blob: 582f04bba3da22bc4fb889d30614be2d36f45738 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import bz2
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import gc
import gzip
import io
import itertools
import os
import pickle
import shutil
import string
import tempfile
import time
import unittest
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa
from pyarrow.csv import (
open_csv, read_csv, ReadOptions, ParseOptions, ConvertOptions, ISO8601)
def generate_col_names():
# 'a', 'b'... 'z', then 'aa', 'ab'...
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
yield from letters
for first in letters:
for second in letters:
yield first + second
def make_random_csv(num_cols=2, num_rows=10, linesep='\r\n'):
arr = np.random.RandomState(42).randint(0, 1000, size=(num_cols, num_rows))
col_names = list(itertools.islice(generate_col_names(), num_cols))
csv = io.StringIO()
for row in arr.T:
csv.write(",".join(map(str, row)))
csv = csv.getvalue().encode()
columns = [pa.array(a, type=pa.int64()) for a in arr]
expected = pa.Table.from_arrays(columns, col_names)
return csv, expected
def make_empty_csv(column_names):
csv = io.StringIO()
return csv.getvalue().encode()
def check_options_class(cls, **attr_values):
Check setting and getting attributes of an *Options class.
opts = cls()
for name, values in attr_values.items():
assert getattr(opts, name) == values[0], \
"incorrect default value for " + name
for v in values:
setattr(opts, name, v)
assert getattr(opts, name) == v, "failed setting value"
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
opts.zzz_non_existent = True
# Check constructor named arguments
non_defaults = {name: values[1] for name, values in attr_values.items()}
opts = cls(**non_defaults)
for name, value in non_defaults.items():
assert getattr(opts, name) == value
def check_options_class_pickling(cls, **attr_values):
opts = cls(**attr_values)
new_opts = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(opts,
for name, value in attr_values.items():
assert getattr(new_opts, name) == value
def test_read_options():
cls = ReadOptions
opts = cls()
check_options_class(cls, use_threads=[True, False],
skip_rows=[0, 3],
column_names=[[], ["ab", "cd"]],
autogenerate_column_names=[False, True],
encoding=['utf8', 'utf16'])
assert opts.block_size > 0
opts.block_size = 12345
assert opts.block_size == 12345
opts = cls(block_size=1234)
assert opts.block_size == 1234
def test_parse_options():
cls = ParseOptions
check_options_class(cls, delimiter=[',', 'x'],
escape_char=[False, 'y'],
quote_char=['"', 'z', False],
double_quote=[True, False],
newlines_in_values=[False, True],
ignore_empty_lines=[True, False])
# ParseOptions needs to be picklable for dataset
check_options_class_pickling(cls, delimiter='x',
def test_convert_options():
cls = ConvertOptions
opts = cls()
cls, check_utf8=[True, False],
strings_can_be_null=[False, True],
include_columns=[[], ['def', 'abc']],
include_missing_columns=[False, True],
auto_dict_encode=[False, True],
timestamp_parsers=[[], [ISO8601, '%y-%m']])
assert opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality > 0
opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality = 99999
assert opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality == 99999
assert opts.column_types == {}
# Pass column_types as mapping
opts.column_types = {'b': pa.int16(), 'c': pa.float32()}
assert opts.column_types == {'b': pa.int16(), 'c': pa.float32()}
opts.column_types = {'v': 'int16', 'w': 'null'}
assert opts.column_types == {'v': pa.int16(), 'w': pa.null()}
# Pass column_types as schema
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int32()), ('b', pa.string())])
opts.column_types = schema
assert opts.column_types == {'a': pa.int32(), 'b': pa.string()}
# Pass column_types as sequence
opts.column_types = [('x', pa.binary())]
assert opts.column_types == {'x': pa.binary()}
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='DataType expected'):
opts.column_types = {'a': None}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
opts.column_types = 0
assert isinstance(opts.null_values, list)
assert '' in opts.null_values
assert 'N/A' in opts.null_values
opts.null_values = ['xxx', 'yyy']
assert opts.null_values == ['xxx', 'yyy']
assert isinstance(opts.true_values, list)
opts.true_values = ['xxx', 'yyy']
assert opts.true_values == ['xxx', 'yyy']
assert isinstance(opts.false_values, list)
opts.false_values = ['xxx', 'yyy']
assert opts.false_values == ['xxx', 'yyy']
assert opts.timestamp_parsers == []
opts.timestamp_parsers = [ISO8601]
assert opts.timestamp_parsers == [ISO8601]
