CField] new_field
with nogil:
new_field = self.field.RemoveMetadata()
return pyarrow_wrap_field(new_field)
def with_type(self, DataType new_type):
A copy of this field with the replaced type
new_type : pyarrow.DataType
field : pyarrow.Field
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
shared_ptr[CDataType] c_datatype
c_datatype = pyarrow_unwrap_data_type(new_type)
with nogil:
c_field = self.field.WithType(c_datatype)
return pyarrow_wrap_field(c_field)
def with_name(self, name):
A copy of this field with the replaced name
name : str
field : pyarrow.Field
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
c_field = self.field.WithName(tobytes(name))
return pyarrow_wrap_field(c_field)
def with_nullable(self, nullable):
A copy of this field with the replaced nullability
nullable : bool
field: pyarrow.Field
shared_ptr[CField] field
c_bool c_nullable
c_nullable = bool(nullable)
with nogil:
c_field = self.field.WithNullable(c_nullable)
return pyarrow_wrap_field(c_field)
def flatten(self):
Flatten this field. If a struct field, individual child fields
will be returned with their names prefixed by the parent's name.
fields : List[pyarrow.Field]
cdef vector[shared_ptr[CField]] flattened
with nogil:
flattened = self.field.Flatten()
return [pyarrow_wrap_field(f) for f in flattened]
def _export_to_c(self, out_ptr):
Export to a C ArrowSchema struct, given its pointer.
Be careful: if you don't pass the ArrowSchema struct to a consumer,
its memory will leak. This is a low-level function intended for
expert users.
<ArrowSchema*> _as_c_pointer(out_ptr)))
def _import_from_c(in_ptr):
Import Field from a C ArrowSchema struct, given its pointer.
This is a low-level function intended for expert users.
cdef void* c_ptr = _as_c_pointer(in_ptr)
with nogil:
result = GetResultValue(ImportField(<ArrowSchema*> c_ptr))
return pyarrow_wrap_field(result)
cdef class Schema(_Weakrefable):
A named collection of types a.k.a schema. A schema defines the
column names and types in a record batch or table data structure.
They also contain metadata about the columns. For example, schemas
converted from Pandas contain metadata about their original Pandas
types so they can be converted back to the same types.
Do not call this class's constructor directly. Instead use
:func:`pyarrow.schema` factory function which makes a new Arrow
Schema object.
Create a new Arrow Schema object:
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.schema([
... ('some_int', pa.int32()),
... ('some_string', pa.string())
... ])
some_int: int32
some_string: string
Create Arrow Schema with metadata:
>>> pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())],
... metadata={"n_legs": "Number of legs per animal"})
n_legs: int64
animals: string
-- schema metadata --
n_legs: 'Number of legs per animal'
def __cinit__(self):
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call Schema's constructor directly, use "
"`pyarrow.schema` instead.")
def __len__(self):
return self.schema.num_fields()
def __getitem__(self, key):
# access by integer index
return self._field(key)
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
cdef void init(self, const vector[shared_ptr[CField]]& fields):
self.schema = new CSchema(fields)
cdef void init_schema(self, const shared_ptr[CSchema]& schema):
self.schema = schema.get()
self.sp_schema = schema
def __reduce__(self):
return schema, (list(self), self.metadata)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((tuple(self), self.metadata))
def __sizeof__(self):
size = 0
if self.metadata:
for key, value in self.metadata.items():
size += sys.getsizeof(key)
size += sys.getsizeof(value)
return size + super(Schema, self).__sizeof__()
def pandas_metadata(self):
Return deserialized-from-JSON pandas metadata field (if it exists)
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'n_legs': [2, 4, 5, 100],
... 'animals': ["Flamingo", "Horse", "Brittle stars", "Centipede"]})
>>> schema = pa.Table.from_pandas(df).schema
Select pandas metadata field from Arrow Schema:
>>> schema.pandas_metadata
{'index_columns': [{'kind': 'range', 'name': None, 'start': 0, 'stop': 4, 'step': 1}], ...
metadata = self.metadata
key = b'pandas'
if metadata is None or key not in metadata:
return None
import json
return json.loads(metadata[key].decode('utf8'))
def names(self):
The schema's field names.
list of str
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Get the names of the schema's fields:
>>> schema.names
['n_legs', 'animals']
cdef int i
result = []
for i in range(self.schema.num_fields()):
name = frombytes(self.schema.field(i).get().name())
return result
def types(self):
The schema's field types.
list of DataType
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Get the types of the schema's fields:
>>> schema.types
[DataType(int64), DataType(string)]
return [field.type for field in self]
def metadata(self):
The schema's metadata.