opts = cls(column_types={'a': pa.null()},
null_values=['N', 'nn'], true_values=['T', 'tt'],
false_values=['F', 'ff'], auto_dict_max_cardinality=999,
timestamp_parsers=[ISO8601, '%Y-%m-%d'])
assert opts.column_types == {'a': pa.null()}
assert opts.null_values == ['N', 'nn']
assert opts.false_values == ['F', 'ff']
assert opts.true_values == ['T', 'tt']
assert opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality == 999
assert opts.timestamp_parsers == [ISO8601, '%Y-%m-%d']
class BaseTestCSVRead:
def read_bytes(self, b, **kwargs):
return self.read_csv(pa.py_buffer(b), **kwargs)
def check_names(self, table, names):
assert table.num_columns == len(names)
assert table.column_names == names
def test_file_object(self):
data = b"a,b\n1,2\n"
expected_data = {'a': [1], 'b': [2]}
bio = io.BytesIO(data)
table = self.read_csv(bio)
assert table.to_pydict() == expected_data
# Text files not allowed
sio = io.StringIO(data.decode())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_header(self):
rows = b"abc,def,gh\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
assert isinstance(table, pa.Table)
self.check_names(table, ["abc", "def", "gh"])
assert table.num_rows == 0
def test_bom(self):
rows = b"\xef\xbb\xbfa,b\n1,2\n"
expected_data = {'a': [1], 'b': [2]}
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
assert table.to_pydict() == expected_data
def test_one_chunk(self):
# ARROW-7661: lack of newline at end of file should not produce
# an additional chunk.
rows = [b"a,b", b"1,2", b"3,4", b"56,78"]
for line_ending in [b'\n', b'\r', b'\r\n']:
for file_ending in [b'', line_ending]:
data = line_ending.join(rows) + file_ending
table = self.read_bytes(data)
assert len(table.to_batches()) == 1
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"a": [1, 3, 56],
"b": [2, 4, 78],
def test_header_skip_rows(self):
rows = b"ab,cd\nef,gh\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
opts = ReadOptions()
opts.skip_rows = 1
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["ef", "gh"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"ef": ["ij", "mn"],
"gh": ["kl", "op"],
opts.skip_rows = 3
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["mn", "op"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"mn": [],
"op": [],
opts.skip_rows = 4
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
# Not enough rows
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
# Can skip rows with a different number of columns
rows = b"abcd\n,,,,,\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
opts.skip_rows = 2
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["ij", "kl"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"ij": ["mn"],
"kl": ["op"],
def test_header_column_names(self):
rows = b"ab,cd\nef,gh\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
opts = ReadOptions()
opts.column_names = ["x", "y"]
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["x", "y"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"x": ["ab", "ef", "ij", "mn"],
"y": ["cd", "gh", "kl", "op"],
opts.skip_rows = 3
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["x", "y"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"x": ["mn"],
"y": ["op"],
opts.skip_rows = 4
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["x", "y"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"x": [],
"y": [],
opts.skip_rows = 5
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
# Not enough rows
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
# Unexpected number of columns
opts.skip_rows = 0
opts.column_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid,
match="Expected 3 columns, got 2"):
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
# Can skip rows with a different number of columns
rows = b"abcd\n,,,,,\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
opts.skip_rows = 2
opts.column_names = ["x", "y"]
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["x", "y"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"x": ["ij", "mn"],
"y": ["kl", "op"],
def test_header_autogenerate_column_names(self):
rows = b"ab,cd\nef,gh\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
opts = ReadOptions()
opts.autogenerate_column_names = True
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["f0", "f1"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"f0": ["ab", "ef", "ij", "mn"],
"f1": ["cd", "gh", "kl", "op"],
opts.skip_rows = 3
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
self.check_names(table, ["f0", "f1"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"f0": ["mn"],