metadata: dict
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())],
... metadata={"n_legs": "Number of legs per animal"})
Get the metadata of the schema's fields:
>>> schema.metadata
{b'n_legs': b'Number of legs per animal'}
wrapped = pyarrow_wrap_metadata(self.schema.metadata())
if wrapped is not None:
return wrapped.to_dict()
return wrapped
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def empty_table(self):
Provide an empty table according to the schema.
table: pyarrow.Table
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Create an empty table with schema's fields:
>>> schema.empty_table()
n_legs: int64
animals: string
n_legs: [[]]
animals: [[]]
arrays = [_empty_array(field.type) for field in self]
return Table.from_arrays(arrays, schema=self)
def equals(self, Schema other not None, bint check_metadata=False):
Test if this schema is equal to the other
other : pyarrow.Schema
check_metadata : bool, default False
Key/value metadata must be equal too
is_equal : bool
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema1 = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())],
... metadata={"n_legs": "Number of legs per animal"})
>>> schema2 = pa.schema([
... ('some_int', pa.int32()),
... ('some_string', pa.string())
... ])
Test two equal schemas:
>>> schema1.equals(schema1)
Test two unequal schemas:
>>> schema1.equals(schema2)
return self.sp_schema.get().Equals(deref(other.schema),
def from_pandas(cls, df, preserve_index=None):
Returns implied schema from dataframe
df : pandas.DataFrame
preserve_index : bool, default True
Whether to store the index as an additional column (or columns, for
MultiIndex) in the resulting `Table`.
The default of None will store the index as a column, except for
RangeIndex which is stored as metadata only. Use
``preserve_index=True`` to force it to be stored as a column.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
... 'int': [1, 2],
... 'str': ['a', 'b']
... })
Create an Arrow Schema from the schema of a pandas dataframe:
>>> pa.Schema.from_pandas(df)
int: int64
str: string
-- schema metadata --
pandas: '{"index_columns": [{"kind": "range", "name": null, ...
from pyarrow.pandas_compat import dataframe_to_types
names, types, metadata = dataframe_to_types(
fields = []
for name, type_ in zip(names, types):
fields.append(field(name, type_))
return schema(fields, metadata)
def field(self, i):
Select a field by its column name or numeric index.
i : int or string
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Select the second field:
>>> schema.field(1)
pyarrow.Field<animals: string>
Select the field of the column named 'n_legs':
>>> schema.field('n_legs')
pyarrow.Field<n_legs: int64>
if isinstance(i, (bytes, str)):
field_index = self.get_field_index(i)
if field_index < 0:
raise KeyError("Column {} does not exist in schema".format(i))
return self._field(field_index)
elif isinstance(i, int):
return self._field(i)
raise TypeError("Index must either be string or integer")
def _field(self, int i):
Select a field by its numeric index.
i : int
cdef int index = <int> _normalize_index(i, self.schema.num_fields())
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.schema.field(index))
def field_by_name(self, name):
name : str
field: pyarrow.Field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] results
"The 'field_by_name' method is deprecated, use 'field' instead",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
results = self.schema.GetAllFieldsByName(tobytes(name))
if results.size() == 0:
return None
elif results.size() > 1:
warnings.warn("Schema field name corresponds to more "
"than one field", UserWarning)
return None
return pyarrow_wrap_field(results[0])
def get_field_index(self, name):
Return index of the unique field with the given name.
name : str
The name of the field to look up.
index : int
The index of the field with the given name; -1 if the
name isn't found or there are several fields with the given
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Get the index of the field named 'animals':
>>> schema.get_field_index("animals")
Index in case of several fields with the given name:
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.bool_())],
... metadata={"n_legs": "Number of legs per animal"})
>>> schema.get_field_index("animals")
return self.schema.GetFieldIndex(tobytes(name))
def get_all_field_indices(self, name):
Return sorted list of indices for the fields with the given name.
name : str
The name of the field to look up.
indices : List[int]
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.bool_())])
Get the indexes of the fields named 'animals':
>>> schema.get_all_field_indices("animals")
[1, 2]
return self.schema.GetAllFieldIndices(tobytes(name))
def append(self, Field field):
Append a field at the end of the schema.
In contrast to Python's ``list.append()`` it does return a new
object, leaving the original Schema unmodified.
field : Field
schema: Schema
New object with appended field.
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Append a field 'extra' at the end of the schema:
>>> schema_new = schema.append(pa.field('extra', pa.bool_()))
>>> schema_new
n_legs: int64
animals: string
extra: bool
Original schema is unmodified:
>>> schema
n_legs: int64
animals: string
return self.insert(self.schema.num_fields(), field)
def insert(self, int i, Field field):
Add a field at position i to the schema.
i : int
field : Field
schema: Schema
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Insert a new field on the second position:
>>> schema.insert(1, pa.field('extra', pa.bool_()))
n_legs: int64
extra: bool
animals: string
shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
c_field = field.sp_field
with nogil:
new_schema = GetResultValue(self.schema.AddField(i, c_field))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def remove(self, int i):
Remove the field at index i from the schema.
i : int
schema: Schema
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Remove the second field of the schema:
>>> schema.remove(1)
n_legs: int64
cdef shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
with nogil:
new_schema = GetResultValue(self.schema.RemoveField(i))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def set(self, int i, Field field):
Replace a field at position i in the schema.
i : int
field : Field
schema: Schema
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Replace the second field of the schema with a new field 'extra':
>>> schema.set(1, pa.field('replaced', pa.bool_()))
n_legs: int64
replaced: bool
shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
c_field = field.sp_field
with nogil:
new_schema = GetResultValue(self.schema.SetField(i, c_field))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def add_metadata(self, metadata):
metadata : dict
Keys and values must be string-like / coercible to bytes
warnings.warn("The 'add_metadata' method is deprecated, use "
"'with_metadata' instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.with_metadata(metadata)
def with_metadata(self, metadata):
Add metadata as dict of string keys and values to Schema
metadata : dict
Keys and values must be string-like / coercible to bytes
schema : pyarrow.Schema
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Add metadata to existing schema field:
>>> schema.with_metadata({"n_legs": "Number of legs per animal"})
n_legs: int64
animals: string
-- schema metadata --
n_legs: 'Number of legs per animal'
cdef shared_ptr[CSchema] c_schema
meta = ensure_metadata(metadata, allow_none=False)
with nogil:
c_schema = self.schema.WithMetadata(meta.unwrap())
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(c_schema)
def serialize(self, memory_pool=None):
Write Schema to Buffer as encapsulated IPC message
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
Uses default memory pool if not specified
serialized : Buffer
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())])
Write schema to Buffer:
>>> schema.serialize()
<pyarrow.lib.Buffer object at ...>
shared_ptr[CBuffer] buffer
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
with nogil:
buffer = GetResultValue(SerializeSchema(deref(self.schema),
return pyarrow_wrap_buffer(buffer)
def remove_metadata(self):
Create new schema without metadata, if any
schema : pyarrow.Schema
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> schema = pa.schema([
... pa.field('n_legs', pa.int64()),
... pa.field('animals', pa.string())],
... metadata={"n_legs": "Number of legs per animal"})
>>> schema
n_legs: int64
animals: string
-- schema metadata --
n_legs: 'Number of legs per animal'
Create a new schema with removing the metadata from the original:
>>> schema.remove_metadata()
n_legs: int64
animals: string
cdef shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
with nogil:
new_schema = self.schema.RemoveMetadata()
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def to_string(self, truncate_metadata=True, show_field_metadata=True,
Return human-readable representation of Schema
truncate_metadata : boolean, default True
Limit metadata key/value display to a single line of ~80 characters
or less
show_field_metadata : boolean, default True
Display Field-level KeyValueMetadata
show_schema_metadata : boolean, default True
Display Schema-level KeyValueMetadata
str : the formatted output
c_string result
PrettyPrintOptions options = PrettyPrintOptions.Defaults()
options.indent = 0
options.truncate_metadata = truncate_metadata
options.show_field_metadata = show_field_metadata
options.show_schema_metadata = show_schema_metadata
with nogil:
return frombytes(result, safe=True)
def _export_to_c(self, out_ptr):
Export to a C ArrowSchema struct, given its pointer.
Be careful: if you don't pass the ArrowSchema struct to a consumer,
its memory will leak. This is a low-level function intended for
expert users.
<ArrowSchema*> _as_c_pointer(out_ptr)))
def _import_from_c(in_ptr):
Import Schema from a C ArrowSchema struct, given its pointer.
This is a low-level function intended for expert users.
cdef void* c_ptr = _as_c_pointer(in_ptr)
with nogil:
result = GetResultValue(ImportSchema(<ArrowSchema*> c_ptr))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(result)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def unify_schemas(schemas):
Unify schemas by merging fields by name.
The resulting schema will contain the union of fields from all schemas.
Fields with the same name will be merged. Note that two fields with
different types will fail merging.