"f1": ["op"],
# Not enough rows, impossible to infer number of columns
opts.skip_rows = 4
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=opts)
def test_include_columns(self):
rows = b"ab,cd\nef,gh\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
convert_options = ConvertOptions()
convert_options.include_columns = ['ab']
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=convert_options)
self.check_names(table, ["ab"])
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"ab": ["ef", "ij", "mn"],
# Order of include_columns is respected, regardless of CSV order
convert_options.include_columns = ['cd', 'ab']
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=convert_options)
schema = pa.schema([('cd', pa.string()),
('ab', pa.string())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"cd": ["gh", "kl", "op"],
"ab": ["ef", "ij", "mn"],
# Include a column not in the CSV file => raises by default
convert_options.include_columns = ['xx', 'ab', 'yy']
with pytest.raises(KeyError,
match="Column 'xx' in include_columns "
"does not exist in CSV file"):
self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=convert_options)
def test_include_missing_columns(self):
rows = b"ab,cd\nef,gh\nij,kl\nmn,op\n"
read_options = ReadOptions()
convert_options = ConvertOptions()
convert_options.include_columns = ['xx', 'ab', 'yy']
convert_options.include_missing_columns = True
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
schema = pa.schema([('xx', pa.null()),
('ab', pa.string()),
('yy', pa.null())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"xx": [None, None, None],
"ab": ["ef", "ij", "mn"],
"yy": [None, None, None],
# Combining with `column_names`
read_options.column_names = ["xx", "yy"]
convert_options.include_columns = ["yy", "cd"]
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
schema = pa.schema([('yy', pa.string()),
('cd', pa.null())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"yy": ["cd", "gh", "kl", "op"],
"cd": [None, None, None, None],
# And with `column_types` as well
convert_options.column_types = {"yy": pa.binary(),
"cd": pa.int32()}
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
schema = pa.schema([('yy', pa.binary()),
('cd', pa.int32())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
"yy": [b"cd", b"gh", b"kl", b"op"],
"cd": [None, None, None, None],
def test_simple_ints(self):
# Infer integer columns
rows = b"a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.int64()),
('c', pa.int64())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [1, 4],
'b': [2, 5],
'c': [3, 6],
def test_simple_varied(self):
# Infer various kinds of data
rows = b"a,b,c,d\n1,2,3,0\n4.0,-5,foo,True\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.float64()),
('b', pa.int64()),
('c', pa.string()),
('d', pa.bool_())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [1.0, 4.0],
'b': [2, -5],
'c': ["3", "foo"],
'd': [False, True],
def test_simple_nulls(self):
# Infer various kinds of data, with nulls
rows = (b"a,b,c,d,e,f\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.float64()),
('b', pa.int64()),
('c', pa.string()),
('d', pa.null()),
('e', pa.binary()),
('f', pa.bool_())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [1.0, None, 4.5],
'b': [2, -5, None],
'c': ["", "foo", "nan"],
'd': [None, None, None],
'e': [b"3", b"nan", b"\xff"],
'f': [None, True, False],
def test_simple_timestamps(self):
# Infer a timestamp column
rows = b"a,b\n1970,1970-01-01\n1989,1989-07-14\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.timestamp('s'))])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [1970, 1989],
'b': [datetime(1970, 1, 1), datetime(1989, 7, 14)],
def test_timestamp_parsers(self):
# Infer timestamps with custom parsers
rows = b"a,b\n1970/01/01,1980-01-01\n1970/01/02,1980-01-02\n"
opts = ConvertOptions()
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.timestamp('s'))])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': ['1970/01/01', '1970/01/02'],
'b': [datetime(1980, 1, 1), datetime(1980, 1, 2)],
opts.timestamp_parsers = ['%Y/%m/%d']
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.timestamp('s')),
('b', pa.string())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [datetime(1970, 1, 1), datetime(1970, 1, 2)],
'b': ['1980-01-01', '1980-01-02'],
opts.timestamp_parsers = ['%Y/%m/%d', ISO8601]
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.timestamp('s')),
('b', pa.timestamp('s'))])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [datetime(1970, 1, 1), datetime(1970, 1, 2)],
'b': [datetime(1980, 1, 1), datetime(1980, 1, 2)],