- The unified field will inherit the metadata from the schema where
that field is first defined.
- The first N fields in the schema will be ordered the same as the
N fields in the first schema.
The resulting schema will inherit its metadata from the first input
schemas : list of Schema
Schemas to merge into a single one.
ArrowInvalid :
If any input schema contains fields with duplicate names.
If Fields of the same name are not mergeable.
Schema schema
vector[shared_ptr[CSchema]] c_schemas
for schema in schemas:
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(GetResultValue(UnifySchemas(c_schemas)))
cdef dict _type_cache = {}
cdef DataType primitive_type(Type type):
if type in _type_cache:
return _type_cache[type]
cdef DataType out = DataType.__new__(DataType)
_type_cache[type] = out
return out
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Type factory functions
def field(name, type, bint nullable=True, metadata=None):
Create a pyarrow.Field instance.
name : str or bytes
Name of the field.
type : pyarrow.DataType
Arrow datatype of the field.
nullable : bool, default True
Whether the field's values are nullable.
metadata : dict, default None
Optional field metadata, the keys and values must be coercible to
field : pyarrow.Field
Field result = Field.__new__(Field)
DataType _type = ensure_type(type, allow_none=False)
shared_ptr[const CKeyValueMetadata] c_meta
metadata = ensure_metadata(metadata, allow_none=True)
c_meta = pyarrow_unwrap_metadata(metadata)
if == _Type_NA and not nullable:
raise ValueError("A null type field may not be non-nullable")
new CField(tobytes(name), _type.sp_type, nullable, c_meta)
result.field = result.sp_field.get()
result.type = _type
return result
cdef set PRIMITIVE_TYPES = set([
_Type_NA, _Type_BOOL,
_Type_UINT8, _Type_INT8,
_Type_UINT16, _Type_INT16,
_Type_UINT32, _Type_INT32,
_Type_UINT64, _Type_INT64,
_Type_TIMESTAMP, _Type_DATE32,
_Type_TIME32, _Type_TIME64,
def null():
Create instance of null type.
return primitive_type(_Type_NA)
def bool_():
Create instance of boolean type.
return primitive_type(_Type_BOOL)
def uint8():
Create instance of unsigned int8 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT8)
def int8():
Create instance of signed int8 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_INT8)
def uint16():
Create instance of unsigned uint16 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT16)
def int16():
Create instance of signed int16 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_INT16)
def uint32():
Create instance of unsigned uint32 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT32)
def int32():
Create instance of signed int32 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_INT32)
def uint64():
Create instance of unsigned uint64 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT64)
def int64():
Create instance of signed int64 type.
return primitive_type(_Type_INT64)
cdef dict _timestamp_type_cache = {}
cdef dict _time_type_cache = {}
cdef dict _duration_type_cache = {}
cdef timeunit_to_string(TimeUnit unit):
if unit == TimeUnit_SECOND:
return 's'
elif unit == TimeUnit_MILLI:
return 'ms'
elif unit == TimeUnit_MICRO:
return 'us'
elif unit == TimeUnit_NANO:
return 'ns'
cdef TimeUnit string_to_timeunit(unit) except *:
if unit == 's':
return TimeUnit_SECOND
elif unit == 'ms':
return TimeUnit_MILLI
elif unit == 'us':
return TimeUnit_MICRO
elif unit == 'ns':
return TimeUnit_NANO
raise ValueError(f"Invalid time unit: {unit!r}")
def tzinfo_to_string(tz):
Converts a time zone object into a string indicating the name of a time
zone, one of:
* As used in the Olson time zone database (the "tz database" or
"tzdata"), such as "America/New_York"
* An absolute time zone offset of the form +XX:XX or -XX:XX, such as +07:30
tz : datetime.tzinfo
Time zone object
name : str
Time zone name
return frombytes(GetResultValue(TzinfoToString(<PyObject*>tz)))
def string_to_tzinfo(name):
Convert a time zone name into a time zone object.