def test_auto_dict_encode(self):
opts = ConvertOptions(auto_dict_encode=True)
rows = "a,b\nab,1\ncdé,2\ncdé,3\nab,4".encode()
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string())),
('b', pa.int64())])
expected = {
'a': ["ab", "cdé", "cdé", "ab"],
'b': [1, 2, 3, 4],
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == expected
opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality = 2
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == expected
# Cardinality above max => plain-encoded
opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality = 1
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
assert table.schema == pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.int64())])
assert table.to_pydict() == expected
# With invalid UTF8, not checked
opts.auto_dict_max_cardinality = 50
opts.check_utf8 = False
rows = b"a,b\nab,1\ncd\xff,2\nab,3"
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts,
assert table.schema == schema
dict_values = table['a'].chunk(0).dictionary
assert len(dict_values) == 2
assert dict_values[0].as_py() == "ab"
assert dict_values[1].as_buffer() == b"cd\xff"
# With invalid UTF8, checked
opts.check_utf8 = True
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.binary())),
('b', pa.int64())])
expected = {
'a': [b"ab", b"cd\xff", b"ab"],
'b': [1, 2, 3],
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == expected
def test_custom_nulls(self):
# Infer nulls with custom values
opts = ConvertOptions(null_values=['Xxx', 'Zzz'])
rows = b"a,b,c,d\nZzz,Xxx,1,2\nXxx,#N/A,,Zzz\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.null()),
('b', pa.string()),
('c', pa.string()),
('d', pa.int64())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [None, None],
'b': ["Xxx", "#N/A"],
'c': ["1", ""],
'd': [2, None],
opts = ConvertOptions(null_values=['Xxx', 'Zzz'],
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [None, None],
'b': [None, "#N/A"],
'c': ["1", ""],
'd': [2, None],
opts = ConvertOptions(null_values=[])
rows = b"a,b\n#N/A,\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.string())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': ["#N/A"],
'b': [""],
def test_custom_bools(self):
# Infer booleans with custom values
opts = ConvertOptions(true_values=['T', 'yes'],
false_values=['F', 'no'])
rows = (b"a,b,c\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.bool_()),
('c', pa.string())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': ["True", "False", "True", "False", "N/A"],
'b': [True, False, True, False, None],
'c': ["t", "f", "yes", "no", "N/A"],
def test_column_types(self):
# Ask for specific column types in ConvertOptions
opts = ConvertOptions(column_types={'b': 'float32',
'c': 'string',
'd': 'boolean',
'e': pa.decimal128(11, 2),
'zz': 'null'})
rows = b"a,b,c,d,e\n1,2,3,true,1.0\n4,-5,6,false,0\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.float32()),
('c', pa.string()),
('d', pa.bool_()),
('e', pa.decimal128(11, 2))])
expected = {
'a': [1, 4],
'b': [2.0, -5.0],
'c': ["3", "6"],
'd': [True, False],
'e': [Decimal("1.00"), Decimal("0.00")]
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == expected
# Pass column_types as schema
opts = ConvertOptions(
column_types=pa.schema([('b', pa.float32()),
('c', pa.string()),
('d', pa.bool_()),
('e', pa.decimal128(11, 2)),
('zz', pa.bool_())]))
table = self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == expected
# One of the columns in column_types fails converting
rows = b"a,b,c,d,e\n1,XXX,3,true,5\n4,-5,6,false,7\n"
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid) as exc:
self.read_bytes(rows, convert_options=opts)
err = str(exc.value)
assert "In CSV column #1: " in err
assert "CSV conversion error to float: invalid value 'XXX'" in err
def test_column_types_with_column_names(self):
# When both `column_names` and `column_types` are given, names
# in `column_types` should refer to names in `column_names`
rows = b"a,b\nc,d\ne,f\n"
read_options = ReadOptions(column_names=['x', 'y'])
convert_options = ConvertOptions(column_types={'x': pa.binary()})
table = self.read_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
schema = pa.schema([('x', pa.binary()),
('y', pa.string())])
assert table.schema == schema
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'x': [b'a', b'c', b'e'],
'y': ['b', 'd', 'f'],
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
# No \n after last line
rows = b"a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [1, 4],
'b': [2, 5],
'c': [3, 6],
def test_trivial(self):
# A bit pointless, but at least it shouldn't crash
rows = b",\n\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
assert table.to_pydict() == {'': []}
def test_empty_lines(self):
rows = b"a,b\n\r1,2\r\n\r\n3,4\r\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [1, 3],
'b': [2, 4],
parse_options = ParseOptions(ignore_empty_lines=False)
table = self.read_bytes(rows, parse_options=parse_options)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': [None, 1, None, 3],
'b': [None, 2, None, 4],
read_options = ReadOptions(skip_rows=2)
table = self.read_bytes(rows, parse_options=parse_options,
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'1': [None, 3],
'2': [None, 4],
def test_invalid_csv(self):
# Various CSV errors
rows = b"a,b,c\n1,2\n4,5,6\n"
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match="Expected 3 columns, got 2"):
rows = b"a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4"
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match="Expected 3 columns, got 1"):
for rows in [b"", b"\n", b"\r\n", b"\r", b"\n\n"]:
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match="Empty CSV file"):
def test_options_delimiter(self):
rows = b"a;b,c\nde,fg;eh\n"
table = self.read_bytes(rows)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a;b': ['de'],
'c': ['fg;eh'],
opts = ParseOptions(delimiter=';')
table = self.read_bytes(rows, parse_options=opts)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'a': ['de,fg'],
'b,c': ['eh'],
def test_small_random_csv(self):
csv, expected = make_random_csv(num_cols=2, num_rows=10)
table = self.read_bytes(csv)
assert table.schema == expected.schema
assert table.equals(expected)
assert table.to_pydict() == expected.to_pydict()
def test_stress_block_sizes(self):
# Test a number of small block sizes to stress block stitching
csv_base, expected = make_random_csv(num_cols=2, num_rows=500)
block_sizes = [11, 12, 13, 17, 37, 111]
csvs = [csv_base, csv_base.rstrip(b'\r\n')]
for csv in csvs:
for block_size in block_sizes:
read_options = ReadOptions(block_size=block_size)
table = self.read_bytes(csv, read_options=read_options)
assert table.schema == expected.schema
if not table.equals(expected):
# Better error output
assert table.to_pydict() == expected.to_pydict()
def test_stress_convert_options_blowup(self):
# ARROW-6481: A convert_options with a very large number of columns
# should not blow memory and CPU time.
clock = time.thread_time
except AttributeError:
clock = time.time
num_columns = 10000
col_names = ["K{}".format(i) for i in range(num_columns)]
csv = make_empty_csv(col_names)
t1 = clock()
convert_options = ConvertOptions(
column_types={k: pa.string() for k in col_names[::2]})
table = self.read_bytes(csv, convert_options=convert_options)
dt = clock() - t1
# Check that processing time didn't blow up.
# This is a conservative check (it takes less than 300 ms
# in debug mode on my local machine).
assert dt <= 10.0
# Check result
assert table.num_columns == num_columns
assert table.num_rows == 0
assert table.column_names == col_names
class TestSerialCSVRead(BaseTestCSVRead, unittest.TestCase):
def read_csv(self, *args, validate_full=True, **kwargs):
read_options = kwargs.setdefault('read_options', ReadOptions())
read_options.use_threads = False
table = read_csv(*args, **kwargs)
return table
class TestParallelCSVRead(BaseTestCSVRead, unittest.TestCase):
def read_csv(self, *args, validate_full=True, **kwargs):
read_options = kwargs.setdefault('read_options', ReadOptions())
read_options.use_threads = True
table = read_csv(*args, **kwargs)
return table
class BaseTestStreamingCSVRead:
def open_bytes(self, b, **kwargs):
return self.open_csv(pa.py_buffer(b), **kwargs)
def check_reader(self, reader, expected_schema, expected_data):
assert reader.schema == expected_schema
batches = list(reader)
assert len(batches) == len(expected_data)
for batch, expected_batch in zip(batches, expected_data):
assert batch.schema == expected_schema
assert batch.to_pydict() == expected_batch
def test_file_object(self):
data = b"a,b\n1,2\n3,4\n"
expected_data = {'a': [1, 3], 'b': [2, 4]}
bio = io.BytesIO(data)
reader = self.open_csv(bio)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.int64())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema, [expected_data])
def test_header(self):
rows = b"abc,def,gh\n"
reader = self.open_bytes(rows)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('abc', pa.null()),
('def', pa.null()),
('gh', pa.null())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema, [])
def test_inference(self):
# Inference is done on first block
rows = b"a,b\n123,456\nabc,de\xff\ngh,ij\n"