Supported input strings are:
* As used in the Olson time zone database (the "tz database" or
"tzdata"), such as "America/New_York"
* An absolute time zone offset of the form +XX:XX or -XX:XX, such as +07:30
name: str
Time zone name.
tz : datetime.tzinfo
Time zone object
cdef PyObject* tz = GetResultValue(StringToTzinfo(name.encode('utf-8')))
return PyObject_to_object(tz)
def timestamp(unit, tz=None):
Create instance of timestamp type with resolution and optional time zone.
unit : str
one of 's' [second], 'ms' [millisecond], 'us' [microsecond], or 'ns'
tz : str, default None
Time zone name. None indicates time zone naive
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.timestamp('us')
>>> pa.timestamp('s', tz='America/New_York')
TimestampType(timestamp[s, tz=America/New_York])
>>> pa.timestamp('s', tz='+07:30')
TimestampType(timestamp[s, tz=+07:30])
timestamp_type : TimestampType
TimeUnit unit_code
c_string c_timezone
unit_code = string_to_timeunit(unit)
cdef TimestampType out = TimestampType.__new__(TimestampType)
if tz is None:
if unit_code in _timestamp_type_cache:
return _timestamp_type_cache[unit_code]
_timestamp_type_cache[unit_code] = out
if not isinstance(tz, (bytes, str)):
tz = tzinfo_to_string(tz)
c_timezone = tobytes(tz)
out.init(ctimestamp(unit_code, c_timezone))
return out
def time32(unit):
Create instance of 32-bit time (time of day) type with unit resolution.
unit : str
one of 's' [second], or 'ms' [millisecond]
type : pyarrow.Time32Type
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.time32('s')
>>> pa.time32('ms')
TimeUnit unit_code
c_string c_timezone
if unit == 's':
unit_code = TimeUnit_SECOND
elif unit == 'ms':
unit_code = TimeUnit_MILLI
raise ValueError(f"Invalid time unit for time32: {unit!r}")
if unit_code in _time_type_cache:
return _time_type_cache[unit_code]
cdef Time32Type out = Time32Type.__new__(Time32Type)
_time_type_cache[unit_code] = out
return out
def time64(unit):
Create instance of 64-bit time (time of day) type with unit resolution.
unit : str
One of 'us' [microsecond], or 'ns' [nanosecond].
type : pyarrow.Time64Type
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.time64('us')
>>> pa.time64('ns')
TimeUnit unit_code
c_string c_timezone
if unit == 'us':
unit_code = TimeUnit_MICRO
elif unit == 'ns':
unit_code = TimeUnit_NANO
raise ValueError(f"Invalid time unit for time64: {unit!r}")
if unit_code in _time_type_cache:
return _time_type_cache[unit_code]
cdef Time64Type out = Time64Type.__new__(Time64Type)
_time_type_cache[unit_code] = out
return out
def duration(unit):
Create instance of a duration type with unit resolution.
unit : str
One of 's' [second], 'ms' [millisecond], 'us' [microsecond], or
'ns' [nanosecond].
type : pyarrow.DurationType
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.duration('us')
>>> pa.duration('s')
TimeUnit unit_code
unit_code = string_to_timeunit(unit)
if unit_code in _duration_type_cache:
return _duration_type_cache[unit_code]
cdef DurationType out = DurationType.__new__(DurationType)
_duration_type_cache[unit_code] = out
return out
def month_day_nano_interval():
Create instance of an interval type representing months, days and
nanoseconds between two dates.
return primitive_type(_Type_INTERVAL_MONTH_DAY_NANO)
def date32():
Create instance of 32-bit date (days since UNIX epoch 1970-01-01).
return primitive_type(_Type_DATE32)
def date64():
Create instance of 64-bit date (milliseconds since UNIX epoch 1970-01-01).
return primitive_type(_Type_DATE64)
def float16():
Create half-precision floating point type.
return primitive_type(_Type_HALF_FLOAT)
def float32():
Create single-precision floating point type.
return primitive_type(_Type_FLOAT)
def float64():
Create double-precision floating point type.
return primitive_type(_Type_DOUBLE)
cpdef DataType decimal128(int precision, int scale=0):
Create decimal type with precision and scale and 128-bit width.
Arrow decimals are fixed-point decimal numbers encoded as a scaled
integer. The precision is the number of significant digits that the
decimal type can represent; the scale is the number of digits after
the decimal point (note the scale can be negative).
As an example, ``decimal128(7, 3)`` can exactly represent the numbers
1234.567 and -1234.567 (encoded internally as the 128-bit integers
1234567 and -1234567, respectively), but neither 12345.67 nor 123.4567.
``decimal128(5, -3)`` can exactly represent the number 12345000
(encoded internally as the 128-bit integer 12345), but neither
123450000 nor 1234500.
If you need a precision higher than 38 significant digits, consider
using ``decimal256``.
precision : int
Must be between 1 and 38
scale : int
decimal_type : Decimal128Type
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] decimal_type
if precision < 1 or precision > 38:
raise ValueError("precision should be between 1 and 38")
decimal_type.reset(new CDecimal128Type(precision, scale))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(decimal_type)
cpdef DataType decimal256(int precision, int scale=0):
Create decimal type with precision and scale and 256-bit width.