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.binary())])
read_options = ReadOptions()
read_options.block_size = len(rows)
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': ['123', 'abc', 'gh'],
'b': [b'456', b'de\xff', b'ij']}])
read_options.block_size = len(rows) - 1
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': ['123', 'abc'],
'b': [b'456', b'de\xff']},
{'a': ['gh'],
'b': [b'ij']}])
def test_inference_failure(self):
# Inference on first block, then conversion failure on second block
rows = b"a,b\n123,456\nabc,de\xff\ngh,ij\n"
read_options = ReadOptions()
read_options.block_size = len(rows) - 7
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.int64())])
assert reader.schema == expected_schema
assert reader.read_next_batch().to_pydict() == {
'a': [123], 'b': [456]
# Second block
with pytest.raises(ValueError,
match="CSV conversion error to int64"):
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
# Inference on first block, then conversion failure on second block,
# then success on third block
rows = b"a,b\n1,2\nabc,def\n45,67\n"
read_options.block_size = 8
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.int64())])
assert reader.schema == expected_schema
assert reader.read_next_batch().to_pydict() == {'a': [1], 'b': [2]}
# Second block
with pytest.raises(ValueError,
match="CSV conversion error to int64"):
# Third block
assert reader.read_next_batch().to_pydict() == {'a': [45], 'b': [67]}
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
def test_invalid_csv(self):
# CSV errors on first block
rows = b"a,b\n1,2,3\n4,5\n6,7\n"
read_options = ReadOptions()
read_options.block_size = 10
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid,
match="Expected 2 columns, got 3"):
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
# CSV errors on second block
rows = b"a,b\n1,2\n3,4,5\n6,7\n"
read_options.block_size = 8
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
assert reader.read_next_batch().to_pydict() == {'a': [1], 'b': [2]}
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid,
match="Expected 2 columns, got 3"):
# Cannot continue after a parse error
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
def test_options_delimiter(self):
rows = b"a;b,c\nde,fg;eh\n"
reader = self.open_bytes(rows)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a;b', pa.string()),
('c', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a;b': ['de'],
'c': ['fg;eh']}])
opts = ParseOptions(delimiter=';')
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, parse_options=opts)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b,c', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': ['de,fg'],
'b,c': ['eh']}])
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
# No \n after last line
rows = b"a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6"
reader = self.open_bytes(rows)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.int64()),
('c', pa.int64())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': [1, 4],
'b': [2, 5],
'c': [3, 6]}])
def test_empty_file(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Empty CSV file"):
def test_column_options(self):
# With column_names
rows = b"1,2,3\n4,5,6"
read_options = ReadOptions()
read_options.column_names = ['d', 'e', 'f']
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('d', pa.int64()),
('e', pa.int64()),
('f', pa.int64())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'d': [1, 4],
'e': [2, 5],
'f': [3, 6]}])
# With include_columns
convert_options = ConvertOptions()
convert_options.include_columns = ['f', 'e']
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
expected_schema = pa.schema([('f', pa.int64()),
('e', pa.int64())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'e': [2, 5],
'f': [3, 6]}])
# With column_types
convert_options.column_types = {'e': pa.string()}
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
expected_schema = pa.schema([('f', pa.int64()),
('e', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'e': ["2", "5"],
'f': [3, 6]}])
# Missing columns in include_columns
convert_options.include_columns = ['g', 'f', 'e']
with pytest.raises(
match="Column 'g' in include_columns does not exist"):
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
convert_options.include_missing_columns = True
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
expected_schema = pa.schema([('g', pa.null()),
('f', pa.int64()),
('e', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'g': [None, None],
'e': ["2", "5"],
'f': [3, 6]}])
convert_options.column_types = {'e': pa.string(), 'g': pa.float64()}
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options,
expected_schema = pa.schema([('g', pa.float64()),
('f', pa.int64()),
('e', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'g': [None, None],
'e': ["2", "5"],
'f': [3, 6]}])
def test_encoding(self):
# latin-1 (invalid utf-8)
rows = b"a,b\nun,\xe9l\xe9phant"
read_options = ReadOptions()
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.binary())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': ["un"],
'b': [b"\xe9l\xe9phant"]}])
read_options.encoding = 'latin1'
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': ["un"],
'b': ["éléphant"]}])
# utf-16
rows = (b'\xff\xfea\x00,\x00b\x00\n\x00u\x00n\x00,'
read_options.encoding = 'utf16'
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
expected_schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.string()),
('b', pa.string())])
self.check_reader(reader, expected_schema,
[{'a': ["un"],
'b': ["éléphant"]}])
def test_small_random_csv(self):
csv, expected = make_random_csv(num_cols=2, num_rows=10)
reader = self.open_bytes(csv)
table = reader.read_all()
assert table.schema == expected.schema
assert table.equals(expected)
assert table.to_pydict() == expected.to_pydict()
def test_stress_block_sizes(self):
# Test a number of small block sizes to stress block stitching
csv_base, expected = make_random_csv(num_cols=2, num_rows=500)
block_sizes = [19, 21, 23, 26, 37, 111]
csvs = [csv_base, csv_base.rstrip(b'\r\n')]
for csv in csvs:
for block_size in block_sizes:
# Need at least two lines for type inference
assert csv[:block_size].count(b'\n') >= 2
read_options = ReadOptions(block_size=block_size)
reader = self.open_bytes(csv, read_options=read_options)
table = reader.read_all()
assert table.schema == expected.schema
if not table.equals(expected):
# Better error output
assert table.to_pydict() == expected.to_pydict()
class TestSerialStreamingCSVRead(BaseTestStreamingCSVRead, unittest.TestCase):
def open_csv(self, *args, **kwargs):
read_options = kwargs.setdefault('read_options', ReadOptions())
read_options.use_threads = False
return open_csv(*args, **kwargs)
def test_batch_lifetime(self):
old_allocated = pa.total_allocated_bytes()
# Memory occupation should not grow with CSV file size
def check_one_batch(reader, expected):
batch = reader.read_next_batch()
assert batch.to_pydict() == expected
rows = b"10,11\n12,13\n14,15\n16,17\n"
read_options = ReadOptions()
read_options.column_names = ['a', 'b']
read_options.block_size = 6
reader = self.open_bytes(rows, read_options=read_options)
check_one_batch(reader, {'a': [10], 'b': [11]})
allocated_after_first_batch = pa.total_allocated_bytes()
check_one_batch(reader, {'a': [12], 'b': [13]})
assert pa.total_allocated_bytes() == allocated_after_first_batch
check_one_batch(reader, {'a': [14], 'b': [15]})
assert pa.total_allocated_bytes() == allocated_after_first_batch
check_one_batch(reader, {'a': [16], 'b': [17]})
assert pa.total_allocated_bytes() == allocated_after_first_batch
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
assert pa.total_allocated_bytes() == old_allocated
reader = None
assert pa.total_allocated_bytes() == old_allocated
class BaseTestCompressedCSVRead:
def setUp(self):
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='arrow-csv-test-')
def tearDown(self):
def read_csv(self, csv_path):
return read_csv(csv_path)
except pa.ArrowNotImplementedError as e:
def test_random_csv(self):
csv, expected = make_random_csv(num_cols=2, num_rows=100)
csv_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, self.csv_filename)
self.write_file(csv_path, csv)
table = self.read_csv(csv_path)
assert table.schema == expected.schema
assert table.equals(expected)
assert table.to_pydict() == expected.to_pydict()
class TestGZipCSVRead(BaseTestCompressedCSVRead, unittest.TestCase):
csv_filename = "compressed.csv.gz"
def write_file(self, path, contents):
with, 'wb', 3) as f:
def test_concatenated(self):
# ARROW-5974
csv_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, self.csv_filename)
with, 'wb', 3) as f:
with, 'ab', 3) as f:
table = self.read_csv(csv_path)
assert table.to_pydict() == {
'ab': ['ef', 'ij', 'mn'],
'cd': ['gh', 'kl', 'op'],
class TestBZ2CSVRead(BaseTestCompressedCSVRead, unittest.TestCase):
csv_filename = "compressed.csv.bz2"
def write_file(self, path, contents):
with bz2.BZ2File(path, 'w') as f:
def test_read_csv_does_not_close_passed_file_handles():
# ARROW-4823
buf = io.BytesIO(b"a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6")
assert not buf.closed