Arrow decimals are fixed-point decimal numbers encoded as a scaled
integer. The precision is the number of significant digits that the
decimal type can represent; the scale is the number of digits after
the decimal point (note the scale can be negative).
For most use cases, the maximum precision offered by ``decimal128``
is sufficient, and it will result in a more compact and more efficient
encoding. ``decimal256`` is useful if you need a precision higher
than 38 significant digits.
precision : int
Must be between 1 and 76
scale : int
decimal_type : Decimal256Type
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] decimal_type
if precision < 1 or precision > 76:
raise ValueError("precision should be between 1 and 76")
decimal_type.reset(new CDecimal256Type(precision, scale))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(decimal_type)
def string():
Create UTF8 variable-length string type.
return primitive_type(_Type_STRING)
def utf8():
Alias for string().
return string()
def binary(int length=-1):
Create variable-length binary type.
length : int, optional, default -1
If length == -1 then return a variable length binary type. If length is
greater than or equal to 0 then return a fixed size binary type of
width `length`.
if length == -1:
return primitive_type(_Type_BINARY)
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] fixed_size_binary_type
fixed_size_binary_type.reset(new CFixedSizeBinaryType(length))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(fixed_size_binary_type)
def large_binary():
Create large variable-length binary type.
This data type may not be supported by all Arrow implementations. Unless
you need to represent data larger than 2GB, you should prefer binary().
return primitive_type(_Type_LARGE_BINARY)
def large_string():
Create large UTF8 variable-length string type.
This data type may not be supported by all Arrow implementations. Unless
you need to represent data larger than 2GB, you should prefer string().
return primitive_type(_Type_LARGE_STRING)
def large_utf8():
Alias for large_string().
return large_string()
def list_(value_type, int list_size=-1):
Create ListType instance from child data type or field.
value_type : DataType or Field
list_size : int, optional, default -1
If length == -1 then return a variable length list type. If length is
greater than or equal to 0 then return a fixed size list type.
list_type : DataType
Field _field
shared_ptr[CDataType] list_type
if isinstance(value_type, DataType):
_field = field('item', value_type)
elif isinstance(value_type, Field):
_field = value_type
raise TypeError('List requires DataType or Field')
if list_size == -1:
list_type.reset(new CListType(_field.sp_field))
if list_size < 0:
raise ValueError("list_size should be a positive integer")
list_type.reset(new CFixedSizeListType(_field.sp_field, list_size))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(list_type)
cpdef LargeListType large_list(value_type):
Create LargeListType instance from child data type or field.
This data type may not be supported by all Arrow implementations.
Unless you need to represent data larger than 2**31 elements, you should
prefer list_().
value_type : DataType or Field
list_type : DataType
DataType data_type
Field _field
shared_ptr[CDataType] list_type
LargeListType out = LargeListType.__new__(LargeListType)
if isinstance(value_type, DataType):
_field = field('item', value_type)
elif isinstance(value_type, Field):
_field = value_type
raise TypeError('List requires DataType or Field')
list_type.reset(new CLargeListType(_field.sp_field))
return out
cpdef MapType map_(key_type, item_type, keys_sorted=False):
Create MapType instance from key and item data types or fields.
key_type : DataType
item_type : DataType
keys_sorted : bool
map_type : DataType
Field _key_field
Field _item_field
shared_ptr[CDataType] map_type
MapType out = MapType.__new__(MapType)
if isinstance(key_type, Field):
if key_type.nullable:
raise TypeError('Map key field should be non-nullable')
_key_field = key_type
_key_field = field('key', ensure_type(key_type, allow_none=False),
if isinstance(item_type, Field):
_item_field = item_type
_item_field = field('value', ensure_type(item_type, allow_none=False))
map_type.reset(new CMapType(_key_field.sp_field, _item_field.sp_field,
return out
cpdef DictionaryType dictionary(index_type, value_type, bint ordered=False):
Dictionary (categorical, or simply encoded) type.
index_type : DataType
value_type : DataType
ordered : bool
type : DictionaryType
DataType _index_type = ensure_type(index_type, allow_none=False)
DataType _value_type = ensure_type(value_type, allow_none=False)
DictionaryType out = DictionaryType.__new__(DictionaryType)
shared_ptr[CDataType] dict_type
if not in {
Type_INT8, Type_INT16, Type_INT32, Type_INT64,
Type_UINT8, Type_UINT16, Type_UINT32, Type_UINT64,
raise TypeError("The dictionary index type should be integer.")
dict_type.reset(new CDictionaryType(_index_type.sp_type,
_value_type.sp_type, ordered == 1))
return out
def struct(fields):
Create StructType instance from fields.
A struct is a nested type parameterized by an ordered sequence of types
(which can all be distinct), called its fields.
fields : iterable of Fields or tuples, or mapping of strings to DataTypes
Each field must have a UTF8-encoded name, and these field names are
part of the type metadata.
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> fields = [
... ('f1', pa.int32()),
... ('f2', pa.string()),
... ]
>>> struct_type = pa.struct(fields)
>>> struct_type
StructType(struct<f1: int32, f2: string>)
>>> fields = [
... pa.field('f1', pa.int32()),
... pa.field('f2', pa.string(), nullable=False),
... ]
>>> pa.struct(fields)
StructType(struct<f1: int32, f2: string not null>)
type : DataType
Field py_field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] struct_type
if isinstance(fields, Mapping):
fields = fields.items()
for item in fields:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
py_field = field(*item)
py_field = item
struct_type.reset(new CStructType(c_fields))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(struct_type)
cdef _extract_union_params(child_fields, type_codes,
vector[shared_ptr[CField]]* c_fields,
vector[int8_t]* c_type_codes):
Field child_field
for child_field in child_fields:
if type_codes is not None:
if len(type_codes) != <Py_ssize_t>(c_fields.size()):
raise ValueError("type_codes should have the same length "
"as fields")
for code in type_codes:
c_type_codes[0] = range(c_fields.size())
def sparse_union(child_fields, type_codes=None):
Create SparseUnionType from child fields.
A sparse union is a nested type where each logical value is taken from
a single child. A buffer of 8-bit type ids indicates which child
a given logical value is to be taken from.
In a sparse union, each child array should have the same length as the
union array, regardless of the actual number of union values that
refer to it.
child_fields : sequence of Field values
Each field must have a UTF8-encoded name, and these field names are
part of the type metadata.
type_codes : list of integers, default None
type : SparseUnionType
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
vector[int8_t] c_type_codes
_extract_union_params(child_fields, type_codes,
&c_fields, &c_type_codes)
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(
CMakeSparseUnionType(move(c_fields), move(c_type_codes)))
def dense_union(child_fields, type_codes=None):
Create DenseUnionType from child fields.
A dense union is a nested type where each logical value is taken from
a single child, at a specific offset. A buffer of 8-bit type ids
indicates which child a given logical value is to be taken from,
and a buffer of 32-bit offsets indicates at which physical position
in the given child array the logical value is to be taken from.
Unlike a sparse union, a dense union allows encoding only the child array
values which are actually referred to by the union array. This is
counterbalanced by the additional footprint of the offsets buffer, and
the additional indirection cost when looking up values.
child_fields : sequence of Field values
Each field must have a UTF8-encoded name, and these field names are
part of the type metadata.
type_codes : list of integers, default None
type : DenseUnionType
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
vector[int8_t] c_type_codes
_extract_union_params(child_fields, type_codes,
&c_fields, &c_type_codes)
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(
CMakeDenseUnionType(move(c_fields), move(c_type_codes)))
def union(child_fields, mode, type_codes=None):
Create UnionType from child fields.
A union is a nested type where each logical value is taken from a
single child. A buffer of 8-bit type ids indicates which child
a given logical value is to be taken from.
Unions come in two flavors: sparse and dense
(see also `pyarrow.sparse_union` and `pyarrow.dense_union`).
child_fields : sequence of Field values
Each field must have a UTF8-encoded name, and these field names are
part of the type metadata.
mode : str
Must be 'sparse' or 'dense'
type_codes : list of integers, default None
type : UnionType
Field child_field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
vector[int8_t] c_type_codes
shared_ptr[CDataType] union_type
int i
if isinstance(mode, int):
if mode not in (_UnionMode_SPARSE, _UnionMode_DENSE):
raise ValueError("Invalid union mode {0!r}".format(mode))
if mode == 'sparse':
mode = _UnionMode_SPARSE
elif mode == 'dense':
mode = _UnionMode_DENSE
raise ValueError("Invalid union mode {0!r}".format(mode))
if mode == _UnionMode_SPARSE:
return sparse_union(child_fields, type_codes)
return dense_union(child_fields, type_codes)
cdef dict _type_aliases = {
'null': null,
'bool': bool_,
'boolean': bool_,
'i1': int8,
'int8': int8,
'i2': int16,
'int16': int16,
'i4': int32,
'int32': int32,
'i8': int64,
'int64': int64,
'u1': uint8,
'uint8': uint8,
'u2': uint16,
'uint16': uint16,
'u4': uint32,
'uint32': uint32,
'u8': uint64,
'uint64': uint64,
'f2': float16,
'halffloat': float16,
'float16': float16,
'f4': float32,
'float': float32,
'float32': float32,
'f8': float64,
'double': float64,
'float64': float64,
'string': string,
'str': string,
'utf8': string,
'binary': binary,
'large_string': large_string,
'large_str': large_string,
'large_utf8': large_string,
'large_binary': large_binary,
'date32': date32,
'date64': date64,
'date32[day]': date32,
'date64[ms]': date64,
'time32[s]': time32('s'),
'time32[ms]': time32('ms'),
'time64[us]': time64('us'),
'time64[ns]': time64('ns'),
'timestamp[s]': timestamp('s'),
'timestamp[ms]': timestamp('ms'),
'timestamp[us]': timestamp('us'),
'timestamp[ns]': timestamp('ns'),
'duration[s]': duration('s'),
'duration[ms]': duration('ms'),
'duration[us]': duration('us'),
'duration[ns]': duration('ns'),
'month_day_nano_interval': month_day_nano_interval(),
def type_for_alias(name):
Return DataType given a string alias if one exists.
name : str
The alias of the DataType that should be retrieved.
type : DataType
name = name.lower()
alias = _type_aliases[name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('No type alias for {0}'.format(name))
if isinstance(alias, DataType):
return alias
return alias()
cpdef DataType ensure_type(object ty, bint allow_none=False):
if allow_none and ty is None:
return None
elif isinstance(ty, DataType):
return ty
elif isinstance(ty, str):
return type_for_alias(ty)
raise TypeError('DataType expected, got {!r}'.format(type(ty)))
def schema(fields, metadata=None):
Construct pyarrow.Schema from collection of fields.
fields : iterable of Fields or tuples, or mapping of strings to DataTypes
metadata : dict, default None
Keys and values must be coercible to bytes.
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.schema([
... ('some_int', pa.int32()),
... ('some_string', pa.string())
... ])
some_int: int32
some_string: string
>>> pa.schema([
... pa.field('some_int', pa.int32()),
... pa.field('some_string', pa.string())
... ])
some_int: int32
some_string: string
schema : pyarrow.Schema
shared_ptr[const CKeyValueMetadata] c_meta
shared_ptr[CSchema] c_schema
Schema result
Field py_field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
if isinstance(fields, Mapping):
fields = fields.items()
for item in fields:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
py_field = field(*item)
py_field = item
if py_field is None:
raise TypeError("field or tuple expected, got None")
metadata = ensure_metadata(metadata, allow_none=True)
c_meta = pyarrow_unwrap_metadata(metadata)
c_schema.reset(new CSchema(c_fields, c_meta))
result = Schema.__new__(Schema)
return result
def from_numpy_dtype(object dtype):
Convert NumPy dtype to pyarrow.DataType.
dtype : the numpy dtype to convert
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] c_type
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
with nogil:
check_status(NumPyDtypeToArrow(dtype, &c_type))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(c_type)
def is_boolean_value(object obj):
Check if the object is a boolean.
obj : object
The object to check
return IsPyBool(obj)
def is_integer_value(object obj):
Check if the object is an integer.
obj : object
The object to check
return IsPyInt(obj)
def is_float_value(object obj):
Check if the object is a float.
obj : object
The object to check
return IsPyFloat(obj)
cdef class _ExtensionRegistryNanny(_Weakrefable):
# Keep the registry alive until we have unregistered PyExtensionType
shared_ptr[CExtensionTypeRegistry] registry
def __cinit__(self):
self.registry = CExtensionTypeRegistry.GetGlobalRegistry()
def release_registry(self):
_registry_nanny = _ExtensionRegistryNanny()
def _register_py_extension_type():
DataType storage_type
shared_ptr[CExtensionType] cpy_ext_type
c_string c_extension_name = tobytes("arrow.py_extension_type")
# Make a dummy C++ ExtensionType
storage_type = null()
storage_type.sp_type, c_extension_name, PyExtensionType,
RegisterPyExtensionType(<shared_ptr[CDataType]> cpy_ext_type))
def _unregister_py_extension_types():
# This needs to be done explicitly before the Python interpreter is
# finalized. If the C++ type is destroyed later in the process
# teardown stage, it will invoke CPython APIs such as Py_DECREF
# with a destroyed interpreter.
for ext_type in _python_extension_types_registry:
except KeyError: